1. Boalner M. M. Cassell's Biographical Dictionary of the American Civil War, 1861—1865. L., 1973. (1st print.: 1959).
2. Horn S. F. The Army of Tennessee. Indianapolis, 1941. P. 453.
3. Pratt F. Ordeal by Fire. An Informal History of the American Civil War. L., 1950. P. 122.
4. Dupuy R. E.and T. N.The Compact History of the Civil War. N. Y., 1962. P. 189.
5. Boatner M. M.Op. cit. P. SOS.
6. Lincoln A. The Collected Works: Vol. 1—8 / Ed. by R. Easier. New Brunswick, 1953. Vol. 6. P. 458.
7. The Blue and the Gray. The Story of the Civil War as Told by Participants: Vol. 1—2 / Ed. by H. S. Commager. N. Y., 1950. Vol. 1. P. 263.
8. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Vol. 1—3 / Ed. by R. Johnson, C. Buel. N. Y., 1887—1888. Vol. 3. P. 214. (Далее: BL).
9. Ibid. P. 170.
10. Boatner M. M. Op. cit. P. 140.
11. Lincoln A. Op. cit. Vol. 6. P. 273.
12. Rochester in the Civil War / Ed. by B. McKelvey. Rochester, 1944. P. 223.
13. Цит. по: Wheeler R. McClellan, Sherman and Grant. New Brunswick, 1962. P. 317.
14. Ibid. P. 323.
15. Pickett G. E. The Heart of a Soldier. N. Y., 1913. P. 100.
16. Boatner M. M. Op. cit. P. 339.
17. Lincoln A.Op. cit. Vol. 7. P. 19.
18. Ibid.
19. Dupuy R. E. and T. N.Op. cit. P. 180.
20. Boatner M. M. Op. cit. P. 154.
21. Pratt F.Op. cit. P. 222.
22. Wheeler R. Op. cit. P. 331.
23. Ibid. P. 876.
24. Dupuy R. E. and T. N. Op. cil, P. 24?,; Pratt, F. Op. cit. P. 227.
25. Boatner M. M. Op. cit. P. 870.
26. Wheeler R.Op. cit. P. 340.