1. Report of Major General W. T. Sherman. Millwood, 1977. P. 289.
2. Liddell Hart B. H. Sherman. The Genius of the Civil War. L., 1930. P. 367.
3. Boatner M. M.Cassell's Biographical Dictionary of the American Civil War, 1861-1865. L., 1973. P. 294.
4. Sherman W. T. Memoirs. N. Y., 1890. Vol. 2. P. 378.
5. Boatner M. M. Op. cit P. 61.
6. Lincoln A. The Collected Works: Vol. 1—8 / Ed. by R. Easier. New Brunswick, 1953. Vol. 8. P. 330.
7. Grant U. S. Personal Memoirs: Vol. 1—2. N. Y., 1894. Vol. 2. P. 628.
8. Ibid. P. 630.
9. Douglas H. К. I Rode with Stonewall. Chapel Hill, 1940. P. 334.
10. Dupuy R. Е.and T. N. The Compact History of the Civil War. N. Y., 1962. P. 397.