
Abdullah, Sheikh, 142, 165, 203, 253

Abyssinia, 112

affirmative action, 237–38

Afro-Asian Conference, 151, 189

After Nehru, Who? (Hangen), 195

Ahmed, Muzaffar, 69

Akali movement, 49–50

Akbar, M. J., 145

Alexander, A. V., 139

Ali, Maulana Muhammad, 46,

46n, 253

Ali, Munshi Mubarak, 5

Allahabad, 1, 50–52

All-India Congress Committee

(AICC), 70, 125

All-India Muslim League. See

Muslim League

All-India States People’s

Conference, 115, 142

All-India Trade Union Congress,


Ambedkar, B. R, 229, 253

American imperialism, 58

Amritsar Massacre, 30–34, 51,

64–65, 76

Amrohvi, Rais, 190

Anarchical and Revolutionary

Crimes Act, 26, 26n, 29

Andhra Pradesh, 173

Ansari, M. A., 47


of Annie Besant, 25–26

of Jawaharlal Nehru, 42–46,

49–50, 77–79, 88–92,

94–95, 121–22, 125–27

of Mahatma Gandhi, 77, 125,


of Motilal Nehru, 42–44, 77–


Ashoka, 183

Asian Relations Conference, 151

Ataturk, Kemal, xiv, 34

Attlee, Clement, 118, 123, 134,


Aung San, 137

Autobiography (Nehru), 95, 96–

97, 107–8

Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam, xvi,

106, 108, 123, 126, 138,

144, 145, 254

balkanization, 152–53

Bandaranaike, Solomon, 200


British partition of, 11–12

famine in, 133

Besant, Annie, 8, 23–26, 254

Bhagwati, Jagdish, 176, 244

Bharatiya Jana Sangh (Indian

People’s Party), xvi — xvii

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),


Birla, Ghanshyam Das, 98, 254

Black Act. See Rowlatt Act

Bose, Subhas Chandra, 66–67,

112, 114–15, 117, 122–

23, 136, 197, 254

Britain/British government

Amritsar Massacre and, 30–34

attitude of, toward India, 133

brutality by, 30–34, 89, 125,


Cabinet Mission Plan of, 137–

45, 149

call for complete independence from, 59–62

demonstrations against, 64–65

education of Nehru in, 9–18

Indian elections held by, 134–


loss of power in India by, 136–


Muslim League and, 73, 103–

4, 130, 134–45, 147–48,


negotiations between India

and, 83–85, 87–88, 139–

41, 143–44, 146–47,


offer of Dominion status by,

123–24, 153

partition of Bengal by, 11–12

reaction of, to Indian

nationalist movement,

25–26, 26n, 63–65, 72,

76–78, 82–84, 89, 121,


view of Nehru of, 68–69, 84,


weakness of, 140

withdrawal from India by, 149

during World War II, 116–24,


British imperialism, 58, 116, 240

Brockway, Fenner, 55

Brooks, Ferdinand T., 8

Brussels International Congress

against Colonial

Oppression and

Imperialism, 54–55

Burma, 137

Butler, Harcourt, 44

Bux, Allah, 130

Cabinet Mission Plan, 137–45,


capitalism, 175–77, 240–41

Caroe, Sir Olaf, 152

caste issues, 92, 236–39

Chagla, M. C., 66

Chaplin, Charlie, 199

Chaudhuri, Nirad, 223, 226

Chauri Chaura, 43

Chavan, Y. B., 71


communism in, 58

Nehru’s admiration for, 112,

116–17, 208–10

disconnect between father and, 231–32

as father’s official hostess,


marriage of, 127–29

Nehru’s writings to, 81–82

state of emergency called by,


as successor, 194–95

Gandhi, Mahatma

about, 255

assassination of, 160–61

Bose and, 114–15

demonstrations led by, 75–76

fasting by, 92, 127

imprisonment of, 77, 125, 127

influence of, on Indian

National Congress, xiv,

35–37, 67, 69–70

Jinnah and, 130

Khilafat movement and, 34–35

negotiations between British

and, 83–85

Nehru and

compromises between, 67,

93, 97

differences between, 43–44,

53, 59–62, 84–85, 92, 94

loyalty between, 29–30, 35–

39, 138

power relations between,

69–70, 99

noncooperation movement of,

27, 35, 41–42, 43, 46,


nonleadership by, 47

nonviolence principle and, 46

on partition of India, 154,


personal habits of, 28

reaction of, to Amritsar

Massacre, 33

reaction of, to British

proposals, 123, 124–25

religious views of, 92

role of, in Indian nationalist

politics, 26–30, 34–36,

59–62, 67, 72

in South Africa, 26–27

support for a free India by, 74–


Swarajists and, 49

as symbol, 96

on war issue, 116, 120–21

Gandhi, Rajiv Ratna (grandson),

129–30, 236

Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 83–85, 87

Ganga (river), 215–17

Germany, 116

Glimpses of World History

(Nehru), 81–82, 127

Goa, 206–7

Gokhale, Gopal Krishna, xiv, 12,

35, 255

Gopal, Sarvepalli, 11, 14, 45,


Government of India Act, 25n,

98–99, 102–3

Great Bengal Famine, 133

Great Indian Novel, The

(Tharoor), 227

Hangen, Welles, 195

Haroon, Sir Abdullah, 139

Harrow (school), 9–11

Hindu Code Bill, 171, 235

Hindu Mahasabha, xvi, 93, 105

Hindu-Muslim relations

See also Muslim League

after partition, 135, 143–45,


Pakistan and, 209

Panch Sheel and, 184

relations between India and,

55–56, 188, 189, 209–13

war between India and, 210–


Chou En-lai, 189, 209

Churchill, Winston Spencer,

9–10, 83, 97, 122, 124,

133, 134, 188

civil disobedience, 27, 35, 41–

43, 46, 120–21

Clément, Catherine, 201

Communal Award, 102

communism, 55–58, 68–69

Communists, 75, 173, 175

Congress Party. See Indian

National Congress

Congress Socialist Party, 94, 97

Constitution, 87–88, 168

Cousins, Norman, 161–62, 195–


Cripps, Sir Stafford, 123–24,

138, 254

Czechoslovakia, 113

Das, Chitta Ranjan, 48–49,


Delhi, 22

democracy. See Indian democracy

Dhebar, U. N., 179–80

Direct Action Day, 145–46, 147

Discovery of India, The (Nehru),

122, 127, 225–26, 231

Djilas, Milovan, 190

Dominion status, for India, 65–

66, 72, 123–24, 153

Dulles, John Foster, 183, 186

Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 15

dyarchy, 48

Dyer, R. E. H., 31–32, 33, 34

education, 8–11, 13–15,


Egypt, 189–190

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 223, 224

Eight-Day Interlude, The (Nehru),


Einstein, Albert, 56


British-sponsored, 99–103

general, of 1952, 172–73

general, of 1957, 192

general, of 1962, 207

Indian National Congress in,

99–103, 134–35

of Jawaharlal Nehru, 50–52,

69–75, 97–98, 100, 138,

172–73, 192, 207

Erskine, Lord, 111


influence of, on Nehru’s

political outlook,


travels in, 112–14

Fabian Society, 13, 14, 240 family tree, Nehru, xix fascism, 97, 116, 117

Five-Year Plans, 176–78 foreign policy

of India under Nehru, 182–91,


Nehru’s interest in, 58–59,

112–14, 150–51

France, 206

Gandhi, Feroze, 127–29, 194,

205, 255

Gandhi, Indira Nehru (daughter)

about, 255

childhood of, 37, 54, 112

children of, 129–30, 198

Nehru’s identification with,

38–40, 100–101

wretched conditions of, 38–40

Indian National Army, 122–23,


Indian National Congress

about, xiii — xv

contesting of elections by, 99–

103, 134–35, 172–73

dominance of, 229–30

election of Jawaharlal Nehru

as president of, 69–75,

97–98, 100

evolution of, 11–12

Extremists vs. Moderates in,

12, 23

Gandhi’s influence on, xiv,

35–37, 67, 69–70

governance by, under British

rule, 111–12

Motilal Nehru’s involvement

in, 24, 33–35, 48–49, 65–


Muslim League and, 24, 34–

35, 46–47, 104–9, 114,

119–20, 130, 141, 143–

45, 147–48

negotiations between British

and, 87–88, 139–41,

143–44, 146–47, 153–55

Nehru Report of, 65–66

Quit India resolution of, 125–

26, 130

splits in, 48–49, 71, 114, 166–


Indian nationalism, 212–13,


Indian nationalist politics

See also Indian National


British response to, 25–26,

26n, 63–65, 72, 76–78,

82–84, 89, 121, 122–24

Gandhi’s role in, 26–30, 34–

36, 59–62, 67, 72

Nehru’s role in, 59–62, 73–75

partition of Bengal and, 11–12

Indian People’s Party (Bharatiya

Jana Sangh), xvi — xvii

Indian political movements,

xiii — xvii

See also Indian National


Industrial Policy Resolution,

176, 178

Industries Act of 1951, 177

Iqbal, Sir Mohamed, 256

Ireland, 12–13

Irwin, Lord, 72, 73, 83, 256

Jain, S. P., 203–4

Japan, 122–23, 124, 185

Jefferson, Thomas, 227

Jinnah, Mohammed Ali

See also Muslim League

about, 256

British and, 73, 130

creation of Pakistan and, 145,


demand for creation of

Pakistan by, 139, 148,


interim government and, 146

as leader of Muslims, 109, 152

Muslim League and, xv, 103–4,

104–9, 114

negotiations between Congress

Party and, 140–41

Nehru and, 104–5, 147–48

political views of, 24–25, 35–

36, 65–66

on war issue, 118–20

Jones, Sir William, 10

British attempts at undermining, 103–4

deterioration of, 47, 65–66,

71, 104–9, 114, 119–20

Indian National Congress and,


Nehru’s attempts to restore,

75, 106–9, 135, 167–68

Nehru and, 93

unity in, 34, 46–47, 80

Hindutva, xvi — xvii, 234–35, 236

Home Rule Leagues, 23–24

homosexuality, rumors of,


human progress, 90–91

Hume, Allan Octavian, 11, 103

Hungary, 190

Hutheesing, Raja, 130

Hydari, Akbar, 141

Ibrahim, Hafiz, 109

Iengar, H. V. R., 196

imperialism, 58, 240

Independence Day, 74–75

Independence for India League,



attitude of Britain toward, 133

British loss of power in, 136–


British plan for, after

withdrawal, 137–45, 149

British withdrawal from, 149

creating identity of, 224–29

desire for a free, 73–76

domestic policy after independence, 165–68, 202–3

Dominion status for, 65–66,

72, 123–24, 153

economic problems of, 175–

79, 239–46

elections in, 172–73, 192

first government of indepen-

dent, 156–58

foreign policy of, under

Nehru, 182–91, 207–13

governmental corruption in,


history of, 127

interim government for, 141–

49, 152

negotiations for independence

between Britain and, 83–

88, 139–47, 153–55

newly independent, 161–68

partition of, 135, 139–40,

143–49, 151–55, 161–62

pluralism of, 225–26

progress in, 251

relations between China and,

55–56, 188, 189, 209–13

relations between Pakistan

and, 167, 169–70

role of religion in, 234–39

socialism in, 241–46

state boundaries in, 173

war between China and, 210–


during World War II, 116–24

Indian Civil Service (ICS), 17

Indian Defense Force, 26

Indian democracy

disillusionment with, 231–32

Nehru’s influence on, 220–31

political parties in, 229–30

role of caste in, 236–39

strength of, 232

Indian Institutes of Technology,


Indian masses

adulation of Nehru by, 44–45,

65, 99–100, 222

Indian National Congress and,

24, 34–35, 46–47, 104–9,

114, 119–20, 130, 141,

143–45, 147–48

interim government and, 148

Khilafat movement and, 34–


overview of, xv — xvi

success of, in elections, 134–


on war issue, 118–20

Mussolini, 97, 112

Naidu, Padmaja, 201, 258

Naidu, Sarojini, 24, 71, 120, 258

Narayan, Jayaprakash, 166, 171,


Nash, Ogden, 207–8

Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 186, 189–

90, 208

National Conference, 142

nationalism, 101, 107

National Volunteer Corps, xvi

Nehru, Indira Priyadarshini

(daughter). See Gandhi,

Indira Nehru

Nehru, Jawaharlal

adulation of, by Indian masses,

44–45, 65, 99–100, 222

antireligious feelings of, 47–

48, 92, 107–8, 233–34

birth legend of, 1–3

Bose and, 115

British view of, 68–69, 84, 93–


calls for a free India by, 76–77,


campaigning by, 99–103

childhood influences on, 3–4,

6–7, 8

on creation of Pakistan, 149

criticism of, 202, 207–8, 220,


death of, 214–17

on death of Gandhi, 160–61

development of political

thought in, 52–59

disillusionment of, 47–48

early life of, 3–18

early political interests, 23–24,


education of, 8, 9–11, 13–15,


election of, to chairmanship of

Allahabad Municipal

Board, 50–52

election of, to presidency of

Indian National

Congress, 69–75, 97–98,

100, 138

Englishness of, 223–24

family origins of, 4–6

family relationships of, 20–21,

52, 88, 95

family tree of, xix

financial problems of, 98

Gandhi and

compromises between, 67,

93, 97

differences between, 43–44,

53, 59–62, 84–85, 92,


father-son relationship of,

138, 228

loyalty between, 29–30, 35–

39, 138

power relations between,

69–70, 99

grief of, over death of father,


health problems of, 52, 89

Joshi, Haveli Ram, 214

Kai-shek, Chiang, 117, 123

Kashmir, 4–5, 141–43, 164–65,


Kashmiri Pandits, 4–5

Kaur, Rajkumari Amrit, 205–6

Kennedy, John F., 206–7

Khaliquzzaman, Chaudhuri,

106–7, 256

Khan, Hakim Ajmal, 47

Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar, xvi,

109, 256

Khan, Liaquat Ali, 169, 257

Khan, Sir Sikandar Hyat, 130,


Khan, Sir Syed Ahmed, 104

Khare, N. B., 223–24

Khilafat movement, xiv, 34–35,

36, 46

Khudai Khidmatgars, 109

Kidwai, Rafi Ahmed, 171, 257

Kisan Sabhas, 39

Kohat killings, 47

Kripalani, Acharya J. B., 138,

171, 257

Krishak Mazdoor Praja Party, xvi

Krishnamachari, T. T., 205

Labour Party, 57

Lansbury, George, 56

Laxman, R. K., 182

Lee Kuan Yew, 250

Liberal Party, xv

Lincoln, Abraham, 251

Linlithgow, Lord, 113, 116, 118–

21, 124, 257

Lucknow Congress, 24, 174

Lucknow Pact, 24

MacDonald, Ramsay, 82

Mahalanobis, P. C., 244

Maharajsingh, Rao, 20

Mahmud, Syed, 43–44, 127,

197–98, 199, 227, 257

Malaviya, K. D., 42, 258

Malaviya, Pandit Madan

Mohan, 2

Malik, Charles, 191

Malraux, André, 201–2, 229

Mao Tse-tung, 117

Marxism, 174

Mathai, M. O., 205

McMahon Line, 209, 210, 211

Menon, V. K. Krishna, 152n,

210–11, 212, 258

monarchical rule, 115–16

Montagu-Chelmsford reforms,

25n, 36

Moplah rebellion, 47

Moraes, Frank, 150, 205

Morris, William, 13

Mountbatten, Edwina, 137, 150,

153, 162–63, 169, 198,

201, 258

Mountbatten, Lord, of Burma,

137, 149–50, 152–56,

162–64, 168, 258

Muenzenberg, Willi, 54–55

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 223

Mukherji, Shyama Prasad, 156

Mullick, B. N., 211

Muslim League

British support for, 73, 103–4,

130, 134–35, 147–48,


demand for creation of

Pakistan by, 119, 148–49

Muslim League (continued)

hatred of Hindus expressed by,


in independent India, 235

relationship with daughter,

81–82, 128–29, 194–95,


relationship with father, 15–

16, 18, 50, 80–81, 129

returns to India, 19–21

socialist policies of, 174–79

spendthrift habits of, 14–15,

16, 38

travels of, 16, 22–23, 52–59,

112–14, 137

on war issue, 116–24

writings of, 46, 54, 56–57, 78–

79, 81–82, 90–91, 95–97,

122, 127

Nehru, Kamala Kaul (wife), 21–

22, 37–38, 52–54, 76, 82,

94–96, 127–28, 259

Nehru, Krishna (sister), 7–8, 76,

98, 128, 204

Nehru, Motilal (father)

about, 259

death of, 79–80

desire for son by, 1–2

financial problems of, 37,


Gandhi and, 29–30, 49

health problems of, 79

imprisonment of, 42–43, 44,


influence of, on Jawaharlal,

6–7, 80–81

investigation of Amritsar

Massacre by, 33–34

modern views of, 3–4, 9

Nehru Report of, 65–66, 67,


political activities of, 12, 24,

33–37, 48–49, 65–66, 69,


political differences between son and, 48–49, 56, 66

pride of, in son, 15, 44–45 relationship between

Jawaharlal and, 15–16,

18, 50, 129

success of, 5–6

Nehru, Swarup Rani (mother),

1, 2, 3, 6, 8–9, 22, 90,


Nehru Report, 65–66, 67, 71

Nehruvianism, 219–20

Nepal, 190

Nkrumah, Kwame, 199–200

Nonaligned movement, 151,

184, 186, 188–89, 208,


noncooperation movement, 27,

35, 36–37, 41–42, 43, 46,


nonviolence principle, 46

no-rent campaign, 88


British alliance with, 164–65

call for creation of, 119, 145–

46, 148–49

China and, 209

creation of, 154

debate over fate of, 139–40

Jinnah and, 139, 145–46, 148,


Muslim desire for, 135

Nehru on creation of, 135,

139–40, 143–45, 153–55

relations between India and,

167, 169–70

violence in creation of, 145–

49, 151–52, 155, 161–62

Pal, Bipin Chandra, 13–14, 30,


Hindu-Muslim relations and,

93, 167–68

identification with Indian

masses by, 38–40, 100–


imprisonment of, 42–46, 49–

50, 77–79, 88–92, 94–95,

121–22, 125–27

Indian National Congress and,

59–60, 112

interim government and, 152–


international affairs and, 58–

59, 112–14, 150–51,

182–91, 207–13

investigation of Amritsar

Massacre by, 33–34

Jinnah and, 104–5, 147–48

journalistic pursuits of, 30

Kashmir and, 141–43, 164–65

Khilafat movement and, 34–


law career of, 20

legacy of, 215, 219–20, 248–


creation of Indian identity,


Indian democracy, 220–31

Indian economy, 239–46

Nonaligned movement,

208, 246–48

secularism, 233–39

marriage of, 21–22, 37–38,


mayoralty of Allahabad, 50–


Mountbatten and, 162–63

Muslim League and, 106–9

negotiations between British

and, 139–41, 143–44,

146–47, 153–55

noncooperation movement and, 36–37, 41–42

on partition of India, 135,

139–40, 143–45, 153–55,


personal habits of, 196–98

personality of, 197–202

personal life of, 37–38, 150,


political activities of, 67–68,

99–103, 115–16

political differences between

father and, 48–49, 56, 66

political moderation of, 228–


political philosophy of, 174

political realism of, 66–67,

84–85, 101–2

political skills of, 39–40, 42

as prime minister of India,

ix — x, 156–214

China policies of, 208–13

criticism of, 202, 207–8

domestic issues while,


elections, 172–73, 192, 207

failures of, 208–14

foreign policy of, 182–91,


governmental corruption

during, 204–6

nondictatorial stance of,


policies of, 174–79

power of, 179–80

speeches by, 203–4

successor to, 194–96

wish to resign of, 193–94

Nehru, Jawaharlal (continued)

protests against British led by,

64–65, 88

radicalization of, 12–13, 25–27

Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur, xv, 63,

73, 77, 261

satyagraha vow, 26, 28, 29–30

science and technology, 245–46

Second World War, 116–24

secularism, 167–68, 233–39

self-reliance, 240–46

self-sufficiency, 240–46

Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 215

Shastri, Pandit Din Dayal, 2

Shaw, George Bernard, 13

Sikhs, 49–50, 202–3

Simla Conference, 140–41

Simon, Sir John, 64

Simon Commission, 63–65, 71

Singh, Bhagat, 71–72, 87

Singh, Sardar Baldev, 156, 261

Sinn Fein movement, 12–13

socialism, 55, 57, 101–2, 171,

174, 241–46

Socialists, 94, 97, 166, 173

South Africa, 26–27

Soviet Russia (Nehru), 56–57

Soviet Union, 56–58, 121, 174–

75, 186–88

Spain, 112

Sriramulu, Potti, 173

Stevenson, Adlai, 249–50

Suez Canal, 189–90

Sun Yat-sen, Madame, 56

Swadeshi movement, 12

Swaraj Party, xiv, 48–49

Swatantra Party, 179

Tagore, Rabindranath, 32, 100

Talbot, Phillips, 139, 140, 190,


Tandon, Purushottam Das, 51,

170, 261

Teja, Jayanti Dharma, 205

Thailand, 185

Tibet, 209, 210

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, xiv, 12,

24, 35, 51, 261

Tito, 184, 208

Towards Freedom (Nehru), 57

Townsend, Meredith, 13

Trinity College, 13

Turkey, 34–35

Tyabji, Badruddin (president of

Indian National

Congress), 104

Tyabji, Badruddin (diplomat),


Unionist Party, xvi

United Provinces (U.P.), 36

United Provinces Political

Conference, 26

United States

imperialism of, 58

Indian foreign policy and, 183,

186, 188, 207, 212

Nehru’s views on, 121

during World War II, 123, 124

Untouchables, 92, 236–39

Vajpayee, Atal Behari, 248–49,


Walli, Abdul, 107

Wavell, Lord, 124, 133, 134,

139, 262

Willingdon, Lord, 89, 262

Wolpert, Stanley, 16–17, 169

World War II, 112–14, 116–24

Yugoslavia, 184

Zakaria, Rafiq, 222

Panch Sheel agreement, 184,


Pandit, Ranjit (brother-in-law),

122, 130, 259

“Pandit, The” (Nash), 207–8

Pandit, Vijayalakshmi (sister),

7–8, 88–89, 128, 187,



See also Pakistan

of Bengal, by British, 11–12

of India, 135, 139–40, 143–49,

151–55, 161–62

Pasternak, Boris, 190

Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai, 69–

70, 87, 100, 138, 144,

156–57, 161, 164, 168–

71, 260

Patel, V. J., 73

peasantry. See Indian masses

Peshawar disturbances, 77

Pethick-Lawrence, Lord, 138,


Plan Balkan, 152–53

Poland, 116

Pollitt, Harry, 55

Portugal, 206

Prasad, Rajendra, 168–69, 171–

72, 260

Press Act of 1910, 23n

protectionism, 177

Quit India movement, 125–26,


Rai, Lala Lajpat, 64, 260

Rajagopalachari, C., 111, 116, 122,

123, 138, 168, 260–61

Rao, P. V. Narasimha, 244, 247–


Rao, Raja, 249

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

(RSS), xvi, 167, 168,



See also Hindu-Muslim


conflicts caused by, 47–48

Nehru’s views on, 47–48, 92,

107–8, 233–34

role of, in modern Indian

politics, 234–39

Republican Congress, 62

Republic Day, 75, 168


after partition, 161–62

in Calcutta, 145–46, 147

over creation of Pakistan,

145–49, 151–52, 155

Roads to Freedom (Russell), 174

Rolland, Romain, 56

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 124

Rosenthal, A. M., 223

Round Table Conferences, 82–

85, 89

Rowlatt Act, 26, 26n, 29

Roy, M. N., 68

Russell, Bertrand, 48, 174, 180

Russian Revolution, 56–57

salt tax, 75–76

Sangh Parivar, xvii, 234n
