A week passed, and Tina and Ed didn't get it on again.

He was either exhausted from work or running out to take care of some plumbing emergency. By the time Friday rolled around, Tina was fed up.

"Honey," she said to Ed over breakfast, "could we go out tomorrow night? Have a nice romantic dinner? I hardly see you any more."

Ed actually blushed.

"Baby, I wasn't going to tell you his till the last minute, because I knew you'd be mad," he said, "but I'm gonna be gone all weekend. I'm going to an equipment convention. I might be able to pick up some good ideas."

Tina could have screamed. The weekends were the only time they had together any more. But she knew how seriously Ed took his work and that there was no use arguing with him. Once again, his career seemed more important to him than his marriage.

"Okay, Ed," she said. "Whatever you want."

He left for work, and Tina brooded. She felt horny all the time these days. She could never get her mind off sex. She couldn't face a whole lifetime of sexual frustration, but she didn't want to leave her husband. In spite of everything, she was still crazy about him. So what was the solution to her problem?

There seemed to be only one answer, and that was a very discreet love affair. If she could find a man who didn't want to get involved and would take care of her in bed, that would release her tensions and make her able to endure her sexless marriage.

As a mattes of fact, she thought she knew the perfect man for the job.

Tina showered and dressed in tight blue jeans and a clinging sweater that showed off her high riding firm tits. She wrapped up some cookies she'd just baked and walked over to visit her neighbor, Jeff Conrad.

Jeff was the only bachelor in the neighborhood. He worked odd shifts as a salesman, and she knew he was home right now because his little sports car was in the driveway. Jeff was very handsome, a blond giant with a terrific body, and he was just about Tina's age.

She had to admit that she'd had a secret letch for Jeff for quite some time. She never would have dreamed of doing anything about it if Ed had been making love to her, but now Jeff seemed like everything she needed. She walked around to his back door and knocked.

When Jeff answered, he was wearing a short robe and was obviously just out of the shower. He gave Tina a big smile, and she felt suddenly hot for him. Yes, this could work out very nice if she could get Jeff to agree to her charms.

"Hey, it's my beautiful neighbor," Jeff said. "Come on in, Tina. What's up?"

"Oh, I just got to feeling sorry for a poor lonely bachelor," Tina said. "I brought you same cookies."

"Thanks, Tina!" Jeff exclaimed, clearly pleased. "I sure get tired of eating everything out of the microwave. That's very nice of you. How can I return the favor?"

Funny you should ask, Tina thought.

"Well, Jeff, that's what I came to talk to you about," she said. "This is kind of hard to put into words, but I hope you have time to listen."

"Sure," he said. "I don't have to be to work till this afternoon. I'll get us some coffee."

While he poured the coffee, Tina wondered how to state her strange proposal. She decided to just come right out with it. Jeff was a grownup, and he'd had plenty of experiences with women. He could handle it. She sat down next to him at the kitchen table, cleared her throat, and started in.

"I have a problem," she said. "A very big problem. Ed's very devoted to his work. In the evenings he's either too tired to get it on, or he's rushing off on some emergency call. We hardly ever make love any more."

"Bummer," Jeff said sympathetically. "But how can I help? Want me to have a talk with Ed?"

That was the last thing in the world Tina wanted.

"Oh, no," she said. "I want you to take his place. You see, Jeff, I need a lover. I don't want to leave Ed. I love him. But I'm climbing the walls, I'm so horny. I think the ideal solution would be for me to have a man on the side. Very discreetly of course."

Jeff's manner changed. He'd been friendly but careful. Now his eyes swept over Tina's curvy sleek body, and she could see a sudden glow of lust. She almost gurgled with desire. The guy was turned onto her, all right. He wanted her.

"You want a lover?" he said softly. "And you chose me?"

"That's right," Tina said.

"I'm wry flattered, Tina," he said. "Maybe I can help."

He reached out, grasped her sweater, and drew it off over her head. He did it so quickly and neatly, she wasn't prepared. He stared at her orange-size tits in her lacy see-through bra, and she quivered with excitement. This guy didn't waste any time. She liked that a lot.

"You're so pretty, Tina," he said. "I can't imagine Ed neglecting you. But that's his loss and my gain."

He popped the front catch of her bra, and the delicate cups snapped apart. He cupped her bare tits and fondled them gently but sensuously. Tina suddenly creamed right through her panties. She was starved for a man's touch. She felt so horny, she couldn't speak.

Jeff eased his thumbs over her small pink nipples and rubbed the soft cones into stiff nubs. His touch was expert. Obviously he'd had plenty of experience. Tina liked that, too. If she was going to take the risk of cheating, she wanted maximum rewards, and she knew she'd get them from Jeff.

He leaned down and started licking her sensitive engorged nipples. She gave a helpless gurgle of lust and creamed again, soaking through her jeans. She didn't love this man, hardly knew him, but she needed sex so badly. She was ready to let him do whatever he wanted with her.

"Do you like this, Tina?" he asked.

"Yes, Jeff," she said, "I love it."

He unzipped her jeans and slid a hand insidc. He kept going till his hand was in her panties. He felt the scaring cream-soaked flesh of her cunt, and as he caressed and explored the swollen folds, she creamed again, soaking his fingers.

"You weren't kidding," he said. "You really are horny. We'd better go to my bedroom."

Tina followed him as fast as she could. Now that she'd taken the big step and propositioned him, she couldn't wait to get into bed with him. She tried to shut all thought of Ed out of her mind. Then Jeff turned to face her, and she snottcd with laughter.

She couldn't help it, he looked so funny. His cock was hard, and it was sticking out the front of his robe. He looked down at it and started laughing, too. Then he drew her close to him and put her hand on his prick.

"As you see, Tina, your idea turned me on," he chuckled.

"I'm glad," she said. "I didn't know if you'd be interested."

"Are you kidding?" he said. "I've wanted into your pants since the day we met. Come on."

He led her over to the bed and quickly removed the rest of her clothes. While she lay there naked, he took off his robe. He had a magnificent body, powerfully muscled, his chest deeply matted with blond hairs. Tina growled deep in her throat as she ogled him.

He stretched out beside her and said, "Since we've decided to do this, let's not spoil it by hurrying. I like to take my time."

Tina just nodded, content to let him lead the way. He was far more experienced than she was. Ed was the only guy she'd ever fucked. Thinking of that, she felt a little guilty, then brushed the thought away. It was Ed's fault that she was in bed with another man.

Jeff slipped his hand between her thighs and began playing with her pussy again, gently but excitingly stroking the swollen wet flesh. She wrapped her fingers around his prick and pumped it. It was rock-hard, hot and throbbing. Sticky juice began to leak from his pins hole, wetting her fingers.

"What do you like to do in bed, Tina?" he asked.

"Everything," she laughed. "Ed and I used to do everything, before he got so wrapped up in his job."

"Like to suck cock?" Jeff asked bluntly.

Tina nodded. In fact she drooled at the thought. One of her favorite things had been going down on her husband, but he never seemed to have time for that any more. A quick fuck was all she ever got from Ed these days. But Jeff had given her a message, and she acted on it.

She slid down and started licking his cock. He gave a convulsive shiver and a low groan. It was nice to be making love to a man that responded, who appreciated what she was doing. Jeff obviously didn't have his mind on his job.

"That's nice, baby," he said hoarsely.

Jim lathered his thick hard cock with her hot spit. She didn't miss an inch of it. She worked her way down to the base, tonguing fast, then back again to the creaming head. She lapped up his delicious salty cream as fast as she could get it, rolling it around in her mouth and savoring it.

"Mmmmm, mmmmm!" she gurgled.

She kept licking till she'd cleaned his cock head, but she was hungry for more cream. She drilled the pointed tip of her tongue into his piss hole and reamed it out. By then Jeff was snorting with excitement. He ran his fingers through her hair and got a gentle grip.

"Suck it!" he gasped.

Tina was more than ready to give him what he wanted. She slid her moist lips around his fat cock head. She ran her mouth over his throbbing boner, taking in as much as she could. Drawing in her cheeks, she began to suck. Jeff gave another lusty shudder.

"Christ, yeah, that's great!" he panted.

Tina knew she was a good cocksucker. Ed had told her so many times. In fact he'd trained her. Now she was using those skills on another man, and she could see that Ed's training had been excellent. Jeff soon shot out of control and started fucking her mouth.

"Ohhhhh, yeah!" he groaned. "I was horny when I woke up! This is just what I needed!"

He pistoned his huge cock over her wet tongue, feeding her a steady supply of tasty cream. Famished for the stuff, she sucked faster and faster. Jeff gripped her hair harder, groaned hoarsely, and suddenly flooded her mouth with boiling jism.

"Eat it, baby – unnnggghhh!" he groaned.

"Uuumnnnm!" Tina gasped.

She was gulping blast after blast of his delicious come. How long had it been since she'd done this with Ed? She couldn't even remember. She only knew that it had been far too long. She sucked ravenously till Jeff flopped back with a happy sigh.

"Terrific," he said breathlessly. "That was a fantastic blow-job, honey. Now I'll give you your reward."

He rolled her over onto her back and arranged her with her knees bent and wide open. He crawled between her hot thighs, and she whimpered with excitement as his moist breath tickled her gash. Then she felt his big hot tongue raking her delicate engorged pussy.

"Ooooo, God, yessss!" she hissed.

She adored having her pussy eaten, and Jeff was superb at it. His wet tongue snaked into every steamy fold of her slit. He used his tongue tip stiffly to tease her clit. He darted it in and out of her drooling fur-fringed cunt mouth.

"Unnnnhhh, Jeff, I love it!" she sobbed. "Don't stop, I love it!"

Tina was going out of her mind with pleasure. She clawed the bed and wept, and she drenched Jeff's face with hot spurts of cunt juice. It had been months since Ed had done this to her. No wonder it was ecstasy now. She just wished the incredible sensations would go on for hours.

Then Jeff crammed his whole tongue into her cunt. She wailed with delight, arching her body to take the wet meat as deep as she could get it. He cupped her hot little ass and held it up off the bed so he could thrust to her womb. He began tongue-fucking her hard and fast.

"Ahhhh, shit, yesss!" she howled. "Do it to me, Jeff, make me come!"

Not that Jeff needed any coaching. The guy was a fantastic pussy freak. He eagerly pistoned his stiff tongue in and out of her squirting cunt, driving her wild with excitement. Again she wanted the pleasure to last for hours, but she was so horny that she couldn't keep from coming soon.

She felt the pleasure building in her cunt, building till she was sobbing and shaking with it. She had so much pent-up lust, and now Jeff was releasing it. No wonder she couldn't hold off the gigantic orgasm that suddenly blasted her body.

"Unnnnhhh, God – whaaahhhh!" she screamed.

She was coming harder than she had in months; Jeff expertly tongue-fucked her through the long intense climax, and she almost fainted with pleasure. Now she realized just how sex-starved she was. She was even more desperate for it than she'd dreamed.

"God, Jeff, that was wonderful," she sighed as he finally drew his dripping tongue from her cunt. "I needed that so bad."

"I could tell," he said. "You need me, Tina. You got yourself a deal. And now look what I've got for you."

He rose to his knees and displayed a brand new hard-on. Tina couldn't have been more delighted. She'd hardly finished coming, but already she was hot for more of Jeff's loving.
