Chrissy almost fainted when two naked women burst out of Jeff's closet. They were grinning wickedly, and she recognized them as her neighbors Tina and Gloria.

"What in heaven's name?" she exclaimed.

"II bet you're surprised to see us, Chrissy," Tina laughed. "We were surprised to see you, too. I don't think Jeff intended to get us all together like this."

"You see, Chrissy," Gloria said, "he's been making it with all of us. Tina got here first, and when I came, he hid her in the closet. Then when you arrived, he pushed me in there, too."

"I guess he forgot I was already in there." Tina giggled.

Chrissy listened to all of this open-mouthed, then burst into laughter.

"If it were anybody but Jeff, I wouldn't believe you," she said. "But actually, it figures. Now what do we do?"

"We've got an idea we'd like you to consider," Tina said.

"Go ahead, lay it on me," Chrissy grinned.

"We're gonna give Jeff a little surprise," Gloria said. "Tomorrow morning, let's all show up at the same time."

After they'd explained the rest of their plan, Chrissy laughingly agreed to join them. The next morning they gathered at Tina's place. Ed and Roy were out of town, and Dick was glued to the TV set, watching a football game. The coast was clear for the naughty housewives. Around eleven they went over to Jeff's.

He answered the door yawning, wearing only his robe. He blinked, then gawked, when he saw all three of his neighborhood mistresses standing on his back porch. Then he very slowly turned red all over. The women could hardly keep from laughing.

"Good morning, Jeff," Tina said. "It seems like we all decided to visit you at once. How about offering us some coffee?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure," Jeff said, blushing like crazy. "Come on in."

The women exchanged wicked grins behind his back. It was going to be very interesting to see how he handled this awkward situation. While he made coffee, they trooped into the living room and waited. Jeff arrived with a tray.

"Well, this must be my lucky day," he said, forcing a smile. "Three beautiful women coming to see me, wow."

"Got anybody stashed in the bedroom closet, Jeff?" Tina asked sweetly.

Jeff almost dropped the tray. He was so embarrassed, he couldn't think of anything to say. Now it was all coming back to him, the way he'd pushed Gloria into the closet, forgetting that he'd already hidden Tina there. He just sheepishly passed out the coffee.

"Isn't Jeff cute when he's sleepy?" Chrissy purred.

"He sure is," Gloria said. "But he's even cuter without his clothes."

She took a grab at the belt of Jeff's robe and succeeded in untying it. His robe dropped open, and all three women ogled his fine muscular body. Then Tina jumped up and stripped the robe off him, leaving him naked.

"Mmmmmm, what a nice build!" she cooed. "Gosh, just looking at him makes me horny!" Gloria moaned.

"I'd love to get it on with him!" Chrissy smiled. "How about it, Jeff, honey? Feel like making out?"

"Okay, ladies," Jeff sighed. "I get the picture. You all found out about each other, and now I'm gonna pay. What can I say? I like all of you. I'm hot for all of you. What was I supposed to do?"

"Honey, you did just what we wanted you to," Tina said. "You didn't do anything wrong, except maybe you overloaded your schedule."

"We didn't come to scold you, Jeff," Gloria said. "We came to have fun."

"We wanta see just how many women you can handle, lover," Chrissy said.

Jeff began to grin.

"Hey, you really mean that?" he said eagerly. "Because I think I can handle all three of you at once."

"This we have to see!" Tina cried. "Come on, let's go to the bedroom!"

As he led the way to his king-size bed, Jeff felt both excited and nervous. He'd always been a success with women, but he'd never been in a situation like this before. He'd never taken on more than one lover at a time. This was going to be his biggest challenge.

In the bedroom the women stripped as fast as they could, then stretched out in a row on his bed. Jeff eyed them, and his cock suddenly shot into rigid life. The women gurgled with excitement as they watched it swell and stiffen. Jeff took a deep breath, then slid onto the bed.

"Who's first?" Tina asked.

"Me, me." Gloria begged.

"I'm the horniest," Chrissy said.

"You are not," Tina said.

"You couldn't be," Gloria said.

"Ladies, please," Jeff said, raising his hands for attention. "I'll take care of all of you at the same time, just like I promised."

They laughed, and then Tina said, "Okay, hot-shot; go for it. We'll believe it when we see it."

Jeff shot into action, quickly arranging each woman with her knees bent and her legs wide open. Three moist gorgeous pussies met his hot eyes. He dropped into a crouch and nosed between Chrissy's legs. His tongue shot out, and she gasped and moaned.

"Ohhhhh, yeah, honey, lick meeeee!" she cried.

Tina and Gloria watched with fast-mounting lust as Jeff raked his big wet tongue over Chrissy's tangy-tasting silt. The big-titted blonde writhed and groaned with pleasure as he tongued her moist sensitive parts. He kept at it till she was clawing the bed, then raised his cream-smeared face.

"I'll get right back to you," he said.

Then he dived for Gloria's gash. She wailed with delight as his expert tongue contacted the creamy swollen flesh. Jeff made obscene slurping and sucking sounds as he drove her to a fever pitch of excitement. Then he moved on to Tina.

"Ohhhhh, God, yesssss!" Tina gasped.

Jeff's knowing tongue slid into the steamy hot folds of her pussy, tickling and exploring. He teased her throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue, poked briefly into her creaming cunt, then probed her puckered shitter. It all happened very fast, but it left her breathless with pleasure.

She lay there panting and writhing as he moved back to eat Chrissy's pussy again. He kept darting from one woman to the next, lashing hot tangy silts, driving his partners wild. His face was soaked with all their cream. Tina just wondered how long he could keep up the frantic pace.

Each time he got to her, he made her more aroused. He didn't seem to miss an inch of her greedy gash, even though he was hurrying. He tickled and teased her shitter, cunt and clit with the stiff tip of his tongue, and he gobbled up the musky juice that squirted from her cunt. Then he moved on to the next woman.

"Jesus!" Gloria groaned. "He's fantastic!"

"He sure as hell is!" Tina panted.

"Oooooh, shit, oooooh!" squealed Chrissy, who was getting Jeff's attention now.

The next time he got to Tina, he crammed his whole tongue into her cunt. She wailed with delight and arched her body to take the wet slab of meat as deep as she could get it. He tonguefucked her hard and fast, making her sob with ecstasy.

"Unnnnhhhh, I love it!" she moaned. "Deeper, Jeff, make me come!"

But Jeff didn't have time to get her off. The other women were getting impatient and needy. That was the one flaw in his plan. His technique was perfect, but he had too many partners wanting it. He had to leave Tina unsatisfied as he rushed back to Chrissy.

"Ooooooh, God, yesssss!" Chrissy wailed as he crammed her cunt full of throbbing hot tongue.

Gloria and Tina watched enviously and lustily as he pistoned his big red tongue in and out of Chrissy's hotly squirting box. The big blonde girl screwed her face into a horny grimace and clawed frantically at the bed as she rocketed towards climax. But just as she was about to come, Jeff pulling out and turned to Gloria.

"Unnnnhhh, yesssss!" Gloria groaned.

"Oh shit!" Chrissy whimpered.

Tina watched with amusement as Jeff tried frantically to satisfy all three of his partners. She had to give the guy credit for trying. He worked as fast and expertly as he could, but always he had two writhing women waiting. If he didn't get them off soon, he was going to have a riot on his hands.

"Oh, hurry, Jeff, honey!" Tina moaned. "I need to come so bad!"

But Tina was next on his rounds. She gurgled with ecstasy as he sank his thick tongue into her soaked cunt and fucked her with it. Once again she sailed helplessly towards orgasm. But when she was right on the verge of coming, he pulled out and rushed back to Chrissy.

"This is getting to be damned frustrating!" Tina moaned.

"Tell me about it," Gloria sighed.

They watched as Jeff hammered his thick tongue in Chrissy's dripping pussy hole. She arched her body till her ass left the bed, taking his pistoning tongue to her fiery depths. She was panting hard, whimpering, and she seemed ready to explode into orgasm at any second.

"Ooooooh, shit, just a little more!" she whimpered.

"Be right back!" Jeff gasped, turning to Gloria.

"Unnnnhhhh, God, yes!" Gloria howled. She bared her teeth in a snarl of pleasure as he tongue-fucked her hard and deep. Like Chrissy, she raised her body to take his tongue deep, and she sobbed on the very edge of climax. But Jeff pulled out too soon and turned to Tina.

"Wait a second, Jeff," Tina said breathlessly. "This just isn't working out. You're doing your best, but there's too many of us."

"So what do I do?" Jeff panted.

"Just stick with each one of us till you get us off," Tina suggested. "Is that okay with you girls?"

"Jesus, yes!" Gloria groaned.

"I'd love that," Chrissy sighed. "I'm just going out of my mind."

"Okay, I got it," Jeff said. "You'll have to pardon me, ladies, but I never did this before."

"We forgive you," Tina said. "Now move." He moved, all right, shoving his face between her wide-open thighs and cramming his big wet tongue as deep as he could into her fever-hot cunt. She wailed with bliss and soaked his face with a huge flood of sticky cream. He hammered his tongue in her cunt, making her writhe with pleasure.

"Ohhhhh, yeah, that's it!" she cried. "Do it to me hard, honey, make me come!"

"Oh, God," Gloria said hoarsely, "I can't wait."

Out of the corner of her eye Tina saw her best friend start to play with herself. Gloria rubbed her index finger stiffly over her swollen clit, giving herself hot shocks of pleasure. In seconds her pistoning finger was dripping with her molten cream.

"Gloria, you're outrageous!" Chrissy gasped.

"Try it, you'll like it!" Gloria panted.

"Well, you might be right," Chrissy said.

She started playing with herself, too, imitating what Gloria did. It was clear that she didn't make a habit of masturbating, because she was clumsy at it. But it didn't take her long to learn.

Soon she was racing her finger smoothly and swiftly over her clit and gurgling with pleasure.

"Mmmmmm, hey, all right!" she cried.

Jeff hardly noticed what the other women were doing. He was pounding his tongue as hard as he could in Tina's gushing twat. He soon got results. She let the hot friction carry her over the edge into a body-smashing orgasm. She bucked and writhed and howled.

"Ohhhhhh, shit, you did it, ohhhhhhh!" she cried.

Jeff immediately whipped his dripping tongue out of her cunt and dashed for Chrissy. By now the tall blonde had masturbated herself into panting readiness, and she came almost the second he crammed his tongue into her. Her luscious body convulsed violently.

"Unnnnhhhh, fuck – whaaahhhhhhh!" she screamed.

Again Jeff was on the move, dashing from Chrissy to Gloria. Gloria was within a split second of getting herself off with her pistoning index finger, but she jerked it out of the way as Jeff thrust his face between her thighs. He drove his hot slick tongue almost to her womb.

"Ohhhhhh, shit – unnnnnggggghhhbh!" she wailed.

She was coming just as fast as Chrissy. Primed and ready after playing with herself, she exploded into orgasm with the first hard deep thrust of Jeff's tongue. She bucked and rocked, her ripe tits wobbling like crazy. Molten cream gushed from her spasming cunt and drenched Jeff's face.

"Ohhhhh, shit, that was great!" she groaned. "Yeah, let's give Jeff a big hand," Tina laughed.

Jeff rose to his knees and grinned as the women applauded. Then he noticed that they were all swing hungrily at his engorged and drooling cock.

"That was fun, Jeff," Tina said, grinning, "but now let's get serious."
