Chapter 7

Fistful of twatfuzz and a few hollers more, Jacquette rolled over the floor. She wrenched her body about, keeping it away from the flail of Chiquita's braided hair.

"I'll fucking slaughter you!" Jacquette said. "Fucking spic Amazon dyke-bitch cunt."

"Ha ha ha," Chiquita snorted. "You are a feisty senorita. But you are a whore."

"Fuck you! A whore isn't forced."

"Force? How can you say that to me? It is you who is doing all the forcing. You refuse my offer to whip your face. So I am forced to employ other means. You force me to violence."

"Tug my tits, will you? I think that this must be against the law."

Chiquita caught up both of Jacquette's boobs. Ran her fingers over them and twisted.

Wrenched the breasts almost from her chest.


Chiquita dragged Jacquette across the slick floor by her dugs. She dredged her thumb up Jacquette's bum.

Frigged her fingers into Jacquette's cunt.

"You're a criminal, Chiquita. Ouch! When I get out of here, I'm gonna-"

"You gonna keep your mouth shut, gringa puta," Chiquita sneered. "It is all on video recorder. See the electric eyeball up there in the corner? It misses nothing. The camera does not lie-not like you! Your guilt is confirmed."

"You just tried to blackmail me."

"My ‘little gringa. Chiquita feels so very sorry for you."

"Then have mercy."

"I do. Chiquita is merciful. I take great care of you. I'm going to fuck you and beat you. Beat you and hick-you. Fuck you and beat you and eat you again. Then I will piss all over you while you feast upon my cunt. Then I'll beat you, fuck you, and suck you-some more."

Jacquette shot her paw out again.

Snagged Chiquita in the cunny.

Ripped out a tuft of cunthairs.


"Go to it, ladies," Jacoby chortled. "I need a little time to recoil from that last blast. Where was it? Up your ass, Jacquette?"


"Will you have some courtesy, Jacquette?" Jacoby sputtered, jacking off. "I asked you a question. You fucking answer me!"

Chiquita took a cut in her cunt from the chop of Jacquette's extended palm.

As Chiquita jacknifed, Jacquette crawled away from her toppling body.

Then sprang to her feet.

She kicked at Chiquita's face. Caught her in the chops with her stinky toes.

"Shit, I give up," Jacoby said. "Remind me never to try to teach a woman manners. They just have no potential. They're nothing but animals."

Chiquita sucked Jacquette's little piggies. Licked out the places between the toes where the dark linty jam had congealed.

Jacquette's wrists fluttered uncontrollably. Chiquita grabbed at them one by one and brought them behind Jacquette's back.

With a snap, Chiquita had bound Jacquette's hands with a thick, tripled-over rubberband.

Jacquette shuddered as Chiquita held onto her ankles. Lifted her by the heels.

Careened her once more to the floor.


Jacquette's head hit the surface.

Blood broke from her yip where Chiquita had previously slapped her lips against her incisors. Jacquette tasted the sweet saltiness.

As Chiquita whipped Jacquette's prostrate nakedness with her tresses, Jacquette worked to free herself.

She broke out of her wristbonds. Snaring her fingers with the rubberbands.

Jacquette struggled, her body exposed. Face straining against Chiquita's lashes.

Chiquita snapped her neck. The tip of her wet ponytail tore into Jacquette's clit.

Then Chiquita scourged Jacquette's tits.

Clipping nips on the backswing.

Jacquette struggled to her knees.

Took another shot on the jaw.

She tottered.

Rose wobbling to her feet.

Absorbing the rain of the other woman's unceasing attack.

The relentless pitch of the whipping, scourging, lashing of her deadly dressed tresses.

Thick ponytail braided. Strung with small metal beads. Decorated with miniature gold anchors, seven-pointed stars, tiny stilettos.

Jacquette staggered back.

Chiquita then twirled the long braided ponytail like a lariat. Whipped the twine out, aiming it at Jacquette's brain.

The heavy hair bopped Jacquette's head. She slipped in a puddle of joyjuice and cockgoo and did a split onto the floor.

She finally snapped her wrists free and broke her fall.

The sharp studs embedded in Chiquita's whipping tresses brought up welts as it belted across her tits and face.

Jacquette hung her head, shaking it incredulously, unbelievingly. She sucked in hot wet air, blew it out slowly, sighed.

She felt asphyxiation from the thick venomous fumes drenching the air.

She massaged her neck, gasping. Took big gulps of fetid breath.

Then was riddled by the shock of impact.

Chiquita was on her.

This time, all claws.

Jacquette wrestled Chiquita by. the boobs as the lanky Hispanic Amazon sado-dyke bitch fuckmistress bit at her chirruping clit.

Jacquette screeched in orgasm as Chiquita ran her fingernails into her twat.

She shuddered as Chiquita buttered her buns with her mouth and thumbs.

Snaps of snot flew in fragments from Jacquette's flared nostrils.

Ooze blew from her snatch.

Burbles belched from her bunghole.

Suddenly Jacoby rose from where he had been seated cross-legged, wanking off on the top of his desk. He stabbed his prick into midair.

"All right, Chiquita," he said. "You've had enough. I'm going for my third round."

"Get away from me, you creep," Jacquette said as she leapt at him.

She buffeted his balls with her clenched palms. Punched his pecker on the side of the head.

"Get out of here, you worthless slime," Jacoby said, seizing his goodfellows in pain.

He looked down at his nuts and grimaced.

They were swelling up black-and-blue. The head of his pecker was hammered red.

"You never told me, coach," Jacquette said. "What is my status on the team. You do remember, don't you? The women's gymnastics team you're supposed to be coaching?"

Chiquita was crouching before Jacoby's belly. She cradled his injured rig tenderly. Kissed it to make it better.

"Don't bother, coach," Chiquita said. "That gringa puta is nothing but trash."

Jacquette belched. She fingered her clit, asshole, nipples, and twatlips to gauge the extent of their rawness and possible rankness.

Jacquette farted. Her ass patted as she bent over, peeling pieces of her discarded clothing from where they were cemented to the floor by clots of mixed come, sweat, and mucus.

"What's the word, Jacoby?" Jacquette jeered. "I don't hear you."

Jacquette struggled to get her fannymeat back into her tights. She left her encrusted panties glued to the floor.

Slipped on her gymnast slippers. Jacquette then slowly wrapped her torn sweatshirt about her shoulders to partially cover her tits.

"Don't think you can play your bimbo games with me, young lady," Jacoby bawled. "You kicked my nuts to shit! That's no way to orchestrate someone into granting you a favor."

"I never ask for favors," Jacquette snotted. "Just give me what I'm due."

"You're due to hightail it out of here," Jacoby jawed. "Chiquita, brutalize this bitch if she makes a move. Carnalize every crevice of her smelly body. I'll give you a bonus."

"Don't make me fucking laugh," Jacquette said. "You two psychopaths have already abused me-thoroughly. Except for one little crack that still gets away unfucked."

"What's that?"

"You never did get your pecker into my cunt."

"If that's the truth," Jacoby sneered. "You may yet be able to remain in contention for a spot on the squad."

"Oh, you're so charming when you're squalid, Jacoby. You know I'm still one of the best athletes you've got."

"But you're over the hill already. Others-young ones-they will be getting hot. Believe me. Keep on smartassing, Jacquette."

"You know I've been in competition longer than anyone else at this training center. My experience counts. How can you deny that?"

"Because the only reason you were kept on the team so far into your old age is that you were fucking the coach."

"You made that up. I never even touched Maggie. That's a vile, vicious lie."

Jacoby cackled as Chiquita wrapped his cock and balls in gauze.

"That's rich, Jacquette. Whorish lies from a whorish mouth. How many different kinds of meat have you gobbled up in that pretty little trap of yours? Male, female. It makes no difference to little whores like you."

Jacquette turned on her heels.

"I'm shoving off," she said vacantly. "Had more than enough of this shit from you."

Chiquita chattered as Jacquette kicked through the door. "Fucking gringa fucking whore fucking puta fucking! You would whore for an ox! You would suck on a pig's dick!"

Jacquette leaned against the wall at the end of the hall and tried to barf. Nothing came up but raw dry belches.

Slowly, she plastered a smile across her face. She'd gotten brained, but she'd gotten fucked.

She'd played them the way she had wanted. And she had wanted it rough.

Too bad Jacoby had that sleazeball streak. She might even have gone for having his prick be the first up her twat.

Her mouth was dry.

Her asshole hungering.

Her cunny thirsting.

She made her way outside, checked her watch. She recalled from when she had helped Noreen check the schedule that there were flights passing through the airport all night.

Stopovers on their way to New York.

She slammed a coin into a pay phone. Called collect to the number Noreen had given her in Manhattan. No answer.

Should Jacquette take a chance?

Why not?

She sure had little else around here to lose.


Noreen's fingers lingered in her slit. She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit.

How did she ever get into this?

She pulled the plug in the bathtub and rose from where she had been soaking. Grabbed ahold of one of the thick towels hanging nearby.

"Okay, Maggie," Noreen said aloud, reaching.for a cigarette. "You can get in here now if you like.

I'm through."

Maggie peeked in through the door. Through the steam, Maggie's face looked like a dream.

Firm flesh.

High cheekbones.

Finely honed nose.

How could Noreen have not noticed before?

"I can't begin to thank you, Noreen," Maggie said as she stood in front of the sink. "When the plane was late getting in and I found out my hotel reservation had been automatically canceled-"

"Think nothing of it," Noreen said, pulling the comb through her wet hair. "My brother's out of town for the rest of this week. He already said I could use his flat."

She stabbed the stub of the cigarette into her yip. Puffed it through her teeth and sent the smoke back out her nose.

"But it was so good of you, Noreen."

"It's not as if it's an intrusion."

Noreen saw Maggie's ass shudder as she fiddled with her earrings.

"Guess I'll leave them in for the night," Maggie said. "I'll get ready for bed."

Maggie tossed her hair back. Tied it in a short tail in the back. Glanced at Noreen's reflected nakedness in the mirror.

Noreen saw Maggie's face grow crimson. She thought she recognized something about Maggie' look. That light in her eyes. The attempt at concealment.

Noreen ignored for the moment the spasm in her own clit. She wrapped the towel about herself. Wiped down her boobs.

Glanced up at the mirror over the sink. Saw Maggie's pussy reflected. Saw Maggie looking directly back at her.

Noreen jerked her eyes away.

She felt a shiver.

The tang of musk rising in the air.

Noreen unwrapped the toweling from about her torso. Raised her arms out to the side.

Slanted her head down.

She shot her snout under her arms.


Hadn't she just washed?

The sweat slimed from her underarms. Smarm rinsed her underbelly. "Thinking about something, Noreen?"


"I am."


"About us."

Noreen was silent.

She carefully kept her body covered as she sucked the cigarette down to the end.

"You know, Noreen, I did not want to cut you from the team. I thought you were the most natural athlete on the squad."

"You said that. Before. When you told me to get my tushie out of town."

Noreen could not keep the edge out of her voice.

"I am very sorry, Noreen. You see, I knew I was under the gun. I thought that I might be able to save my own ass if-"

"I understand. You thought you'd get rid of all the old-timers. Concentrate on young blood."

"That's about it. But I was already on the way out anyway-as it turns out."

"That's life."

"But my stomach turns when I think about what I did, Noreen."

Maggie turned and faced her.

Noreen's eyes went uncontrollably for her tits. She blinked, shifted her gaze.

"Noreen, I know I'm the fucking scum of the earth for what I did. Not only to you, but to other girls."

"No different from what others do all the time. Forced into it by bigshot creeps."

Should she light up another fag? But that would keep her here face to face with Maggie. She had an urge to scream-to run out of the place. To blast herself off into outer space.

Noreen groped for her cigs.

"I did have a choice, Noreen. And I chose to be weak. To give others the shaft instead of taking it in the tail myself. What did it show me? Losers are losers. And I'm a loser."

"Now, Maggie."


Maggie crushed her head to Noreen's shoulder. She nuzzled her neck.

Tears buzzed from her eyeslits. Snot dripped from her nose.

"Go ahead and cry, Maggie. Do you good. But don't worry. You'll be more than okay."

"If I can only get through the night."

"Come to sleep."

"I was going to shower. I must stink like the bloody plague."

"I'll help you."

Noreen lurched into the bathtub. She shot her hands to the spigot and latched the water into the showerhead. The water came out cold-eek!-then pulsed warmth.

"Come on, Maggie."


"Feel good?"


Noreen sopped up a spongeful of suds. Ran it down Maggie's back. Creamed it into her asscrack. Strung her arms out.

Rubbed boobs.

Polishing the nipples.

Lubed the lower lips.

Both their bodies straightened.

Noreen looked Maggie in the eyes.

Who was seducing whom?

Who was kidding whom?

"Surprised, Noreen?"

"Not very."

"Can I kiss you?"

"If I can suck your cunt."

"Tee hee hee. And then we can fuck if you'd like. Flatfuck. Platypuss. Cuking. Let's see, Noreen. Do you ever like it really wet-do you want to drink piss?"

"I think I'd like that a lot."

"Some like it hot."

"Get me there."

Their mouths joined.

Lips roamed.

Claws clutched breasts.

Nature did the rest.

Noreen slid to the bottom of the bathtub. She pushed her face up into the shower water. Lashed her tongue out and up.

Maggie pushed her pelvis forth.

Twatlips parted.

The piss poured out.

Dappled Noreen's snout.

"I don't believe this."

"My, my, Noreen. Won't you give me a kiss? Remember this-piss is bliss."

Noreen choked down mounds of Maggie's cuntflesh. The urine dressed her tresses.

Snatchmeat moved in her maw.

She sucked and ate until the weariness enveloped her jaw.Mouthlips and cuntlips chewed raw.

Noreen was closing in on sexual oblivion.

Drinking down quarts of cuntcome, sweat, shower water and urine.

Perfumed ointments sweet and neat.

Fragrances finer than nectar of the gods.

Noreen climaxed in a pile at Jacoby's knees.

She no longer cared for anything.


Maggie could take her now.

Do as she pleased.

Suddenly Noreen felt the freeze.

The hypnotic bray of the buzzer.


"What is it, Noreen?"

"Fucking doorbell."

"It's awfully late. Do you have to answer it?"

"It's also awfully early. The sun's coming up. I think I know who it is."

Noreen groveled out of the bathtub and warped her body into a terrycloth robe.

She threw a kiss back toward the forlorn Maggie and scampered into the livingroom. She straightened her shoulders.

Pressed in the intercom.

"Who's there?"

"Jacquette, Noreen."

"Really? How did-oh, fuck. Never mind that now. Come on up."

Noreen paced back and forth. She lit another fag and walked into the kitchenette. Grabbed up a partially drunk bottle of wine.

The buzzer rang again.


Noreen pressed in the intercom again.



"Oh, fuck."

"Thought you were expecting me. You said to-"

"I know. Let's go."

Just as Noreen buzzed Slash in, the door rapped. Noreen opened it and Jacquette burst in.

"Oh, Noreen. I have so much to tell you."

"Tell it to the coach."


Noreen turned Jacquette's body around by her shoulders. Gave her a kiss on each facecheek. Shoved the wine bottle into Jacquette's hands.

"Let's see, Jacquette," Noreen squeaked. ‘Would you mind? You go into the bathroom and have a drink. I'll be in presently. Have fun."


As Jacquette was hustled through the next room, Noreen turned on her heels and dashed toward the front door. She pulled it open before Slash had made the first rap.

"Cut the crap," Noreen whispered. "I remember what I said on the plane. I don't know if I meant it. I was drunk. Asleep. Dreaming."

She looked down.

His cock was in his hand.

Balls bloomed out like wild orchids.

"I know this might sound insincere, dear," Slash said slowly. "But you said if I cleaned up my act and came over to see you-you'd blow me."

"You just want another cheap suck."

"At least I'm sincere about it."

"You beast."
