Chapter 8

Undaunted by dickmeat, Noreen feasted upon the yeasty ferment of jissom over her tongue. Tasty fuel of hick peppered her nostrils, enflamed her gums. She could feel the spermlets swarm. The temperature was warm.

The texture thick and creamy. Piles of chunky comecurds wedged in between her teeth.

"Jeez, Noreen," Slash said. "I didn't realize I was that horny."

"How horny is that, Slash?"

"I came off in seconds. I wanted to give you a good fuck in the mouth-"

"That's okay," Noreen said, suddenly hardened, sullen. "Tuck that twanger back into your trousers now. I'm through with you."

She saw the glistening stalk balk in midair. It had been reemerging to new hardness after the headiness of his rapid ejaculation.

Now it dipped its head.


Awaited redemption.

Noreen tightened her wet robe about her body, closing herself up. She'd made a bad move getting involved with this rogue.

She wanted to upchuck.

But there was something about Slash that drew her to him. The same thing that drew other women so close to his flame, Noreen supposed.

That made Slash dangerous.

"Okay," she said. "I'll fuck."

"Noreen, that was never expressly my aim. I don't want you to think I an a seducer of virgins, a ravisher of maidenheads y profession-"

"But I'll do it my way,' she injected.

Her smile could have killed half the world with its venom. It was the first time in her life she had ever felt that way.

And she loved it.

Loved herself for it.

For Noreen had become a woman.

She stared vacantly at the prick before her.

Slash's pecker was pumping full of blood. The density of his erection was beginning to hurt him. His ballocks broke into a sweat.

Would he get her or wouldn't he?

The answer was in her head.

She knew it was within her will to make him suffer. Anything to cause him pain she would pursue. To increase the pleasure.

Their pleasure.

Noreen knew deeply inside herself that the hick was the goal in her life. All that gymnastics shit went right by the wayside.

She wanted hide.

Hard hog inside her.

And the competitiveness she had developed through the years cut through the tears of her recent rejection.

She would fuck and suck.

And use it the way everyone else used everyone else in the world she had come to know.

It only made her heart glow.

She had the edge on now.

Noreen would go for it.

Slash dallied in his stance. His extended cock began to prance as he shifted his hips from side to side, undecided.

Noreen reached up toward his prick. Pulled it off with her fingers.

"Come on, Slash. I said I'd go down for you. Let's move."

"I have some locoweed with me."

"Roll it up. Also, you may fetch a bottle of wine from the refrigerator on your way."

"Way to where?"

"To the place you like it best."

"Which is?"

"I'll meet you in the bathroom."

Noreen rose from her knees. She let her robe fly open as she strode elegantly across the floor.

Tight tits glistened in the wistful light of early morning. Her pubis was a froth of fuzz, glinting in the weak rays of sunlight.

Noreen paused at the entrance to the hallway.

She tossed her hair back.

Glanced at Slash over her shoulder.

Winked one eyeball.

Sashayed on down the hallway.

She heard Slash rummaging around in the kitchenette. Dropped her hand to the doorknob of the bathroom.

Paused once more.


Light liquid slaps.

Low moans.

Noreen grinned.

Exposing teeth.

Noreen bent forward.

Peered through the keyhole.


Jacquette was bent over the bathroom sink. She was buck naked and Maggie was slapping her behind with her hair.

Then Maggie whacked Jacquette's buns with an open palm.

Rushed her from behind. Frigged her cut up between Jacquette's legs from the rear.

Cuked her with friction of the clit.Jacquette lit up when she was hit.

Her mouth opened.

Jacquette dribbled spit.

Maggie's jugs jiggled as she reached forward and grabbed Jacquette by the back of the neck. She crinkled Jacquette to her knees.

Walked her across the floor.

Shoved her head into the toilet bowl.

Noreen snorted abruptly. She cracked the doorway open and slid inside.

Her mouth opened wide.

Maggie turned and faced Noreen. Her tits were ripe and the nipples reddened.

Huge clit pulsed in her cabbage patch.

Noreen knew Jacquette had already had her way in her syruping snatch.

Quaffed down dew.

Cuntcome down the hatch.

And Maggie was always brewing another batch.

"Jacquette," Maggie said. "Noreen's ready for us now. Let's surprise her!"

Jacquette barfed out another layer of her stomach lining into the commode. The bottle of vodka she'd taken aboard the flight into New York and sucked down remorselessly during her lonely passage in the night was taking its toll.

She puked once more into the toilet bowl.

Wiped her yip with the back of her hand.

"Yeah, Maggie," Jacquette said. "That sounded like a bodacious idea you had."

Jacquette jumped at Noreen. Giggled as she tortured her tits with her fists.

Held her by the wrists.

"If you insist," Noreen purred.

Maggie held a rubber bag trimmed in sterling silver in one hand. In her other fist was a nib on the end of a long tube, hanging off her wrist.

"Bend over. Crack a smile."

"That's the style."

Noreen buckled into the bathtub. Hunched her hiney up in the air.

Showed the pudworks and her raft of pubic hair.

Aimed her anus at the stars.

Winked at them with the raised and crinkled rim of her suckering pucker.

Maggie handed the rubber bag to Jacquette. Then Maggie jerked her arm out.

Collided with Noreen's butt.

Nabbed the nibbling sucker with the silver nib. Reamed the asshole around the rim.

Shoved it in.

"Release," Maggie smirked.

Jacquette gave Noreen the works.


The juices from the rubber jug jagged through the tubing in short pulses. The waters streamed up into Noreen's opening blowhole.

Her belly blew out.

Pangs gripped her innards.

Maggie began to whip Noreen with the ends of her short hair. The slick spikes speared into Noreen from the rear.

Jacquette cackled.

Stepped into the tub.

Kissed Noreen.

Stood back and pissed her.


Slash finished off the reefer in the livingroom. He'd rolled another one but wanted to give himself a headstart.

No trouble for him to get up for the fuck. And even a virgin-well, Slash had already busted far more than his share.

But this one was different. Noreen had called him on his profligacy, his manipulation. The way his arrogance attracted women to him and tortured them at the same time.

She wouldn't go for his usual lines.

But she would go down.

So he'd have to take it slowly. Approach her gently. Enter her carefully.

Keep her calm.

For she was such a prim young thing. He would not wish to debauch her.

Only help her fulfill her self-exploration. Her sexual coming of age in the USA.

He opened his yip. Placed the locoweed reefer roach on the tip of his tongue. Swallowed it with a slug of the crisp wine he had opened after hauling it from the (ridge.

He walked with calculated casualness down the hall. The low drones first sliced into his ears. Then higher, softer titters.


"Come on in, Slash. The water's fine. But take your fucking clothes off first."

Slash grinned. Shimmied out of his shirt and pants. Danced through the open door.

His eyes seared into the scene before him.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!"

He saw Noreen awash as in a dream. She was bent over in the bathtub.

Her ass in the air.

Wet pubic hair sputtering out behind, beneath the stuttering anus. Chocolatey liquid gurgled from her blowhole.

Her nates were spattered by the slather of piss gushing from the little one's hips. The split lips of pussy were reddened and wasted.

Slash saw Maggie wheedling away at Noreen's flesh. She appeared to be trying to hick Noreen with her breasts.

As the piss fizzed over Noreen's face, she threw a look at Slash that said it was the best drink she had ever tasted. Her hide was basted.

Mind wasted.

Slash's erection was like an infection.

He eased his stance.

Made up his mind.

Launched himself forward.

Lanced into the dough.

Noreen squealed as Slash peeled his pecker inside of her twat.


"Shove it up."

Her stomach bunched into a knot.

Her cuntjuices ran hot.

Slash rutted crudely.

Snapped back his ass.

Bashed again into her gash.

Slash tamped out of her cunny and shifted his pecker up. Snarled in her pussy, frictioning Noreen's beating clitoris.

He clambered closer to her haunches and stabbed inside of her rectum.


Slipped his erection into her tum-turn.


Maggie ate into Slash's ass.

Jacquette slipped her blistered cuntlips over his jaw. Loaded her longing labia into his yip. Twisted her hips.

Slash's mouth was filled with Jacquette's cuntfolds. Maggie's mouth gnawed his anus and ballocks as he eased in and out of Noreen.

He snorted the air.

Chewed thick pubic hair.

The essence was rare.

His head in a snare.

The cream cascaded all about him. Three different pussies with different juices.

Cuntcome rolling down the sluices.

Mouth in ass.

Cunt in mouth.

Prick moving in and ‘out.

Head of hog roaring through its snout.

His hand hauled the dingdong from within her innards. He rolled Noreen's submitting body beneath him. Crouched over her tits.

He snicked the tips of her titties with the placement of his pecker.

Whacked her boobs.

Pressed them together.

He ran his dick up between Noreen's knockers. Slipping and sliding the hardmeat.

Curling his thumbs about her niptips. Gripping boobs in his fist.

Slash shoved his prick forward.

The tip of the pecker just reached her mouth as hi lucked in and out of her pile of tits. French-hick in the tits and mouth.

Noreen might be a virgin.

But she knew how.

Her jaw hung wide open. Took in the jabbering length of twanger.

Tasted it to her tonsils.

Slash's ballocks moved against her knockers as his dick delved deeper into Noreen's neck.

Maggie and Jacquette frigged each other off while slugging down wine.

Then they jabbed the bottleneck in between Slash's rutting rumpcheeks.


Noreen caught up Slash's cock in her craw.

She placed her palms on both sides of her columnar neck.

Petted the pecker through her own flesh.

Noreen then played her fingers up and down her neck. Jacking off the dickmeat within.

Her gullet stretched. She retched and gagged. Cokmeat bored inside.

Noreen hacked on the head.

The hammering dong battered within her head. Ringing pervaded her ears.

The cockmeat gave her the slip.

Slash slid out of her yip.


He dropped the neat meat between her hips. Into her twat he did dip.

The lining gave way with a rip.

"I don't know," Noreen said. "I've never had a dick in this far before."

"You'll get used to it."

Maggie sat on Slash's face. Jacquette drooled around his waist.

He kept his cockmeat rutting in place.

Then weaseled it out.

Stuck it in her face.

"You want me to love you, Slash?" Noreen puled, "You'll have to piss me down."

"Ah ha!"

Slash wiggled his penis in his hands. Jiggled the wad of nutmeats.

The spurts of micturition piped from the eye at the tip of his prong.

Urine crashed to Noreen's freckled face. Decorating it like fragile lace.

Penis ejected frothy silver shoots. Dashed out dollops of pizzle against her face.


Maggie shoved her pussy over Noreen's tits. Slash bit into her fanny.

Maggie twitched, lucked into Noreen. Laced into her face with leathered fist.

Jacquette had strung her hair up into a tail, reminiscent of that she had tasted at the whims of the lascivious Chiquita.

She stepped into place and did what she liked best. Wee-weed on Noreen.

Whipped out arrestingly.

Noreen whined as she was covered with cuntcome, urine, and genital sludge.

Slash cracked off a round of jissom. The come entered Noreen and was pulsed forth by her contorting quim.

Slash's jizz twinkled in the seam between Noreen's twatlips.

It turned into a pearlescent nacre as it mixed with the piss. Oiliness of cunt was brought to a boil as Noreen fried herself.

Strands of the ponytail whip flipped against her clit as the piss rained against her craven face. Noreen jabbered without disgrace.

This was her brave new world.

And she had made it that way.

Pullulating penis pestered her hide.

Ointments festered inside her fuzz. Noreen was draped with the cake Of the rutting bodies beside her. Her mouth moved in supplication.

Hands yanked in masturbation.

It was, after all, a special occasion.

Noreen's first time.

She sank into the slime.

Susurrations slushed from her mouth. Suppurations of pussjuice pulsed from her quim. Her clit burned from within.

Her asshole juddered about the rim. Nibbling the fingers that gave it a trim.

Noreen let her muscles relax. Juices flowed freely from deep inside. Discharging jissom from all orifices with a sigh.

Noreen felt cleansed.


And born to hick and suck.

She was a born-again bitch.

And would satisfy that itch.

Suspiration of her cuntlips and wanger wedged into her thighs.

Sigh of her blowhole.

Instant and growing orgasm as she attempted to breathe slowly and relax.

It wasn't over for Noreen at all.

It was only beginning.
