
Endless thanks to my friends and family members who have supported and encouraged me throughout this process, especially my brother, Rich, who has always had my back, even if he was making stupid faces behind it. Thanks and love you, bro.

Mom and Dad, thank you for running the grassroots campaign by taking my books into the bank and sharing the news with the bank tellers, and also for getting the Portuguese community involved. Donna, thank you for your kind words and willingness to read at the drop of a hat.

To my cousin, Debbie: Thank you so much for the love, support, and encouragement.

Kristina Radi, for offering all of that fantastic Chicago material. I got such a sense of the city from you. Thank you.

Many thanks to my agent, Christina Hogrebe, who from day one believed in the work.

Angie, thank you for taking the time out of your crazy schedule to be a part of this.

Daralyn Christensen, from my entire heart I am thankful to you for so graciously sharing your story with me. You opened my eyes to diabetes and the experience of living with a diabetic partner. The details you offered helped me to grasp the disease in a way that made it tangible and real and possible for me to present through Kate’s eyes.

To Roberta Bohn, for the time you took to answer my questions and for your superb Chicago inside scoops.

To my editor, Jhanteigh Kupihea, who I’m pretty sure has cloned herself at least four times. Your speed, energy, and enthusiasm have to be unmatched. Thank you for your hard work and responsiveness.

To the authors who have offered me so much advice and support, including Authors Off the Shelf, Joanna, Kylie, Kim J., Katy, Kim, Carey, and the goddesses—thank you.

To the D2 crew and the Ramies, you inspire me.

To the readers and bloggers who read and loved Sweet Thing and have been on the lookout for my next work, thank you so much. Your enthusiasm has kept me going all these months.

Heather, there are no words to express my gratitude. “Thank you” barely scratches the surface of what I want to say to you, but I’ll start there. Thank you for being passionate about this world and for being the best signing assistant EVER! And for being a great friend and all-around awesome person. Love you.

To my boys who remind me every day how much fun it is to daydream and pretend. Thank you for not letting me grow old too fast. Thank you for being my best teachers.

Finally to Anthony, a true Renaissance Man, who can build anything, weld anything, grow anything, do anything while wearing his Converse well. Thank you for making the best coffee and for the eighteen billion other things you do.
