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19. Francis Hitching. The Neck of The Giraffe. — Bergenfield, New Jersey: Renguin Books, 1982.
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21. Tom Kemp. A Fresh Look at The Fossil Record. // New Scientist, 1985, Vol. 108, № 1485 (December 5).
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23. Loren Eiseley. The Secret of life in The Immense Journey. — New York: Random House, 1957.
24. Michael Denton. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. — Bethesda, Marylan: Adler and Publishers; 1986.
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27. Fred Hoyle. Hoyle on Evolution. // Nature, 1981, Vol. 294, No. 5837 (November 12).
28. David Creen and Robert Coldberger. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
29. C.P. Martin. A Non—Ceneticist Look at Evolution, // American Scientist, 1953, Vol. 41, No. 1 (January).
30. Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, Vol. 10.
31. Pierre—Paul Grasse. Evolution of Living Organisms. — New York: Academic Press, 1977.
32. L. Harrison Matthews. Introduction to Darwin's The Origin of Species. — London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1971.
33. John Moore. On Chromosomes, Mutation and Phylogeny, 1971, December 27. As quoted in Ref. [39, p. 111].
34. Richard Dawkins. What Was All The Fuss About? // Nature, 1985, Vol. 316 (August 22).
35. Michael Pitman. Adam and Evolution. — London: Rider, 1984.
36. Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species. — London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1971.
37. Robert Jastrow. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe. As quoted in Ref. [39, p. 18].
38. Isaac Asimov. In the Came of Energy and Thermodynamic You Can't Even Break Even. // Smithsonian, 1970, June.
39. life — How did it get here? By Evolution or by Creation? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society/ of New York, 1985.
40. Jack Fincher. The Brain: Mystery of Matter and Mind, 1981. As quoted in Ref. [39, p. 172].
41. Michael Recce and Phillip Treleavan. Computing from the Brain. //. New Scientist, 1988, Vol. 118, No. 1614, May 26.
42. Carl Sagan. Cosmos. 1980. As quoted in Pef. [39, p. 172].
43. On Call, 1972, July 3. As quoted in Ref. [39, p. 108].
44. Francis Hitching. The Neck of the Giraffe. — New Jersey, Bergenfield: Renguin Books, 1982.
45. Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species, 190nd Edition, II.
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49. Walter J. Bock. // Science, 1969, Vol. 164.
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50. Duane T. Cish. Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record. — California; Sacramento: Creation—life Publishers, 1985.
52. Keith L. Moore. The Developing Human. — Philadelphia, Pittsburgh: 1988.
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56. William R. Fix. The Bone Peddlers. — New York: Macmillan Publ. Co., 1984.
57. Wolfgang Smith. Teilhardism and the New Religion. — Illinois; Tan Books & Publishers, 1988.
58. Colin Patterson. // Keynote address at the American Museum of Natural History. — New York City, 1981, November 5.
59. John Durant. How evolution became a scientific myth. // New Scientist, 1980, September 11.
60. LoUis Bounoure. // The Advocate, 1984, March 8.
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63. Michael Walker. To have evolved or to have not? That is the question. // Quadrant, 1981, October.
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65. Fred Hoyle and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe. Evolution from Space. — London: J. M. Dent & Company, 1981.
66. H.S. lApson. A physicist looks at evolution. // Physics Bulletin, 1980, Vol. 31.
67. Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species. — London: Mentor edition, 1958.
68. Т.Н. Huxley. Quated in «Life and Letters of Thomes Henry Huxley», Vol. 1, L. Huxley, ed., Macmillan, 1903.
69. I.L. Cohen. Darwin Was Wrong — A Study in Probabilities, P.O. Box 231, Creenvale, New York, 11548: New Research Publication, Inc., 1984.
71. L. Harrison Mattews. Introduction to Darwin's The Origin of Species. — London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1971.
72. G.A. Kerkut Implication of Evolution. — London: Pergamon Press, 1960.
73. Francis Hitching. The Neck of the Giraffe. — New Jersey, Bergenfield: Renguin Books, 1982.
74. Paul A. Moody. Introduction to Evolution. — New York: Harper & Row, 1962.
75. Pobert Jastrow. The Enchanted Loom: Mind in The Universe 1981. As quoted in Ref. [39, p. 17].
76. Albert Einstein. The World as See It. A. Einstein, translated by A. Harris. — New York: Penman Bros, 1943.
77. Duane T. Gich. Evolution: The Challenge of Fossil Record, California, Sacramento: Creation—life Publishers, 1985.
78. Paul S. Taylor. The Illustrated Origins Answer Book. Films for Christ Association. — Arisona: Foenix, 1989.