So many wonderful people helped me while I was writing this book that I hardly know where to begin with my thank-yous.
To my family-my husband, Barry, and my daughters, Laura Geyer and Sarah Glass-you were always there when I needed you. Really, I couldn’t have done it without you.
To my sisters-Susan Woythaler, Alison Jacobs, Deborah Kelchner, and Katherine Carstens-who will know why.
To friends and family who gave me a warm bed, hot meals, and a quiet place to write while I toured-Alison and Joe Jacobs, Susan and Saul Woythaler, Betty Lou and David Walsman, Terri Ryburn-LaMonte, and Elizabeth Talley-I can come out and play now.
To Chief Wayne M. Bradley and Captain Robert A. Edler, Jr., of the Chestertown Police Department, Chestertown, Maryland; and to Corporal Arthur Griffies of Maryland State Police Barracks “J” in Annapolis, Maryland, for cheerfully answering my questions. If I got it wrong, it’s entirely my fault, not theirs.
To Suzanne Fischer of Chestertown, Maryland, for so generously inviting me into her home and for allowing me to put a body in her bathtub.
To Janice Gary, Executive Director, and the staff of First Night Annapolis-especially Jan “Red” Adkins-for their courtesy and for letting me paw through their archives.
To Luci Zahray, “The Poison Lady,” who proves every day how dangerous a home can be!
To S. Brent Morris, Charles Mylander, and Chuck Hanna, because I’ve never been very good at math: Thanks 106.
To Jackie Cantor-editor, advocate, and friend, above and beyond-and to Abby Zidle, a rare gem.
To my agent, Jimmy Vines, for believing in me.
To my writers’ groups-Sujata Massey, John Mann, Janice McLane, and Karen Diegmueller in Baltimore, and Janet Benrey, Trish Marshall, Mary Ellen Hughes, Ray Flynt, Bonnie Settle, Caroline Buppert, Christiane Carlson-Thies, and Sherriel Mattingly in Annapolis-for tough love. Sherriel, if you should ever tire of librarianship, I am sure there’s a job waiting for you at Hallmark Cards.
To Linda Sprenkle, fellow adventurer, location scout, and dear friend.
To Barbara Parker, friend, feng shui consultant, and Web maven, extraordinaire.
And to Kate Charles and Deborah Crombie-dearest of friends, confidantes, and advisers-the reason why ten-cents-a-minute long-distance services had to be invented.