Tuesday, 6:15 P.M., Seoul

Kim Hwan saw Donald sitting on a curb, his forehead in his hands, his jacket and pants covered with blood.

"Gregory!" he shouted as he jogged over.

Donald looked up. There was tear-streaked blood on his cheeks and in his disheveled silver hair. He tried to rise but his legs shook and he fell back; Hwan caught him and hugged him tightly as he sat down. The agent pulled away just long enough to make sure none of the blood was Donald's, then embraced him again.

Donald's words were swallowed by his sobs. His breath was coming in gasps.

"Don't say anything," Hwan said softly. "My assistant told me."

Donald didn't seem to hear him. "She… she was a… blameless… soul."

"She was. God will care for her."

"Kim… He shouldn't have her… I should. She should be here…"

Hwan fought back tears of his own as he pressed his cheek to Donald's head. "I know."

"Who did she… offend? There was… no evil in her. I don't understand." He pressed his face into Hwan's breast. "I want her back, Kim… I want… her…"

Hwan saw a medic turn toward them and motioned him over. Still holding Donald, Hwan rose slowly.

"Donald, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to go with someone. Let them make sure you're all right."

The medic put a hand on Donald's arm but he wrested it away.

"I want to see Soonji. Where have they taken… my wife?"

Hwan looked at the medic, who pointed toward a movie theater. There were body bags on the floor, and more were being carried in.

"She's being cared for, Gregory, and you need care yourself. You may have injuries."

"I'm all right."

"Sir," the medic said to Hwan, "there are others—"

"Of course, I'm sorry. Thank you."

The medic hurried off and Hwan took a step back. Holding Donald by the shoulders, he looked into the dark eyes, always so full of love but now red and glazed with pain. He wouldn't force him to go to the hospital, but leaving him here, alone, was not an option.

"Gregory, would you do me a favor?"

Donald was staring through Hwan, weeping again.

"I need help with this case. Would you come with me?"

Donald looked at him. "I want to stay with Soonji."


"I love her. She… needs me."

"No," Hwan said softly. "You can do nothing for her." He turned Donald around and pointed to the theater a block away. "You don't belong there, you belong with those of us you can help. Come with me. Help me to find the people who did this."

Donald blinked several times, then absently patted his pockets. Hwan reached into Donald's pocket.

"Is this what you want?" he asked, handing him his pipe.

Donald took it, his movements awkward and halting, and Hwan helped him put it in his mouth. When he didn't reach for his tobacco, Hwan took him by the elbow and walked him away, through the settling dust and increasing activity in the square.
