Caspian Sea, 286*, 350, 353, 394, 397†
Castes, origins of, 20
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 159
in Assyria, 274–275
in India, 398, 484–489, 623–624
in Japan, 851
Cathay, 760
Caucasus, 119, 266, 283, 286, 355
Cave of a Thousand Buddhas, 728–729
Celestial Kingdom, 797*
Censorinus, Latin grammarian (fl. 238), 181
Censors, 798
Central America, 42, 54
Century of Love, 580
Ceramics, in primitive societies, 87
in prehistoric cultures, 101
Sumerian, 117, 133–134
Egyptian, 191
Babylonian, 227
Assyrian, 278
Indian, 585
Chinese, 754–759
Japanese, 899–901
Ceres, 60, 200
Ceylon , 14, 21, 56, 391, 392, 393, 394, 401, 449, 450, 451, 456, 503, 506, 531*, 594, 595, 602, 603
Chaco, Gran, 50
Chaldæa , 179. Also see Mesopotamia, Babylonia
Châlons-sur-Marne, 72
Chalukya , 456, 600
Chamberlain, B. H., 924
Champollion, Jean-François, French archeologist (1790–1832), 91, 142, 144–145
Ch’an (chän) (state), 680
Chand Bardei , Indian poet, 580
Chandalas , 399, 452, 487
Chandi Das , Indian poet (ca. 1400), 491, 580–581, 621
Chandogya Upanishad
, 416
Chandragupta Maurya , King of Magadha (322-298 B.C.), 441–445, 477, 478, 481, 493, 596
Chandragupta I, King of Magadha (320-330), 451
Chang Heng (jäng hŭng), Chinese astronomer (fl. 139), 780, 781
Chang Ts’ang (jäng tsäng), Chinese mathematician (died 152 B.C.), 781
Chang Yen-yüan (jäng yăn-ü-wän’), Chinese historian of art (9th century), 747
Ch’ang-an (chäng-än), 453, 454, 698*, 701, 702, 703, 704, 707, 708, 714, 747, 779, 835
Changchun , 920†
Chanson de Roland, 455
Chao (jou) (state), 695
Chapei (jä-pā), 814
Charaka , Indian physician, (fl. 120), 450, 530, 531, 532
Charlemagne, see Charles I
Charles I, King of France and Emperor of, the West (742-814), 151, 391*, 455
Charon, 202
Chartres, 307
Charvakas , 418–419, 522, 534
Chastity, in primitive society, 45–46
Chateaubriand, François Auguste, Viscount de, Frenchman of letters (1768–1848), 754
Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra , Indian novelist (1838–1894), 555
Chaucer, Geoffrey, English poet (1328–1400); 178
Chauna Buddha’s charioteer, 426
Chauri Chaura , 630
Chehil Minar , 379–380
Chellean Culture, 93
Chelmsford, Frederick John Napier The-siger, Viscount (1863–1933), 621
Chemistry, 529
Chemosh , national god of the Moabites, 312, 321
Cheng (jŭng) (duchy), 646
Ch’eng Wang (chŭng wäng), Chinese emperor (1115–078 B.C.), 780
see Khufu
Chephren (kě’-frěn), see Khafre
Cherokee Indians, 49
Chess, 500
Cheyenne Indians, 49
Chi (jē), Duke of (ca. 480 B.C.), 664
Ch’i (chē) (state), 645, 646, 662, 663, 680, 683, 685, 790
Ch’i, Duke of (ca. 520 B.C.), 662, 663
Chia Ch’ing , Chinese emperor (1796–1821), 798
Chia-ling River, 749
Chiang Kai-shek (jē-äng’ kī-shěk’), Chinese dictator (1888-), 812, 816, 818
Chibchas, 15
Chicago, 618
Chicago, University of, īraq Expedition, 274*
Chieh Kuei (jē’-ŭ gwā), Chinese emperor (1818–1766 B.C.), 644, 680–681, 686
Ch’ien Lung , Chinese emperor (1736–1796), 722, 736, 758, 768–769
Chikamatsu Monzayemon , Japanese dramatist (1653-1724), 891
Childe, V. Gordon, 395†
Childhood, in primitive societies, 50–51
Ch’in (province), 645–6, 685, 694
Ch’in Dynasty, 779
Ch’in, Queen of, mother of Shih Huang-ti (ca. 250 B.C.), 694
China, 13, 42, 60, 93, 94, 108, 144, 162, 191, 222*, 312*, 422, 449, 451, 453, 464, 479, 501, 504, 506, 527, 594, 595, 596, 602, 606, 622, 626, 628, 633, 639–823, 829, 833, 835, 839, 846, 853, 857, 859, 860, 861, 866, 872, 874, 875, 876, 877*, 891, 892, 903, 912, 918, 919, 920, 924, 925, 928–929, 930, 931, 932
China Medical Board, 820*
Chinese Eastern Railroad, 931
Chinese Revolution, 641, 642, 686, 810–811, 818, 819
, Five, 664–665
Ching Ti , Chinese emperor (1450-1457), 757
Ch’ing Dynasty, 767
also see Manchu Dynasty
Ching-te-chen , 757, 758, 805
Chinkiang , 804
Chippewa Indians, 33
Chita , 931
Chitaldrug , 396*
Chitor , 393, 455–456, 461, 475
, 620*
Chittagong Hill tribes, 16
Choctaw Indians, 74
Cholas , 456, 490
Choshu , 905
Chota Nagpur , 501
Chou (jō) (state), 645, 652, 658, 662, 680
Chou, Duke of, 646, 780
Chou Dynasty, 645, 650, 696, 721, 736, 738, 782
Chou Hsin , Chinese Nero (1154–1123 B.C.), 645, 680, 681, 686
Chou Kou Tien (jō gō tē-ăn’), 90, 92
Chou-kung , Chinese statesman and legislator (1115–1079 B.C.), 646, 680
Chou-li (jō-lē), 646
Christ, 305, 310, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, 325, 333†, 337, 349, 428, 429, 431, 449, 565, 590, 614, 617, 656, 657, 669, 670
Christianity, 62, 201, 202, 240, 319, 367, 368, 469, 470, 471, 504, 505, 508*, 524, 613, 615, 676, 746, 787–788, 840, 842–843, 861
Christians, Early, 242
Christian Science, 544*
Christmas, 372
Chrysostom, St. John, Greek Christian Father (347?-407), 17
Ch’u (kingdom), 678, 695
Chu Hsi , Confucian philosopher (1130-1200), 665, 686, 731–732, 735, 748, 787, 866, 871
Ch’u Ping , Chinese poet (died ca. 350 B.C.), 694
Chuang-tze (jwäng-dzŭ), Chinese philosopher (born 370 B.C.), 653*, 677, 688–692, 693, 785
Chü-fu , 658, 747
, China’s name for China, 641
Chung-kung , Confucian disciple (ca. 500 B.C.), 670
Chung-kuo, or Middle Kingdom, 643–644
Chung-tu , 662
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Roman orator and man of letters (106-43 B.C.), 27*
Cilicia, 355
Cilicians, 285
Cimbri, 86
Cimmerians, 267, 273, 285
Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius, Roman dictator (ca. 520-440 B.C.), 568
Cinderella, 175
Circumcision, 313, 331
Circus Maximus, 275
City of the Dead, 141
Civil service examinations, 800–802
Civilization, a young word, 2*
defined, 1, 5* Clan, 21–22, 29
Classes, see caste system
Classic of Filial Piety, 861
Clay Cart, 572-574, 576
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (51-30 B.C.), 140, 144, 165, 216
Clive, Robert, Baron, English general and statesman (1725-1774), 481–482, 612, 613, 614
Clothing, in primitive societies, 47, 85–86
Code Napoléon, 917
“Coffin Texts,” 174
Colebrooke, Henry Thomas, English Orientalist (1765-1837), 391*
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, English poet and critic (1772-1834), 761*
Colombia, 15
Colonisation, 293
Colosseum, 479
Columbus, Christopher, Italian explorer (1451–1506), 104, 391*, 479, 803
Combarelles, 97*
Compass, 780
Complete System of Natural Astrology 526
Concubinage, 41
Confucius , Chinese philosopher (551-479 B.C.), 193, 325, 422, 643, 646, 648, 649, 651, 657, 658–677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 684, 686, 689, 690, 693, 694, 697, 702, 705, 718, 721, 722, 723, 731, 732, 737, 747*, 784–785, 786, 789, 793, 800, 817, 818, 820, 821, 839, 866, 867, 868–869, 870, 872, 873, 924
Congo, 10, 65, 75
Congo River, 86
Conquistadores, 9
Constantine the Great, Roman emperor (306-337), 246
Constantinople, 776*, 834
Constitution of the United States, 625
Conti, Niccolò, Italian traveler (fl. 1419-1444), 457, 481, 495
Cook, Captain James, English circumnavigator (1728-1779), 84, 86, 104
Cooking, in primitive societies, 9–10
in prehistoric cultures, 95
Babylonian, 226
Indian, 477
Chinese, 775
Japanese, 836, 856
Coomaraswamy , Ananda K., 625*
Copenhagen, Glyptothek at, 595
Copper, 102–103, 136
Copts, 772
Cordova, 834
Corsica, 293
Cosmetics, in primitive societies, 84–85
in Sumeria, 130
in Egypt, 168–169
in Babylonia, 248
in Judea, 303
in Persia, 356
in India, 499
in China, 770
in Japan, 854–855
Cosmos (Von Humboldt), 462
Costume, Sumerian, 119
Egyptian, 169
Babylonian, 222
in Judea, 303
Persian, 356
Indian, 498
Chinese, 770–771
Japanese, 836, 855, 922
Counting, 78–79
Coup-de-poing, 93, 95
Courts, in primitive societies, 28
Cousin, Victor, French philosopher (1792–1867), 53
Cram, Ralph Adams, 895
Creation, in Sumerian legend, 134
in Babylonian legend, 236, 237*
in the Old Testament, 329–330
in the Vedas, 409
Crespigny, C. de, 37
Cretans, 217
Crete, 97, 106, 107, 116, 141, 160, 215, 218, 254, 286–287, 293, 295, 331‡, 397, 578†
Crime, in primitive societies, 52–53
Critique of Pure Reason, 547
Croce, Benedetto, 749†
Croesus , King of Lydia (570-546 B.C.), 289-290, 353, 354
Cro-Magnons, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97
Croo, 42
Crusaders, 120
Crusades, 479, 756
Crux ansata, 199
Ctesias, Greek historian and physician (fl.400 B.C.), 283
Culture, defined, 5*
Cultures, primitive, see under Acheulean Culture, Aurignacian Culture, etc.
Cunaxa , 362*, 382
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, Viceroy of India (1859-1925), 626
Custom, 26–27
Cyaxares , King of the Medes (640-584 B.C.), 225, 283, 351
Cybele , 60, 200, 288, 296
Cyprus, 245, 292, 293, 295
Cyril, St., Archbishop of Alexandria (376?-444), 216
Cyropædia, 352
Cyrus the Great, King of the Medes and the Persians (555-529 B.C.), 120, 182, 227, 263, 287, 290, 325*, 326, 327, 352–353, 357, 359, 378, 380, 381
Cyrus the Younger, Persian prince (424?-401 B.C.), 362*
Czechoslovakia, 94, 97
Daevas, 367
, 840, 897–898
Daigo (dī-gō), Emperor of Japan (898-930), 835, 878
Daimyo (dī-myō), 846, 850, 886, 893
Dairen (dī-rěn’), 920†
Dalai Lama (dä-lī lä-mä), 507
Damaras, 38, 79
Damascus, 267, 296, 303, 317, 337, 756, 896
“Damascus” steel, 529
Damayanti , 491, 564
Dan, 299
Dananu , Elamite general (ca. 650 B.C.), 269
Dance, origins of, 88
in Egypt, 166
in India, 586–587
in China, 721, 723
in Japan, 893
Danes, 10
Daniel, 223, 263, 340, 346, 351
Daniyal , son of Akbar (ca. 1600), 495
Dante, see Alighieri
Danube River, 355
Doric, 358*
Darius I Hystaspes, King of Persia (521-485 B.C.), 31, 249, 291, 327, 354–355, 356, 358, 359–360, 362, 364, 365, 371, 373, 375, 378–379, 381
Darius II Ochus, King of Persia (423-404 B.C.), 382
Darius III Codomannus, King of Persia (338-330 B.C.), 363, 382–385
Darmesteter, James, French critic (1849-1894), 367*
Darwin, Charles Robert, English naturalist (1809–1882), 17, 84, 86, 95, 617, 657, 691
Dasa-ratha , 567, 568, 570
Daulatabad , 461
David, King of the Jews (1010-974 B.C.), 241, 259, 304–305, 306, 310, 312, 332, 339, 340, 374, 581
Davids, T. W. Rhys, English Orientalist (1843–1922), 391*, 428*
Dawn Man, see Piltdown Man
Dawson, Charles, 92
Dawson, Christopher, 222*
De Intellectus Emendatione, 867*
Deborah , Hebrew prophetess (13th century B.C.), 333, 340
Deccan (děk’-kän), 394, 396, 456, 473, 475, 555, 581
Decimal system, 180, 527, 781
Declaration of Independence, 625
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 625
Degas, Edgar, French painter (1834-1917), 912
Deioces (dī’-ō-sēz), King of the Medes (fl. 709 B.C.), 340
Delaware Indians, 22
Delft, 900
Delhi , 2, 393, 394, 460–461, 463, 464, 465, 468, 469, 478, 484, 591, 592, 607, 608, 610
Delhi Sultanate, 460–464
Delilah , 340
Delphic oracle, 77
Delta of the Nile, 137–138, 287
Demeter, 60, 127, 200, 235, 238, 595
Democritus, Greek philosopher (400?-357? B.C.), 529, 536, 552
De Morgan, Jacques, French archeologist (1857-1924), 94, 117*, 122
Denderah (děn’-dēr-ä), 185
Dengyo Daishi (děn-gyō dī-shē), Japanese painter (10th century), 903
Denmark, 98
Der-el-Bahri (dār-ěl-bä’-rē), 154, 185, 188, 189
Description de l’ Égypte, 144
Desmoulins, Camille, French revolutionary (1762-1794), 24
Detroit Museum of Fine Arts, 591
Deuteronomy, 321–329
, 490–491, 496, 586
Devadatta , 436
Dewey, John, 535, 821
Dhanamjaya , Indian dramatic theorist (ca. 1000), 574*
Dhanwantari , Indian physician (ca. 525 B.C.), 530, 532
, 544
, 484, 487, 488
, 483–484
Dhrita-rashtra , 562, 570
, 544
Dialogue of a Misanthrope, 195-196
“Diamond Sutra,” 729
Dickens, Charles, English novelist (1812–1870), 885
Dicta, Mt., 391‡
Diderot, Denis, French encyclopedist (1713-1784), 639
Dingiraddamu , Sumerian poet (ca. 2800 B.C.), 121
Din Ilahi
, 470–471
Dinkard, 365
Dinkas, 60, 86
Diodorus Siculus, Greek historian (1st century B.C.), 69, 139*, 147, 158, 159*, 165, 166, 183, 224*, 267, 269, 283*, 331‡ 384*
Diogenes, Greek cynic philosopher (ca. 413-323 B.C.), 542
Diomedes, 16
Dionysus, 331‡, 403
Diophantus, Greek mathematician (fl. 360), 528*
Discourse on the Progress of the Sciences and Arts, 693*
Discourses and Dialogues, 665
Dishonesty, in primitive societies, 52
Divorce, in primitive societies, 49
in Sumeria, 130
in Egypt, 166
in Babylonia, 247
in Judea, 336
in India, 494
in China, 792
in Japan, 924
Doctrine of the Mean, 666, 672
Dog Island, 104
“Dogs of Fo,” 759
Domestication of animals, 135
in primitive societies, 8
in prehistoric cultures, 99–100
in Sumeria, 125, 135
in Egypt, 135
in China, 774
Dominicans, 788*
Dordogne, 92
Dorians, 215, 397
“Double standard,” origins of, 34–35
Doukhobors, 498
Dowager Empress, see T’zu Hsi
Drama, in India, 571–577
in China, 721–723
in Japan, 889–891
Draupadi , 401, 561, 570
Dravidians, 61–62, 396, 397, 398, 406, 479, 485*, 593, 600
Dream of the Red Chamber, 718
Dreams, 57–58
Druids, 60
Dryden, John, English poet and dramatist (1631–1700), 391*
Dubois, Jean Antoine, French missionary (1765-1848), 199*, 480, 484*, 486*, 491, 496, 499, 515*, 521*, 522*, 545*, 615
Duel, in primitive societies, 28
Dumas, Alexandre, père, French novelist (1803–1870), 885
Dungi , King of Ur (ca. 2400 B.C.), 123, 127, 135
Duodecimal system, 79
Durga , 509; also see Kali
, 501
Durkheim, Emile, 62*
Dur-Sharrukin, see Khorsabad
Duryodhan, i.e., Duryodhana , 562
Dushyanti , 575, 576
Düsseldorf, 94
Dutch, 603, 613, 804
Dutch East India Company, 857*
Dutt, Narendranath , see Vivekananda
Dyaks (dī’-ăkz), 15, 22, 53, 54, 64
Dyananda, Sarasvaty , Indian reformer (1824-1883), 616†
Dyaus pitar
, 60, 401
Ea , 128, 237, 238
Eannatum , King of Lagash (ca. 2800 B.C.), 133
Earth worship, 60–61
East India Company, 479, 613–614
Easter, 79
Easter Island, 77, 78, 107
Eastern Archipelago, 77, 78, 87
Eastern Han Dynasty, 698*
Ebers Papyrus, 182, 183
Ecbatana , 227, 350, 352, 362, 379, 442
Ecclesiastes, 259, 261, 262*. 329, 345, 346–349, 523
École de l’ extrème Orient, 604
Eden, 61, 219
Edifying Story Book, 884
Edmunds, J. A., 504†
Edomites, 285, 298, 299
Education in primitive societies, 74–75
in Sumeria, 129
in Egypt, 170–171
in Persia, 376
in India, 485, 556–560
in China, 661–662, 799–800, 819–820
in Japan, 877, 926
Egypt, 24*, 47, 61, 68, 94, 97, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 117, 119, 125, 133, 135, 136, 137–217, 218, 222, 223–224, 226, 227, 228, 247, 248, 254, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 285, 288, 289, 293, 295, 296, 298, 300, 301, 306, 307, 310, 313, 318, 321, 324, 329, 331‡, 353, 354, 362, 363, 370, 379, 384, 393, 395, 400, 449, 479, 532, 578†, 633* 641, 728, 755†, 892
Egypt and Israel, 300*
“Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup,” 708
Eighteenth Dynasty, 152, 160, 170
Eightfold Way, 430, 447
Ekken, Kaibara , Japanese philosopher (1630-1714), 861, 868–870, 871
Ekron (ěk-rôn), 312
El (ěl), 294, 297
Elam (ē-lăm), 102, 105, 106, 108, 117, 121, 123, 126, 133, 219, 252, 265, 268, 270, 362
Elamites, 117, 123
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, 223
Elephanta , 594, 599
Elephantine , 185
Eleventh Dynasty (Egypt), 183
Elihu , 345
Elijah , the Tishbite, Hebrew prophet translated to heaven (ca. 895 B.C.), 313, 314, 315
Eliot, Sir Charles, 428*, 434*, 544†, 561, 615
Elisha , Hebrew prophet (ca. 890-840 B.C.), 312*, 314
Elizabeth, Queen of England (1558-1603), 469, 838
Elliotson, John, English physician (1791-1868), 532
, 297, 329
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, British Colonial administrator (1779–1859), 474, 481, 614
Elura , 598, 601
Elysian Fields, 202
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, American philosopher and poet (1803-1882), 352, 415, 631
Eminent Painters of All Ages, 747
Empedocles, Greek philosopher (fl. 500 B.C.), 533
Empire (Egypt), 151*, 154, 169, 170, 190, 191
Encyclopedia Britannica (14th edition), 703†
Engi (ěn-gē) Period (in Japan), 835
Engidu , 251–254
Engineering, in Sumeria, 124, 133
in Egypt, 159–160
in Babylonia, 224†, 225, 226
in Assyria, 274
in Persia, 358
in India, 478, 601
in China, 695, 696, 774, 778
England, 3, 24*, 247, 292, 293, 323, 393, 409, 554, 576, 606, 612, 613, 629, 804, 808, 810, 815*, 817, 830, 890, 891, 918, 928, 932
English (language), 406, 622
English (race), 500
Enlil , 127
Enlil-nadin-apli , King of Babylonia (1122–1116 B.C.), 223*
Enoch (ē’-nŭk), 313, 346
Enquiries into Religion and Culture, 222*
Entemenu , 134*
Eoanthropus, see Piltdown Man
Ephraim (kingdom), 315, 317, 329
Epicureanism, 195
Epicurus, Greek philosopher (340-270 B.C.), 56, 421
Erech , see Uruk
Ereshkigal , 238
Eridu , 118, 119, 128, 133
Esarhaddon , King of Assyria (681-699 B.C.), 268, 278, 281
Eschatology, Sumerian, 128–129
Egyptian, 148, 149, 150, 202–204
Babylonian, 240
Persian, 370–371
Indian, 413–414, 514–517
Chinese, 784, 785
Japanese, 864
Escorial, 604
Esdaile, James, British psychologist (1808-1859), 532
Eskimos, 6, 13, 17, 22, 32, 52, 53, 54, 57, 88
Essai sur le Pali, 391*
Essays, Chinese, 719–721
Japanese, 887–889
Esther, 303*, 333, 340
, 851, 926
Ethiopia, 269, 318
Ethiopians, 24*, 146, 215
Euclid, Greek geometer (fl. 300 B.C.), 240
Euler, Leonard, Swiss mathematician (1707-1783), 528
Euphrates River, 118, 119, 123, 124, 136, 154–160, 218, 219*, 221, 226, 227, 228, 268, 299, 358, 394
Euripides, Greek dramatist (480-406 B.C.), 341*, 577
Eve, 330
Everyman, 889
Exodus, the, 214, 301*, 302
Exogamy, 41–42
Ezekiel (ē-zē’-kyěl), (ca. 580 B.C.), 312, 324–325
Ezra , Hebrew scribe and reformer (fl. 444 B.C.), 328, 329
Fables, Egyptian, 175
Babylonian, 250
Indian, 578
Fa-Hien , Chinese traveler (fl. 399-414), 451–452, 589
, 545*
Family, 29–35
in Sumeria, 130
in Egypt, 164–166
in Babylonia, 247
in Assyria, 275
in Judea, 303, 333–334, 335–337
in Persia, 374, 375
in India, 492
in China, 789, 791, 792, 793, 794, 819
in Japan, 860–861
Fardapur , 589*
Farghana , 464
Fars (färz), 356, 372
Farsistan , see Fars
Father, the, in primitive societies, 30–32, 34 Fathpur-Sikri , 467, 468, 471, 481, 607–608, 610
Faure, Élie, 217
Faust (Goethe), 574
Fayum , 94, 159
Fellatah , 85
Feng Tao (fŭng dou), Chinese statesman and patron of printing (ca. 932), 729, 730
Fenollosa, Ernest, 751, 831, 853*
Fergusson, James, Scotch architect and historian of architecture (1808-1886), 504†, 597, 598–599, 600, 601, 741
Fête des fous, 66
Fetishism, 67
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, German philosopher (1762-1810), 554
Fiction, Egyptian, 175
Hebrew, 340
Indian, 579–580
Chinese, 717–718
Japanese. 881-885, 926
Fielding, Henry, English novelist (1707–1754), 891
Fifth Dynasty (Egypt), 161, 189
Fiji, 34, 35, 77
Fijians, 10, 27, 60
Finance, in Sumeria, 125, 126
in Egypt, 160–161
in Babylonia, 228–229
in Assyria, 274
in Lydia, 289
in Phoenicia, 295
in Persia, 358
in India, 395, 400–401, 480
in China, 779–780
in Japan, 934
Fines, in primitive societies, 27–28
in Babylonia, 230–232
in India, 487
Finland, 103
Fire, in primitive societies, 10, 11–12
in prehistoric cultures, 95–96
Firishta, Muhammad Qasim , Moslem historian (ca. 1610), 467, 579
Firoz Shah , Sultan of Delhi (1351-1388), 458, 461, 483
Fishing, in primitive societies, 6–7
in Egypt, 156
in Babylonia, 226–227
in China, 647
FitzGerald, Edward, English poet (1809–1883), 883
Five Ching
, 664–665
“Five Rulers,” 643-644
Flood, 330
in Sumerian legend, 119–120, 134
in the Bible, 330
Florence, 1, 3, 738
“Flower District,” Tokyo, 862
Flowers, see gardens
Font de Gaume, 97*
Foochow , 805, 929
Food, in primitive societies, 5–11
in Sumeria, 128
in Egypt, 156
in Babylonia, 226–227
in Assyria, 274*
in Judea, 330
in Persia, 357
in India, 497
in China, 774–775
in Japan, 855–856
“Forbidden City,” 742
Formosa , 804, 806, 918, 927*
Fort Sargon, see Khorsabad
Fouché, Joseph, Duke of Otranto, French statesman (1763–1820), 151
Four Shu
, 665–666
Fourth Dynasty (Egypt), 135, 140, 147, 173, 181
France, 19*, 24, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99*, 613, 695, 805, 806, 808, 813, 890, 891, 917*, 918, 920, 928, 932
France, Anatole (Jacques Thibault) French author (1844-1924), 47, 497
Francis of Assisi, St., Italian mystic (1182–1230), 628
Franciscans, 788*
Frankfort, Henri, 395*
Franklin, Benjamin, American author and statesman (1706–1790), 12, 83
Frazer, Sir James George, 96, 330*
Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (1712–1786), 219, 693
Freer Art Gallery, Washington, D. C., 747*, 750*
French Academy, 144, 581
French Revolution, 24
Freud, Sigmund, 62*, 88
Freya, 60
Fruit-Gathering, 620*
Fu Hsi , Chinese semi-mythical emperor (2852-2737 B.C.), 643, 650, 723
Fu Hsüan (foo shwăn), Chinese poet, 793-794
Fuegians, 10, 18, 21, 53, 86
Fuji-san (foo-jē-sän), 830‡ see Fuji-yama
Fujiwara family, 835, 882, 887
Fujiwara Seigwa (sīg-wä), Japanese philosopher (1560-1619), 866, 871
Fujiwara Takanobu , Japanese painter (1146-1205), 904
Fuji-yama , 830, 909, 910, 912
Fukien , 748, 929
Furniture, in Sumeria, 133
in Egypt, 184, 191
in Babylonia, 254
in Assyria, 278
in Persia, 378
in China, 736
in Japan, 859
Futuna, 37, 53
Gae (gā), Duke of Lu (loo) (fl. 480 B.C.), 660, 663–664
Gæa , 58
Gadarene swine, 80
Galilee, Sea of, 92, 300
Gallas, 62, 86
Galton, Sir Francis, English scientist (1822-1911), 38
Gama, Vasco da, Portuguese navigator 1469-1524), 293, 391*, 613
Games, in Egypt, 168
in Persia, 359
in India, 400, 444, 500–501
Gan Ying , Chinese statesman (ca. 500 B.C.), 662
Gandhara , 392, 593–594, 739
Gandhari (gän’-dä-rē), 562, 570
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand , Indian reformer (1869-), 391, 415, 421–422, 489*, 517, 519, 565, 581, 618, 624, 626–632
Ganesha , 509, 511
Ganges (găn’-jēz) River, 393, 397, 436, 453, 464, 501, 502, 521, 603
Garbe, Richard, 536
Gardener, The, 620*
Gardens, in Egypt, 184
in Babylonia, 225
in Persia, 378
in India, 481
in China, 641
in Japan, 857–858, 859
Gardner Collection, Boston, 739
Gargi , 401, 410, 533
Garrison, F. H., 531, 532
Garstang, John, 300, 302*
Gasur , 258*
“Gates of Paradise,” 738
Gaudapada , Indian religious commentator (ca. 780), 546
Gaugamela , 385
Gauls, 60, 152
Gautama , see Buddha
Gautama (clan), 422
Gautier, Théophile, French critic and man of letters (1810-1872), 85, 96, 192
Gaza , 154, 160
Gebel-el-Arak , 136, 146
Gedrosia , 440
, 490, 862
Genesis, 219*, 300*, 301, 328, 329, 339–340
Geneva, 323
Genghis Khan , Tartar conqueror (1164-1227), 463, 464, 465, 763
Genji (gěn-jē), Tale of, 862, 881–884, 891,-893
Genoa, 479, 760, 761
Period (in Japan), 843, 881
Geography, in Babylonia, 258*
in China, 781
Geometry, in Egypt, 179
in Babylonia, 256
in India, 528
in China, 781
Georg, Eugen, 85
George III, King of Great Britain (1760-1820), 769
George IV, King of Great Britain (1820–1830), 609*
Gerar , 104
Germans, 58
Germany, 24, 92, 397, 806, 808, 809, 813, 917, 918, 920, 928
Ghazni , 460
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, Italian sculptor (1378-1455), 738
Ghiyosu-d-din , Sultan of Delhi (murdered 1501), 483*
Ghost worship, 63
Ghuri , 460–461
Gibbon, Edward, English historian (1737–1794), 292*, 578, 719
Gibraltar, 293, 358
Gideon, Judge of Israel (died ca. 1236 B.C.), 302
Gil Bias, 718
Gileah , 304
Giles, H. A., English Sinologist (1846-1935), 640*, 653*
Gilgamesh , 120, 235, 250–254, 261
Gilgamesh, epic of, 120, 132, 250–254, 261
Giotto (nickname of Angiolotto di Bondone), Italian painter (1276-1336), 589, 611
Gippsland, 85
, 580, 591
, 620*
Gizeh , 140, 147
Gnosticism, 553
Go Daigo (gō dī-gō), Emperor of Japan (1318–1339), 838
Goa , 393, 469, 524
Gobi Desert, 641, 761
God the Father, 64
Gods, multiplicity of, 59–64
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, German poet (1749-1832), 141, 391*, 574, 577, 611, 669, 693, 868
Gold Coast, 43, 83, 925
Golden Calf, 309, 311
Golden Rule, 564, 670
Goliath (gō-lī’-ăth), 305
Golkonda , 458
Gomorrah , 311, 335
Good Hope, Cape of, 293, 919
“Good Mind,” 367
“Gordian knot,” 288*
Gordios, 288
Gorki, Maxim (pen name of Aleksei Maximovich Pyeshkov), Russian novelist (1868-) 310
Gothic architecture, 599
Goto Saijiro (gō-tō sī-jē-rō), Japanese potter (ca. 1664), 900–901
Göttingen, 249
Government, origins of, 21–23, 69
Sumeria, 126–127
in Egypt, 161–164
in Babylonia, 230
in Assyria, 270–274
in Judea, 306
in Persia, 359–364
in India, 443–445, 465–466
in China, 672–674, 684, 689, 695–697, 698–699, 700–701, 724/726, 795–802, 817
in Japan, 842, 846, 917–918, 935
Governor General of India, 487
Govinda , Indian religious commentator (ca. 800), 546
Gracchi, 19*
Grammar, 250, 556, 578
Granada, 606
Grand Canal (Tientsin-Hangchow), 765, 778
Granet, Marcel, 699*
Granicus (gră-nī’-cŭs), battle of the (334 B.C.), 373*, 383
Gray, Thomas, English poet (1716-1771), 223
Great Britain, 1, 391
Great Learning,, 665, 667–668, 732, 866
Great Learning for Women, 869–870
Great Mother, 60, 288
Great Reform (in Japan), 833, 885
Great Spirit, 54
Great Wall, 695, 697, 701, 760, 761, 767, 778
Greater Vehicle, see Mahayana Buddhism
Greco, El (Domenico Theotocopuli), Greek painter (1548-1625), 97, 903
Greco-Buddhist art, 593–594
Greece, 24*, 33, 61, 116, 117, 136, 137, 140, 141, 144, 152, 172, 185, 190, 197, 200, 215, 218, 226, 227, 264, 265, 288, 290, 293, 295, 299, 312, 329, 340, 349, 355, 362, 376, 379, 380, 383, 391*, 394, 400, 422, 449, 480, 532, 571, 647, 651, 739, 777, 892, 899
Greed, in primitive societies, 51–52
Greek (language), 406
Greeks, 47, 58, 60, 63, 64, 70, 85, 97, 106, 118*, 128, 159, 166, 179, 183, 193, 217, 218, 225, 240, 245*, 248, 256, 263, 269, 276, 279, 280, 287, 288, 293, 295, 358, 364, 365*, 366, 373, 380, 383, 384, 441, 450, 526, 527, 554, 561, 574
Greenland, 54, 85, 93
Gregorian calendar, 181
Gregory XIII (Ugo Buoncompagni), Pope (1572–1585), 181
Gresham’s law, 759
, 522
Grimm’s Law, 406*
Grotefend, Georg Friedrich, German scholar (1775-1853), 249
Guaranis, 79
Guayaquil Indians, 66
Guaycurus, 50
Gubarrru , Babylonian hero, 262
Gudea , King of Lagash (ca. 2600 B.C.), 122. 128, 131, 134, 291
Guilds, in Assyria, 274
in Syria, 296
in Persia, 377
in China, 777, 816
in Japan, 854
Gujarat , 478–479
Gumplowicz, Ludwik, Polish sociologist (1838–1909), 23–24
Gunadhya , Indian poet (1st century), 579
Gunavarman , Indian scientist, 452
Gupta Dynasty, 450, 451, 452, 454, 481, 484, 487, 529, 575
, 522, 557, 660
Gutenberg, Johann, German “inventor” of printing (1400?-1468), 730
Gwalior , 393, 599
Gyges (gī’-gēz), King of Lydia (ca. 652 B.C.), 289
Habiru , 300; also see Jews
Hachimaro (hä-chē-mä’-rō), youthful Japanese hero (ca 1615), 849
Hadrian (Hadrianus Publius Ælius), Roman emperor (117-138), 364
Haifa , 300
Hakai (hä-kī), 926
Hakuga , 794*
Hakuseki Arai , Japanese scholar and historian (1657-1725), 865, 886-887
Halebid (hä’-lā-bēd), 601
Halle, University of, 693
Hallstatt, 104
Halo, 59
Halys River, 286†
Hamadan (hä-mä-dän’), 350*
Hammer of Folly, 551
Hammurabi , King of Babylonia (2123-2081 B.C.), 27, 28, 104, 120, 127, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, 246, 258, 270, 291, 301
Hammurabi, Code of, 27, 28, 127, 135, 219-221, 230-232, 246-247, 264, 272, 286, 331‡, 338, 377
Han (hän) (state), 695
Han Dynasty, 675, 698, 702, 728, 738, 739, 746, 755, 781, 786, 800
Han Fei (hän fā), Chinese critic and essayist (died 233 B.C.), 653*, 679
Han Kan (hän kän), Chinese artist (ca. 730), 753
Han Yü (hän yü), Chinese essayist (768-824), 719-721, 723, 747-748
Hananiah , Hebrew prophet ca. 600 B.C.), 323
Hangchow (hăng-chou’), 727, 761-762, 763, 765, 778, 815
Hanging Gardens, see Babylon
, 886
Hanuman , 402
Han way, Jonas, English traveler (1712-1786), 857*
Hao Shih-chiu , Chinese ceramic artist (ca. 1600), 757
Haoma , 364
Hapuseneb , Egyptian architect (ca. 1500 B.C.), 192
Hara-kiri (hä-rä-kē-rē), 53, 502, 848-849
Harappa , 394
Hardie, James Keir, Scotch labor leader (1856-1915), 499
Harem, in Egypt, 164†
in Babylonia, 225
in Assyria, 275
in Judea, 300
in Persia, 374, 375
in India, 467, 472, 494
in China, 792
Har-Megiddo , 154, 321
Harmhab (härm’-häb), King of Egypt (1346-1322 B.C.), 213
Harmodius, Athenian patriot (ca. 525 B.C.), 646
Haroun-al-Rashid , Caliph of Bagdhad (786-809), 467, 532
Harpagus (här’-pa-gŭs), Median general (ca. 555 B.C.), 352
Harri (hä’-rē), 286*
Harris Papyrus, 177
, 579
Harsha-Vardhana , Indian king (606-648), 452-453, 454, 503, 576
Hart, Sir Robert, Irish statesman in China (1835-1911), 802*
Harunobu Suzuki , Japanese engraver (1718-1770), 907, 908
Harvard Library Expedition, 317*
Harvest festivals, 65-66
Harvey, William, English anatomist (1578-1657), 182, 531
Hassan (häs-sän’), mosque of, Cairo, 607
Hastings, Warren, Governor General of India (1732-1818), 609*, 613, 614
Hathor (hăth’-ôr), 185, 198 199
Hatshepsut , Queen of Egypt (1501-1479 B.C.), 140, 141, 143, 153-154, 165, 185, 188,’ 189-190, 300, 302*
Havell, E. B., 415, 452
Hawaii, 37, 38, 809
Hayashi Razan , Japanese essayist (1583-1657), 866-867, 871, 877
Hearn, Lafcadio, Irish author and educator (1850-1904), 831, 840, 844, 845, 921, 923†
Hebrew language, 73
Hebrews, 300; see Jews
Hedin, Sven Anders, 506
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, German philosopher (1770-1831), 410
Heian (hā’yăn) Epoch (in Japan), 834, 855
Heidelberg, 92
Heine, Heinrich, German poet (1799-1856), 339, 516
Helen of Troy, 570
Heliopolis, 152, 162, 203*
Hellespont, 286, 358, 383
Henotheism, 312
Henry IV, 889
Henry VI’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey, 599
Henry VIII, King of England (1509-1547), 457
Hepat (hā-pät’), 286†
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (576-480 B.C.), 434, 533, 622
Herat (hěr-ät’), 227
Hercules, 294
Herder, Johann Gottfried von, German philosopher and man of letters (1744-1803), 391*
Herding, in primitive societies, 8, 24, 34
in Egypt, 156
in India, 399
Here, 62
Hermes, 179*, 277*
Hermes Trismegistus, 179*;
see Thoth Herodotus, Greek historian (ca. 484-425 B.C.), 118*, 138, 139, 147-148, 150, 160, 184, 201-202, 204-205, 224, 244-245, 246, 248, 289-290, 292, 293, 350, 352, 353, 358, 369, 374, 478, 494, 578, 719
Hesiod, Greek poet (ca. 800 B.C.), 329‡
Hesiré , Egyptian prince, 189
Hetairai, 490, 862
Hezekiah , King of Judah (ca. 720 B.C.), 309, 317
Hidari Jingaro , Japanese sculptor (1594-1634), 893-894
Hidetada (hē-dā-tä-dä), Japanese shogun (1605-1623), 843
Hideyori (hē-dě-yôr-ē), Japanese shogun (ca. 1600), 841
Hideyoshi , Japanese shogun (1581-1598), 838-841, 889, 895, 898, 908, 914, 927
Hien-yang (hē-an-yäng’), 696
Hierapolis , 297
Hieroglyphics, 144-145, 172-173
Highways, in Egypt, 160
in Babylonia, 227, 228
in Persia, 358
in India, 444-445, 480, 778
Hilkiah , Hebrew religious teacher (ca. 620 B.C.), 320
Hillel , Jewish Rabbi and Talmudist (ca. 110 B.C.), 310, 670
Himalayas , 91, 392, 393, 454, 551, 576
Buddhism, 503, 504, 597
Hincks, Edward, Irish Egyptologist (1791-1866), 118*
Hindi , 555
Hindu, meaning of, 392*
Hindu Kush , 392, 440
Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, 199*
Hinduism, 507-525
Hindus, 193, 286*, 365, 366, 391-633
Hindustan , meaning of, 393
Hippocrates, Greek physician (460-357 B.C.), 287* 782
Hippocratic oath, 182
Hirado (hē-rä-dō), 901
Hiram, King of Tyre (fl. 950 B.C.), 294, 295, 306
Hirata (hē-rä-tä), Japanese scholar (ca. 1810), 875
Hiroshige , Japanese engraver 1797-1858), 907, 910
Hishikawa Moronobu , Japanese painter (1618-1694), 907
Historical Record, 718
History, in Sumeria, 132
in Egypt, 178
in Babylonia, 250
in Assyria, 277
in Judea, 339-340
in India, 578-579
in China, 718-719
in Japan, 885-887
History of Chinese Philosophy, 821
History of India, 579
History of the True Succession of the Divine Monarchs, 886
Hitomaro (hē-tō-mä-rō), Japanese poet (died 737), 878
, 578
Hittites, 158, 212, 266, 286-287, 288, 310, 397†
Hiung-nu, see Hsiung-nu
Hivites, 310
, 885, 891
Hizen (hē-zěn), 900, 901
Ho Chi-chang (hō jē-jäng), Chinese statesman (fl. 725), 705
Hoang-ho (hwäng-hō) River, 641, 776
Hobbes, Thomas, English philosopher (1588-1679), 544*, 687, 874
Hojo (hō-jō) Regency (in Japan), 837-838
Hojoki (hō-jō-kē), 852-889
Hokkaido , 928
, 880, 881, 926
Hokusai, Katsuhika , Japanese engraver (1760-1849), 885, 902, 907, 908-910, 912
Holi (hō’-lē), 501
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D., American writer (1809-1894), 81
Holy Family (Raphael), 759
Holy Sepulchre, 120
Homer, 16, 62, 106, 391, 400, 410, 712
Honan (hō-nän), 641, 642, 645, 698, 738, 739, 755, 772
Hongkong , 804, 805, 806, 809, 810
Honjo , 830
Honolulu, 809
Hor, Egyptian architect (ca. 1400 B.C.), 206*
Horiuji , 738, 833, 894-895, 897, 903
Horus (hôr-ŭs), 198, 200-201
Hosea , Hebrew prophet (ca. 785-725 B.C.), 317, 336
Hospitality, in primitive societies, 54
Hôtel-Dieu (Paris), 81
Hotoke (hō-tō-kā), 840
Hottentots, 6, 42, 43, 52, 65, 85
Hotto , Japanese statesman (died 1651), 847
Hoyshaleshwara Temple, 601
Hrozný, Frederic, 286
Hsia (shē-äh’) Dynasty, 644
Hsia Kuei (shē-äh’ gway), Chinese artist (1180-1230), 751
Hsianfu (shē-än’-foo), 808
Hsieh Ho (shē-ā-hō), art theorist (6th century), 592*, 752
Hsien Feng (shē-ăn fŭng), Chinese emperor (1851-1862), 806
Hsien Tsung , Chinese emperor (806-821), 779
Hsing-shan Temple, 750
Hsinking , 920†
Hsiung-nu , 701
Hsu Hsing , Chinese radical (ca. 300 B.C.), 685
Hsuan (shwän), King of Ch’i, 683, 685-686
Hsuan Tsung , see Ming Huang
Hsün-tze (shün-dzŭ), apostle of evil (ca. 305-235 B.C.), 687-688
Hu Shih , Chinese literary reformer (1891-), 821-822
Hua To (hwä dō), Chinese medical writer (3rd century,) 782
Huan (hwän), Duke of Ch’i (685-643 B.C.), 645-646
Huang Ti (hwäng dē), Chinese emperor (2697-2597 B.C.), 643, 659, 660-661
Huber, Sir William, British judge in India (early 19th century), 497
Huen (hwăn) Mountain, 717
Hughes, Charles Evans, American statesman and jurist (1862-), 929, 930
Hui Sze (whā-dzŭ), Chinese philosopher (3rd century), 677
Hui Tsung , Chinese emperor (1101-1125), 727, 750, 751, 752, 753, 795
Huldah , Hebrew prophetess (ca. 625 B.C.), 333
Human sacrifice, 66-67
in Sumeria, 128
in Assyria, 272
in Phoenicia, 295
in Syria, 297
in Judea, 311, 315
Humanism, 730
Humayun , Mogul emperor (1530-1542; 1555-1556), 464, 468, 472, 607
Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron von, German scholar and traveler (1769-1859), 462
Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm, Baron von, German statesman and philologist (1767-1835), 565
Hume, David, Scotch philosopher and historian (1711-1776), 418, 434
Hung Hsiu-ch’üan , T’ai-p’ing leader (died 1864), 805
Hung Wu , Chinese emperor (1386-1399), 686
Huns, 152, 452, 454, 459, 591, 695, 701
Hunting, in primitive societies, 6-7, 24, 30, 33
in Babylonia, 226
in Assyria, 226, 229, 278, 279
in Persia, 378
in India, 477
, 879-880
Hydaspes (hī-dăs’-pēz) River, 440
Hyderabad , (city), 393
Hyderabad (state), 589, 600-601
Hygiene, in Egypt, 183-184
in Judea, 331
in Persia, 373-374
in India, 497, 498, 521
in China, 782, 855
Hyksos , the, 24*, 152, 154, 160, 166, 177, 223, 227, 300, 301
Hymn to the Sun, 178, 206-210
Hypatia, Greek philosopher and mathematician (?-415), 216
Hypnotism, 532
Hystaspes , father of Darius (ca. 550 B.C.), 364, 365*
Iamblichus , Syrian philosopher (fl. 325), 179*
Iberians, 10
Ibrahim II, Sultan of Delhi (1517-1526), 464
Ibsen, Henrik, Norwegian poet and dramatist (1828-1906), 58, 692
Ice Age, 91*
Iceland, 107
Ichikawa (ēch-ē-kä-wä), Japanese philosopher (17th century), 865
, 650-651, 665, 785
Ictinus, Greek architect (fl. 450 B.C.), 141, 895
Igorots, 45
Ikhnaton , see Amenhotep IV
Ili (ē-lē), 798
Iliad, 250, 310, 561, 564, 891
Imari-yaki (e-mä-rē-yä-kē), 900
Imhotep , Egyptian physician, architect, and statesman (ca. 3150 B.C.), 147, 192
Imitation of Christ, 570
In Memoriam, 878
, 522
Inazo Nitobe (i-nä-tsō nē-tō-bē), Japanese publicist (died 1933), 847*
Incas, 41
Incest, in Egypt, 164
in Babylonia, 231
in India, 401
India, 34, 47, 60, 61, 93, 94, 99*, 103, 104, 108, 116, 117, 125, 144, 159, 199*, 206, 222*, 227, 247, 274*, 286, 292, 312*, 329, 353, 355, 358, 359*, 363, 372, 385, 391-633, 642, 651, 736, 744, 779, 786, 804, 805, 875, 892, 928
Indian, meaning of, 392*
Indian National Congress, 623, 625, 626
Indian Ocean, 703
Indians, American, 2, 5-6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 73, 77, 83
Indo-China, 604, 698, 767, 806, 928
Indo-Europeans, 285, 286*, 291, 350, 397‡
Indra , 285, 397†, 402, 403, 507
Indus River, 355, 393, 397‡, 440, 463
Industrial Revolution, 20*, 70, 94, 96, 159, 274, 333, 478, 480, 516, 612, 623, 769, 803, 916-922
Industry, 11-16, 934
in Sumeria, 124-125
in Egypt, 157-161
in Babylonia, 227
in Assyria, 274
in Persia, 357-358
in India, 400, 479
in China, 776-778, 815;
in Japan, 919-920
Ineni , Egyptian architect (ca. 1530 B.C.), 192
Infant Jesus (Reni), 759
Infanticide, in primitive societies, 50
Initiation rites, 75
Ink, 171
Inkyo , Emperor of Japan (412-453), 892
Innini , 127
Inouye, Marquis Kaoru , Japanese statesman (1839-1915), 916, 930
Inquisition, Holy, 469, 524
, 893
Instructions of Ptah-hotep, 193-194
Interglacial Stages, 91*
International Exposition of Persian Art, London (1931), 378*
Ionia, 264, 290, 355
Ionians, 479
Iphigenia, 66, 297
Ipuwer ,’194, 195
Iran , 356; see Persia
Iranian Plateau, 117
Iraq Expedition of the University of Chicago, 274*
Iraq Museum, Baghdad, 134*
Ireland, 58
Irish, 10
Iron Age, 104
Iroquois Indians, 14, 22, 32, 62
Isaac, Hebrew patriarch, 66, 297, 337
Isaiah , Hebrew prophet (fl. 720 B.C.), 210, 235, 262, 301, 312, 317-320, 324, 325-327, 334*, 341
365, 422*
Ise (ī-sē), 880
Ishii, Viscount Kikujiro , Japanese statesman (1866-), 929
Ishtar , 60, 123, 127, 200, 234, 235-236, 238-239, 247, 251, 253, 256, 266, 294-295, 341
Ishvara , 548, 550
Ishvara Krishna , Indian religious teacher (5th century), 536*
Isin , 123
Isis , 185, 200-201
Islam , 35, 39, 247, 463, 469-470, 524
Israel , 315*
also see Jews
Issus , 373*, 383
Italians, 279, 397
Italy, 92, 97, 99*, 108, 152, 215, 293, 555, 695, 730, 821
Ito, Marquis Hirobumi a, Japanese statesman (1840-1909), 916,
Ito Jinsai , Japanese philosopher (1627-1705), 872-873
Ito Togai (ē-tō tō-gī), Japanese philosopher (1670-1736), 873
Ittagi , 600-601
Ius primœ noctis
, 38, 245, 486*
Iwasa Matabei (ē-wä-sä mä-tä-bā), Japanese painter (1578-1650), 907
Iyemitsu , Japanese shogun (1623-1650, 843, 847, 895
Iyenari , Japanese shogun (1787-1836), 862
Iyenobu , Japanese shogun (1709-1712), 886
Iyesada , Japanese shogun (1853-1858), 915
Iyeyasu , Japanese shogun (1603-1616), 838, 841-843, 846-847, 849, 850, 866, 877, 886, 889, 894, 895, 905, 914
Iyeyoshi , Japanese shogun (1837-1852), 915
Izanagi , 829, 875, 892
Izanami (ē-zä-nä-mē), 829, 875, 892
Jabali , 461
Jacob, Hebrew patriarch, 41, 310, 314*, 334, 336, 340
Jacobi, H., 419*
Jacobins, 19*
Jade, 737
Jagannath Puri , 599
Jahanara , daughter of Shah Jehan (ca. 1658), 474
Jaimini , Indian religious teacher (4th century, B.C. ?), 545-546
Jainism (jīn’-ism), 419, 420-422, 459, 469, 471, 508*, 520, 529, 534, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 626
Jaipur , 393, 585
James I, King of England and VI of Scotland (1567[S], 1603[E]-1625), 317
James, William, American psychologist (1842-1910), 535
Jamsetpur , 622
Janak(a) , 414, 567-568
Japan, 3, 42, 98, 103, 162, 166, 184, 192, 312*, 449, 450, 501, 504, 506, 577, 594, 595, 596, 602, 626, 633, 646, 730, 736, 738, 752, 753, 757, 773, 799*, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 813, 814, 815*, 829-933
Japan, Emperor of, 59
Japanese, 53, 640
Jastrow, Morris, 343*
books, 423, 578
Java, 65, 92, 391, 451, 594, 595, 602, 603
Jaxartes (jăx-är’-tez) River, 353
Jayadeva , Indian poet 491, 580
Jefferson, Thomas, President of the United States (1743-1826), 304
Jehangir , Mogul emperor (1605-1627), 471-473, 480, 483*, 579, 591, 608, 609
Jehoiakim , King of Judah (608-597 B.C.), 321
Jehol , 806, 931
Jehovah , see Yahveh
Jenghiz Khan, see Genghis Khan
Jeremiah, Hebrew prophet (fl. 600), 312, 315, 322-324, 422*
Jericho, 300, 302*
Jerusalem, 267, 298, 305-306, 307, 314, 315, 316, 317, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327-328, 334*, 348, 384, 606
Jesuits, 94, 469, 768, 788, 840, 877
Jewelry, in primitive societies, 86
in Sumeria, 119, 130
in Egypt, 169-170, 191-192
in Babylonia, 254
in Assyria, 265, 278
in Persia, 378
in India, 499, 585
in China, 736, 737
Jewish Encyclopedia, 306*
Jews, 62, 117, 118, 213, 217, 218, 234, 235, 236, 242, 245, 263, 267, 268, 284, 287, 297, 298, 299-349, 358, 367, 469, 508*
Jezebel , wife of King Ahab, (ca. 875-850 B.C.), 317*
Jimmu , emperor of Japan (660-585 B.C.), 873
, 420
, 886
Jippensha Ikku , Japanese novelist (died 1831), 885
Jizo (jē-zō), 864
Job (jōb), 259, 261, 343-346, 367
Joffe , A., Russian diplomat (died ca. 1928), 812
Johnson, Samuel, English author and lexicographer (1709-1784), 2*, 681
, 456, 495
Jojaku , Japanese woodcarver (13th century), 897*
Jokai (jō-kī), Japanese woodcarver (13th century), 897*
Jonathan, son of King Saul (ca. 1010 B.C.), 304-305
Jones, Sir William, English Orientalist (1746-1794), 391*, 406, 574, 578*
Jonson, Ben, English poet and dramatist (1574-1637), 631
Jordan River, 298
Joseph, Hebrew patriarch (ca. 1900 B.C.), 340
Josephine, Empress of the French (1763-1814), 246
Josephus, Flavius, Jewish historian (37-96?), 179, 299, 301†, 307, 383
Joshua , Hebrew leader (died ca. 1425 B.C.), 302
Josiah , King of the Jews (641-610 B.C.), 203*, 320-321, 328, 333, 364
Juangs, 8
Jubilee, 337-338
Judah (kingdom), 315, 317, 321, 322, 323, 329
Judea, 68, 218, 299-349, 422*, 640, 651
Judges (of Israel), 304
Juggernaut, 520*
Julian calendar, 181
Juma Masjid , 608
Jumna River, 393, 460, 474, 479
Jupiter, 402
Ka (kä), 148, 149, 150, 202
Kaapiru , Egyptian official, 186
also see Sheik-el-Beled
Kabir , Indian poet (1440-1518), 470, 523, 582-583
Kabuki Shibai
, 890-891
Kabul , 227, 392, 450, 464
Kadesh (kā’-děsh), 213
Kaempfer, Engelbrecht, German botanist and traveler (1651-1716), 853, 862
Kaffirs, 35, 42, 45, 53, 64, 65, 75
Kaga , 900, 901
Kaga no-Chiyo , Lady, Japanese poet (1703-1775), 858, 880
Kagawa, Toyohiko , Japanese socialist, 921
K’aifeng (kī-fŭng), 727
Kaikeyi (kī’-kā-ē), 568
Kailasha Temple, 601
Kakiemon , Japanese potter (ca. 1650), 900
Kala-at-Sherghat , see Ashur (city)
Kalakh , 265, 266, 278, 279, 280
Kalgan , 931
Kalhana , Indian historian, 579
Kali (kä’-lē), 200, 499, 501, 509, 511, 519, 520, 617, 625
Kalidasa , Indian poet (ca. 400), 391*, 451, 45*, 572, 574-576, 578
Kalingas , 446
, 513
Kallen, Horace M., 343*
, 513
Kamakura , 450, 830, 837, 892, 894, 895, 898, 905
Kamakura Bakufu, 837
, 490
Kamatari , Japanese statesman (fl. 645), 833
Kambinana, 57
Kamchadals , 45, 50
Kamchatka , 896
Kami (kä-mē), 840
Kamo no-Chomei (kä-mö nō-chō-mā), Japanese essayist (1154-1216), 852, 888-889
Kamo (kä-mō) Temple, 888
Kanada , Indian philosopher (date unknown), 528, 529, 536, 546
Kanarak , 599
Kanarese , 555
Kanauj , 452, 453
Kandahar , 392
Kandy (kän’-dē), 450, 506, 585, 603
Kang Teh (käng dā), 931
also see P’u Yi
scholars, 874
K’ang-hsi (käng-shē), Chinese emperor (1662-1722), 736, 752, 758, 767-768, 771, 788*, 795
Kangra , 591
Kanishka , King of the Kushans (ca. 120), 450-451, 504, 506, 571, 594, 786
Kano Masanobu , Japanese painter (died 1490), 905
Kano Motonobu , Japanese painter (1476-1559), 905
Kano School (of Japanese painting), 843, 902*, 905-906
Kano Tanyu , Japanese painter 1602-1674), 905
Kano Yeitoku (yā-tō-koo), Japanese architect (1543-1590), 905
Kansu , 755
Kant, Immanuel, German philosopher (1724-1804), 346, 410, 510, 516*, 538, 547, 549, 551*, 552, 670
Kantara , 154
Kanthaka , 426
Kao Tsu (gou dzoo), Chinese emperor (206-194 B.C.), 698
Kao Tsu, Chinese Emperor (618-627), 702
Kapila , Indian Sankhya philosopher (ca. 500 B.C.), 536-541, 546, 547
Kapilavastu , 422, 423, 436
Karachi , 393, 594
Karakhan , Leo, Russian diplomat, 812
Karduniash , 223*
Karle , 597, 598
, 427, 435, 509, 514-516, 550, 553
, 522
Karnak , 140, 142-143, 144, 145, 152, 153, 185, 189, 191, 206, 214, 379, 744
buildings at: Festival Hall of Thutmose III, 143, 145
Hypostyle Hall, 143, 213
obelisks of Queen Hatshepsut, 143, 153
Promenade of Thutmose III, 143, 155
Temple of Amon, 142
Temple of Ptah, 143
Kartikeya , 507
Kashgar (käsh’-gär’), 761
Kashmir (kăsh’-mēr’), 392, 479, 585
Kassites (kăs’-sīts), 152, 222, 223, 227, 248, 257, 266, 397
Kasturbai , wife of M. K. Gandhi, 628
script, 876*
Katayama, Sen (kä-tä-yä-mä, sěn), Japanese communist (died 1933), 921
Katha Upanishad
, 405
Kathæi , 495
, 579
Upanishad, 518
Kautilya Chanakya , Indian statesman (ca. 322-298 B.C.), 441, 443
Ke K’ang (kā käng), Confucian disciple (ca. 500 B.C.), 672
Ke Loo , Confucian disciple (ca. 500 B.C.), 667
Kea Kwei , Chinese scholar (1st century), 665
Keats, John, English poet (1795-1821), 611, 713
Keiki (kā-kē), last of the Tokugawa shoguns (1866-1868), 916
Keion , Japanese painter, (ca. 1250), 904
Keiser, Aabregt de, Dutch ceramic artist (17th century), 900
Keith, Sir Arthur, 99
Kenzan (kěn-zän), Japanese potter (1663-1743), 900
Kepler, Johann, German astronomer (1571-1630), 60
Keriya , see Peyn
Ket (kět), 201
Keyserling, Count Hermann, 455†, 534, 554*, 639
Khafre (kă’-frā), King of Egypt (3067-3011 B.C.), 148, 150, 186, 187
Kharosthi script, 556
Khekheperre-Sonbu , Egyptian scholar (ca. 2150 B.C.), 178
Khi-yüan , 688
Khmers (kmârz), 604-605, 606
Khnum , 185
Khnumhotep , King of Egypt (ca. 2180 B.C.), 185, 190
Khorassan , 761
Khordah Avesta
, 365‡
Khorsabad , 266*, 279, 280
Khotan (kō-tän’), 594, 602, 761
Khu , 688-9
Khosrou II, King of Persia (590-628), 456
Khufu , King of Egypt (3098-3075 B.C.), 147, 149, 150, 291, 395
Khusru , son of Jehangir (ca. 1620), 472
Kiaochow (jyou-jō’), 806
Kimimaro (kē-mē-mä-rō), Japanese sculptor (fl. 747), 897-898
King James Version, 317, 341
Kings (book), 339
Kingship, 22
in Sumeria, 126
in Egypt, 163-164
in Babylonia, 230, 232-233, 234
in Assyria, 266, 273
in Persia, 360-361
in India, 442-443, 482-483
in China, 797-798
in Japan, 834
Kiritsubo , 882
Kirti Shri Raja Singha , King of Ceylon (18th century), 603
Kish , 118, 120, 125, 127, 221, 395*
Kitabatake , Japanese scholar and historian (fl. 1334), 886
Kitans , 721-722, 760*
Kitasato, Baron Shibasaburo , Japanese scientist (1856-), 924
Kitchen middens, 98, 101
Kiyonaga , Japanese engraver (1742-1814), 908
Knemhotep (kněm-hō’-těp), Egyptian dwarf, 187
Kobe (kō-bā), 920, 921
Kobo Daishi (kō-bō dī-shē), Japanese saint and artist, founder of Shintoism (9th century), 864, 897*, 903
Kohat (kō-hät), 624†
Koheleth (kō-hěl’-ěth), 346*
Kohl, 169
Kojiki (kō-jē-kē), 874-875, 885
Kokei (kō-kā), Japanese woodcarver (12th century), 897*
Koken (kō-kěn), Empress of Japan (749-759; 765-770), 861
, 878†, 879
Kolben, Peter, German naturalist (1675-1726), 52
Konin , Emperor of Japan (770-781), 850
Koran (kôr-än’), 463, 469, 470, 474, 476, 565, 609, 616
Korea , 506, 594, 602, 698, 705, 730, 767, 773, 806, 829, 831, 832, 833, 839, 853, 875, 877*, 892, 894, 899, 903, 918, 919, 923, 924, 927*
Korin, Ogata , Japanese painter (1661-1716), 900, 906
Korvouva, 57
Kosala , 567, 568, 569; also see Oudh
Kose no-Kanaoka , Japanese painter (ca. 950), 903
Kotsuke no Suké , Japanese noble (died 1703), 848-849
Kow-tow, 713
Koyetsu , Japanese painter (ca. 1600), 906
Koyetsu-Korin School (of Japanese painting), 906
Koyosan (kō-yō-sän), 864
Krishna (god), 403, 507-508, 511, 552, 564, 565-566, 570, 580, 617*, 625
Krishna (tribe), 403
Krishna deva Raya , King of Vijayanagar (1509-1529), 457, 458
Kroch, Adolf, 893*
Kshatriyas , 359*, 398, 399, 419, 424, 455, 487, 565, 567
Kuan Ching , Prime Minister of Ts’i (fl. 683-640 B.C.), 645-646, 790
Kuang Hsu , Chinese emperor (1875-1908), 807, 810
Kuan-yin , 740, 751, 786
Kublai Khan , Chinese emperor (1269-1295), 604, 606, 721, 742, 761, 763-766, 767, 777, 778, 779, 790, 837, 895
Kubus, 21
Kukis, 67
Kumara , King of Assam (ca. 630), 454
Kumazawa Banzan , Japanese philosopher (1619-1691), 871-872,
K’ung (family), 659
K’ung Chi , Chinese sage, grandson of Confucius (ca. 470 B.C.), 665-666, 676-677
K’ung Ch’iu , see Confucius
Kung Sun Lung , Chinese sage (ca. 425 B.C.), 677, 679
K’ung Tao-fu , Chinese diplomat (fl. 1031), 721-722
K’ung-fu-tze , see Confucius
Kuo Hsi (gwō-shē), Chinese painter (born 1100), 750
Kuo K’ai-chih , Chinese painter (fl. 364), 746-747
Kuo Tsi-i , Chinese general (fl. 755), 710
, 817
Kurdistan , 350
Kurds , 266
Kurna , 118
, 581-582
Kurus , 561-562, 565
Kushans , 450, 504
Kutani , 900, 901
Kutb-d Din Aibak , Sultan of Delhi (1206-1210), 461, 607
Kutb-Minar , 607
Kuyunjik , see Nineveh
Kuznetzk , 932
Kwannon , 833, 864
Kyogen (kyō-gěn), 889
Kyoto (kyō-tō), 749*, 834, 835, 840, 852-853, 855, 860, 865*, 866, 872, 877, 880, 888, 894, 895, 898, 900, 902, 903, 905, 906, 910
Kyoto, University of, 926
Kyushu , 928
La Fontaine , Jean de, French fabulist (1621-1695), 175
La Tène, 104
Laban (lā’-băn), Jacob’s father-in-law, 41, 310
Lacquer, 736-737, 894
Lagash (lä’-găsh), 118, 120, 121, 122, 127, 129
Lahore (lä-hor’), 392, 472, 594, 614
Lake dwellers, the, 98-99, 101, 103
Lake of the Deeds of Rama, 581
Lakshman , 569
Lakshmi , 509
, 423*
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de, French naturalist (1744-1829), 538
Lamentations, 324
Lancashire, 920
Landecho, Spanish sailor (fl. 1596), 843*
Lander, Richard, English traveler (1804-1835), 43
Landor, Walter Savage, English man of letters (1775-1864), 683-684
Language, 72-73
in primitive societies, 743, in Sumeria, 118*
in Egypt, 145, 172-173
in Babylonia, 249-250
in Assyria, 266
in Judea, 303
in Persia, 356-357
in India, 391*, 405-406, 555-556
in China, 74, 771-773
in Japan, 876-877
Lansing, Robert, American statesman (1864-1928), 929
Lao-tse (lou’-dzŭ), Chinese sage (604-517 B.C.), 77, 422*, 429, 651, 652-658, 662, 663, 670, 677, 684, 689, 690-693, 772, 785, 786
Laplace, Pierre Simon, French astronomer and mathematician (1749-1827), 527, 538
Larsa , 118, 123, 234
Last Judgment (Michelangelo), 749
Last Supper (Da Vinci), 97, 590*, 749
Latin (language), 406
Latourette, K. S., 801*
Lauriya , 596
Laussel, 97
Law, 135
in primitive societies, 25-29
in Sumeria, 120-121, 127
in Egypt, 161-162
in Babylonia, 135, 219, 220-221, 230-232
in Assyria, 272
in the Hittite Empire, 287
in Judea, 328-339
in Persia, 361, 374
in India, 444, 483-488, 494, 495
in China, 646-647, 797
Lazarus, 614
Le Sage, Alain René, French novelist and dramatist (1668-1747), 885
League of Nations, 22, 931
League of the Iroquois, 22
Leah , one of Jacob’s wives, 41, 336
Lebanon , 154, 292, 296, 761
Ledoux, L. V., 906*
Legalists, 674-675
Legge, James, British orientalist (1815-1897), 653*, 665
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von, German philosopher and mathematician (1646-1716), 345, 516*, 536, 693, 773
Leipzig, 693
Lemnos, 95
Lenguas, 50
Lenin nom de guerre of Vladimir Ulyanov, Russian Soviet leader (1870-1924), 314
Leonardo, see Vinci, Leonardo da
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (1658-1705), 736
Lepsius, Karl Richard, German philologist (1813-1884), 203*
Les Eyzies, 97*
Lesser Vehicle, see Hinayana Buddhism
Letourneau, C., 38
Levi (lē’-vī), Hebrew patriarch (ca. 1700 B.C.), 314
Levirate, 39
Levites, 309, 314, 328
Leviticus, 330, 331*
Lex talionis
, 27, 230-231, 338
Leyden Museum, 157, 595
Lhasa , 506, 507
Li (lē), Lao-tze’s real name, 652
Li and Chi (lē, jē), 732
Li Hou-chu , Chinese emperor (ca. 970), 770
Li Hung-chang (lē hoong jäng), Chinese statesman (1823-1901), 730, 807, 810
Li Lung-mien , Chinese painter (1040-1106), 750-751
Li Po (lē bō), Chinese poet (705-762), 703, 705-711, 713, 714, 717, 751, 909
Li Ssü (lē sü), Chinese statesman (fl. 215 B.C.), 695, 696
Li Ssu-hsün , Chinese painter (651-716), 748
Liang K’ai (lē-äng’ kī), Chinese painter (ca. 750), 751
Liao Chai Chih I (lyou jī jē ē), 718
Liaotung , 806, 848, 918
Liberia, 16
Libraries, in Sumeria, 131-132
in Egypt, 174
in Babylonia, 249
in Assyria, 237*, 243, 249, 250, 266*, 269, 277
in India, 468, 556
in China, 697, 699, 727
Libya, 215
Libyans, 184, 215
Lichchavi , 419
Li-Chi (lē jē), 664, 723, 794
Lieh-I (lē’-ŭ-ē), Chinese painter (1st century), 746
Light of Asia, 423*
Li-ling , Prince of Yung (ca. 756), 710
Lin Tze-hsü , Chinese statesman (ca. 1838), 804
Lin-an (lē-nän’), 727
, 519, 520
Lingaraja Temple, 599
Lingayats , 519
Ling-chao , Lady, Chinese Buddhist mystic (8th century), 751†
Lin-k’ew , 662
Lippert, Julius, German sociologist (1859-1909), 42*
Literature, 936
Sumerian, 132
Egyptian, 173-179
Babylonian, 176-178, 241-243, 250-254
Assyrian, 277
Hebrew, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 325-327, 329-330, 339-349 (also see Prophets, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, etc.)
Persian, see Zend-Avesta; Indian, 407-409, 458, 555-583
Chinese, 648-649, 664-666, 705-723, 821
Japanese, 878-891, 926-927
Liturgy, in Babylonia, 242-243
Liu Ling , Chinese poet (third century), 708
Lives of the Saints, 570
Locke, John, English philosopher (1632-1704), 552
Loire River, 226
Lokamahadevi , wife of Vikramaditya Chalukya (ca. 1100), 602
Lombards, 397
London, 2, 17, 481, 613, 810, 817
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, American poet (1807-1882), 491
Longford, J., 847
Lorraine, Claude (nickname of Claude Gelée), French painter (1600-1682), 754
Los Angeles, 393, 543
Loti, Pierre (Julien Viaud), French author 1850-1923), 499
Lotus Sect, 864
Louis XIV, King of France (1643-1715), 163, 704*, 758, 768
Louvre, 122, 134, 161, 186, 188, 219†, 289, 295
Lower California Indians, 27
Lo-yang (lō-yäng’), 647, 658, 662, 677, 679, 698*, 699, 746, 750
Lu , Chinese empress (195-180 B.C.), 792
Lu (state), 651, 658, 662, 663, 664, 678, 909
Lü (lü), father of Shih Huang-ti (ca. 222 B.C.), 695
Lu Hsiu-fu , Chinese hero (died 1260), 764
Lubari, 60
Lucretius Carus, Titus, Roman poet (95-53 B.C.), 57
Lucullus, Lucius Lincinius, Roman general (110-56? B.C.), 226
Lugal-zaggisi , Sumerian king, 121
Lun Yü (lwěn ü), 665
Lung Men , 739
Luther, Martin, German religious reformer (1483-1546) 504-505
Luxor (lŭk’-sôr), 140, 142, 144, 178, 214
Lycaonians , 285
Lycians , 285
Lycidas, 880
Lydia , 245, 288, 289-290, 352, 355, 358, 362, 380
Lytton Report, 931
Ma (mä), Phrygian goddess, 288
Ma Yuan , Chinese painter (ca. 1200), 751
Mabuchi , Japanese Shintoist leader (1697-1769), 865, 874, 914
Macao (mä-kow), 804
Macartney, George, Earl of, British statesman (1737-1806), 768
Macartney mission, 768-769
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, English man of letters and statesman (1800-1859), 499, 614
Maccabees , 331†, 335
Macdonell, A. A., 395†
Macedon, 216, 284, 385
Machiavelli, Nicolò, Italian statesman and author (1469-1527), 443
Macusis, 70
Madagascans, 8, 50
Madai (mä’-dī), 350; see Medes
Madras , 393, 394, 456, 581, 586
600, 601, 602, 613, 615, 630
Madras Presidency, 393, 457
Madrid, 608
Madura , 393, 456, 581, 600, 602, 610
Mæonians (mē-), 285
Mafuie, 60
Magadha , 441, 449, 451, 505
Magdalenian Culture, 94, 96, 97
Magi, 365, 372
Magic, 64-65, 67-68, 77
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 204-205
in Babylonia, 243-244
in Assyria, 276
in Judea, 309
in India, 518
Magic Mountain, 718
Magnesia, 296
Magnetogorsk, 932
Magog , 324
, 398, 452, 468, 469, 491, 493, 495, 515, 517, 523, 524, 536*, 541, 542, 561-564, 571, 576, 605
Mahavira , founder of Jainism (599-527 B.C.), 419-420, 422*
Buddhism, 450, 454, 504, 594, 733, 786, 833
Mahmud , Sultan of Ghazni (gùz’-nê), (997-1030), 460, 462, 589
Mahmud Tughlak , Sultan of Delhi (ca. 1398), 463
Mahrati (language), 581
Maison Dieu, Paris, 451*
Maitreyi (mī-trā’-yē), 410-411
Maitri Upanishad
, 411
Makura Zoshi
, 887
Malabar, 45, 613
Malacca, 38, 803
Malay Peninsula, 506, 606, 766, 779, 803
Malay States, 931
Malayan (language), 555
Malinowski, B., 31
Malta, 293
Malthus, Robert Thomas, English political economist (1766-1834), 347, 627
Malwa (mäl-wä’), 452
Mamallapuram , 594, 601
Mamelukes, 186
Man, Age of, 102
Manava Brahmans, 484
Manchu Dynasty, 675, 736, 759, 768, 781, 792, 796, 805, 811
Manchukuo (män-jō-gwō’), 767, 811, 931-932
see Manchuria
Manchuria , 98, 108, 641, 698, 767, 770, 813, 917†, 920†, 923, 927*, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932
Mandalay, 393, 606
Mandarin dialect, 821
“Mandeville, Sir John,” French physician and traveler (14th century), 703
Manet, Edouard, French painter (1832-1883), 912
Manetho (măn’-é-thō), Egyptian author and priest (ca. 300-250 B.C.), 179*, 301†
Mang (mäng) family, 682
Mang He (mäng hā), Chinese statesman (ca. 500 B.C.), 662
Mangu , Grand Khan of the Mongols (1250-1259), 763
Mangwa (män-gwä), 909
, King of Akkad, 126
, 407, 518, 610
Manu , semi-historical Indian lawgiver, 484
Manu, Code of, 28*, 482, 484, 485-488, 489, 491-492, 493, 494, 495, 496-497, 499, 530, 541, 564
Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495-1521), 613
Manufacture, in Sumeria, 124
in Egypt, 158-159
in Babylonia, 227
in Assyria, 274
in India, 479
in China, 735, 777
in Japan, 853-854
, 878
Maoris (mä’-ô-rēz), 42, 50
Mara , 426
Maracaibo, Lake, 99*
Marathon, 355, 360, 381
“Marco Millions,” 760, 766
see Polo, Marco
Mardi Gras, 37, 66
Marduk , 221, 223, 225, 233, 235, 237, 240, 241, 256, 261, 268, 278
Marquesas Islanders, 26
Marriage, in primitive societies, 36-44, 48
in Sumeria, 129-130
in Egypt, 164
in Babylonia, 246-247
in Assyria, 275
in Judea, 335-337
in Persia, 374-375
in India, 401, 489-490, 491-492
in China, 790-792, 819
in Japan, 924
Marseilles, 293
Marshall, Sir John, 394-395, 396, 442*, 508, 596
Marston, Sir Charles, 173*
Marston Expedition of the University of Liverpool, 302*
Maruyami Okyo , Japanese painter (1733-1795), 906
Marwar (mär-wär’), 454
Mary, mother of Jesus, 247, 511
Mary of Scotland, 889
Mas-d’Azil, 98
Maskarin Gosala , Indian sceptic, 417
Mason, William A., 76-77
Maspero, Gaston, French Egyptologist (1846-1916), 143, 145, 186-187, 188
Mass (ritual), 62
Massagetæ , 353, 355
Masuda , Japanese statesman (fl. 1596), 843*
Mathematics, in primitive societies, 78-79
in Sumeria, 124
in Egypt, 179-180
in Babylonia, 256
in India, 527-528
in China, 781
Mathura , 450, 460, 477, 593, 594
Matsura Basho , Japanese poet (1643-1694), 881
Maud, 891
Maurya Dynasty, 441, 454
May Day, 65, 66
May King and Queen, 65
Maya (mä’-yä), 540, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553
Maya, Buddha’s mother (died 563 B.C.), 423, 424, 425*
Mayas, 527*
, 332
Measurement, standards of, 80
Mecca, 471
Medes, 223, 283, 286*, 287, 350-352, 356, 363, 365, 397†
Media , 269, 270, 350-352, 353, 354, 355
Medici, 155, 751, 835
Medici, Lorenzo de’, Florentine statesman and poet (1448-1492), 216, 756
Medicine, origins of, 80-81
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 182-184
in Babylonia, 258-259
in Assyria, 276
in Persia, 377
in India, 530-532
in China, 782
in Japan, 924
Medinet-Habu , 185
Mediterranean Signary, the, 105
Mediums of exchange, in primitive societies, 15-16
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 160-161
in Babylonia, 228
in Assyria, 274
in Lydia, 289
in Judea, 306, 337
in Persia, 358
in India, 400, 480, 481
in China, 779-780
in Japan, 854, 920
Medum , 190
Megasthenes , Greek geographer (ca. 300 B.C.), 391*, 441, 443, 445, 478, 480, 493, 596
Mei Lan-fang (mā län-fäng’), Chinese actor (20th century), 723
Meiji (mā-jē), see Mutsuhito
Meiji Era (in Japan), 916
Meissen, 759
Melanesians, 11, 16, 31, 42, 81, 84
Melkarth (měl-kärth), 294
Melos, 293
Melville, Herman, American novelist (1819-1891), 26
Memnon, colossi of, 141, 188
Memphis, 2, 140, 147, 151, 216, 248, 268, 353
Menander, King of Bacteria (ca. 100 B.C.), 523
Mencius , Chinese philosopher (372-289 B.C.), 646, 674, 677, 681, 682-686, 687, 688, 693, 697, 789, 843
Mendes, 199
Menes (mē’-nēz), possibly Egypt’s first king (ca. 3500 B.C.), 140, 147
Menkaure (měn-kou’-rē), King of Egypt (3011-2988 B.C.), 150, 186
Menstruation, 70
Mephibosheth , Jewish pretender (ca. 900 B.C.), 305
Mercury, 179*, 277*
Mermaid Tavern, 880
Merneptah , King of Egypt 1233-1223 B.C.), 301
Mesha , King of Moab (ca. 840 B.C.), 295, 297
Mesopotamia, 103, 105, 108, 109, 118, 119, 121, 124, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 179, 218-264, 295, 298, 299, 380, 395, 400, 578†, 641, 744, 779
Messiah, 319, 320, 325-326
Messianism, 195
Metals, Age of, 102-104
Metal work, Sumerian, 133-134
Egyptian, 191, 192
Babylonian, 227, 254
Assyrian, 278
Lydian, 289
Indian, 585
Chinese, 737-739
Japanese, 896
Method of Architecture, 740-741
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 143*, 150*, 188, 190*, 479*, 716*, 738, 740†, 758*, 906
Mewar (mā-wär’), 454, 455, 465
Mexico, 9, 66, 93, 292*, 329, 737
Mi Fei (mē fā), Chinese painter (1051-1107), 751
Michelangelo (Buanarotti), Italian artist (1474-1564), 751
Micronesia, 32
Midas , 288
Middle Flowery Kingdom, 641
Middle Flowery People’s Kingdom, 641
Middle Kingdom (China), 643-644
Middle Kingdom (Egypt), 151*, 152, 169, 174*, 176, 178, 190, 191, 195
Mihiragula , Hunnish king (502-542), 452
, 834
Milan cathedral, 379
Milcom , god of the Ammonites, 312, 321 Miletus, 218
Milinda, 523
see Menander
Mill, James, British historian and political economist (1773-1836), 616
Mill, John Stuart, English philosopher and economist (1806-1873), 924
Millet, Jean-François, French painter (1815-1875), 912
Milton, John, English poet (1608-1684), 712
Minamoto (mé-nä-mô-tô) family, 835, 837, 838
Minamoto Sanetomo (sä-nä-tō-mō), Japanese shogun (1203-1219), 835
Ming Dynasty, 686, 724, 736, 738-739, 740. 742, 757, 758, 767, 782, 904, 912
Ming Huang , Chinese emperor (713-756), 703-704, 705, 707-708, 711, 713, 714-715, 721, 723, 749, 795, 835*
Mining, in primitive cultures, 100, 103-104
in Egypt, 157-158
in Babylonia, 227
in Assyria, 274
in the Hittite Empire, 286
in Armenia, 287
in India, 444, 478
in China, 647, 781
Minos, 90, 331‡
Mir Jafar , Nawab of Bengal (1757-1760; 1763-1765), 614
Miriam, sister of Moses, 333
Mirzapur , 589
Miserables, Les, 718
Mississippi River, 99
Mitanni , 266, 285-286†
Mithra , 285, 365, 370, 371-372
Mithridates , Persian soldier (ca. 400 B.C.), 362*
Mitra , Hindu deity, 397†, 403
Mitsubishi family, 920
Mitsui family, 920
Mitsu-kuni , Japanese scholar and historian (1622-1704), 886
Mo Ti (mō dē), philosopher of universal love (ca. 450 B.C.), 677-679, 681, 682, 873
Moab (mō’-äb), 295, 297, 311, 318, 324
Moabites, 285, 298, 299, 303, 312
Modesty, in primitive societies, 46-48
Moeris Lake, 159-160
Moguls (mō’-gŭlz), 391, 442, 464, 476, 480, 591, 611
Mohammed (mō-hăm’-ěd), Arabian religious leader (571-632), 39, 291
, 551
Mohenjo-daro (mō-hān’-jō-dä’-rō), 90, 289*, 391, 394-396, 478, 508, 584, 593, 596
Mohism, 678-679
Molière (assumed name of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), French dramatist (1622-1673), 873
Moloch , 66, 295, 312, 321
Molucca Islands, 60
Mommu , Emperor of Japan (697-707), 850, 877
Momoyama , 895
Mona Lisa, 186
Monaco, 400
Monet, Claude, French painter (1840-1926), 912
Money, see Mediums of exchange
Mongol Dynasty, 757, 764, 766
Mongolia, 94, 140, 449, 504, 602, 606, 641, 767.
Mongols, 60, 119, 152, 763, 764-766, 798, 831
Monier-Williams, Sir Monier, English Orientalist (1819-1899), 397*
Monitor and Merrimac, 839
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, French essayist and philosopher (1533-1592), 11
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondät, Baron de, French man of letters (1689-1755), 299
Montmartre, 748
Moon worship, 59, 60
in Egypt, 198
Moors, 216
Montagu-Chelmsford reforms, 629
Moplah , 628
Morality, 935
defined, 47
in primitive societies, 44-56
in Sumeria, 129-130
in Egypt, 166-167
in Babylonia, 244-248
in Assyria, 275
in Judea, 331-339
in Persia, 374
in India, 401, 488-497
in China, 788-795
in Japan, 923, 924
Morbihan, 102
Morgan, John Pierpont, 479*
Morgan, Lewis Henry, American ethnologist (1818-1881), 73
Mori Zozen (môr-ē zō-zěn), Japanese painter (1747-1821), 906
Morocco, 140
Morris, William, English poet and artist (1834-1896), 906
Mosaic Code, 219, 220*, 330-339, 374
Moscow, 693, 817
Moses, 12, 28, 219, 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 321, 340, 348, 374
Moslems, 392, 453, 455, 456, 458, 460, 463, 471, 508*, 584, 599-600, 603
Mosul, , 265, 478
Mother, the, in primitive societies, 30-32
Mother of God, 200, 201, 235
Moti Masjid , 608, 609
Moto-ori Norinaga , (1730-1801), Japanese historian of Shinto legends, 830*, 865, 874-875, 914
Mouhot, Henri, French Orientalist (ca. 1858), 604
Mound Builders, 99, 103, 104
Mount Abu , 598-599
Mousterian Culture, 93, 94, 300
, 586
Mu-ch’i , Chinese painter (10th century), 751
Mudhera , 599
Muhammad bin Tughlak , Sultan of Delhi (1325-1351), 461
Mukden , 918
Müller, Friedrich Max, English philologist (1823-1900), 164, 312, 391*
Multan , 459, 465
Mummification, 150
Mumtaz Mahal , Shah Jehan’s wife (died 1631), 473, 474, 609
Münchausen, Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Baron, German teller of tale tales (1720-1797), 294
Munro, Sir Thomas, British general and Colonial administrator (1761-1827), 614
Murasaki no-Shikibu , Lady, Japanese novelist (978-1031?), 882, 883, 884, 891
Murdoch, James, 703, 865*
Muro Kyuso , Japanese philosopher (fl. 1700), 867-868
Murray Islands, 45
Murray River tribes, 33
Murshidabad , 481
Musa, Ibn , Arabian mathematician (died ca. 850 B.C.), 527
Music, origins of, 88
in Egypt, 192
in Babylonia, 254
in Persia, 378
in India, 586-588
in China, 723
in Japan, 892-893
Mussolini, Benito, Italian statesman (1883-), 69
Mutsuhito , Emperor of Japan (1868-1912), 846, 916, 919, 923, 927
Muttu Virappa Nayyak , Prince of Madura (early 17th century), 602
My Reminiscences (Tagore), 620*
Mycerinus , see Menkaure
Mylitta , 37, 245*, 295; see Ishtar
Mysians, 285
Mysore (mī-sôr’) (city), 393, 456
Mysore (state), 396, 457, 510, 601
Nabonidus (năb-ō-nī’-dŭs), King of Babylon (556-539 B.C), 263
Nabopolassar (năb-ō-pō-lăs’ēr), King of Babylonia (ca. 625-605 B.C.), 223, 224, 283
Nabu , 256, 277
Nadir Shah (nä’-dēr shä), Persian conqueror and ruler (1734-1747), 473*
Naga (dragon god), 395,* 402, 604, 605
Nagaoka , 834
Nagarjuna , Indian scientist (2nd century B.C.), 450, 529
Nagas (tribe), 396, 398
Nagasaki , 840
Nagasena , Indian sage (ca. 100 B.C.), 523
Naharina , 164
Naiki (nī-kē), Japanese hero (ca. 1615), 849
Nakaye Toju , Japanese philosopher (1608-1648), 871
Naksh-i-Rustam , 356, 378
Nala , 491, 564
Nalanda , 454, 557-558
Nambudri Brahmans, 486*
Namikawa Tenjin , Japanese philosopher (ca. 1700), 873
Nana, 288†
Nanak , founder of the Sikhs (ca. 1468-1539), 583
Nanda (family), 441
Nanda, Magadhan prince (ca. 523 B.C.), 437
Nandi , 402
Nanking , 659, 722, 739, 742, 747, 764, 805
Nanking, Treaty of, 804-805
Nanking Government, 812*, 814
Nannar , 133, 234
Naomi , 312
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1804-1815), 69, 91, 139, 141, 144, 145, 154*, 163, 164, 246, 270, 353, 466, 467, 695
Nara , 738, 757, 834, 835, 851, 855, 865*, 876, 878, 879, 880, 892, 897-898
Narada , 588
Naram-sin , King of Sumeria and Akkad (2795-2739 B.C.), 122, 133, 255
Narbada River, 397‡
Nasik , 597
Nasiru-d-din , Sultan of Delhi (fl. 1510), 483*
, philodophies, 534
Nastiks, 416-417
Nationalists (Indian), 621, 626, 629-630, 632
Naucratis , 138
Nautch (nôch) girls, 490
Neanderthal Man, 92, 93, 94, 95, 300
Near East, 93, 105, 116, 118*, 120, 132, 134-135, 154-160, 174, 181, 212, 215, 223, 224, 226, 227, 255, 263, 265, 268, 270, 271, 273, 281, 284, 285, 288, 290, 292, 293, 295, 298, 303, 306, 326, 329, 335, 337, 339, 353, 356, 357, 362, 478, 728, 755†
Nebo (nē’-bō), 235
Nebraska, 94
Neb-sent (něb’-sěnt), Egyptian lady (ca. 3100 B.C.), 165
Nebuchadrezzar II, King of Babylon (605-562 B.C.), 223-224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 233, 241, 257, 262, 285, 298, 321, 322, 324, 327, 666
Necho (nē-kō), see Niku II
Negroes, American, 6
Neo-Confucianism, 675
Neolithic man, 98-102, 106, 117
Neo-Platonism, 553
Nepal (nê-pôl’), 451, 506
Nephthys , 201
Nergal , 240, 256
Nero, Lucius Domitius, Roman emperor 54-68), 269
Nestorianism, 702, 787-788
Netherlands, 753
, 893, 898
New Britain, 10, 46, 49, 57, 84
New Caledonia, 35, 77, 84
New Georgia, 45
New Guinea, 15, 32, 34, 42, 43, 45, 84, 99*
New Hanover, 84
New Hebrides, 34
New Holland, 79
“New Life” movement, 818*
New Mexico, 94
New South Wales, 14
New Testament, 415, 416, 616
“New Tide” movement, 821-822
New York, 133*, 393, 703
New Zealand, 29, 84
Newton, Sir Isaac, English scientist (1642-1727), 529
Nichiren , founder of the Lotus Sect (1222-1282), 864
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philosopher (1844-1900), 23, 177, 376, 457*, 539*, 554, 657, 659, 723, 734, 819
Nigeria, 45, 75
, 886
Nikko , 894
Nikon Bashi (Tokyo bridge), 847
Niku II, King of Egypt (609-593 B.C.), 321
Nile River, 94*, 109, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 152, 156, 160, 161, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 190, 197, 200, 202, 214, 218, 299, 300, 358, 396
Nimrud , see Kalakh
Nina (ně’-na), 266
Nineveh , 1, 14, 117, 135, 218, 223, 237*, 256, 265, 266, 268, 269, 274, 276, 278, 279, 281-282, 283, 284, 290, 303, 306, 307, 317, 321, 351, 380
Ning Tsung , Emperor of China (ca. 1212), 763
Ningpo , 805
Ninigi , 830
Ninil , 256
Ninkarsag , 127
Ninlil , 127
Ninsei , Japanese potter (ca. 1655), 900
Nippon , 830†
see Japan
Nippur , 118, 120, 121, 123, 127, 132
, 394, 428, 435-436, 504, 517, 518, 535, 541, 549, 564
Nishi-Hongwan Temple, 894, 895
Nisin , 118
Niyama (nē-yä-mä), 543
No plays, 841, 889-890
Noah, 290*, 330
Nobel prizes, 391, 619, 621
Nobunaga , Japanese shogun (1573-1582), 838, 839, 889, 900
Nofretete (nō-frā-tā’-tā), wife of Amenhotep IV (fl. 1380-1362 B.C.), 118, 212
Nofrit , wife of Rahotep, 187
Nogi, Count Maresuke , Japanese general (1849-1912), 846, 918
Noguchi, Hideyo , Japanese scientist (1876-1928), 924-925
Noguchi, Yone (yō-nā), Japanese poet, 881
Nomarchs, 146
Nomes, 146-147
North America, 99*, 103, 108, 391
North Star, 293
Nubia , 46, 140, 158, 213
Numa Pompilius, 647
Nur Jehan , Jehangir’s wife (ca. 1625), 472-473, 609
Nut , 198, 201
Nutmose , Egyptian artist (ca. 1370 B.C.), 211
philosophy, 535-536
Nyaya Sutra
, 533
Oannes (ō-ăn’-ās), 118*, 237
Ocean of Music, 529*
Oceania, 14, 87, 104; also see Melanesians, Polynesians
Ochus (ō’-kŭs), see Artaxerxes III Ochus
O’Connell, Daniel, Irish orator and politician (1775-1847), 673*
Odyssey, 561, 564, 567
Ogodai (ō-gō-dī), Grand Khan of the Mongols (1229-1241), 763
Ogyu Sorai , Japanese philosopher (1666-1728), 872, 873-874
Ojeda, Alonso de, Spanish explorer (ca. 1470-1508), 99*
Ojibwa Indians, 61
Oklahoma, 94
Old Kingdom (Egypt), 142, 150*, 169, 176, 178, 184, 187, 189, 190, 194
Old Persian, 249, 356-357
Old Testament, 313, 318, 328, 329, 334, 339, 341, 510, 616
Omaha Indians, 16, 22, 75
Omar (ō’-mär), mosque of, Jerusalem, 607
Omura , Lord of Nagasaki (16th century), 840
Onan (ō’-năn), biblical character, 39
Onna Daikaku
, 869-870
Ono Goroyemon , Japanese sculptor (ca. 1252), 898
Onomatopoeia, 73
“Open Door,” 806, 929
Open Door to the Hidden Heathendom, 391*
Ophelia, 518
Ophir , 306
Opium War, first, 804, 805
Opium War, second, 805
Oppenheim, Baron von, 286†
Oppenheimer, Franz, 23
Oppert, Julius, German Orientalist (1825-1905), 118-119*
Orang Sakai, 38
Ordeal, in primitive societies, 28
Oriental Museum (University of Chicago) Expedition, 378†
Orinoco Indians, 42, 86
Orion, 198
Orissa , 599
Orphism, 553
Osaka (ō-sä-kä), 841, 890, 895, 919-920, 921
Osiris , 178, 199, 200, 202
Oudh (oud), 567, 614
Ouranos, 58
Outcastes, 399, 477, 489, 520, 623, 624
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Roman poet (43 B.C.-A.D. 18), 62
Oxford, 211, 595
Oxford Field Expedition, 125
Oyomei (ō-yō-mā), 871; see Wang Yang-ming
Oyomei philosophy, 871-872
Pactolus (păc-tō’-lŭs) River, 285
Padmapani , 594
Paes, Domingos, Portuguese missionary (fl. 1522), 457
Pahlavi , 357
Painting, origins of, 87, 94, 96–97
Sumerian, 132
Egyptian, 190–191
Babylonian, 255
Assyrian, 278
Persian, 380
Indian, 589–593
Chinese, 745–754
Japanese, 901–906
Paleolithic man, 90–98
Palestine, 94, 104, 109, 137, 152, 173, 224, 227, 248, 270, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305*, 307, 321, 333, 355, 363, 371
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, Italian composer (1524-1594), 723
Pali (pa’-lē), 555
Pallavas , 456
Pamirs (pä-mērz’), 392, 393
Pamphylians , 285
Pan, 58
P’an Chao (pän jō), Chinese female scholar (ca. 100), 792
Pan Ho-pan (pän hō-pän), Lady, Chinese bluestocking, 793
P’an Ku , the Chinese Adam, 642
P’an Ku, Chinese historian (ca. 100), 792
, 521
, 578
Pandavas , 561–562, 565
Pandora, 330
Pandyas , 456
Panini , Indian grammarian (7th century B.C.), 556
Panipat , 464
Paper, 171
Paphos (Cyprus), 293
Papuans, 32, 43, 45, 48, 49, 50
Paraguay, 50
Parchesi, 501
Parganait (caste of peasants), 501
Pariahs , see Outcastes
, 417
Paris, 442, 604, 817, 835
Parjanya, 402
Park, Mungo, Scotch explorer (1771-1805), 83
Parmenides, Greek philosopher (5th century B.C.), 533, 551*, 553
Parmenio, Macedonian general (400-330 B.C.), 384
Parsees, 372, 508*, 629
Parshwanath , 598
Parthenon, 307, 912
Parthia, 479
Parvati (an aspect of Kali), 509, 590
Parysatis , mother of Artaxerxes II (ca. 400 B.C.), 375*
Pasargadœ , 362, 378
Pascal, Blaise, French mathematician and philosopher (1623-1662), 678
Paschal Lamb, 333*
Pasenada or Pasenadi , 589
Pasteur, Louis, French scientist (1822-1895), 782
Patanjali , Indian Yoga teacher (ca. 150 B.C.), 504, 508†, 543, 544, 556
, 126, 233, 266
Pataliputra , 422, 441, 442, 444, 445, 449, 451, 593*
Patna , 441*
see Pataliputra
Pattadakal , 602
Paul, St., Apostle of the Gentiles (martyred A.D. 67), 20, 342, 731
Paulists, 469
Pawnee Indians, 66
Peacock Throne, 473, 608
“Pear Tree Garden,” 704
Peary, Robert Edwin, American arctic explorer (1856-1920), 6
Pechili , Gulf of, 641
Pei (bā), Chinese general (ca. 700), 749
Pei, W. C, 92
Peiping , 2, 92, 94, 152, 812†; also see Peking
Peking , 741, 742, 763, 767, 775, 779, 804, 805, 806, 812, 931
Peking Man, 92, 102, 641, 765
Pelew Islands, 32
Pelliot, P., 506, 739
Pelusium , 227, 267*
Penelope, 570
Penguin Island, 47
Pennsylvania, University of, 119*
Penology, see Punishment
Pentateuch, 299, 301, 310, 328, 340
Pentecost, 332
Pepi II, King of Egypt (2738-2644 B.C.), 151
Pericles, Athenian statesman (499-429 B.C.),
123, 139, 141, 751, 781
Persephone, 238
Persepolis , 90, 128, 362, 365*, 378, 379–380, 381, 384, 385, 596, 744
Persia, 24*, 60, 108, 109, 117, 182, 189, 215, 222*, 226, 248, 249, 263, 270, 272, 278, 280, 284, 285, 286, 287, 290, 294, 299, 313, 326, 328, 329, 349, 350–385, 392, 397, 405, 422*, 440, 450, 464, 473*, 478, 480, 501, 529, 596, 607, 640, 651, 703, 729, 766, 779
Persian Gulf, 117, 118, 119, 121, 221, 224, 228, 267, 290, 292, 356, 479, 703, 761
Peru, 2, 16, 292*
Perur , 594
Peruvian Indians, 65, 77, 81
, 332–333
Peschel, Oskar Ferdinand, German geographer (1826-1875), 159
Peshawar , 392, 450
Peter the Great, Czar of Russia (1682-1725), 314, 640, 693
Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), Italian poet (1304-1374), 555, 611
Petrie, Sir William Flinders, 104, 105, 143, 145, 166, 211, 212*, 296, 300*, 301, 701*
Petronius Arbiter, Roman author (died A.D. 66), 155
Peyn (pān), 38
Phallic worship, 61
in Egypt, 199
in Judea, 309
in India, 501, 518–520
Pharaohs, 41, 142, 148, 151, 156, 160, 162, 163–164, 178, 192, 201, 228
Pharos , at Alexandria, 137
Pheidias, Greek sculptor (ca. 490-432 B.C.), 895
Philae , 185
Philistines , 267, 285, 298, 299, 300, 304, 315
Philippine Islands, 45, 46, 53, 804, 806, 928, 931
Philo Judaeus , Greek Jewish philosopher (20 B.C.-A.D. 50), 367*
Philosophy, 936
Egyptian, 193–197
Babylonian, 259–263
Hebrew, 339, 343–349
Indian, 410–415, 416–419, 513–517, 533–554
Chinese, 650–651, 653–658, 659–660, 661, 666–674, 675, 676, 677–682, 684–693, 731–735, 783–788, 821
Japanese, 866–876
Phoenicia , 66, 105, 106, 160, 172, 245, 250, 265, 270, 291–296, 298, 303, 306, 308, 355, 363
Phoenician Star, 293
Phoenicians, 215, 217
Phrygia , 245, 286†, 288–289, 296, 355
Physics, in India, 528–529
in China, 781
Physiocrats, 693
Physiology, in Egypt, 181–182
in India, 529–530
in China, 782
Pi Kan (bē gän), Chinese official (ca. 1140 B.C.), 645
Pi Sheng (bē shŭng), Chinese printer (fl. 1041), 729–730
Pickwick Papers, 885, 891
Picts, 10
Pien Liang (byăn lē-äng’), 727
Pien-tsai (byăn-dzī), Chinese connoisseur (ca. 640), 745*
Pillow Sketches, 854, 862, 887–888
Piltdown Man, 92
Pisidians, 285
, 428*
Pittsburgh, 895
Plassey , 584, 612
Plataea, 360, 381, 751
Plate River, 932
Plato, Greek philosopher (427-347 B.C.), 107, 167, 329, 428*, 533, 553, 799
Playboy of the Western World, 53*
Pleistocene Epochs, 92, 93
Pliny the Elder (Caius Plinius Secundus), Roman naturalist and encyclopedist (23-79), 183, 462, 479
Plutarch, Greek historian (46?-120?), 199, 362*, 373, 384*, 578
Po Chü-i (bō jü-ē), Chinese poet and statesman (722-846), 714, 717
Poe, Edgar Allan, American man of letters (1809-1849), 749
Poems Ancient and Modern, 878
Poetry, in primitive societies, 77–78
in Sumeria, 121–132
in Egypt, 176–178
in Babylonia, 120, 132, 235–236, 241–243, 250–254
in Judea, 340–342
in Persia, 377
in India, 408–409, 561–571, 579–583, 619–621
in China, 648–649, 705–717
in Japan, 878–881, 926–927
Poetry Bureau (Japanese), 880, 927
Poland, 94
Polo, 501
Polo, Marco, Venetian traveler (1254-1324), 38, 391*, 478–479, 543, 729, 742, 760, 761, 763, 765, 766, 777, 779, 790
Polybius, Greek historian (ca. 206-128 B.C.), 379
Polygamy, in primitive societies, 39–41
in Judea, 336
in Persia, 374
in India, 492
in China, 791, 819
Polygyny, 39
Polynesians, 6, 10, 16, 45, 69, 77, 79–80, 103, 107, 329
Pompey the Great (Cneius Pompeius Magnus), Roman general (106-48 B.C.), 137
Pondicherry , 393
Poo See , 330
Poona , 393, 597
Popes, 331, 535
Population, of Egypt, 214
of India, 391
of China, 769
of Japan, 851, 920*, 927
Porcelain, see Ceramics
Port Arthur, 918, 920†, 928
Portugal, 98, 599, 613, 803, 804
Porus (pôr’-ŭs), Indian king (ca. 325 B.C.), 440, 529
Poseidon, 58
Postal service, in Egypt, 160
Postglacial Stage, 91*
Post-Office, 620*
Potala , 507
Potter’s wheel, 117
Pottery, see ceramics
Prajapati , 403, 404, 416, 513
Prakrit , 555, 574
, 537, 539, 541
, 543
Prambanam , 603
, 543
Praxiteles, Greek sculptor (fl. 360 B.C.), 186
Precepts of Jesus, 616
Premarital relations, in primitive societies, 44–45
Prexaspes (prex-ăs’-pēz), son of Cambyses (ca. 525 B.C.), 354
Priam, 90
Priests, 68
in Sumeria, 126, 128, 129
in Egypt, 201, 202, 214–215
in Babylonia, 230, 232–234
in Assyria, 271–272
in Judea, 313–314, 338
in Persia, 361, 377
in India, 399, 484–488 (also see Brahmans); in Japan, 864–865
Prince, 443
Printing, in India, 468, 556†, 585†
in China, 728–730
in Japan, 877*
Prints, 907–910
Prithivi , 402
Prometheus, 95
Property, private, in primitive societies, 18–20
in Egypt, 161
in Babylonia, 232
in Judea, 337–338
in India, 483, 484
Prophets, 314–328, 340
Prostitution, in primitive societies, 45
in Sumeria, 129
in Egypt, 166
in Babylonia, 37, 244–246
in Assyria, 275
in Lydia, 289
in Judea, 335
in India, 444, 458, 490–491, 496
in China, 790
in Japan, 862
Protagoras, Greek philosopher (fl. 440 B.C.), 422
Proverbs, 167, 334, 342–343, 349
Provins, Guyot de, medieval poet (ca. 1190), 780
Psalms, 210*, 242, 340–341, 343, 408, 581
Psamtik I, King of Egypt, Prince of Saïs (663-609 B.C.), 215
Ptah (ptä), 143, 201
Ptah-hotep (ptä-hō’-těp), Egyptian official (ca. 2880 B.C.), 165, 193, 194
Ptolemies, 41, 137, 142, 160, 166, 190, 216*
P’u Yi , now Kang Teh (käng dā), Emperor of Manchukuo, last Chinese emperor (born 1906), 810, 811, 813, 931
Pudmini , Rajput princess (ca. 1303), 455–456
Pueblo Indians, 87
Puget Sound, 1
Pulakeshin II, Chalukyan king (608-642), 456
Pumpelly, Raphael, American geologist (1837-1923), 108, 117*
Punishment, in primitive societies, 28–29
Egypt, 162
in Babylonia, 231
in Assyria, 272
in Judea, 338
in Persia, 361–362
in India, 483, 486
in China, 797
in Japan, 850
Punjab , 392, 393, 394, 450, 459, 495
Punt , 153, 189–190
Purana Kashyapa , Indian sceptic, 417
Puranas, 504*, 511–513, 516, 541
Purbach, Georg, German astronomer (1423-1461), 528
, 46, 286, 287, 375, 401, 494, 625
Pure Land, Sect of the, 864
Puritans, 242, 313
, 411, 538, 539, 541, 566
Puruvaras , 511
philosophy, 545–546
Pushtimargiya Brahmans, 486*
Puymre , Egyptian architect (ca. 1500 B.C.), 192
Pygmies, 21, 37, 56
“Pyramid Texts,” 174
Pyramids, 138, 139, 140, 144, 147, 148–149, 150, 151, 177, 179, 180, 181, 185, 191, 203*, 216, 308, 395
Pyrenees, 91
Pythagoras, Greek philosopher (6th century B.C.), 533, 536*, 553, 648
“Pythagorean Law,” 529
Questions of King Milinda, 523
Quintus Curtius Rufus, Roman historian (fl. 41-54), 248, 383, 384*
Ra or Re (rä or rā), 198, 199, 201
Rabindranath Tagore
: Poet and Dramatist (E. J. Thompson), 620*
Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife, 41, 303*, 333, 334, 336, 340
Radha , 580
, 588
Rahotep (rä-hō’-těp), Egyptian prince (ca. 3100 B.C.?), 149, 187
Rahula , Buddha’s son (ca. 523 B.C.), 425, 437
Rai, Lajpat , Indian reformer, 497, 616*
Raj Sing , Rana of Mewar (fl. 1661), 478
Rajaraja, Chola king (fl. 1000), 490
Rajarani Temple, 599
Rajasthan , 495
see Rajputana
, 579
Rajmahal Hills, 501
Rajputana , 454, 579
Rajputs , 393, 454, 456, 467, 487, 492†, 498, 502, 591
Ram Mohun Roy (räm mō’-hŭn roi), Indian reformer and scholar (1772-1833), 614, 616, 617
Rama , 417, 451, 511, 552, 561, 567–570, 581, 617*, 625
Rama Raja, Regent of Vijayanagar (fl. 1542-1565), 459
, 581
Ramadan , 471
Ramakrishna , Indian religious leader (1836-1886), 617
Ramakrishna Mission, 618
Raman, Chandrasekhara , Indian physicist (1888-), 391, 619
Ramananda , Indian preacher (ca. 1460), 582
Ramanuja , Indian saint and sage (ca. 1050), 552
, 398, 402, 417, 517, 524, 567–571, 605
Rameses II, King of Egypt (1300-1233 B.C.), 104, 141, 142, 178, 185, 188, 189, 213–214, 286, 306
Rameses III, King of Egypt (1204-1172 B.C.), 159, 214
Rameses IV, King of Egypt (1172-1166 B.C.), 178
Rameshvaram , 393, 519, 602
Ramesseum , 170, 185, 214
Rangoon , 393, 606
Ranofer , Egyptian high priest (ca. 3040 B.C.), 169
Raphael Sanzio, Italian painter (1483-1520), 751, 759
Ratzenhofer, 23
Ravan(a) , 569
Ravenna, 2
Rawalpindi , 440, 441–442
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke, English Orientalist and official (1810-1895), 119*, 249
Rayas , 458
Re, see Ra
Rebecca, wife of Isaac, 303*, 337
Record of Nippon, 886
Record of Ten Feet Square, 889
Records of Ancient Events, 874-875, 885
Red Oleanders (Tagore), 620*
Red Sea, 135, 152, 160, 190, 214, 306, 358
Reichard, 83
Reinach, Salomon, French scholar (1858-1932), 96, 390*
Rekh-mara , Egyptian official (ca. 1500 B.C.), 103
Religion, as an agent of morality, 55–56, 69–71;
sources of, 59
its objects of worship, 59–64
its methods, 64–68
in primitive societies, 56–71
in Sumeria, 127–129, 135
in Egypt, 197–205, 206, 210
in Babylonia, 135, 232–244
in Assyria, 275
in Phrygia, 288
in Phoenicia, 294–295
in Syria, 296–297
in Judea, 308–314, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 326, 327
in Persia, 364–372
in India, 402–405, 420–422, 428–439, 469–472, 503–525
in China, 783–788, 818
in Japan, 832–833, 840–841, 842–843, 863–865, 898
Re’mery-Ptah , Egyptian singer, 192
Renan, Joseph Ernest, French scholar (1823-1892), 73, 303, 330, 345*
Reni, Guido, Italian painter (1575-1642), 759
Reszke, Edouard de, Polish operatic tenor (1856-1917), 192
Revelation, 376
Revenge, in primitive societies, 27
Revolutions of Civilization, 701*
Rhodes, 293
Rhodesia, 66, 94, 104
Richtofen, Ferdinand, Baron von, German geologist and Asiatic traveler (1833-1905), 822
, 366, 401, 407, 408–409, 413*, 436, 495, 508†, 530
Rikyu , tea master (ca. 1590), 841, 857–858, 900
Risampei , Korean ceramic artist (fl. 1605), 900
, 545
Rita , 404
Rivers, W. H. R., 16
Robenhausen, 102
Robinson Crusoe, 174
Rock Edicts, 447–448, 527
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 820*
Rockefeller Foundation for Medical Research, 820*, 925
Roger, Abraham, Dutch missionary (fl. 1650, 391*
Roman Catholic Church, 242, 469, 504–505
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 718, 846
Romans, 16, 118*, 159, 179, 183, 217, 288, 377, 397, 478
Rome, 3, 19*, 24*, 61, 76, 116, 117, 136, 140, 152, 172, 185, 200, 216, 218, 226, 227, 247, 265, 272, 275, 284, 299, 315, 340, 354, 362, 363, 381–382, 451, 479, 529, 554, 640, 647, 695, 701, 744, 777, 778, 847, 899, 925
Rome (city). 155, 294, 457
Romeo and Juliet, 891
, Forty-seven, 848–849, 908
Roosevelt, Theodore, President of the United States (1858-1919), 918, 929–930
Rosetta Stone, the, 145
, 332
Ross, Sir Donald, 773
Rossbach, 613
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, French philosopher (1712-1778), 655, 657, 688, 693, 754, 858, 873, 874
Rowland Acts, 629
Rowley, H., 65
Roxana , wife and sister of Cambyses (ca. 525 B.C.), 354
Royal Asiatic Society, 249
Rubruquis, Guillaume de, medieval traveler and missionary (fl. 1253), 780
Rudra , 402
Rukmini , 594
Ruskin, John, English critic (1819-1900), 188, 631
Russell, Bertrand, Earl, 821
Russia, 19*, 26, 35, 37, 42, 99*, 103, 116, 355, 356, 392, 506, 626, 640, 642, 806, 808, 812, 814, 848, 875, 917*, 918–919, 928, 931, 932, 933
Ruth, 312, 336
Sabitu , 253, 261
Sacia , 354
Sacramento River Valley, 8
“Sacred Books of the East,” 391*
Sahu , 198
Saigyo Hoshi , Japanese poet (1118-1190), 880
Saint Peter’s, Basilica of, Rome, 609
Saïs , 138
Saïte (sà’-īt) Age (Egypt), 151*, 179, 188
Sake (sä-kě), 856–857
Sakhalin , 928
Sakkarah , 147, 186, 189
Sakon (sä-kōn), Japanese hero (ca. 1615), 849
Saladin , Sultan of Egypt and Syria (1137-1193), 756
Salamis, 381, 383
Salim Chisti , Indian statesman and sage (ca. 1590), 468, 608
, 544
Samaria , 267, 298, 315, 317, 324, 329
Samarkand (săm-är-kănd’), 350, 453, 463, 464, 703
Samarra , 135, 756
, 407
, 529*
Sammuramat , Queen of Assyria (811-808 B.C.), 267
Samoa, 16, 17, 22, 49, 60, 107
Samoyeds, 32
Samson, Hebrew prophet and judge (ca. 1130 B.C.), 250, 305* 340
Samudragupta , King of Magadha (330-380), 451
Samuel, Hebrew judge (ca. 1025 B.C.), 339
, 839, 841, 842, 846–849, 850, 861, 871, 873, 877, 911
San Bartolomeo, Fra Paolino da, Austrian monk (18th century), 391*
San Kuo Chih Yen l (sän-gwo-jē-yăn-ē), 718
, 592
Sangaya , Indian agnostic, 416–417
438, 505
philosophy, 534, 536–541, 546, 564, 566
, 536*
, 536
Sannyasi , 522
Sanskrit, 356, 391*, 405–406, 452, 458, 520, 550
Santo Kioden (sän-to kyō-děn), Japanese novelist (1761-1816), 884–885
Sappho, Greek poet (7th century B.C.), 611
Saracens, 120, 780
Sarah, wife of Abraham, 333, 336
Sardanapalus , see Ashurbanipal
Sardinia, 98, 293
Sardis, 218, 227, 289, 290, 351, 352, 353, 358
Sargon I, King of Akkad and Sumeria (2872-2817 B.C.), 120, 121–122, 250, 257
Sargon II, King of Assyria (722-705 B.C.), 266*, 272, 278, 279, 280–281, 298
Sarnath , 428, 447, 594, 596
Sarton, George, 330, 346*
Sarzac, Ernest de, 131
Sas-Bahu , 599
Sassanid Dynasty, 372
Sasseram , 607
Satan, 344, 367
Upanishad, 414*
Satow, Sir Ernest Mason, British diplomat and publicist (1843-1929), 874*
Satrapies, 355, 362–363
Satraps (sā’-trăps), 359*
Satsuma , 846, 900
Saturnalia, 37, 65–66
Saul, King of the Jews (1025-1010 B.C.), 304-305, 310, 339
Sautuola, Marcelino de , Spanish archeologist, 96
Savage, T. S., 37
Savitar , 403
Savitri , 564
Savonarola, Girolamo, Italian monk and reformer (1452-1498), 632
Scarification, 85
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm von, German philosopher (1775-1854), 391*, 554
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, German philologist (1767-1845), 391*
Schlegel, Friedrich, German philosopher and critic (1772-1829), 391*
Schliemann, Heinrich, German acheologist (1822-1890), 91, 107
Schneider, Hermann, 102
Scholarship, in Babylonia, 248, 250
in China, 727–731
in Japan, 874
Scholastics, 871
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, American ethnologist (1793-1864), 49
Schopenhauer, Arthur, German philosopher (1788-1860), 194–195, 391*, 410, 411, 415, 427†-, 516*, 544†, 554
Schweinfurth, Georg August, German-Russian traveler (1836-), 135
Science, origins of, 67, 68, 78
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 179–184
in Babylonia, 256* 259
in Assyria, 276
in Persia, 377
in India, 462, 526–532, 618–619
in China, 780–782
in Japan, 924, 925, 935–936
Scotland, 99*, 323
Scott, Sir Walter, Scotch novelist and poet (1771-1832), 631, 885
Scribe (statue), 186, 187
Scribes, in Egypt, 161, 186, 187
in Babylonia, 248
in Assyria, 271
in India, 556
In China, 745*
Sculpture, origins of, 87
classical, 97
Egyptian, 186–190
Babylonian, 255, 256
Assyrian, 135, 279–280
Hebrew, 332
Persian, 378, 380
Indian, 593–596
Chinese, 739–740
Japanese, 97, 897–898
Scythians , 273, 283, 287, 355, 450, 454, 459, 494, 642
Sea of Japan, battle of the, 919
Sebek (séb’-ěk), 199
Sei Shonagon , Lady, Japanese essayist (ca. 1000), 854, 860, 862, 887–888
Selene, 58
Seleucus Nicator , King of Syria (312-280 B.C.), 441
Semiramis , see Sammuramat Semites, 66, 118, 120, 127, 290–298
Seneca Indians, 32
Senart, 436
Sendai (sěn-dī), 926
Senegalese, 43
Senkereh , see Larsa
Senmut , Egyptian architect (ca. 1500 B.C.), 192
Sennacherib , King of Assyria (705-681 B.C.), 223, 267, 268, 273, 274, 275, 278, 279, 289*, 317
Senusret I, King of Egypt (2192-2157 B.C.), 152, 188
Senusret II, King of Egypt (2115-2099 B.C.), 178
Senusret III, King of Egypt (2099-2061 B.C.), 152, 159–160, 187–188
Sepoy (sē’-poi) Mutiny, 608*
Seppuku, 848
see hara-kiri
Serabit-el-khadim , 296
Serbia, 42
Sermon on the Mount, 628
Sesostris , see Senusret I
Sesshiu (sěs-shū), Japanese painter (1420-1506), 904-905
Set (sět), 178, 200
Seti I, King of Egypt (1321-1300 B.C.), 185, 189, 213
Seti II, King of Egypt (1214-1210 B.C.),
Seto (sā-tō), 899
Seton-Karr, W. H., 94
Seven Wonders of the World, 225
Sèvres, 759
, 332
, 332
, 226, 274
Shah (shä), 359*
Shah Jehan (jä-hän’), Mogul emperor (1628-1658), 468, 473–474, 475, 476, 481, 560, 591, 607, 608, 609–610
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), 173, 184, 340, 581, 843, 889, 891
sects, 505, 509, 519
, 391*, 561, 574–576, 577
Shakuntala, 561, 575–576
, 423‡
see Buddha
Shakyas , 422
Shalmaneser I, King of Assyria (fl. 1267 B.C.), 266
Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria (859-824 B.C.), 267
, 77, 542
Shamash , 123, 127, 219, 234, 256, 272, 331‡
Shamash-napishtim , 237, 250, 253, 330
Shamashnazir (shä’-mäsh-nä-zēr’), Babylonian daughter-merchant, 246
Shamash-shum-ukin , brother of Ashurbanipal (ca. 650 B.C.), 272
Shamsi-Adad VII, King of Assyria (824-811 B.C.), 278
Shang (shäng) Dynasty, 644, 648, 671, 737, 738, 755, 772
Shang (state), 680
Shanghai, 641*, 728, 805, 812*, 814, 816, 930
Shankar , Indian dancer, 587*
Shankara , Indian philosopher (788-820), 505, 533, 541, 546–551, 552, 554, 731
Shansi (shän-sē), 645, 739
Shantiniketan , 621
Shantung , 645, 739–740, 832, 928, 929
Sharaku , Japanese engraver (ca. 1790), 908
Sharamgadeva , Indian musical theorist (1210-1247), 529*
Shat-Azalla , 258*
Shatrunjaya , 598
Sheba , Queen of, 306
Sheik-el-Beled (shäk-ěl-bā’-lěd), 168, 186, 187
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, English poet (1792-1822), 205, 211, 463
Shem, 290*
Shen Nung , Chinese emperor (2737-2697 B.C.), 643
Shen Tsung , Chinese emperor (1573-1620), 757
Shensi (shän-se; differs only in tone from Shansi), 645
Sheol (shě’-ōl), 313
Shepherd Kings, see Hyksos
Sher Shah (shār shä), Mogul emperor (1542-1545), 464, 480, 607
Sheshonk I, King of Egypt (947-925 B.C.), 315
, 648–649, 665
Shih Huang-ti , Chinese emperor (221-211 B.C.), 675, 679, 694–698, 727, 738, 739, 775, 778, 782
Shiloh (shī-lō), 336
Shimabara , 843
Shimadzu family, 846
Shimazu Yoshihiro , Japanese ceramic artist (fl. 1596), 900
Shimel , Hebrew warrior (died ca. 974 B.C.), 305
Shimla , 392
, 592
, 864
see Shintoism
Shintoism , 832, 864, 865, 875, 885, 889, 892, 894
Shippurla , see Lagash
Ships and shipbuilding, in Egypt, 160
in Babylonia, 221–222, 228
in Phoenicia, 293
in Persia, 358
in India, 400, 479
in China, 778
Shirozemon , Japanese potter (ca. 1229,) 899
Shiva , 413*, 453, 507, 508–509, 511, 519, 524, 587, 590, 594, 598, 599, 602, 604, 605, 625
Shivaites (shē’-vā-ītz), 508* 519, 598, 606
Shizutani , 877
, 837, 839, 846
Shomu , Emperor of Japan (724-756), 850, 897
Shonzui , Japanese ceramic artist (16th century), 899–900
Shotoku , Empress of Japan (ca. 770), 877*
Shotuku Taishi (tī-shē), Regent of Japan (592-621), 833, 894, 927
Shri Rangam Temple, 602
Shu , 201
Shub-ad , Sumerian queen (ca. 3500 B.C.), 130, 133
Shubun , Japanese painter (ca. 1400), 904
, 643, 665, 718
Shuddhodhana , Buddha’s father (6th century B.C.), 422, 423, 424, 437
Shudraka , 572
Shudras , 399, 480, 485–487, 498, 520, 623, 624
Shui Hu Chuan
, 718
Shun , Chinese emperor (2255-2205 B.C.), 644, 661, 676, 680, 687, 689, 746
Shushan , 117
Shushi , 871
Japanese form of Chu Hsi, q.v.
Shushi philosophers, 871
Shwasanved Upanishad
, 416, 523
Shwe Dagon (shwā dä-gōn’), 606
Siam, 46, 595, 602, 605–606
Sian-fu , 698*
Siberia, 38, 45, 94, 923‡
Sibu (sē’-boo), 198
Sicily, 293, 776*
, 526, 527
Siddhartha , 423‡;
see Buddha
Sidon , 106, 227, 294, 306, 308, 337
Sikhs (sēx), 496, 508*
Sin , Mesopotamian deity, 127–128, 256
Sinai (sī’-nī), 140, 173, 302
Sinbad the Sailor, 174
Sind , 394, 396, 479
Singanpur , 589
Single Verses by a Hundred People, 879–880
Sirguya , 589
Sinkiang , 798
Sinuhe , Egyptian official and traveler (ca. 2180 B.C.), 174, 175
Sirius, 181
Sissa , Brahman, reputed inventor of chess (ca. 500), 500*
Sit, see Set
Sita (sē’-tä), 402, 403, 517, 568–570
“Six Idlers of the Bamboo Grove,” 706
Sixth Dynasty (Egypt), 292
Skeat, Walter William, English philologist (1835-1912), 73
Sky worship, in Egypt, 197–198
in Babylonia, 234
in India, 402, 403
Slavery, in primitive societies, 19–20
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 159
in Babylonia, 229
in Assyria, 275
in Phoenicia, 292–293
in Judea, 337–338
in India, 466, 480 Slavs, 42
Sleeping Buddha Temple, 741
Smerdis , brother of Cambyses (ca. 525 B.C.), 353
“Smerdis,” pretender to Persian throne (521 B.C.), 354, 360
Smith, Sir Andrew, 84
Smith, Edwin, discoverer of the Edwin Smith Papyrus (1822-1906), 182
Smith, Sir G. Elliot, 92, 136*
Smith, Vincent, 442*, 445, 481, 499–500
Smith, William Robertson, Scotch Orientalist (1846-1894), 330*
Smith Papyrus, 182
Snefrunofr , Egyptian singer, 192
Socrates, Greek philosopher (469-399 B.C.), 193, 352, 428, 657, 659, 669, 751†, 841
Sodum , 311, 355
Sogdiana , 355
Sogdians, 397†
Sokokuji , 904
Solomon, King of the Jews (974-937 B.C.), 304, 305–308, 309*, 312, 314, 315, 332, 335, 337, 339, 342, 346*, 348, 479
Solomon Islands, 10, 34
Solon, Athenian lawgiver (640-558 B.C.), 290, 647
Solutrian Culture, 94
Soma (sō’-ma), 403, 405
Soma, Hindu god, 403, 404
Somadeva , Indian poet (11th century), 579
Somaliland, 46, 94, 189
Somalis, 42–43, 78
Somme River, 90
Somnath , 460
Somnathpur , 601
“Son of Heaven,” 797-798
Sonata Appassionata, 723
Song Celestial, 541†
Song of Solomon, 341–342, 580
Sonno Jo-i (sôn-nō-jō-ē), 875
Sopdit , 198
Sophocles, Greek dramatic poet (495-406 B.C.), 611
Sostratus, Greek architect (fl. 300 B.C.), 137
Sothic cycle, 181*
Sothis , see Sirius
South Africa, 38, 94, 103, 104, 629
South America, 830
South Pole, 107
South Sea Islanders, 16; also see Melanesians, Polynesians
Soyots (sō-yōtz), 45
Spain, 92, 97, 105, 108, 215, 292, 293, 469, 607, 640, 737, 804
Sparta, 355
Spencer, Herbert, English philosopher (1820-1903), 25, 78, 88, 538, 617, 924
Sphinx, 139, 172, 186
Spinoza, Baruch, Dutch Jewish philosopher (1632-1677), 311, 412, 553*, 655, 670*, 734, 867, 871
Spirit Sect, 864
Spring and Autumn Annals, 665
Srong-tsan Gampo , King of Tibet (629-50), 506
State, origins of, 23–25
Statira , wife of Artaxerxes II (ca. 380 B.C.), 375*
Stein, Sir M. Aurel, 506, 594, 728–729, 739
Still Bay Culture, 94
Stoicism, 195, 524
Stone Age, 102, 104
Old, 91, 93, 94, 104
New, 91, 99, 100, 101, 104
Stonehenge, 102
Story of Sinuhe, 174-175
Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor, 174
Strabo, Greek geographer (63? B.C.-A.D. 24?), 137*, 227, 357†, 294, 356, 357*, 442, 492*, 495
Strange Stories, 718
Strasbourg cathedral, 611
Stream of Kings, 579
Strindberg, August, Swedish dramatist and man of letters (1849-1912), 643
Subhadda , Buddhist radical (ca. 480 B.C.), 503
Suez, 109, 135, 214, 215
Sugawara family, 835
Sugawara Michizane , patron saint of Japanese literature (845-903), 835, 867
Suicide, in primitive societies, 53
in India, 502
in China, 646
in Japan, 53, 848–849
Suiko , Empress of Japan (593-628), 833, 899
, 532
Suleiman , Moslem traveler (9th century), 756
Sultanpur , 589
Sumatra , 21, 64, 99*, 603, 780
Sumeria , 104–105, 106, 107, 108, 116–136, 218, 226, 237*, 249, 250, 254, 255, 261, 262, 265, 270, 272, 300, 395, 479, 509, 532, 584, 641
Summer Palace, 741, 742, 778, 805
Sumner, William Graham, 17–18, 24
Sun worship, 59, 60
in Egypt, 198, 206–210, 212
in Babylonia, 234
in Persia, 365, 366, 369–370, 371 (also see Zoroastrianism)
in India, 402, 403
Sun Yat-sen , President of China (1866-1925), 626, 809–812, 813
Sung , Chinese censor (ca. 1800), 798
Sung (state), 678–679, 680, 688
Sung, Prince of (ca. 310 B.C.), 683
Sung Dynasty, 675, 724, 727, 735, 736, 740, 746, 751* 755, 755, 764, 779, 780, 782, 866, 872, 899, 904, 912
Sung K’ang , Chinese pacifist (ca. 320 B.C.), 685
Sung Ping , Chinese philosopher (ca. 425 B.C.), 679
Sung Shan (shän) (mountain), 742
Sung Yüeh Ssu , 742
, 780
Superior, Lake, 105
Sur Das , Indian poet (1483-1573), 580
Surgery, origins of, 81
in Egypt, 182
in Babylonia, 258
in Judea, 331
in India, 531
in China, 782
Surpa-nakha , 569
Surya , 403, 599
Surya Siddhana, 528
Susa , 105, 108, 117, 119, 121, 122, 219, 283, 356*, 358, 362, 380, 384, 440, 442, 642
Sushruta , Indian physician (ca. 500 B.C.), 530, 531, 532
Susiana , 354
Suti , Egyptian architect (ca. 1400 B.C.), 206*
, 407*, 418, 428, 534
Sutta, Pali form of sutra, q.v.
Suttee (sŭt-tē), 48, 149, 402, 494–496, 793
, 632
, 555, 626, 632
Swastika , 600
Swift, Jonathan, Irish satirist and churchman (1667-1745), II
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, English poet (1837-1909), 195
Switzerland, 92, 98, 99, 104
Synge, John Millington, Irish dramatist (1871-1909), 53*
Syria, 94, 153, 154, 155, 160, 188, 191, 206, 212, 214, 215, 222, 224, 245, 269, 286, 292, 296–297, 299, 300, 317, 318, 321, 355, 447, 450
Syrians, 217, 267
Systema Brahmanicum
, 391*
Szechuan (sŭ-chwän’) province, 729, 749, 779, 786
Szuma Ch’ien , Chinese historian (born 145 B.C.), 651, 652, 653*, 658*, 695, 699, 718–719
Szuma Kuang (dwäng), Chinese historian (fl. 1076), 719, 726
Ta Hsüeh (gä shü’-ŭh), 665
Tabi-utul-Enlil , King of Nippur, 260–261
Tabus , 69–70
Tacitus, Caius Cornelius, Roman historian (fl. 55-120), 578
Tagore, Abanindranath , Indian artist, 619
Tagore, Davendranath , Indian reformer, 619
Tagore, Dwijendranath , Indian philosopher, 619
Tagore, Gogonendranath , Indian artist, 619
Tagore, Rabindranath , Indian poet (1861-), 391, 415, 493, 582†, 619–621, 622
Tagtug, 129
Tahiti, 6, 10, 32, 38, 45, 77, 107
Tahito (tä-hē-tō), Japanese poet (665-731), 856
T’ai Tsu , Chinese emperor (960-976), 724
T’ai Tsung , Chinese emperor 627-650), 675, 702, 782
T’ai Tsung, Chinese emperor (976-998), 731
T’ai Tsung, Korean emperor (15th century), 730
Taiko (tī-kō), 839
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe (1828-1893), French critic, 199, 719
T’ai-p’ing Rebellion, 742, 758–759, 805, 915
Taira family, 835
Tai-shan (tī-shän) (mountain), 787
Taj Mahal , 473, 609–610, 611, 897
Takamine , Japanese scientist, 924
Takayoshi (tä-kä-yō-shē), Japanese painter (ca. 1010), 904
Ta-ki , wife of Chou Hsin (ca. 1135 B.C.), 645
Tale of the Water Margins, 718
Talent (money), 306*, 358*
Talikota , 457, 459
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, Prince of Benevento, French statesman and wit (1754-1838), 151
Talmud , 329, 519
, 586
Tamerlane , 463; see Timur-i-lang
Tamil language, 555, 581
Tamils, 446, 490
Tammuz , 120, 127, 238–239, 241*, 295, 312, 341
Tamura Maro , Japanese general (ca. 800), 854
T’ang (täng) Dynasty, 675, 702, 703, 724, 728, 735, 736 740, 745*, 749, 751, 755, 775, 780, 782, 790, 797, 800, 835
T’ang (state), 683
Tangut , 761
Tanjore (tan-jôr’), 393, 490, 585, 594, 602, 610
, 880, 926
, 518, 519, 541
Tao (dou), 653, 689, 783
T’ao Ch’ien (dow chē-ăn’), Chinese poet (365-427), 713–714
T’ao Hung-ching , Chinese writer (6th century), 782
653-658, 675, 728, 731, 741, 746, 748, 754, 786–787
Tao-Te-Ching (dou-dā-jing), 653, 657
Tarahumaras, 7
Tashkent , 453
Tasmanians, 14, 21, 74, 79
Tata (tä-tä) Iron and Steel Company, 622
Tatars , 701, 750, 770
Tattooing, 85
, 537–538, 539
Taxation, in Sumeria, 126
in Egypt, 160, 214
in Judea, 308
in Persia, 363
in India, 480
in China, 699
in Japan, 851–852
Taxila , 440, 441–442, 450, 492*, 557
Taylor, Meadows, 601*
Tcheou-ta-Kouan , Chinese diplomat (ca. 1275), 604, 605
Tecunas, 73
Tefnut , 201
Tejahpala Temple, 598
Tekoschet , 189
Tell-Asmar , 395*
Tell-el-Amarna , 188, 205, 211, 212*
Tell-el-Ubaid , 133
Tell Halaf , 286
Tello (těl’lō), 131
Telugu (dialect), 458, 555
Telugus (tribe), 495
Temple, 307–308, 309, 314, 315, 318, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 332, 333, 335, 337
Ten Commandments, 312, 331–379, 374
Ten Thousand (Xenophon’s), 284
Tenchi (těn-chē), 834
Tenchi Tenno (těn-nō), Emperor of Japan (668-671), 833, 850, 877
Teng Shih , Chinese radical (ca. 530 B.C.), 651–652
Tengri, 60
Tennyson, Alfred, Baron, English poet (1809-1892), 491, 550*, 620
Tepe Gawra , 265
Thaïs, Athenian courtesan (4th century B.C.), 82
Thales, Greek philosopher and scientist (640-546 B.C.), 533, 552
Thamos , King of Egypt (mythical), 76
Thanatopsis, 408
Thapsacus , 228
Thebes, 140, 151, 153, 154, 155, 167, 190, 191, 210, 213, 217*, 248, 307, 314, 449
Théodut, Father, 13
Theosophy, 554*, 616†
Third Dynasty (Egypt), 140, 147, 165
Thirteen, as an unlucky number, 79
Thomas, Elbert, 693*
Thoreau, Henry David, American writer (1817-1862), 79, 631, 889
Thoth (thōth), 76, 147, 179, 199, 203*, 277*, 331‡
Thracians, 494
Thucydides, Greek historian (ca. 471-399 B.C.), 578, 719
Thugs, 499–500
Thutmose (thŭt’-mōz), Egyptian artist (ca. 1370 B.C.), 188, 192
Thutmose I, King of Egypt (1545-1514 B.C.), 153, 154, 185
Thutmose II, King of Egypt (1514-1501), 153
Thutmose III, King of Egypt (1479-1447 B.C.), 111, 142, 143, 153, 154–155, l60, 178, 181, 184, 185, 188, 189, 205, 210, 222, 270, 300, 302*
Thutmose IV, King of Egypt (1420-1412 B.C.), 155
Ti, 60
Tiamat , 236–237, 278
Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar, Roman emperor (14-37), 381
Tibet , 38, 39, 45, 140, 329, 391, 401, 449, 501, 504, 506–507, 589, 602, 606, 767, 798
Tientsin , 765, 778, 805
Tiglath-Pileser I, King of Assyria (1115-1102 B.C.), 266-267, 280
Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria (745-727 B.C.), 267, 270
Tigris River, 117, 118, 119, 124, 135, 136, 218, 221, 265, 286†, 299, 756
Tilak , Bal Gangadhar, Indian Nationalist leader (1856-1920), 626, 632
Timbuktu, 3
Timon of Athens, 175, 689
Timur-i-lang , Turkish conqueror (1336-1405), 463, 464, 465
Ting , Duke of Lu (ca. 500 B.C.), 662, 663
Tinnevelly , 456
Tirumalai Nayyak , Prince of Madura (1623-1659), 600, 602
Tiruvallaver , Indian poet (ca. 950), 581–582
Tiy mother of Amenhotep IV (ca. 1400 B.C.), 168
Tlingits, 6
To no-Chujo , 893
Toba Sojo , Japanese painter (1053-1140), 904