Chapter Ten

“So, how’s Barbados?” Phyllis’ voice crackled over the line.

“Rainy. Hot. I already have a nasty burn from swimming only half an hour. The place is overrated.”

“Okay. You love it. You don’t want me to be madly jealous.”

Sam grinned. “It’s sheer heaven. I hate to think that tomorrow we have to fly back home. David has to be in Los Angeles on Monday for a pay-per-view and I have to make arrangements to sublet my apartment for the next few months.”

“Why bother? It’s only gonna be a few months It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

Sam could have bitten her tongue. “I see no reason to let it sit unoccupied. If I can lease it out for five months that will be better than it sitting empty.”

“Honey, is there something you aren’t telling me?” Phyllis was almost psychic when it came to things bothering her. Sam winced.

“No. But I’m not really sure that a live-in relationship that began barely two weeks after meeting a man will be able to last. I just don’t want to keep all my eggs in the same basket. Not rely too much on Murphy’s Law not kicking in.”

“You sound like you worked pretty hard on that line, Sam.” Phyl sounded unconvinced. “But I won’t push. You’ll drop the bomb on me when you feel it’s time. You enjoy the rest of your vacation and I’ll see you in a week.”

Sam hung up slowly. She lay back on the satin comforter that covered the bed they had shared for the past twenty nights and she closed her eyes. David was in the weight room, not wanting to lose his tone during the weeks he was away from the ring. He was used to hard daily workouts and each of his houses had a huge workout area. He usually returned to their room a little after nine a.m. and he always wanted to shower with her.

To be truthful, she was the cleanest woman in Barbados, taking up to three showers a day and always with a man who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. But she enjoyed every moment of his constant attention, thrilling to his body as he taught her every possible way to make love.

She was damn thankful she had phoned her doctor and gotten a prescription for birth control pills, because she far preferred having him inside her body au naturelle. The feel of his naked cock filling her was the most exciting thing she’d ever known. And she loved having his very beautiful, very thick, very delicious cock uncloaked by latex. She had grown used to being thoroughly, wonderfully satisfied in that department. She closed her eyes. Having sex at the drop of a hat-or a bra, or satin panties-had become a habit over the past three weeks. The man was completely insatiable. And she was so damn glad.

But in a couple more days, there would be times when he was working and she couldn’t be with him. No more impromptu sex in the hallway, the living room, the bathroom. No more making up for a lifetime of total celibacy. She realized that. The “honeymoon” was about to come to a screeching halt. And she was going to miss it. Desperately.

He was due in LA in just two days. And she would be in Cleveland. She wouldn’t see him until Friday.

He had warned her that by Friday, he would be a raving sex maniac and he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t haul her into the men’s room in the airport and have his way with her. She smiled weakly at that thought. Just a month ago, she would have thought herself to be a regular prude, except in her novels. But she was living the life of a flagrant sybarite. And she adored it.

She shook herself out of her vivid, sexy daydreams and landed firmly on earth again. Cleveland. Yes. Business. Right.

She was going to see to the sublease of her apartment and then she would move into his apartment in Chicago. The FPW was headquartered there and he was there more than anywhere else.

“Damn, Snowball… I wish you were here!” she frowned. This was the first time she’d gone off and left him for any length of time, and she was longing for his soft fur.

David shook his head and grinned at her from the doorway to the bedroom. “You still missing that cat of yours?”

Sam jerked around and shrugged, her face pink. “Well, sure. He’s a great listener. And sometimes he even has great ideas. I think he’s a little jealous that I spend more time with you than I spend petting him now.”

“Is that why he just stares at me?” He smiled as he sauntered into the room, shrugging out of a bright aqua Hawaiian shirt.

“Yep. It’s feline intimidation. If you blink or look away, he wins. If you don’t, he gets pissed off and pees on your T-shirts.”

He snorted softly. “I’ll have to remember to look away. I thought my shirt smelled weird when you left him with your friend.” He dropped his rumpled outer shirt onto the bed.

She grinned at him. “He’ll get to like you more. Try scratching his belly. He’s a sucker for having his belly and back scratched.”

“Me too. You wanna scratch mine?” He moved slowly closer, peeling his sweat-damp white T-shirt over his head to toss it into the open suitcase.

“Maybe. What’s in it for me?”

“You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” His smile was wicked as he bent to kiss her slowly. Oh, the man knew how to kiss.

After a couple of minutes, she drew away and turned him forcibly away from her and before he could say a word, she was running her nails slowly over his back and he was hissing with intense pleasure. “Oh yeah. Lower and over to the right. Oh man. That’s the spot.”

“You need a shower.” She sniffed. Most men smelled terrible after a workout. David smelled as sexy as hell. Hot. Spicy. Musky.

“I know but I like getting my back scratched too.”

“Your back looks like you just had sex with a wildcat.” She grinned at the stripes her nails were leaving on his skin.

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

“You’re easy to please.”

“Am I?”


“And what would please you right now?”

“Well, you go get that shower and I’ll let you know.”

“I have to be fresh and clean for you to enjoy it?” he asked.

“I’m afraid so. It’s our last night here and I sort of wanted it to be special.”

“Every night with you is special.”

“That was incredibly sweet of you to say.”

David turned to face her, dragging her gently into his arms and bending to kiss her slowly. When he lifted his head and smiled down at her, he whispered huskily, “Do I have to shower alone?”

“When was the last time you showered alone, David?” Her eyes were glowing with amusement.

“You can’t shower with all those clothes on.” His hands slid under the edge of her peasant blouse and she bit her lip as he dragged it up over her head and tossed it onto the bed.

“Have I ever showered with all my clothes on?”

“I can help you get undressed. Wanna help me with my sweats?”

She smiled and reached to tug the tie at his damp waist. Her fingertips slowly slipped down the front of his sweatpants to tease the growing ridge that never failed to entice her.

“You are a horny, horny man.” Her hand slid inside to cup and circle him and he shuddered.

“And you love it when I’m a horny, horny man.” He bent his mouth to hers and kissed her, his tongue slipping slowly over her smiling lips.

“Mmmm. Oh yes, I do love it.” She slid slowly to her knees and dragged his sweats down to his ankles and smiled widely at the sight of his bobbing, thick cock just inches from her face.

David caught his breath as she untied his Nikes and dragged them off, then tossed his pants atop the growing pile on the bed. But when her slender, wonderful hands cupped his balls and his cock, he had to put his hands on her shoulders to keep from sagging to his knees. Her lips caressed the sensitive ridge around the tip, then her tongue licked away the drop of moisture that had gathered and he almost lost it. He bit his lip and groaned as she took him into her mouth and sucked, hard.

“Sam.” His mind whirled and his body trembled as his woman devoured him. He jerked as her tongue swirled around him and her teeth nipped and scraped until he was so fucking hot he couldn’t even breathe. “You’re killing me!”

Sam seemed instinctively to know he was close to coming and she drew back, rose from her knees and took his hand, leading him into the bathroom. She dropped the rest of her clothes on the floor and shoved him against the back wall of the tiles shower stall, then she climbed up his body and wrapped her legs about him hungrily. “I want you.” Her voice was a whisper of need.

“You’ve got me,” he growled as he took her lips and drove himself into her wet body, supporting her buttocks with strong hands as he held her in the perfect position to stroke hard, over and over. Filling her, stroking deep, burying himself again and again and hearing her little gasps and adorable cries as she thrilled to every touch, every thrust, every long, thick inch of him inside her. Yeah, she had him.

And when he felt her come hard, her body clenching tightly around his cock, he fought his own climax, wanting more of her-wanting never to stop this feeling that tore at his guts and heated his blood.

The deliciously warm water cascaded over their bodies as he pressed her shoulders back into the smooth tiles of the shower. She was so going to miss this oversized shower-and the many marvelous orgasms she had received in it from a man who seemed as insatiable for her as she was for him.

David was now on his knees, her legs hooked over his massive shoulders as she clung to his thick black hair and bit her lip with delight. He was the most breathtaking lover she could have ever imagined. And the man had a tongue that he could bronze and sell patented copies of!

He loved giving her oral sex-and she sooo loved receiving it. She bit her lip as he growled with pleasure. God, he knew exactly what to do, the sounds to make, to drive her mad. He stroked her throbbing clit, his tongue swirling and sucking as she whimpered and arched and gave herself up to a particularly intense climax. As he lowered her feet back to the shower floor, she pulled him up to kiss him and reach for his stiff cock, before she slid down his body to sweetly return the favor.

David closed his eyes and bit his lip hard to keep from shouting out his delight as her sweet mouth slid over his swollen, aching cock. He had never known a woman who was so willing to go down on him, to suck him in and drain him like a starving tigress. Women often only did this for men to placate them but his Sam seemed to enjoy the feel and taste of his cock in her mouth as well as inside her body. And that knowledge made him so fucking horny. She wasn’t shy at all when he wanted to taste her body thoroughly with his own mouth. He had just spent the most amazing three weeks of his life, unable to think straight whenever she was within reach.

She was the most sensuous, satisfying sex partner he had ever known. She had virtually ruined him for any other woman. And he didn’t give a damn.

* * * * *

The flight back to Cleveland was long and tedious, especially when David flew west after the plane change in Indianapolis. His flight would be landing in LA about the same time hers had touched down. She picked up the fluff ball from Phyllis then took a taxi to her apartment and aired it out as she packed up her things and let Snowball wander about the place, finding his long-lost catnip mouse and his squeaky toy and dropping them onto the bed next to her open suitcase. He rolled on his back and begged to play.

“Okay, sweetie. I’ve been ignoring you and I’m sorry. You want your tummy rubbed, love?” The cat purred loudly as she ran her fingertips through the long, soft hair on his vibrating chest. She sank down on the bed and closed her eyes just for a few minutes…

She woke up to the sound of the phone ringing.

As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, she glanced at her watch and reached for the phone with a yawn. “Hello?”

“It’s one a.m. in Cleveland. Are you alone?”

She smiled and flopped back onto the bed. “No. I have a handsome man next to me.” She grinned at the cat, who was sleeping rolled up in a ball next to her.

“If he gets white hair on my side of the bed, he’s in deep shit,” he growled.

“Miss me?”

“No. Just called to let you know I just finished up a hot orgy with all five of the divas and a dozen of their friends.”

“And were they utterly fabulous?” Her eyes closed at the sound of his voice. He had the most erotic effect on her.

“A couple of them were okay but not one of them can hold a candle to you.”

She laughed softly. “I was wondering how your match went. I don’t have pay-per-view on my cable here and besides, I’ve been out like a light since I got back to the apartment. Too many late nights when the man of my dreams is around.”

“Catch up on your sleep. You’re gonna need all you can get. Wrestling makes me horny as hell.”

“I’m missing a pair of those terribly sexy undies you made me buy in Barbados.”

“Hmm. You mean these?”

Sam blushed. “Are you wearing them?”

“My ass is way too big to be wearing your undies. Does that answer your question?”

“You aren’t doing anything kinky with my undies, are you?” she grinned.

“Well, let’s just say that they are infinitely sexier than the palm of my hand.”


“Brutal honesty. I did warn you.”

“Can’t you even wait a week? You are one spoiled man.”

“If I waited the week, you would be too sore to walk for a long, long time.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

“Fly out to LA. This is the damn pits.” His voice was a low growl.

“Don’t be such a boob. You can handle this. Enjoy my panties.”

* * * * *

David groaned and hung up, flopping back against the pillows and staring at her lace and satin underwear. Just the sound of her voice made him so fucking hot, he thought he’d explode. He closed his eyes and touched the filmy bit of material to his lips, and then he grinned slowly as he decided that it might damn well be worth a try.

He slid the decadent satin over his fevered skin and bit his lower lip. Yeah. That felt damn nice. He stroked the satin scrap over his stiff cock and thought of her body sliding down over him so lushly. He tightened his grip and began to stroke his shaft a bit harder and faster, his mind conjuring the thought of a redheaded seductress riding his cock. He arched his hips up to his hand, swearing savagely that he had sunk to this pathetically unsatisfactory method of getting his rocks off.

“Dammit, Sam,” his voice rasped as he jerked in a spasm of pure erotic pleasure and came so damn hard his eyes rolled back in his head. And as he sank back into the pillows, he panted raggedly and mentally promised his little temptress that he was not going off and leaving her alone again. He grimaced as he stared at the handful of lace and satin that was still clutched around his cock. Next time, he’d be peeling them off her sweet little ass and burying himself inside that incredibly sexy body…

He groaned as he hardened once more and began to stroke fiercely again. This was the fucking pits!

* * * * *

It had been fairly simple to find a bonded agent who would lease the apartment for a nominal management fee monthly and she’d had her stuff professionally packed and put into storage with a five-month advance payment. Phyllis helped her load her luggage into the taxi and waved her off at the airport. As the flight lifted off, she felt as if her old life was ending and a whole new life was beginning.

A new life that would abruptly end in just five more months.

She put on the headphones and watched the in-flight movie that played on the back of the seat in front of hers. The movie was a comedy but she wasn’t paying it any heed. She found herself thinking about what she was going to do when this short-term “trial marriage” of hers ended.

He had said in Barbados that she could continue to write another book in the series. She could use his name. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. One last book about her dream lover. At least that would be something to fill the hours when he wasn’t there. And she was pretty sure there would be a lot of free time once the novelty wore off their lovemaking.

If she did write the final chapter in the series, how would it end? With the hero walking away from his lady love forever, or would he admit he had fallen in love with her and would they live happily ever after? She sighed. Well, at least happily ever after worked out in books.

* * * * *

David was waiting as her plane landed in Chicago. He was as nervous as hell. This was an alien feeling for him. Would she still want him as eagerly after a week’s absence as she had during their dreamlike stay in a tropical paradise? She was so hard to figure out sometimes. He had asked her to fly out to the coast to stay with him and she had brushed him off.

He swallowed hard and frowned at his own stupidity for not insisting she accompany him. He’d be damned if he’d do that again. No more nights sleeping alone in a hotel bed. No more nights reaching for a body that wasn’t there. No more having to use her fucking underwear and his own imagination.

He stood like a stone sentinel, not moving a muscle, oblivious to the avid stares of women who recognized him. Wanted him. He ignored the lustful gazes. He was only interested in one woman wanting him, how one woman would react to him, and the uncertainty was killing him.

Sam stepped from the people mover into the baggage pickup area of the terminal and looked about, her heart pumping madly. Would he be here? Or would he have simply sent a driver to pick her up? Her eyes slid over the happy faces waiting for friends and relatives. He wasn’t here.

Turning dully toward the baggage claim, she heard a woman whispering excitedly to another, just to her left. “Oh God, look at that. I would give my husband’s left nut to get myself a piece of that.”

She lifted her head, noting that nearly every female in her vicinity was craning to see something. And then she saw him, towering head and shoulders above the people moving through the waiting area to the baggage pickups and her throat tightened at the sight of him. When his eyes met hers, she felt a vibrant, breathtaking joy bounding inside her chest that she couldn’t begin to understand.

She couldn’t make her legs move. He was so damn gorgeous. Every woman in the terminal was staring. The sight of him was enough to make her melt into a puddle right where she stood. And when his face slowly broke into a wicked, predatory smile and female voices sighed and squealed and giggled all around her, she realized that she didn’t have to move. He was moving toward her.

He was walking toward her slowly. He moved across the muted gray and green carpeting as bodies gave way before his achingly sexy approach. He walked like he was stalking her, his eyes never leaving hers, holding her prisoner, and when he was less than a yard away, she looked up into those unreadable black eyes and she asked, “Hey, mister. Can I get a ride off you?” The double entendre hung wickedly in the air between them.

She ignored the blatantly envious looks on female faces as he let his eyes slip down her body and back to her face slowly. White teeth flashed as he grinned at her and his low, gravelly voice growled, “You can get one hell of a lot more than just one.”

She inhaled sharply as his arms snaked around her body, hauling her into his possessive embrace. And then she was dangling a foot from the floor, being kissed wickedly senseless in front of a few hundred passengers waiting for their luggage.

God but he tasted good. The feel of his muscular arms dragging her against a chest that had been created for female pleasure left her aching to have him inside her, throbbing to feel his talented hands on her naked flesh, teasing and tantalizing and finally, satisfying. As his tongue swept into her hungry mouth, her hands twined into the thick black hair at the back of his head and she actually whimpered aloud with the jolt of need that made her forget the prying eyes and giggles surrounding them.

It took her several minutes to regain her sanity and her sense of propriety and she whispered against his hungry lips, “Can we find a more private place before you start undressing me this time?”

David smiled wickedly down into her eyes as he lowered her to the floor and kissed the top of her copper mop. “I know just the place.”

* * * * *

The stretch Hummer limo had dark glass and a privacy window between the back and the driver. He wasted no time as the driver pulled into heavy traffic for the hour-long ride home. She was sitting astride his bulging lap on the rear seat, their mouths fused in a smoldering, needful kiss as he slowly shoved her skirt up her thighs and slid aside the thin strip of satin and lace that was all that kept him from her pussy. She gave a thick moan of pleasure as he found her cleft and his wonderful fingers worked utter magic in their gently stroking, dipping quest. Her first climax shuddered through her and he laughed softly against her lips.

She felt his fingers withdraw from her and he slid the thong crotch aside again as he released his cock from his slacks to let it rub tantalizingly against her pussy. He growled in a husky murmur, “Ride me, Sam. Ride me into oblivion. God, I need you.” He lifted her and settled her wet sheath down over his cock as he kissed her with a savage delight that would have shocked her, had she not been just as eager.

“I missed you so damn much,” she whimpered as he slid one hand up under her silk blouse to caress her breast. Her own hands were under his shirt, tantalizing his skin as she moaned and arched with delight. He filled her so completely. The heated, rocking movements of her hips drove him deeper, harder.

“I’ve saved up a whole week’s worth of rides for you, Sam. It’s gonna be one hell of a welcome home party.” His voice was a rasp of pleasure against her temple as his fingers delved into the triangle of curls between their bodies to find and tease her eager clit.

Sam gasped and clung to him as she felt her body come apart in a second exquisite orgasm that took her voice away. Her body convulsed and she swore she could see cartoon stars before her eyes as he worked his wicked magic on her body. When she was able to speak again, she whispered huskily, “I hope you ate plenty of oysters.”

She kissed him so passionately he could barely think straight as she dipped her sweet tongue into his mouth and moaned against his lips.

He came hard inside her tight body, so hard that it took him several minutes to regain his senses and his breath. And when he looked into her eyes, she was smiling at him as if she had no intention of letting him off so easily. He laughed in delight and caught her lips, taking what she offered with a deep growl of enjoyment.

If she thought he was going to simply let her walk out of his life in five months, she had another think coming. No other woman had ever made him feel what Sam Hastings made him feel and he was not willing to give that up for anything-not even a signed Memorandum of Understanding.

* * * * *

She awoke alone in his bed, having very little memory of the arrival at his palatial home in Barrington Hills except for the way he had swept her into his arms and carried her up the curving staircase to his bedroom. She had fully expected to arrive in downtown Chicago and be ensconced in the luxurious hotel apartment he kept. It had been a complete shock to find that the man owned four houses and that amazing apartment! But that particular shock had quickly evaporated under the onslaught of hot lips and hands as everything else became a frenzied blur of touching, kissing, feeling and responding to every delicious thing he did to her for the next many hours. And he had been amazing. Breathtakingly sensuous. Delightfully ardent and eager. He had made her feel…cherished.

She stretched and gave a little groan. She was so sore, she could barely move. She laughed softly. He had warned her. She sat up and shoved her tousled red mop out of her face and looked around the room at their wildly strewn clothing and the lamp he had upset in his haste to remove his own clothes. She slipped from the bed and snatched up her rumpled skirt, pulling it on and reaching for her blouse. The panties had not made it out of the limo.

She was buttoning her blouse when the phone beside the bed rang and she picked it up slowly. “Hello?”

“About time you were out of bed, Ms. Hastings. If you’re looking for your luggage, I had Maria hang your things up in your closet. The set of drawers on the left of the dressing room are yours. Bathroom’s the door on your left as you’re facing the hall. Did I say thanks?” His hot-buttered-rum voice made her shiver with memories of the night spent in his bed.

“Thanks for what?”

“For not falling asleep on me until I collapsed from exhaustion. I desperately needed to feel wanted after a whole week away from you.”

“Oh, you were definitely wanted.” Her blush was hot and she cooled her cheeks with her free hand.

“I’m so damn sore I can barely walk.” His laugh sounded muffled, as if he had swept his hand across his mouth.

“You too?” she chuckled.

“Great sex works muscles that don’t get used much. We’ll have to keep working out. I’d hate to let those muscles atrophy.” He actually seemed to purr. She shivered. She could almost picture a powerful jungle cat purring in satisfaction.

“I seriously doubt that will ever happen, David. In that department, I’m sure you have no problems. Now I’m going to get a shower. Where are you?”

“In the weight room. Working the other muscles.”

“You’d better not overdo.”

“Leave me some hot water.”

“No. If you aren’t fast enough to get up here before I use it all, you’ll have to settle for cold water.”

She hung up with a laugh and found the bathroom easily enough. She found fluffy black towels on a warmed towel rack and a voluminous robe hanging on a clothes horse nearby. She dropped her wrinkled clothes on the rug and turned on the shower, stepping into the smoked-glass enclosure with a sigh of pleasure. Her mind slipped treacherously back to the showers she had shared with David in Barbados. The feel of his rippling, wet body sliding over hers under the delicious hot spray. The feel of his lips moving down her trembling body as he sank to his knees and gently spread her legs and opened her soft folds with his fingers as he leaned in to lave her and then take her clit into his talented mouth.

She was rinsing the shampoo out of her hair when the shower door slid open and she felt the chill air on her skin. Big, calloused hands slid around her from behind and she felt his muscular body pressed against her back. “I have soap in my eyes,” she gasped.

“All the easier for me to take gross advantage of you, my little dove,” David whispered dramatically into her ear. She felt his hands move down her belly to seek the wet curls between her thighs.

“I’m no fun at all with soap in my eyes!” she yelped, trying to get her face under the spray.

“Oh, in that case…” He moved her forward slightly so that the hot spray rinsed her face. She inhaled deeply as he slipped his hand down her belly once more to the apex of her thighs and his fingertips began to tantalize her again.

She arched back against him and whispered, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Mr. Chance.”

“When have I ever not finished something I started, Ms. Hastings?”

“Mmmm.” She arched as his fingers slid into her sensitive folds and moved with slow, erotic thrusts. Such talented fingers.

“You like that?” His lips caressed the side of her neck.

“Ooh yeah.” She widened her stance and placed her hands over his as he pleasured her. He obliged her unspoken urging and buried three long fingers deep into her silken sheath. At the sound of her whimpered encouragement, he nibbled the edge of her neck and licked her skin as if he wanted to devour her. His other hand toyed with her throbbing clit and she felt his stiffened cock nudging her ass as he growled and shuddered with need at her back. He slid his fingers from her pussy and took her hand in his, using his fingers to press her own deep inside her body, whispering, “Feel what I feel inside you, Sam.”

Sweet Jesus. The stretching of both their fingers pressing inside her made her wild to have him.

“David, I want you inside me,” she moaned as he lifted her other hand to cup it around her breast.

“Happily.” He eased her slightly forward, bending her so that his cock could access her dripping core. He pressed one hand against her belly as he nudged his cock into her from the rear, his breathing ragged. Her fingers were still inside her and she felt his thick cock against her skin as she drew them out to give him full access to her. He groaned as her fingers caressed him.

She reached beneath her to feel where they were joined and she bit her lip at the sheer, heady pleasure his body could give her. Her fingers slid to the taut sac under his cock as he pressed deeper into her and he groaned, “God, yes!” She gently squeezed his balls and then reached forward to place a hand against the shower tiles for balance, because he had almost lost his with her gentle teasing.

He widened his own stance and bent his knees to be able to drive his cock deeper into her as she placed her other palm on the shower tiles and pressed back hard into each forward thrust of his hips.

“Oh. My. God,” she whimpered as one large hand cupped and squeezed her right breast, while the other slid firmly over her stiff clit in time with every marvelous thrust of his cock.

“You are utterly adorable!” David’s hiss of pleasure was deep and shaky against the back of her shoulder. His teeth gently nipped as he released with a shudder of enjoyment. He shoved deep and hard and held there as he emptied in hard spurts inside her clenching channel.

“Oh Lord!” Her own climax tore through her and she nearly collapsed. If he had not held her upright, she would have slithered to the tile of the shower floor in sheer orgasmic pleasure. And as he flooded her with an incredibly erotic, tingling explosion, they could do little more than remain locked together, panting and shuddering as their joined bodies floated back to earth.
