Former general and president-to-be Clark Braxton held the telephone handset to his ear and struggled with the hot and ready rage seething in his guts. He glared at the night-mirrored windows in his private study, watching the anger play across his face, But when he spoke, his voice carried the cool, even authority of command.

"Colonel, I comprehend the situation report, but I hope you realize what a bind the events of this evening puts you in." Braxton emphasized the you and allowed himself a thin smile in the ensuing silence. The colonel was one of an elite corps of devoted loyalists on active duty who owed their lives or careers-or both-to him. Obedience to Braxton outranked other loyalties and commitments because they believed only Clark Braxton's presidency could save the United States.

"Of course, sir. I fully recognize the gravity, which is why we've moved as quickly to neutralize the consequences and collateral damage. With all the military and Special Forces exercises we perform out here in the West, law enforcement cooperates with us pretty well."

"Law enforcement's not the concern," Braxton said. "Stone's a natural twopercenter."

"Yes, sir. I've reviewed his record, active-duty and his covert service. He's unusually capable."

"Better than six of your elite so far."

Braxton let the awkward silence work on the colonel.

"Sir-uh, we… well, I have an operational situation."

Braxton said nothing.


"Go on."

"Sir, I've committed as many of my resources as I have for this operation. I, uh.. I've got quite a mess to clean up. Mounting another operation now would produce issues I would not be able to successfully contain."

Braxton watched the second hand of his Rolex sweep smoothly through another ten seconds of silence.

"I understand your predicament and appreciate the effort and risk you have undertaken," Braxton said finally, his voice calibrated with firm, sympathetic authority. "You contain things there. I may be able to help."

Braxton smiled broadly as the colonel exhaled a faint shudder of relief.

"I will contact a combat-tested operative I already have on the ground," Braxton continued. "I want you to go back to the sheriff and to the LAPD. Just you. Find some politically ambitious blabbermouth way up in the chain of command. Meet them at a coffee shop or some other neutral territory. Before you go, shape Stone's record to fit what I am about to tell you. Make sure you give them a hard copy with all the right classified stamps on it so it'll have maximum credibility when they leak it to the press. You with me so far?"

"Yes, sir. It might take a little time to create the document, set up the meeting."

"Make it fast. Now listen carefully, this is what you're going to tell them."
