David Brown leaned against the windowsill of the commandeered office on the fifth floor of the federal office building in Jackson, Mississippi, and looked down at the nearly deserted stretch of Capitol Street. A newly lit Marlboro hung from the corner of his mouth. "Where the hell are you, you thieving pig-frigger?"

Brown drew on the Marlboro and let the smoke drift out his nostrils. A knock sounded on the door behind him, then he heard it open.

"What now?" Brown mumbled without turning. In the window's reflection, he saw his assistant's silhouette outlined by the light spilling in through the open door.

"I may have something"

Brown turned around. "What kind of something?" He took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked at his watch. It was 4:32 A.M. The sky would be brightening soon with the predawn glow.

"Call records from Stone's phone Verizon wouldn't release them without a subpoena."

"Worthless bastards." Brown sucked the Marlboro down to his nicotine-yellowed fingers. "We've got to be able to get what we need without having to get some bleedingheart judge involved."

"Yes, sir, well… We found calls to someone here in Jackson, a man named Rex, last name undetermined."

"Come on! How can someone have Undetermined as a last name?"

Brown's assistant shrugged. "He's a cipher. He's a contractor and took care of the maintenance on the apartment building where Stone's mother last lived."

Brown scowled as he dropped the Marlboro on the polished linoleum floor and crushed it out with his shoe. "Tell me something useful for a fucking change."

"This Rex character is married to a doctor who works at the VA where Talmadge is being held. The MPs on Talmadge's floor spotted her this morning."

Brown smiled broadly. "We've got that cocksucker now! Let's make that bastard pay for all the trouble he's caused, him and that nigger bitch."

The assistant turned his face away from the slur.

"Get moving!" Brown barked. "Tell the VA to double the guard. Move Talmadge to another room; get the Jackson cops out there. Warm up our troops and let's make sure these slimefucks have a properly warm reception."
