From: Luke amp; Phoebe Klaesson

Subject: Safety

Dear Parents,

Please do not fret about our whereabouts.

We are here because we consider you incapable of providing us with adequate protection against the Disciples of the Third Millennium and other fanatical groups. And because you are unable to provide us with the levels of stimulus and education we require – although we know you have been trying and we are grateful to you for that.

Don’t waste energy trying to trace the source of this email – as any geek will tell you, it will take you years. We are safe and well and happy for the first time in our lives and that is all you need to know.

You will not be able to reply to this email. If you wish to meet with us, we will grant you one visit because we believe as our birth parents you are owed that courtesy. We know it may be hard to believe, but we do love you – but in our own way, which you won’t understand.

Two seats have been reserved for you on Alitalia flight 275 to Rome today, departing London Heathrow at 1810 hours. In Rome you will take a taxi to the Hotel Anglo Americano and wait in the room reserved for you for further instructions. Come alone, bring no camera. If you are accompanied or followed, there will be no further instructions for you in Rome.

As proof that we are fine, a short video clip is attached.

Your children,

Luke amp; Phoebe
