Abkhazia, 149
Abramoff, Jack, 177, 225
Abramovich, Roman, 225
Sibneft and, 104, 112, 123–24, 225, 230
sports team purchase by, 204
Access Industries, 66, 225
Aeroflot, 103, 134, 174, 203
Afghanistan, 50–54
Africa, 181
Agroprombank, 67–68
Albats, Yevgenia, 195
Albright, Madeleine, 70
Alekperov, Vagit, 61, 65, 85, 125, 197, 225, 230
Alfa Bank, 64, 66, 107, 226
gas from, 4, 7, 47, 166, 178, 179
GECF and, 179
OGEC and, 164, 165
Alitalia, 203
Alkion Securities, 65
Allison, Graham, 52
aluminum industry, 110
Amoco, BP and, 70, 86
Ananenkov, Alexander, 183
Anderson, Richard J., 165
Anglo-Persian Oil Company (today’s BP), 25, 44
Anglo-Suisse, 84
APG. See associated petroleum gas
ARAMCO Consortium, 21
Arcelor (Benelux steel company), 203, 229
Arctic locations, 71–72. See also Sakhalin
Arkos, 28
Armenia, 150, 152
Arosgas Holding, 147
Asia, pipelines in, 162–64. See also specific countries
Asiatic Petroleum, 28
Aslund, Anders, 73
asset stripping, 79
Gazprom and, 104, 139–41, 143
Yukos and, 107, 111, 112
associated petroleum gas (APG), 186
auction royalty system, for oil production, 23
Austria, 168
NABUCCO, Hungary and, 9–10, 155–56
pipeline and, 9–10, 153, 154
reliance on Russian gas, 166
Azerbaijan. See also Baku, Azerbaijan
gas and, 9, 151, 153–55, 160–61
independent state of, 25
petroleum production in, 34
Azneft, 27
Badger, 27
Baikal Finance Group, 120, 122
Bakhmina, Svetlana, 116, 117, 225
Baku, Azerbaijan
kerosene from, 17–19
occupation/control of, 24–25, 27, 33
oil production in, 17–25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 228
pipelines and, 20, 26, 149, 154, 160–61
Second, 31
balance of trade, Soviet, 29–31
Balggand-Bacton pipeline (Netherlands-Great Britain), 167
Balkan Energy Cooperative Summit, 49
Balkans, 154. See also Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline
Balkenende, Peter, 167
Baltic Sea pipeline, 156–60, 161, 167
Baltic states, 2, 166. See also specific states
Balzer, Harley, 97
banks, 66–69. See also specific banks
CIA on, 109
financial crash and, 74–77, 93, 170
Loans for Shares and, 64–65
Luxembourg, 120, 206
mafia control of, 109
Barents Sea, 83, 85, 130–31
Barnsdall Corporation, 26
Basayev, Shamil, 94
BASF (chemical corp.), 157, 167
Batumi, 20, 23, 26
gas to, 49, 144–45, 151–53, 156, 159, 168, 183
Lukashenko and, 151, 227
Belkovsky, Stanislav, 225
Bell Petrole, 28
Beltransgaz, 152
Berezovskoe gas field, 38
Berezovsky, Boris, 225
Abramovich, Sibneft and, 104, 112, 123, 225, 230
Chechnia and, 94–95, 172
ORT and, 65, 103, 123, 225
politics and, 102–4
purge and, 100–104, 105
Putin and, 100–104, 105, 123, 172, 225
Sibneft and, 65, 68, 103, 112, 123, 174, 228, 230
Smolensky, Sibneft and, 65, 68, 228
Yeltsin and, 103
Berlin Blockade, of 1948, 137
Biotek, 200
Birol, Fatih, 89
Black Hundreds, 23
black market, 58, 101, 105, 148
Blair, Tony, 70, 126
Blavatnik, Leonard, 225
Access Industries and, 66, 225
Renova and, 230
TNK and, 66–67, 230
Bloomberg, Michael, 115
Blue Stream (Russia-Turkey gas pipeline), 155–56, 229
Bogdanchikov, Sergei, 114–15, 190–91, 200, 225
Bogdanov, Vladimir, 61, 65, 124, 197, 225
bonds, financial crash and, 74–76
Bosnia, 49
Bosporus Strait, Istanbul, 161
BP. See British Petroleum
BP/AMOCO, 70, 86
Bratsvo (“Brotherhood”) pipeline, 138
Brent oil, prices for, 14
Britain. See Great Britain
British-Mexican Petroleum, 28
British Petroleum (BP), 26. See also TNK-BP
Browne and, 91, 127, 226, 227
Haywood and, 227
Kovykta and, 131–32, 135, 162, 174, 184–85, 185, 229
pipelines and, 154–55, 161
Trinidad-Tabago facility, Gazprom and, 131–32, 179
Tyumen Oil and, 226
Browder, Earl, 143, 226
Browder, William, 143, 226
Browne, Lord John, 91, 127, 226, 227
Bruckhard, Bergmann, 168
Buffet, Warren, 115
Bulbov, Aleksandr, 200, 226
gas to, 10, 153, 154, 156
pipeline between Greece and, 161–62
Bunge, A. A., 20
Burevestnik Yacht Club, 194
Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline, 161–62
Bush, George W.
Evans and, 176
G-8 briefing and, 7
Putin and, 208–9
Texas mafia and, 192
Butov, Vladimir, 84–85, 226
Campbell, Robert, 40
gas to U.S. from, 7, 139, 179
oil sands in, 180
communism v., 58, 73
Soviet control and, 27–29, 31, 45
Carey, Sarah, 110
foreign manufacturers, 202
hybrids/flex-fuel, 180–81
Case, Karl, 190
Casey, William, 49–54, 226
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), 161
Caspian Sea pipeline, 156, 160–62, 221n73
Centragas Holding, 147
Centrica, 168, 169, 224n55
Ceyhan, Turkey, 149, 154, 160–61
Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 44
Chavez, Hugo, 90, 152
Chechnia, 55–56, 94–95, 102, 172, 199
Cheney, Dick, 71, 115
Halliburton and, 70, 79
Kazakhstan, gas pipeline and, 149, 154
Cherkesov, Viktor, 200
Chernogorneft oil fields, 69–70, 86
Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 48, 59–61, 100–101, 104–5, 140, 226
Chevron, 44, 86, 111–12
Chief Oil Committee (Glavny Nefitanoi Komitet), 27
economic blockades against, 221n77
gas to, 111, 162–63, 169, 186–87
GDP, 78, 90
increased demand/consumption in, 78–79, 90, 173, 180
investments abroad, 181, 205
petroleum to, 49, 111, 115
pipelines to, 111, 162–63
China National Petroleum Corporation, 163
CIA, 15. See also Casey, William
on banks, 109
output predictions by, 39, 43, 49–54, 56
Reagan, Casey and, 49–51, 226
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), 152
CITIC group of China, 163
Cleland, David, 99
Clinton, Bill, 192
CMEA. See Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
Cohen, Michael D., 197
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 173
Cold War, 15, 80, 180
COMECON. See Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
“The Coming Russian Boom” (Layard/Parker), 73, 81
capitalism v., 58, 73
collectivization and, 29
Communist Party, Zyuganov and, 68, 229
concessions, 23, 49
for foreigners, 26–27, 39, 174
Conoco, 84–85
ConocoPhillips, 85–86
LUKoil and, 126
Theede and, 229
Constantinople, fall of, 17
consumer goods, 66
corn-hog cycle, 88
Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA, COMECON), 44
Council of the People’s Commissars (CPK), 27
CPC. See Caspian Pipeline Consortium
CPK. See Council of the People’s Commissars
credit ratings, 81, 204
Crimean War, 19
Cuba, 14, 44, 221n77
cultural differences, 86–87
dollar, euro and ruble as world, 208
imports/exports and value of, 12, 14
reserves, 80–81, 91, 187, 203
Dagestan invasion, 94–95, 172
Danchenko, Igor, 99
Dart, Kenneth, 107, 108
debt, post-1998 recovery and, 75–77, 81, 91
de Gaulle, Charles, 99, 173
Degolyer-McNaughton, 87
Delay, Tom, 177, 178, 225
denationalization, of Baku, 25, 27
depressions, 23, 30, 32
Deripaska, Oleg, 226
Gutseriev, Russneft and, 124, 227
investment abroad, 204
Putin and, 124, 226
Rusal and, 181, 226
Deutsche-Russische Naptha Company, 28
Dienes, Leslie, 182
Dresdner Bank, 158–59, 229
drilling technology, 10–11
assistance with, 22, 26, 31, 79–80, 84, 91, 129, 174
planning, production, innovation and, 39–42
Dudley, Robert, 91, 226
Dutch Disease, 12–14, 190
Dutch East Indies, 21
EADS (Airbus parent company), 203
earth warming, 184, 207
Eastern Oil Company, 111
economic challenges, 202
economic crimes, 67, 101, 105
economic imperialism, 172–76
economy. See also balance of trade, Soviet; financial crash, of 1998; incentive systems; privatization; recovery
energy resources and, 11–15, 32, 48–49, 88–89
USSR collapse and, 49–54, 55–57
efficiency, problems with, 21, 39, 40
British, 168
disruptions in, 150
gas for, 182
nuclear energy for, 181
Embaneft, 27
Emba, oil fields at, 22, 27
on Georgian imports, 150
oil, 25–26, 32, 44, 47, 82, 137
price cutting, OPEC and, 46–47, 82
energy reserves. See also specific countries
Grace on, 87, 183, 216n48, 217n51
size of, 90–92
as state secret, 87
energy resources
alternative, 89, 180–81
conservation of, 78–79
development of, 10–11, 21, 22, 24, 71, 181–84, 188
economy and, 11–15, 32, 48–49, 88–89
exploration/discovery of, 18, 34, 38, 79, 90, 127–29
increased demand for, 77–79, 89–90
politics and, 3, 7, 11, 13, 14, 48–49, 84–85, 138, 163–64, 169
energy security, 3, 7
energy superpower, Russia as, 3, 7, 10, 14–16, 17–32, 97–98
early years, 17–18
energy price collapse impact on, 204
unrestrained, 170–209
Eni (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi), 229
Gazprom and, 167
Mattei and, 45–46, 227
petroleum and, 136
pipelines and, 149, 156
Enron, 116, 147
environmental regulations, 113, 157. See also pollution
E.ON (German gas company), 229
Gazprom, Gerosgaz and, 222n87
Ruhrgas, Gazprom and, 167–68, 229, 230
E Petroleum Handesges oil company, 108
Epsilon Corporate Finance, 203
Estonia, 153, 159, 166
ethanol, 89, 181
Eural Trans Gas, 146–47, 226
Europe. See also Western Europe, gas supply to; specific countries
map of primary Russian gas pipelines to, 8f
reliance on Russian gas, 166t, 167–69
European Commission, 205
Evans, Donald, 176
exports. See also petroleum exports
duties, and transit fees on gas, 151, 159
Russian imports and, 92t
timber, 29
competition with, 97
Gazprom v., 142
Raymond and, 228
in Sakhalin, 72, 128–29, 131, 135
Yukos and, 86, 112–13, 115, 123
“faces in the snow” incident, 102
Fahd, King (of Saudi Arabia), 51
FBI, investigations by, 147–48
Federal Narcotics Control Service (FNCS), 200, 226
Federov, Boris, 140–41, 226
Feniks, 108
filling stations, 31, 126, 200
Derop, 28
Getty Oil, 3, 87, 125, 169, 204, 230
in United Kingdom, 45
financial crash, of 1998, 14, 60, 73–77, 93–94, 108, 227, 228
banks and, 74–77, 93, 170
GDP and, 74, 76, 107
stocks and, 73–77, 81, 94
Finansgroup Investment Fund, 228
crude oil from, 45
gas to, 2, 166, 168
petroleum to, 49
Firtash, Dmytro, 146–47, 226
flaring, natural gas, 42–43, 131–33, 184, 186
FNCS. See Federal Narcotics Control Service
FNK (Finansovaia Neftyanaia Kompaniia—Financial Oil Company), 65
FOP (Friends of Putin), 96, 139, 192, 200
double dipping by, 194–98
foreigners. See also specific companies/individuals
attitude towards, 70–71, 83, 127
car manufacturers, 202
concessions for, 26–27, 39, 174
help from, 31–32, 34
investments by, 87–88, 98
opening for, 83–85
return of, 26–29
Foreign Trade Organization (FTO), 68
nuclear energy and, 137, 181
pipelines and, 153
reliance on Russian gas, 166–67, 168
Fridman, Mikhail, 226
Alfa Bank and, 64, 66, 226
TNK and, 64, 66–67, 226, 230
Front Uni, 25–26
FSB, 195
Patrushev as head of, 196, 200, 228
Putin as head of, 93
Stepashin as head of, 228
struggles within, 200
FTO. See Foreign Trade Organization
Fursin, Ivan, 147, 226
Gaddy, Clifford, 98–99
Gaidar, Yegor, 50, 52, 53, 226
gas. See natural gas
Gas Exporting Countries’ Forum. See GECF
Gasunie (Dutch pipeline company), 167, 229
Gates, Bill, 59, 115
Gaz (auto plant), 204
Gaz de France, 167
Gazexport, 143
Gazoviki, 132, 184
Gazprom, 2
asset stripping and, 104, 139–41, 143
BP, Trinidad-Tabago facility and, 131–32, 179
Chernomyrdin and, 48, 59–61, 100–101, 104–5, 140, 226
ENI and, 167
E.ON, Gerosgaz and, 222n87
E.ON, Ruhrgas and, 167–68, 229, 230
Exxon-Mobil v., 142
Federov and, 140–41, 226
foreign investments, 205–6, 224n55
gas flow control by, 1–3, 7–9
government ownership of, 2–3
Hermitage Capital Management Fund and, 226
as “holy of holies,” 142–44
ITERA and, 61, 104–5, 141–42, 146–48, 183
Kovykta, TNK-BP and, 131–32, 162, 185, 229
Medvedev, A., and, 3, 143, 163, 169, 227
Medvedev, D., and, 104, 140, 141, 143, 202, 227
Miller and, 104, 140–42, 143, 146, 169, 190–91, 200, 227
Nord Stream and, 157–59, 167, 230
overcommitment and, 181–84
ownership of, 83
as partner, 202–3
Putin and, 83, 100–101, 104–5, 139–44, 190–91
reclaiming, 104–5
Rosneft and, 83, 173, 184, 186, 190–91
Ruhrgas and, 83, 168, 230
in Sakhalin, 129–33
Sibneft and, 123, 184, 186, 230
skyscraper built by, 198
as state unto itself, 185–87
tour/visit to, 1–2
Ukraine, Turkmenistan and, 146–48, 226
Vyakhirev and, 48–49, 60–61, 100–101, 104–5, 140–41, 146, 226, 229
Wintershall and, 157, 167, 230
Yukos and, 120–21
Gazprombank, 142
GazpromExport, 145
Gazprom Konsern, 100
Gazprom natural gas pipelines, 1–4, 7–10, 83, 132, 183–84. See also Blue Stream; Nord Stream; SEGP; South Stream
Baltic Sea bypass and, 156–59
construction cost of, 197
expansion abroad, 152, 153t, 154
Grace on, 132
pipelines in Asia and, 162–63
seeking way around, 149–52
Gazpromneft (formerly Sibneft), 121, 123, 186
GDP (gross domestic product)
China’s, 78, 90
financial crash and, 74, 76, 107
oil production and, 80t
recovery of economy and, 96–97
Russian v. U.S., 56
GECF (Gas Exporting Countries’ Forum),
165, 179, 206, 229
General Electric, 48, 137, 142
General Motors, 202, 204
gas supplies to, 49, 168
import embargo, 150
pipelines and, 149–51, 152–54, 161–62
Tbilisi, 20, 149, 154, 161
Gerashchenko, Viktor, 226
purge and, 100, 104–5
Russian Central Bank and, 100, 104–5, 226
Gergiev, Valery, 93
Derop filling stations in, 28
exports to Nazi, 28–29, 30, 31
gas to, 2, 47, 82, 136–37, 153, 157–60, 166–68
nuclear energy and, 158
Russian kerosene consumption v., 21
Gerosgaz, 222n87
Getty Oil filling stations, 3, 87, 125, 169, 204, 230
Ghana, 44
Goldman Sachs, 75–76
Gololobov, Dmitry, 116, 118
Gonzales, Alberto, 222n9
Gorbachev, Mikhail
1985 perestroika campaign, 52
financial crash and, 93
on reform, 60, 106
Thatcher and, 209
Gorin, Sergei and Olga, 108
Gosbank, 105
Gosplan, 38, 57–58
government securities, 75–76
Grace, John, 39, 71, 197
on energy reserves, 87, 182, 216n48, 217n51
on Gazprom pipeline, 132
grain, 24, 29, 52
Great Britain
electricity, 168
gas to, 167, 168–69
oil exports to, 20
takeover and denationalization of Baku, 25, 27
gas supply to, 153
pipeline between Bulgaria and, 161–62
Gref, German, 96, 182, 192
Grozneft, 27
Grozny oil fields, 22, 27, 33
Guantanamo, 171
Guinea, 44
Gulf Oil (Chevron), 44
Gunvor (petroleum-selling company), 229
Gupta, Raj Kumar, 110
Gurov, W., 28
Gusinsky, Vladimir, 226
Media-Most and, 102, 103, 226
politics and, 102–4
purge and, 100, 102–4, 105
Gutseriev, Mikhael, 124, 200, 227
Gyurcsany, Ferenc, 155–56, 227
Halliburton, 70, 79
Harvard Management Company, 125
Hayward, Tony, 127, 227
Hermitage Capital Management Fund, 143, 226
Highrock Holding, 147–48
Hitler, Adolf, 33
How Russia Became a Market Economy (Aslund), 73
gas pipelines and, 153–56, 168, 227
Gyurcsany and, 155–56, 227
NABUCCO, Austria and, 9–10, 155–56
reliance on Russian gas, 166
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
imperialism, economic, 172–76
embargo on Georgian, 150
exports, currency value and, 12, 14
Russia as oil importer, 39, 49, 53
Russian exports and, 92t
Russian, to U.S., 3–4, 7
incentive systems, 30, 39–43
income, per capita, Russia v. Portugal’s, 96
India, 25, 44
increased demand/consumption in, 78, 90, 173, 180
PSAs with, 72
industrial production, recovery and, 95t, 96–97, 171
inflation, 13, 56, 57, 58, 66, 74, 79
Inkombank, 107
International Energy Agency, 89, 132
International Energy Authority, 79
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 75–76, 207–8
Iran, 13, 46, 186
gas reserves of, 139
GECF and, 179
OGEC and, 164, 165
Iraq, 46
LUKoil in, 126
U.S. and, 52, 71, 199, 207, 208–9
Isaikin, Anatoly, 193
Israel, 49
gas to, 153, 166–67, 168
oil imports, 28
ITERA, 229
Gazprom and, 61, 104–5, 141–42, 146–48, 183
Makarov and, 104, 146, 147, 177, 227
U.S. grant to/raid of, 177, 222n9
Weldon’s daughter and, 177, 229
Ivanov, Sergei, 192, 193, 196
Ivanov, Viktor, 192, 193
Ivan, story about, 67
Ivan the Terrible, 17
Izvestia, 202
Jamestown Foundation, 102
Japan, 12
conservation in, 79
pipelines in, 162, 163
PSAs with, 72
in Sakhalin, 26, 72, 128–30, 185
Jetts gas stations, 126
John Brown Engineering, 48, 138
Johnson, Alan, 169
Johnson, Simon, 56
Karaganov, Sergei, 163–64, 187
Kaufman, Daniel, 56
Cheney, gas pipeline and, 149, 154
pipelines and, 7, 149–50, 153–54, 160–61, 163, 181, 186
Kazmunai, 163
kerosene, 17–19, 21
Kharyaga oil field, 71, 132–33, 135, 229
KhimProm, 193
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 227
Lebedev and, 116, 120, 227
Menatep and, 64, 76, 106–9, 227, 230
in Nefteyugansk, 65
Nevzlin and, 228
Petukhov and, 65, 108–9
politics and, 103
purge and, 100, 103, 105–20, 123
Yukos and, 64, 65, 72, 76, 79, 86, 100, 105–20, 123, 135, 227, 230
Khrushchev, Nikita, 41, 142
King, William, 99
Kiriyenko, Sergei, 94, 109, 227
“kiting their checks,” 74
Koch, Roland, 205
Kogalym oil field, 61
Kohl, Helmut, 52, 136, 227
Kolesov, Sergei, 108
Korneyeva, Valentina, 108
Korzhakov, Alexander, 65, 102, 227
Kosachev, Konstantin, 208, 227
Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques, 111
Kostina, Olga, 108
Kovykta, 131–32, 135, 162, 174, 185, 229
krisha (roof ), 113
Kryshtanovskaia, Olga, 192
Kudrin, Alexei, 96, 192, 201, 227
Kumarin, Vladimir, 200
Kursk nuclear submarine, 103
Kuryer (cooperative), 66
Kuwait, 46
land claims, Russian, 207
Langepaz oil field, 61
Latvia, 49, 153, 159, 166, 168
Layard, Richard, 73, 81
Lebedev, Platon, 115, 116, 117, 120, 227
Lend Lease contracts, 27, 33
Lenin, Nikolai, 12, 174
Lenz, petroleum reserve data and, 87
Libya, 13
Lietuvos Dujos, 168
life expectancy, 198
Lithuania, 49, 153, 159, 166, 168
Litvinenko, Alexander, 208, 227
LNG (liquified natural gas)
spot market for, 139, 165, 179, 181
tankers for, 47–48, 82, 138
to U.S., 4, 7, 132, 179, 206
Loans for Shares, 64–65, 76, 106, 146
Potanin and, 63–65, 68
Rosneft and, 62, 64–65, 121–22
Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), 76–77
Loze, Bernard, 110–11
LTCM. See Long Term Capital Management
Lugar, Richard, 164
Lugovoi, Andrei, 208, 227
Lukashenko, Alexsander, 151, 227
LUKoil, 230
Alekperov and, 61, 65, 85, 125, 197, 225, 230
ConocoPhillips and, 126
Getty Oil filling stations purchased by, 3, 87, 125, 169, 204, 230
in Iraq, 126
in Komi Republic, 128, 219n70
Mobil and, 3, 125
stock, 85, 216n34
Lummus, 27
machinery, 202
MAD. See Mutually Assured Destruction
banks controlled by, 109
FBI and, 147
Federov and, 141
St. Petersburg, 192–94
Washington, 192, 194
Magna, 204
Maiko oil fields, 22
Makarov, Igor, 104, 146, 147, 177, 227
manufacturing, 12–15, 202
MAR. See Mutually Assured Restraint
Marathon Oil, 227
Marinsky Opera of St. Petersburg, 93
Maritime Provinces of Russian Far East, 198–99
Mattei, Enrico, 45–46, 227
Matvenyeko, Valentina, 196, 208, 227
Media-Most, 102, 103, 226
Medvedev, Alexander, 3, 143, 163, 169, 227
Medvedev, Dmitry, 227
on Baku, 22
as FOP, 192, 193
Gazprom and, 104, 140, 141, 143, 202, 227
as Putin’s nominee for president, 201–2
Menatep (cooperative), 106
Menatep Bank, 230
Khodorkovsky and, 64, 76, 106–9, 227, 230
Yukos and, 106–9, 227
Merkel, Angela, 159, 204
Mexico, 21
Middle East, dependence on, 3, 46–47, 81–82, 126, 136–37, 157
military, Russian, 13, 14, 15, 97, 207
Miller, Alexei, 104, 140–42, 143, 146, 169, 190–91, 200, 227
Miller (company), petroleum reserve data and, 87
“Mineral’no-syr’evye resursy v strategi razvitiia Rossiiskoi ekonomiki,” 97
Ministry of Foreign Trade, 28
Ministry of Fuel and Energy, 61
Ministry of the Chemical Industry, 42
Ministry of the Gas Industry, 2, 3
privatization and, 59–61
production, planning and, 42
Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, 3
industry breakup and, 61, 62f–63f
production, planning and, 42
Misamore, Bruce, 110, 118, 227
Mitsubishi, 72, 128, 130
Mitsui, 72, 128, 130
Mittal, 203
Mobil, 3, 125. See also Exxon-Mobil
Mogilevich, Semion, 148, 228
MOL (Hungarian natural gas utility), 230
Moldova, 49, 150, 152, 153, 168
“moral infrastructure,” 190
Morse, Edward, 89
Moskovy, 17
Most Bank, 226
Mulva, James, 85
Mussolini, Benito, 28, 31
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), 15, 178, 207
Mutually Assured Restraint (MAR), 15, 178–80
NABUCCO (pipeline), 161, 230
Hungary, Austria and, 9–10, 155–56
South Stream v., 230
Naftasib, 177
Naftogaz, 146, 152
Napoleon, 40
Naryshkin, Sergei, 192, 193
“national champions”
economic imperialism and, 172–74
Gaddy on, 98–99
Putin and, 15, 98–99, 100t, 101, 104, 105, 124–26, 128, 141, 172–73
nationalization. See also denationalization, of Baku; renationalization
of oil fields, 24–26, 45
third world and, 44
NATO countries
contracts with, 164
Putin on, 208
natural gas, 136–69. See also LNG; specific companies/countries
availability of Russian, 188, 189t
coal as substitute for, 178
controlling flow of, 1–3, 7–9, 15, 48–49, 82, 138, 145, 151–52, 156–58, 186, 205–6
costs of, 8–9
for electricity, 182
Europe’s reliance on, 166t, 167–69
flaring, 42–43, 131–33, 184, 186
intermediaries and, 145–49
MAR and, 178–80
market for petroleum v., 164–65
oil prices v., 164–65, 179
as petroleum byproduct, 183–84, 186
privatization and, 59–61
subsidies, 144, 151
transit fees and export duties on, 151, 159
transportation of, 82
to Western Europe, 2, 15, 48–49, 82, 92, 151–52, 153t, 154–60, 166t, 167–69
natural gas pipelines, 47–48, 82. See also Gazprom natural gas pipelines
Baltic Sea, 156–60, 161, 167
bypass/alternatives, 9, 149–52, 156–60, 181, 186
Caspian Sea, 156, 160–62, 221n73
map of government-proposed Far East, 9f
map of primary Russian, to Europe, 8f
poker game, 152–54
power out of, 136–39
preventing southern route, 154–56
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 154, 228
Nazi-Soviet Pact, 29, 30
Neft Aktiv, 120
Neftesyndikate, 27–28
Nefteyugansk, 65, 230
NEGF. See North-European Gas Pipeline Company
NEGP (North European Gas Pipeline), 230
Nelson Resources, 204
Nenets Autonomous Region, 84–85, 133, 226
Nenets Oil Company, 133
NEP. See New Economic Policy
nepotism, 16, 158, 196t, 197
Netherlands, 12, 166, 167, 202
Nevzlin, Leonid, 108, 118, 228
New Economic Policy (NEP), 26
newspapers, 102, 141
NFK (Neftyanaia Finansovaia Kompaniia), 65
Nigeria, 13, 181
Niyazov, Saparmurat, 146, 228
Nobel, Ludwig, 19–20, 228
Nobel, Robert, 228
competition for markets and, 18–20
Standard Oil and, 25
Noga, 120, 205–6
nomenclatura, 100, 101, 105
Nord Stream (Russian-German pipeline), 230
Gasunie as partner in, 229
Gazprom and, 157–59, 167, 230
Schroeder and, 157–59, 176–77, 228
Warnig and, 158–59, 229
Norex (Canadian oil development company), 230
NOREX Petroleum of Canada, 69
Norilsk Nickel, 224n55, 230
Potanin and, 64–65, 68–69, 182, 230
Norsk Hydro of Norway, 133
Nortgaz, 124
Northern Oil, 114, 229
Northern Territories, 84
North-European Gas Pipeline Company (NEGF), 157
North Pole, 207
North Sea
gas from, 47, 82, 137
petroleum from, 51
Norway, 13, 82, 138, 166, 178
Novatek, 105, 133, 167, 183
Novorossiysk, 161
NTV (TV network), 102–3
nuclear energy
for electricity, 180
France and, 137, 180
Germany and, 158
nuclear weapons, 178
OAO Gazprom, 100
Odessa-Brody pipeline, 162
offshore locations, 10, 71, 128–30
OGEC (Organization of Gas Exporting Countries), 164–65, 180, 230
oil fields. See also specific fields
development of, 228
nationalization of, 24–26, 45
oil pipelines
Baku-Tbilisi-Batumi, 20, 26
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, 149, 154, 160–61
map of government-proposed Far East, 9f
map of primary Russian, to Europe, 8f
to Murmansk, 111
Nobel, L., and, 19
Trans-Balkan, 161
Trans-Caucasian, 161
Transneft, 111, 134, 186
oil prices. See also price cutting
bargaining power and, 49
cycles in, 88–89
demand and, 90
gas v., 164–65, 179
privatization and, 56, 69, 72
production and, 35t-37t, 49–54, 77, 79–80, 88–89, 171f
recovery of economy and, 96, 170–71
oil production. See also specific countries
auction royalty system for, 23
GDP and, 80t
price cutting, overabundance and limiting, 44
Putin’s presidency and, 99
Russia as largest petroleum producer, 4t-6t, 11, 15–16, 24, 50, 79, 89
U.S. v. Russian, 4t-6t, 11, 20–22, 29, 32, 35t-37t
Okulov, Valery, 103
oligarchs. See also banks; siloviki; specific individuals
politics and, 102–4
privatization and, 58–59, 64, 69
Putin and, 99, 100–116, 117t-119t, 171, 194–98, 200–201
OMV (Austrian utility company), 154, 156, 230
OneksimBank, 65, 68, 230
ONGC Videsh, 72
OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Orenberg gas processing plant, 60
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
GECF v., 179
OGEC v., 164–65
price cutting and, 46–47, 82, 165
Saudi Arabia and, 46, 88–89
Orsk refinery, 59
ORT (TV network), 65, 103, 123, 225
Ossetia, 149–50
Pakistan, 44
Palashkovsky, S. S., 20
Paris Club, 81
Parker, John, 73, 91
Parsees, 17
Patrushev, Nikolai, 196, 200, 228
Persian Gulf, 82, 137, 157
Persians, 17–18, 19, 25, 28
Peter the Great, 17–18
petroleum. See also oil fields; oil pipelines; oil prices; oil production; wells; specific companies/countries
auction system for selling, 18
availability of Russian, 188, 189t
breakup/privatization of industry, 61, 62f-63f, 83–85
byproduct gas of, 183–84, 186
companies, expansion abroad, 173–74, 175t
decline in production, 56, 71–72
as diplomatic weapon, 43–49
extraction with rags and buckets, 18
franchising system for selling, 18
lower standard of living and per capita consumption of, 21
market for gas v., 164–65
reserve data companies, 87
Russia v. U.S. production, 4t-6t, 11, 20–22, 29, 32, 35t-37t, 46
Saudi Arabian production, 11, 13, 35t-37t, 79, 91
Soviet balance of trade and, 29–31
stagnation, 22–24
petroleum exports. See also specific countries
politics and, 28–29, 31–32
post-1998 recovery and, 73–92
Sutton on, 29, 213n51
Petukhov, Vladimir, 65, 108–9, 228
Philbro Energy Products, 84
Phillips Electronics, 93
Pichugin, Alexei, 108, 115, 117
pipelines. See natural gas pipelines; oil pipelines; specific countries/pipelines
planning, production and innovation, 39–43
Poland, 153, 156, 159, 162, 166
Polar Lights, 84
politicians, for sale, 176–78
economic blockades against China and Cuba, 221n77
energy resources and, 3, 7, 11, 13, 14, 48–49, 84–85, 138, 163–64, 169
oil exports and, 28–29, 31–32
oligarchs and, 102–4
social problems and, 199
pollution, 128, 131, 159, 185, 219n70
Polo, Marco, 17
population, shrinking, 198–99
Portugal, 28, 96, 153
Potanin, Vladimir
banks and, 68–69
Loans for Shares and, 63–65, 68
Norilsk Nickel and, 64–65, 68–69, 182, 230
OneksimBank and, 65, 68, 230
Sidanko and, 65, 68, 69–70
poverty, 96, 199
Prana, 122
price cutting, 20, 23, 32
OPEC and, 46–47, 82, 165
overabundance/limiting oil production and, 44
Seven Sisters and, 45–46
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), 122–23
Primakov, Evgeny, 94, 228
princelings, 196t, 197
chaos and, 57–59
fight over spoils and, 188, 190–91
gas and, 59–61
incentives and, 53
oil prices and, 56, 69, 72
oligarchs and, 58–59, 64, 69
petroleum industry breakup and, 61, 62f-63f, 83–85
in post-Soviet era, 55–72
renationalization v., 133, 173–74, 176, 184
taxes and, 56–57, 61, 64, 84–85
vouchers and, 58, 60, 106, 107
production. See also oil production
industrial, recovery and, 95t, 96–97, 171
planning, innovation and, 39–43
plan targets and, 30–31, 53
Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs), 71–72, 86
Sakhalin and, 71–72, 129–33, 174
taxes and, 174
Turkmenistan and, 148
productivity, 4, 196
profit and loss, 30, 45
Protek, 200
PSAs. See Production Sharing Agreements
purges, 99, 100–120, 226. See also specific companies/individuals
Putin, Vladimir. See also FOP
at Balkan Energy Cooperative Summit, 49
Berezovsky and, 100–104, 105, 123, 172, 225
Bush and, 208–9
Chechnia and, 94–95, 102, 172
Deripaska and, 124, 226
dissertation by, 97–99
foreign firms and, 85–87
Gazprom and, 83, 100–101, 104–5, 139–44, 190–91
Kudrin and, 192, 201, 227
“national champions” and, 15, 98–99, 100t, 101, 104, 105, 124–26, 128, 141, 172–73
on NATO, 208
oligarchs and, 99, 100–116, 117t-119t, 171, 194–98, 200–201
politics and, 102–4
as president, 15, 99–101, 139
as prime minister, 93–96, 103, 170, 172, 201
purges, 99, 100–120, 226
on Russia’s reliability, 164
Schroeder on, 172
Sobchak and, 97, 139, 192, 228
state of the nation speech, 2006, 142
three envelopes, Yeltsin and, 194
Timchenko, Gunvor and, 229
as Time “Man of the Year,” 171
TNK-BP and, 70, 126–27
too many foreigners, 87
TV networks and, 102
Warnig and, 158–59, 229
on World Trade Organization and IMF, 207–8
PWC. See PricewaterhouseCoopers
gas reserves of, 139
GECF and, 179
OGEC and, 164, 165
QM Group, 69
racial tensions, 23
Raiffeisen Bank, 147
Raiffeisen Investment AG, 147
RAO Gazprom, 100
Rapallo Pact, of 1922, 159
Raymond, Lee, 112–13, 228
Reagan, Ronald, 48–51, 82, 137–38, 226
Rebgun, Eduard K., 122
recessions, 75, 77, 180
of economy, 14–16, 95t, 96–97, 170–71, 203
post-1998, petroleum export and, 73–92
refinery construction, 26, 27
Gorbachev on, 60, 106
transparency and, 110–11
renationalization, 15, 134t, 135
privatization v., 133, 173–74, 176, 184
of Sibneft, 15, 104, 123–24, 134
of Yukos, 15, 105, 123, 174
Renova, 229, 230
1905 Russian, 23
1917 Bolshevik, 23, 24–26, 174
RN-Razvitiye, 122
Rockefeller, John D., 19–20, 228
Roketsky, Leonid, 70, 228
Romania, 34, 154
Romashkino, 31, 34, 230
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 76
ROP. See Russian Oil Products
Bogdanchikov and, 114–15, 190–91, 200, 225
breakup and reconsolidation of petroleum industry and, 61, 62f-63f
Conoco and, 84
Gazprom and, 83, 173, 184, 186, 190–91
Loans for Shares and, 62, 64–65, 121–22
at Sakhalin, 72
Sechin and, 191, 195, 228
as state-owned, 3, 15
Vavilov, Northern Oil and, 114, 229
Yukos and, 79, 106, 120–23, 124, 127, 176, 190–91, 217n15, 225, 230
Rosneftegaz (Russian Oil and Gas), 61
Rosoboronexport, 124, 134
Rostekhnology, 193
RosUkrEnergo (RUE), 145–48, 226
Rothschild brothers, 20, 23, 228
Royal Dutch Shell, 28, 44, 71. See also Shell
RUE. See RosUkrEnergo
Ruhrgas (German natural gas company), 83, 167–68, 229, 230
Rusal (aluminum company), 123, 182, 226
Rusia Petroleum, 131
Russia. See also USSR
companies as partners, 202–4
as energy superpower, 3, 7, 10, 14–16, 17–32, 97–98, 170–209
investments abroad, 87–88, 169, 204–6, 224n55
investments in U.S., 87–88, 169, 206
as largest gas producer, 180
as largest petroleum producer, 4t-6t, 11, 15–16, 24, 50, 79, 89, 180
new assertive, 206–9
as oil exporter, 20–21
as oil importer, 39, 49, 53
overcommitment by, 181–84, 187
U.S. investments in, 87–88
U.S. petroleum production v., 4t-6t, 11, 20–22, 29, 32, 35t-37t
as victim of Dutch disease, 12–14
Russian Central Bank, 91, 100, 104–5, 187, 203, 226
Russian Credit Bank, 107
Russian Disease, 12, 190–91
Russian Oil Products (ROP), 28
Russneft, 124, 200, 227
RWE, 156
Rybin, Yevgeny, 108
Saakashvili, Mikhail, 150–51, 228
Sakhalin, 128–33, 162
Gazprom in, 129–33
Japanese in, 26, 72, 128–30, 185
PSAs and, 71–72, 129–33, 174
Sakhalin I, 72, 128, 131
Sakhalin II, 71–72, 129, 130, 135, 163, 185
Sakhalinmorneftegaz, 72
Sale & Company, 28
Samaraneftegaz, 121
Samotlor (oil-producing site), 38, 69, 230
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 173
Saudi Arabia
ARAMCO Consortium and, 21
OPEC and, 46, 88–89
petroleum production and, 11, 13, 35t-37t, 78, 79, 91
reserves of, 139, 180
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 50–54
SBS/AGRO bank, 65, 68, 228
Scaroni, Paolo, 89
Schlumberger, 26, 79
Schroeder, Gerhard, 228
gas and, 82, 136, 157–59
Nord Stream and, 157–59, 176–77, 228
on Putin, 172
Schweizer, Peter, 50–51
Sechin, Igor, 191, 192, 193, 195, 200, 228
SEGP (Turkey-Western Europe pipeline), 155–56, 230
Semenov, A. G., 18
Seven Sisters, 44–46, 136
Severstal, 203, 224n55
shabashniki (private work crews), 67
Shafranik, Yury, 114
Shah Deniz field, 154
arrangements with, 31
during Bolshevik Revolution, 25, 26
competition with, 97
General Motors and, 202
Rothschild brothers and, 23
in Sakhalin, 128–32, 135, 163, 174, 185
Shiobara, T., 197
Shleifer, Andrei, 56
shock therapy, 107, 226
Shtokman field, 83, 130–31
Shuvalov, Igor, 49, 163, 193, 228
Shvartsman, Oleg, 228
Sibneft, 230
Abramovich and, 104, 112, 123–24, 225, 230
Berezovsky and, 65, 68, 103, 104, 112, 123, 174, 228, 230
Gazprom and, 123, 184, 186, 230
renationalization of, 15, 104, 123–24, 134
Smolensky, Berezovsky and, 65, 68, 228
Sibneftegaz, 142
Sidanko, 65, 68, 69–70, 86
siloviki, 113. See also specific individuals
in business, 192, 193t, 194
children of, 196t, 197
renationalization and control by, 134t
Stabilization Fund, Storchak and, 200–201, 228
Slavneft, 124
Smolensky, Alexander, 65, 67–68, 228
Sobchak, Anatoly, 97, 139, 192, 228
Sochi Winter Olympics, 182
social problems, 198–202
Societa Minerere Italo Belge di Georgia, 26
Soiuznefteeexport (Soviet Foreign Trade Organization), 45–46, 68
Solomon Brothers, 84
Soublin, Michel, 111
Southeast Asia
recession in, 75, 77
recovery in, 96
South European Gas Pipeline. See SEGP
South Korea, 12, 162, 163
South Stream (natural gas pipeline), 10, 156, 230
sovereign investment funds, 204–5
Soviet Union. See USSR
Spain, 28
Stabilization Fund
monies in, 187
Storchak, siloviki and, 200–201, 228
Stalin, Joseph, 23, 30
Standard Oil
arrangements with, 28, 31
breakup of, 44
of California (today’s Chevron), 44
concessions and, 25–26
of New Jersey, 25, 44
of New York, 26, 28
Nobel brothers and, 25
Rockefeller and, 19–20, 228
The State Within a State (Albats), 195
steel, 40–41, 203, 224n55
Stepashin, Sergei, 94, 228
Stern, Jonathan, 183
Stillwater Mining, 69, 204, 224n55
stocks, 73–77, 81, 94. See also Loans for Shares
Stolichney (Capital) Bank, 67–68
Storchak, Sergei, 200–201, 203, 228
St. Petersburg Fuel Company, 200
“Strategic Planning and Policy” (King/Cleland), 99
“The Strategic Planning of the Reproduction of the Resource Bases” (Putin), 97–99
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 208
strikes, 23
SUAL (aluminum company), 225, 229, 230
Suez Canal, 82, 157
supply and demand, 88–90, 164–65, 180, 182–83, 187–88
Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKH), 27
Surgutneftegaz, 61, 65, 124–25, 174, 197, 225
Sutton, Anthony, 27, 29, 213n51
Svartsman, Oleg S., 195
SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), 195
Sweden, 28, 159–60
Switzerland, 12, 168
Taiwan, 12
tankers, for LNG, 47–48, 82, 138
barriers, manufacturing and, 202
on imports of American kerosene, 19
Tatar ASSR (Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), 34
taxes. See also specific companies
flat income, 79, 96, 151
privatization and, 56–57, 61, 64, 84–85
PSAs and, 174
Tbilisi, Georgia, 20, 149, 154, 161
terrorism, 82, 94
Terzian, Pierre, 184
Texas Company (Texaco, Chevron), 44
Thailand, 75
Thatcher, Margaret, 48, 138, 209
Theede, Steven, 110, 117, 229
Timan Pechora fields, 84
timber exports, 29
Timchenko, Gennady, 229
TNK. See Tyumen Oil
TNK-BP (BP/Tyumen Oil joint venture), 230
Dudley and, 91, 226
formation of, 64, 70–71, 86–87
Gazprom, Kovykta and, 131–32, 162, 185, 229
Putin and, 70, 126–27
Renova and, 230
Yukos and, 122
Togliatti, 202
Togobank, 93
Tolf, Robert, 25
Tomskneft, 121
Tosovsky, Josef, 208
Total (French company)
Kharyaga oil field and, 71, 132–33, 135, 229
Shtokman and, 130–31
trade surplus, 80, 91, 92t
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline, 161
Trans-Caucasian petroleum pipeline, 161
transfer pricing, 107–8, 217n15
Transneft, 111, 134, 186
lack of, 125
reform and, 110–11
Trinidad-Tabago facility, 131–32, 179
trusts, operating, 27–28
Turkey, 168
control of Black Sea, 17, 20
occupation of Baku, 24–25, 27
pipelines and, 149, 153–56, 160–61, 229, 230
reliance on Russian gas, 166
Gazprom, Ukraine and, 146–48, 226
pipelines and, 7, 146, 153–54, 160, 186
PSAs and, 148
Tusk, Donald, 159
TV networks, 171–72
NTV, 102–3
ORT, 65, 103, 123, 225
reclaiming, 102
Tyumen Oil (TNK), 230. See also TNK-BP
Access Industries and, 66, 225
Blavatnik and, 66–67, 230
Fridman and, 64, 66–67, 226, 230
Norex and, 230
playing hardball, 69–71
Roketsky and, 70, 228
Vekselberg and, 86, 229, 230
gas to, 15, 49, 144–48, 150–53, 156, 158–59, 168, 183, 186, 226, 228
Gazprom, Turkmenistan and, 146–48, 226
market price and, 144–45
Odessa-Brody pipeline, 162
Ukrgaz-Energo, 145–46
United Arab Emirates
foreign investment in, 150
gas reserves in, 139
United Kingdom. See also Great Britain
gas from, 166
Gazprom and, 168–69
United States (U.S.)
Canadian gas to, 7, 139, 179
gas produced/consumed in, 179
grant to/raid of ITERA, 177, 222n9
Iraq and, 52, 71, 199, 207, 208–9
kerosene from, 19
LNG to, 4, 7, 132, 179, 206
petroleum consumption in, 78
Russian GDP v., 56
Russian imports to, 3–4, 7
Russian investments in, 87–88, 169, 206
Russian petroleum production v., 4t-6t, 11, 20–22, 29, 32, 35t-37t, 46
Vietnam and, 52, 199
Yukos as supplier to, 111
Unitex, 120
Universal Oil Products, 27
Urengoi, 48, 61
U.S. See United States
U.S. Export-Import Bank, 70
disintegration/collapse of, in 1991, 8, 13, 15, 49–54, 55–57, 83, 174
invasion of Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and, 50–54
U.S. petroleum production v., 11, 35t-37t
Uzbekistan, 7–8, 154, 186
Valdai Hills Discussion Group, 133, 187–88, 195–96, 198–99, 201–2
van der Veer, Jeroen, 130
Varyeganneftegaz field, 84
Vavilov, Alexander, 114, 229
VEBA, 167
Vekselberg, Viktor, 86, 229, 230
Venezuela, 13, 46, 90, 152
VIAG, 167
Vietnam, 52, 199
Vneshekonombank, 68
Vneshtorgbank, 203
Volga-Ural region, 34, 38–39, 40
Volga-Urals (oil field), 230
vouchers, privatization and, 58, 60, 106, 107
VSMPO-AVISMA, 124, 134
VSNKH. See Supreme Council of the National Economy
Vyakhirev, Rem, 229
Gazprom and, 48–49, 60–61, 100–101, 104–5, 140–41, 146, 226, 229
purge and, 100–101
Warnig, Matthias, 158–59, 229
water injection, of wells, 34, 39, 43, 50, 53
Weldon, Kurt, 177–78, 222n9, 229
wells. See also drilling technology; specific wells
depth of, 22, 40
destroyed during 1905 Revolution, 23
Semenov’s drilling of, 18
water injection of, 34, 39, 43, 50, 53
Western Europe, gas supply to, 2, 15, 48–49, 82, 92, 151–52, 153t, 154–60, 166t, 167–69. See also specific countries
Westerwelle, Guido, 157
West Siberia, 38–39
White Nights, 84
Wilson, Charles E., 3
Wingas (natural gas joint venture), 167, 230
Wintershall (natural gas distribution), 157, 167, 230
World Bank, 132, 184, 208
World Trade Organization, 202, 207
World War II
to 1987, 33–54
damage from, 27
mustard gas containers and, 159
petroleum production after, 31
xenophobia, 71, 87, 113
Yabloko Party, 113, 172, 229
Yavlinsky, Gregorii, 172, 229
Yeltsin, Boris
Berezovsky and, 103
Chechnia and, 55–56, 102, 172
contract kickbacks and daughters of, 94
election campaign, 65, 68, 101, 103
Gazprom and, 60
prime ministers under, 94, 96, 101
three envelopes, Putin and, 194
Yergin, Daniel, 135
Yom Kipper War, 32, 137
Gazprom buying gas from, 184
Rosneft seizure from Yukos, 176, 190–91
Nefteyugansk as main producing site for, 230
visit to, 79
Yuganstneftegaz, 107–8, 120, 134
Yugoslavia, 49
Yugraneft, 69
Yukos, 230
Alfa Bank and, 107
asset stripping and, 107, 111, 112
attack on, 105–20
Bakhmina and, 116, 117, 225
Chevron and, 86, 111–12
Exxon-Mobil and, 86, 112–13, 115, 123
Gazprom and, 120–21
jailed/exiled executives, 116, 117t-119t
Khodorkovsky and, 64, 65, 72, 76, 79, 86, 100, 105–20, 123, 135, 227, 230
Menatep Bank and, 106–9, 227
Misamore and, 110, 118, 227
name as merger, 106
Nefteyugansk as main producing site for, 230
Petukhov and, 108–9, 228
plundering of, 120–23
renationalization of, 15, 105, 123, 174
Rosneft and, 79, 106, 120–23, 124, 127, 176, 190–91, 217n15, 225, 230
seizure by state, 227, 228
as spin off, 61
Theede and, 110, 117, 229
transfer pricing and, 107–8, 217n15
Yushchenko, Viktor, 144, 152, 229
Yuzhno-Russkoye gas field, 167
Zoroaster (oil tanker), 19
Zubkov, Viktor, 192, 199
Zyuganov, Gennady, 68, 229