
Far away from the Joho Mountains and Earth, a lone meteor-ship hurtled between Jupiter and Mars. It approached the Sun’s orbit, trying to get on the other side of it where the Earth, Mars and the asteroid strike were.

Inside in the Spartacus’s command center, Nadia Kluge said, “Get ready for the transmission.”

Marten stood behind his chair, watching the main screen. Jupiter was nearly 750,000,000 kilometers away. At the speed of light, it took a laser lightguide message almost forty-two minutes to reach the ship. A forty-two minute delay was far too long to have any meaningful two-way conversation.

Marten was tense. They had traveled for over eight weeks now. What was going on at Earth? How would the Highborn react to the asteroid strike? The Praetor had helped kill cyborgs. The bastard of a Highborn had given his life to slay the Web-Mind. Would the Highborn sweeping in conquest on Earth feel the same way?

Tan’s image appeared on the screen. She wore a white gown with a golden circuit around her forehead. Her eyes appeared glassy and it seemed her head swayed the tiniest bit. In the background waved the Jovian banner of a lidless eye in the middle of a pyramid.

“In the name of the Dictates, I hail the Force-Leader and crew,” Tan said softly. “A new adjustment has occurred in the Jovian System. The populaces of Ganymede and Europa agreed to a plebiscite and overwhelming voted me as the new Solon of the Jovian Confederacy. Their faith in my abilities at this critical juncture humbles me. Whatever hesitation I feel accepting the post, I submerge for the good of the all.”

“What happened?” cried Marten’s weapons-officer.

“Quiet!” snapped Marten. “Let me hear.”

“I suspect there is great rejoicing in the Spartacus,” said Tan. “At this terrible juncture in history, it must bring soothing relief to know that the moons of Jupiter are safe-guarded by my wisdom. Each of us must do his or her part. I have submerged my will in this in order to work ceaselessly toward our safety. Now you in the Spartacus must do likewise. You are guardians of great daring and courage. You represent the Jovian people. In the interest of continued human existence, the Jovian Confederacy has agreed to an alliance with the Planetary Union of Mars, with Social Unity and now with the Highborn. After much deliberation, an over-arching strategy has been achieved.

“It will no doubt interest you to know that the Spartacus will play a pivotal role in the coming battle.”

“What’s she talking about?” asked the weapons-officer.

Marten pointed at the officer. “Silence!” he said. Then Marten turned back to the screen.

Small Tan picked up a silver chalice, sipping from it. Smiling at them, she said softly, “After my message, you shall receive strategic data. In a word, you will join in a space marine assault on the asteroids. Marten Kluge is an expert at these sorts of assaults. I point to his attack on the Beamship Bangladesh and against the rogue moon Carme.”

Marten scowled.

“I am told the over-arching concept originated with Grand Admiral Cassius of the Highborn,” Tan said. “As the plan is elegant and economical of force, I have concurred. You are hereby ordered to attack the asteroid-cluster and land space marines on planetoid surfaces, to evict any cyborgs there and gain control of the propulsion systems.”

“How are we supposed to reach the asteroids to land on them?” asked Nadia.

“Shhh!” said Marten.

“You will accelerate your ship and pivot around Mars, changing your heading to catch up to the asteroid-cluster,” Tan said. “The coordinates will be forthcoming. It is possibly a suicidal mission, and your courage for the good of the whole is hereby noted and applauded. You will not be alone in this assault, but you alone will represent the best of the Jovian Dictates. Given that truth, I implore you to fight with enthusiasm and show the others the greatness of the Dictates. In such a manner, your deaths will not go in vain.

“To the Dictates,” said Tan, lifting her chalice in a salute.

The main screen flickered afterward. Her image disappeared, and in its place appeared a pyramid with a lidless eye in the center.

Scowling, Marten slid into his chair. Amidst the silence, he began studying the incoming data.
