
CASSIUS: By destroying each asteroid’s fusion core, the cyborgs have locked their rocks on a collision course for Earth. Fear obviously motivates them, as they recognize our ability to storm and capture the individual asteroids. They have sabotaged our ability to reroute the remainder of the planet wreckers.

OCTAVIAN: This means their asteroids cannot deviate from their course.

CASSIUS: Your tone indicates you believe that is beneficial to us.

OCTAVIAN: Yes! They can no longer maneuver in any fashion.

CASSIUS: At this late date, that is a limited asset.

OCTAVIAN: Yet it is something we must take into account. Like a good judo expert, we must use their maneuvers against them.

CASSIUS: (shaking his head) Time now operates against us. We shall therefore bore straight into their formation, obliterate all offensive capabilities and storm each asteroid. Afterward, we shall use nuclear pulse propulsion to deflect the planet wreckers from Earth.

MANDELA: Please forgive the interruption, Grand Admiral. But what do these landings gain us now? Earlier, we landed to take over the controls and reroute the asteroid through their own motive power.

GAIUS: Do not waste our time stating the obvious, preman.

MANDELA: I-I object to that term, Admiral.

CASSIUS: (to Gaius) Preman is a pejorative word and benefits none of us here. We shall need every vessel and nuclear weapon in our arsenals. Vice-Admiral Mandela, we must clear each asteroid in order to place precisely what will now be nuclear pulse propulsion, as I’ve stated. Some asteroids may also contain more nuclear bombs, which we need to find. What I now need from you, are the warheads from every one of your remaining missiles. They will be more beneficial to us as propulsion units than in their limited combat capabilities as SU weaponry.

MANDELA: That will only leave us with our lasers, which are shorter-ranged than yours. How, therefore, do you propose that we—

CASSIUS: We lack the time to engage in debating rituals. Our object remains the same. The methods have changed slightly. Perhaps you are unused to this, Vice-Admiral, but we Highborn adjust to new situations with fantastic speed. It is one of our many superiorities. The Julius Caesar will lead the attack. After shuttling us the warheads, the Fifth Fleet will follow in the rear, keeping a Doom Star between each of its ships and the enemy. Admirals, are there any questions?

MANDELA: I would like to point out—

CASSIUS: I’m sorry, Vice-Admiral, I was speaking to the Admirals of the Doom Stars. You already have your orders. Now remain silent until we have configured the exact attack sequence. Well, Highborn, do you have anything further to add?

GAIUS: We’re wasting time. We must attack.


CASSIUS: It shall be so.
