Swann drove to center city. He would not deny that Lilly had stirred him in a way that he had not felt in a long time. He'd had his share of lovers in his time, but they had never been to Faerwood, they had never glimpsed his soul.

He did not think of Lilly as a potential paramour. Not really. She was Odette. She was his assistant and confederate. One could not go through life without confederates.

He had been terribly afraid he would never see her again. But he knew that the night children were creatures of habit. He knew there were only so many places where she could blend in, even in a city as large as Philadelphia.

When she told him her story, and he offered to help her, he knew that she would be his. When he saw her standing on the corner of Eighth and Walnut, he knew it was destiny.

And now that she was in his car, he began to relax. She would be his finale after all. As they got onto the boulevard, Swann took out his cell phone, hit a speed-dial button, put it to his ear. Earlier he had put the phone on silent, in case he got a call at such a crucial moment as this. He could not have his phone ringing while he was supposed to be talking on it. He reached forward, turned down the music. "Hello, my darling," he said to silence. "Yes… yes. No, I have not forgotten. I will be home in just a few minutes." Swann turned and looked at the girl, rolled his eyes. She smiled.

"The reason I'm calling is to tell you we have a guest. Yes. A young lady named Lilly." He laughed. "I know. The very same name. Yes, she has a bit of a problem, and I told her we would be most willing to help her solve it."

He covered the mouthpiece.

"My wife loves intrigue."

Lilly smiled.

Swann clicked off.

When they turned onto Tenth Street he reached into his coat pocket, and palmed the glass ampoule.

It would not be long now.
