Résumé of Belle Jamison, aka “Wonder Girl”

(Final Draft)


To kick major scrim ass; save the world from parasters; mentor my smart-mouthed sidekick, Tanner; track down the elusive Dr. Roberts; and, um, learn to control the flying dirt balls that keep mysteriously hitting any woman who checks out Rome.


•Many hours of (hot and heavy) practice with Rome, aka “Cat Man”

•Totally successful elimination of the evil scrim Pretty Boy

•Roasting marshmallows with my bare hands (and eyes)

•Watering the flowers at my dad’s assisted living center (without a hose)

•Orchestrating a snowball fight in the middle of summer (Tanner so got his ass kicked!)


•The School of Rome

•Awarded straight A’s and aced all “extra credit” assignments


Long walks on the beach (with Rome), sunsets (watching them with Rome), romance novels (acting out the love scenes with Rome), cold winter nights (snuggling with Rome), Rome in kilts/uniforms/calendars (or nothing at all), and massages (given by Rome).


“If you’re looking for trouble, Belle is the girl for you. P.S.-Hurt her and I’ll kill you.”

– Mr. Rome Masters, aka “Cat Man”

“Need a gal who can fry the bad guys but still give your hair the perfect blowout? Wonder Girl’s the one for you!”

– Miss Sherridan Smith, best friend

“You’ll never find a sweeter, harder-working gal than my baby Belle.”

– David Jamison, father

“Once you get to know her, she’s not a stranger.”

– Sunny Masters, friend and one day, perhaps, stepdaughter

“I predict she’ll do great things. Just don’t leave home without a raincoat, a fire extinguisher and moist towelettes.”

– Lexis Masters, aka “Know It All”

“I’ve never met a nicer, more wonderful woman-with such great cleavage!”

– Tanner Bradshaw, aka “Mr. Sensitivity”
