
Every so often, in the office where he spent most of his time, Detective Chief Superintendent Neil McIlhenney would find himself daydreaming. When he awakened it was always with a start as he looked out of his window. He was still well away from being used to life in the Metropolitan Police Service, and he wondered if he ever would.

When a move south, on promotion, had been offered to him he had taken no time at all to accept. There had been more involved than his own future. Louise, his wife, had taken time out of her acting career to have a family, but he had known there would come a time when she would want to go back to work, and London was where she was known and where the opportunities arose.

As she had put it, she was beyond the ‘age of romance’, in that lead roles in major movies were no longer being offered, but it had always been her intention to go back to the stage when she passed forty, as she had a few years earlier. They had been in London for only a few weeks, yet she was in rehearsal for a major role in a West End play and the arts sections of the broadsheets were trumpeting her return.

The sound of his mobile put an end to his contemplation; he looked at the screen and smiled when he saw who was calling.

‘Good morning, Chief Constable,’ he said. ‘I’m guessing this isn’t a social call.’

‘Why shouldn’t it be?’ his former boss challenged. ‘We have lunch breaks in Strathclyde too. I take it you’ve heard what’s happened.’

‘How could I not, even if I hadn’t had my best mate call me on Saturday night, as soon as he got Paula back to Edinburgh? He was crying, Bob; Mario. Can you believe that? He started to tell me what had happened and then he broke down, sobbing like a baby. Was Paula really that close to the victim?’

‘Their heads couldn’t have been any more than three feet apart when Toni Field’s was blown open,’ Skinner told him.

He shivered. ‘God, it doesn’t bear thinking about. How is she?’

‘Most people, put in her situation, would be under sedation right now. Clive Graham’s wife still is, and she wasn’t even there. Maybe at another time Paula would be too, but at the moment she’s completely focused on the baby, so, once she was sure he was okay in there, she was fine. I was with them yesterday morning and saw no sign of a delayed reaction. She’s still on course to deliver in a couple of weeks.’

‘Yes,’ McIlhenney said. ‘That’s something else I won’t be around for, but I’ll get up to meet wee Eamon as soon as I can. You know Mario’s calling him after his father, don’t you?’ He paused. ‘It’s not plain sailing for me, you know, being down here. To move or not to move, it was my choice; Lou didn’t put any pressure on me. If I’d said no, we’d have got by, but I want what’s best for all of us, Lauren, Spence and wee Louis, and this is it. That said, I miss you lot and not being around for Mario when he really needed me, that was tough.’

‘I can imagine. But I admire you nonetheless, for making the move. I have to admit, you’re so Edinburgh that I didn’t think you’d have the balls.’

‘Thanks, pal.’ The DCS chuckled. ‘By the way, does Joey Morocco still have his? He had a small part in one of Lou’s movies a few years back. She says he had a reputation for nose candy and shagging anything female and alive, the latter probably being optional.’

‘Fu-’ Skinner snorted. ‘You are one of the few guys in the world who could say that and get away with it. Yes he has, maybe more by luck than judgement. Aileen and I are history, but what you saw in the papers probably happened because of that, rather than the other way round. I’ve got no beef with Morocco, but there’s a freelance photographer here in Glasgow who should leave town sharpish.’

‘That sounds as if you’re planning to be there for longer than the three months Mario told me about. I called him back yesterday,’ he explained, ‘just to make sure he was all right.’

‘Ach, Neil, I’m not planning anything. This whole thing. . it’s so bizarre, so bloody terrible, and with the Aileen situation too, I haven’t had time to gather my thoughts. I just don’t know any more. What I do know is that I’m at the head of the highest profile investigation of my career, and I’m going to consider nothing else until it’s done. Speaking of which. . you were right. This isn’t a social call.’

‘Some things never change. Go on, Chief, let me hear it.’

‘Okay, but you’re not due anywhere soon, are you? It’s best that I fill you in from the start, and it’ll take a while.’

‘No, I’m clear for an hour. I was just about to go for lunch, but I can do without that.’

‘Thanks. Knowing how you like your chuck, I appreciate that.’

He ran through the events of the previous few days, from the discovery of a body in a shallow grave in Edinburgh, through the chain of events that led to the assassination of Chief Constable Antonia Field, then gave McIlhenney the story of the investigation as it stood.

The chief superintendent stayed silent throughout, but when Skinner was finished, he asked, ‘Am I right in thinking that you’ve run all these checks on your planner, this man Cohen, alias Byron Millbank, without any reference to my outfit?’

‘You’re spot on, chum. I chose not to involve the Met until I absolutely had to, and that time is now. Make no mistake, this is a Strathclyde operation, but I am going to need to interview people in London, and I will need assistance. I propose to phone your commissioner and ask for it, but what I do not want is for the job to be handed to anyone who might have been personally acquainted with Toni Field. I know she had an affair with a DAC, but I don’t have a name.’

‘Couldn’t you ask the Security Service for help? I know you’re well in with them.’

‘I could but I don’t want to. Their paws are all over Beram Cohen’s false identity.’

‘Forgive me for asking the obvious, but couldn’t Beram Cohen be the false name? They told you about him, after all.’

‘No, because there’s no trace of Millbank any further back than half a dozen years.’

‘Right, box ticked. So, boss. . listen to me; old habits and all that. . cut to the chase. Why are you calling me? As if I can’t guess.’

‘I’ll spell it out anyway,’ Skinner told him. ‘When I call my esteemed colleague, I want to ask him to lend me someone I know and who knows the way I work. But I don’t want you press-ganged. Do you want to take this on, and can you?’

‘Of course I want to,’ McIlhenney replied. ‘Can I, though? I’m heading up a covert policing team down here. I have officers operating under cover, deep and dangerous in some cases. I don’t run them all directly, but I have to be available for them, and their handlers, at all times.’

‘Not a problem. All I’m talking about here is partnering one of my guys in knocking on a few doors. Millbank was a family man, so there’s a wife to be told. He had a legitimate job, so that will have to be looked at. I need to know whether there was any overlap between his life and that of Beram Cohen, and if there was, to see where it takes us.’

‘Who will you give me? You can’t know anyone through there yet, apart from the assistant chiefs.’

‘Wrong, I do. I’m going to send my exec down. He’s a DCI and his name is Lowell Payne.’

‘That’s familiar. Isn’t he. .’

‘Alex’s uncle, but our family link is irrelevant. He’s been involved in this operation almost from the start. He’s the obvious choice.’

‘In which case,’ McIlhenney exclaimed, ‘I’ll look forward to meeting him.’
