Chapter 12 - Colin

Amanda wasn’t hard to find. She was loud and the center of attention in the formal living room, a crowd of girls around her, hanging on her every word. Her hands moved animatedly as she talked, the wine in her hand dangerously close to sloshing over the edge of her glass. I’d upgraded from beer to scotch, and it flowed like water as the hours ticked by. I couldn’t get my mind off Annie’s new friend. The idea of letting him walk out that door in one piece was eating me up inside.

My cell vibrated against my leg, and I pulled it from my pocket, my heart rate accelerating as I saw Connor’s name scroll across the screen. I motioned to Amanda that I was going upstairs to take the call. She nodded and smiled brightly as she continued to entertain our guests. I answered and hurried up the first flight of stairs.

“Any news?” I asked as I made my way down the hall and up the third flight of stairs.

“Dead end.” Connor sighed, and there was a rumbling on the other end as he tried to suppress a cough.

“How long is this shit going to go on?” I snapped as I walked into my office, my hand dragging angrily over my hair.

“As long as it takes, Colin.”

I dragged my hand over my face with a groan, thankful the alcohol was numbing my anger, but it wasn’t enough. “Keep me posted.”

The floorboards creaked behind me, and I spun around to see Annie standing in the doorway, her body swaying slightly under her own buzz. I ended the call and shoved the phone back in my pocket.

“What are you doing up here?” I asked in a clipped tone. What I really wanted to know was how much she had heard.

“Who was that?” she asked, her chin in the air.

“That was Connor. He wanted to know how your party was going.” I walked toward her, my hands shoved in my pockets.

“You’re lying.” She folded her arms over her chest angrily as she blocked the office doorway. I grabbed her shoulders and easily moved her out of my way as I went toward the stairs.

“Go enjoy your party, Annabel. I’m not in the mood for your shit right now.”

“Actually, I was just leaving.”

I stopped and slowly turned to face her. She took a small step backward as her confidence shrank under my gaze. “Not now, little one. Just go back to your party and hang out with your friends.”


“Excuse me?”

“Colin, I’m an adult now.”


“Oh, that’s rich coming from you,” she retorted angrily, and I struggled not to laugh.

“It’s not safe. It’s the middle of the night, and I’m not going to trust some half-baked prick to keep you safe.”

“That prick cares about me.”

“I don’t?”

She didn’t answer, and I swallowed back my anger as I took a hesitant step closer to her. “Come here. I want to show you something.”

She looked at me skeptically for a few seconds before she nodded. I walked down the flight of steps to the second floor, glancing over my shoulder at her as I unlocked the door to my bedroom. I pushed it open and stepped aside, waiting for her to enter. She crossed the room, turning around as she reached my bed.

I stepped inside the doorway and grabbed the glass decanter of whiskey that sat atop an antique dry sink. I poured myself a drink and held up the bottle for Annie to see. She nodded, her lower lip pulled between her teeth as she sank down on the edge of my bed.
