Chapter 6 - Colin

It took everything I had not to force her to fix her fucking uniform, but I didn’t have time to argue with her. We were running late, and I needed all the time I could get to work on Connor’s cases to get them organized and ready for his return.

With his health, he was barely keeping up without my help.

“Did you finish your assignment?”

“Yeah,” she answered but didn’t elaborate.

“I’m curious as to your conclusion.”

“My thoughts on corporal punishment?” She glanced over at me, and I knew she was thinking about my scars. “I think it’s horrible.”

I turned down Whitaker Street toward town. “It’s not always a bad thing. I know why you think that, but sometimes it can be used for…pleasure.” My eyes cut to her, and she had her fingers knotted together on her lap.

“I don’t see how you can say that after what was done to you.”

I fought against a smirk. Was it really possible that she didn’t understand just how twisted and fucked up I was? When all this was said and done, would she be able to make it out of everything unscathed?

“I’m glad you don’t understand.” I pulled onto Chaplain Drive and into the parking lot of her school. The parking lot was nearly empty. She pushed open her door to hurry inside.

“Annabel,” I called after her, and she turned, bending down to look at me. “Your bag.” I grabbed the strap of her Coach messenger bag and held it out for her.

“Thanks.” She smiled and closed the door. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I waited for her to cross the lot and enter the school.

I drove downtown to Connor’s office to grab a few files. As I entered, I winked at the receptionist, who was busy answering the phone.

“Bentley Law,” she answered, but she placed her hand over the receiver and whispered to me, “Welcome back, Mr. Bentley.”

The office reminded me of home, lots of oversized ornately carved mahogany and natural stone tiles. I grabbed the stack of files from the top of Connor’s desk, pausing when I caught a Post-it note with the letters “D.O.G.” written across it. Descendants of God. I picked up the folder and glanced over my shoulder before flipping it open. I slid it under the pile in my hands and decided to take it back to the house so I could read through it without prying eyes around.

“Rachel, can you forward my calls to the house?” I asked as I walked back into the lobby. She smiled, nodding once as she continued with her call.

I tossed the folders onto the passenger seat and hurried back to the house, my curiosity getting the better of me. I pulled out my cell and hit the speed dial for Connor.

“You up to no good?” Grace asked without even saying hello. She followed her question with a rich laugh.

“Always,” I replied as I slowed to a stop at a red light. “How is Connor feeling?”

“He’s still in bed. The coughing kept him up most of the night.”

“Will you have him call me when he wakes? I have a few questions about a case.”

“I will do that. Is the house still in one piece?”

“Of course.”

“And Annie?”

“Annie is also in one piece.” I laughed, turning into our long driveway.

We said our good-byes, and I ended the call. I grabbed my work and made my way inside and up to the third floor. The next few hours blew by as I immersed myself in the files.

Before I knew it, it was time to get Annie, and I had hardly gotten anywhere. I leaned back against the door of my car, soaking in some of the hot Mississippi sun as I waited to for Annie to come out of her school. A cluster of girls walked down the front steps, and I smirked as they giggled, looking over at me. My eyes were drawn to Annabel as she walked down the steps, alone. Her face lit up when she saw me, but she turned when a boy called her name. I took a step from the car, not sure if he was bothering her. She laughed, her hand going against his chest, and I struggled to keep my feet planted.

She continued walking toward me, her ponytail swaying behind her with each step. I fixed a smile on my face and walked her to her side, pulling open the door. My eyes locked on the boy who’d just been talking to her. He stared back for a moment before looking to the ground. Bitch. Satisfied by his submissive response, I rounded the front of the car and got in next to her.

“How was your day?” I asked, my eyes dancing over her face.

“It was school.” She rolled her eyes as she reached for the radio. I grabbed her hand before she could change the station. She pushed her teeth into her lower lip as I held it for a fraction of a second longer than necessary.

“This is a good song.” I turned up the volume as Hinder played.

“I can’t wait to get my own car.”

“I like driving you around. Makes it easier to keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t need you to watch my every move.” She rolled her eyes.

“I like watching you.” I saw her fight against a smile as she looked out her door window.

“You could at least let me drive.”

“I’m a driver, not a passenger.”
