Aureum Vellus, oder Guldin Schatz und Kunstkammer... von... Salomo-ne Trismosino.

Rorschach, 1598. (Trismosin's Splendor solis, pp. 3-59.) Aurora consurgens. See jung, C.G., and marie-louise von franz.

avalon, Arthur, pseud. (Sir John Woodroffe), ed. and tr. The Serpent Power. Madras and London, 1935.

_____. Shiva and Shakti. Madras and London, 1929.

baynes, H.G. Mythology of the Soul. London and Baltimore, 1940.

berthelot, marcellin, ed. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs. Paris, 1887-88. 3 vols.:Introduction; Textes; Traductions.

bertine, Eleanor. Human Relationships: in the Family, in Friendship, in Love. New York, 1958.

Bhagavad-Gita, The. Ed. and tr. by S. Radhakrishnan. London and New York, 1948.

brainard, D.L. The Outpost of the Lost. Indianapolis, 1929.

briffault, Robert. The Mothers. New York and London, 1927. 3 vols.

budge, sir ernest A.T. wallis. The Gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology. London and Chicago, 1904. 2 vols.

colonna, Francesco. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Venice, 1499. For French tr., see: (i) Le Songe de Polipbile. An anonymous tr. adapted by Jean Martin. Paris, 1546; another edn., Paris, 1926.

(2) Le Songe de Poliphile. Tr. by Claude Popelin. Paris, 1883. See also fierz-da-VtD, LINDA.

DANTE alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Tr. by John Aitken Carlyle, Thomas Okey, and Philip H. Wicksteed. New York (JV ern Library), 1932.

_____. See also Norton, charles eliot.

david-neel, Alexandra. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet. London, 1931.

delphinas, Nicholas barnaud. "The Book of Lambspring." wai-ТЕ, tr., The Hermetic Museum, I, 271-306.

eliot, T. S. The Family Reunion. London and New York , 1939.

Библиография 463 Eranos-Jahrbuch 1938. "Vortrage liber Gestalt und Kult der Gros-sen Mutter". Ed. by Olga Frobe-Kapteyn, Zurich, 1939.

evans-wentz, W. Y. The Tibetan Book of the Dead; or, The After-Death Experiences on the "Bar do" Plane. London, 19 3rd edn., 1957, with a psychological commentary by C.G. Jung.

____. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, or, Seven Books ofH dom of the Great Path, According to the late Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup's Engz lish Rendering. London, 1935. [Рус. пер.: Эванс-Венц В.И. Тибетская йога и тайные доктрины. В 2-х тт. — М.: Преса Украши, 1993.]

____. Tibet's Great Yogi, Milarepa: a Biography from the Tibet, Lon; don, 1928.

[fierz-david, Linda.] The Dream ofPoliphilo. Related and interpreted by Linda Fierz-David. Tr.by Mary Hottinger. NY (Bollingen Series XXV) and London, 1950.

FRAZER, SIR JAMES george. The Golden Bough. Abridged ec London and New York, 1922.

freuchen, peter. Arctic Adventure: My Life in the Frozen Nor New York, 1935.

frobenius, leo. Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes. Vol. I (no more published). Berlin, 1904.

geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan). See holmyard, E. J.

graham, gabriela cunninghame, tr. The Dark Night of the Soul of San Juan of the Cross.London, 1922.

GRAY, L. H., ed. Mythology of All Races. Boston, 1916-28. 12 vc (III, Celtic; VI, Indian.) GUEST, charlotte, tr. The Mabinpgion. New York and London (Everyman's Library), 1906.

haggard, sir henry rider. She, King Solomon's Mines. Ne York (1st Modern Library edn.), 1957.

Harding, mary Esther. The Way of All Women. New York, 1932.

____. Woman's Mysteries, Ancient and Modern. New York and London, 1935; new edn., 1955.

Harrison, jane ellen. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. London, 1908.

Hastings, james, ed. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Edinburgh and New York, 190826. 13 vols.

hesiod. Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica. With an English tr. by Hugh G. EvelynWhite. London and New York (Loeb Library), 1920.

HIPPOLYTUS. Philosophumena, or, The Refutation of All Heresies. Tr. by F. Legge. London and New York, 1921. 2 vols.

holmyard, E. J., ed. The Works of Geber. Englished by Richard Russell, 1678. New edn., London and New York, 1928. ("Summa Per-fectionis, or The Sum of Perfection," pp. 23-197.) hope, Laurence, pseud. (Mrs. Adela Florence [Cory] Nicolson). Indians Love Lyrics, including The Garden of Kama. New York, 1912.

I Ching. The German tr. by Richard Wilhelm rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes.

Princeton (Bollingen Series XLX) and London, 3rd edn., 1967.

jacobi, jolande. Complex/'Archetype/'Symbol in the Psychology of C.G. Jung. Tr. by Ralph Manheim. New York (Bollingen Series LVII) and London, 1959. (Paperback edn., Princeton, 1971.) john of the cross, st. See graham, G. С johnson, richard. The Famous Historic of the Seaven Champions of Cbristendome. London, 1616.

jung, carl gustav. Aion. CW, 9, ii. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Aion. — М.: Рефл-бук; К.: Ваклер, 1997. — 336 с].

_____. "Analytical Psychology and Weltanschauung." In CW, 8.

_____. "Anima and Animus." In CW, 7.

_____. "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious." In CW, 9, i. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Архетипы коллективного бессознательного. /Юнг К.Г. Структура психики и поцесс индивидуании — М.: Наука, 1966, С. 139-154].

_____. "The Dual Mother" In CW, 5.

_____. The Integration of the Personality. Tr. by Stanley M. Dell.New York and London, 1939.

_____. The Mana Personality." In CW, 7. [Рус. пер.: — Юнг К.Г. Психология бессознательного. — М., Канон, 1994.]

_____. 'Marriage as a Psychological Relationship." In CW, 17.

_____. "Mind and Earth." In CW, 10. [Рус. пер.: Душа и земля//Проблемы души нашего времени. — М.: Прогресс, 1994, с. 84112].

_____. Mysterium Coniunctionis. CW, 14. Библиография 465 [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Mysterium Coniunctionis. — М.: Рефл-бук; К.: Ваклер, 1997. - 688 с].

_____. "On Psychic Energy." In CW, 8.

_____. "On the Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia." In CW, 3.

_____. "Problems of Modern Psychotherapy." In CW, 16.

____. "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype." In CW, 9, i.

_____. "Psychological Factors Determining Human Behaviour " In CW,8.

_____. Psychological Types. CW, 6. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Психологические типы. —М, СПб.: Прог-ресс-Универс, 1995].

_____. Psychology and Alchemy. CW, 12. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Психология и алхимия — М.: Рефл-бук; К.: Ваклер, 1997. - 592 с].

_____. Psychology and Religion." In CW, [Рус. пер.: Юнг. К.Г. Психология и религия. В кн.: Юнг К.Г. Архетип и символ. — М.:Ренессанс, 1991.]

_____. "Psychology of the Transference." In CW, 16. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. О Психология переноса /Юнг К.Г. Психология переноса. — М.: Рефл-бук, К.: Ваклер, 1997. — С. 99— 281.]

_____. Psychology of the Unconscious. Tr. by Beatrice M. Hinkle. New York, 1919; London, 1921. (Cf. Symbols of Transformation, a revision of this work.) [Рус. пер.: — Юнг.К.Г. Психология бессознательного. — М., Канон, 1994.]

_____. "The Spirit Mercurius." In CW, 13. [Рус. пер.: — Юнг К.Г. Дух Меркурий.// Юнг.К.Г. Дух Меркурий. - М., Канон, 1996. - С. 7-70.]

_____. "A Study in the Process of Individuation." In CW, 9, i. [Рус. пер.: Юнг К.Г. Исследование процесса индивидуации// Юнг К.Г. Тэвистокские лекции. —М.: Рефл-бук, К.: Ваклер, 1998. - С. 211-258.]

_____. Symbols of Transformation. CW, 5.

_____. "Woman in Europe." In CW, 10.

____. The Collected Works. Tr. by R. F. С Hull. Princeton (Bollingen Series XX) and London. The vols, referred to above are:

3. The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease. 1960.

5. Symbols of Transformation. 1956.

. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. 1953.

8. The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. 1960.

9. parti. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. 1959. 9, part ii. Aion. 1959.

10. Civilization in Transition. 1964.

11. Psychology and Religion: West and East. 1958.

12. Psychology and Alchemy. 1953. i4. Mysterium Coniunctionis. 1963.

16. The Practice of Psychotherapy. 1954.

17. The Development of Personality. 1954.

_____. and marie-louise von franz. Mysterium Coniunctionis. Zurich, 1955-57. з vols. (Vols. I-II, by С G. Jung = CW, 14. Vol. Ill, by M.-L. von Franz = Aurora Consurgens. Tr. by R. F. C. Hull and A. S. B. Glover. New York and London, 1966.)

_____, and karl kerenyi. Essays on a Science of Mythology. New York (Bollingen Series XXII), 1949. (Also pub. as Introduction to a Sciz ence of Mythology, London, 1950.) (Paperback edn., Princeton, 1969.)

KEITH, A. berriedale. Indian Mythology. See gray, L.H. khunrath, heinrich conrad. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aetemae. Hanau, 1604.

lanier, Sidney. Hymns of the Marshes. New York, 1907.

LAYARD, iohn. "The Incest Taboo and the Virgin Archetype," Era-nos-Jahrbuch XII (Zurich, 1945), pp. 254-307.

leaf, munro. The Story of Ferdinand. New York, 1936.

linderman, frank bird. American: the Life Story of a Great Indian, Plenty-Coups, Chief of the Crows. New York and London, 1930.

Mabinogion, The. See guest, charlotte.

macculloch, J.A. "The Abode of the Blest", Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (q.v.), II, 680-710.

_____. Celtic Mythology. See gray, L. H.

_____. The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh, 1911.

maier, michael. Atalanta fugiens. Oppenheim, 1618.

____. De circulo physico quadrato. Oppenheim, 1616.

____. Secretions naturae secretorimi scrutinium chymicum. Frankfort, 1687.

_____. Tripus aureus. Frankfort, 1618. For tr., see waite, tr.. The Hermetic Museum, I, 307-57 ("The Golden Tripod").

mangetus, JOANNES jacobus, ed. Bibliotheca chemica curiosa. Geneva, 1702. 2 vols.

MASTERMAN, E.G.W. "Saints and Martyrs, Syrian," Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (q.v.), XI, 81 ff.

max muller, FRIEDRICH, tr. The Upanishads. Parts I and II. (Sacred Books of the East, i and 15.) Oxford, 1879 and 1884.

mead, G.R.S. Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, 2nd edn., London. 1931.

_____. Thrice Greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy and Gnosis. London and Benares, 1906. (New edn., London, 1949.) з vols.

morgan, charles. Sparkenbroke. London and New York, 1936.

morris, richard, ed. Early English Alliterative Poems. (Early English Text Society Series, vol. I.) London, 1864.

Murray, Margaret alice. The Witch-cult in Western Europe. Oxford, 1921.

Mutus liber. See mangetus, Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, I, 938-53

neihardt, JOHN G. Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Ogalala Sioux. New York, 1932.

Neumann, erich. The Archetypal World of Henry Moore. Tr. by R. F. С Hull. New York (Bollingen Series LXVIII) and London, 1959.

_____. The Great Mother: an Analysis of the Archetype. Tr. by Ralph Manheim. New York (Bollingen Series XL VII) and London, 1955. (Paperback edn., Princeton, 1972.)

Norton, charles eliot, tr. The "New Life" of Dante. Boston, 1920.

Norton, thomas. The Chemical Treatise . . . Called Believe'me or The Ordinal of Alchemy.

SeewAiTE, tr., The Hermetic Museum, II, 1-67.

orandus, eirenaeus. Nicholas Flammel: His Explanation of the Hi-eroglyphicall Figures, etc. London, 1624.

OTTO, rudolf. The Ldea of the Holy. Tr. by John W. Harvey. London, 1923; rev. edn., 1936.

Packard, vance. The Hidden Persuaders. New York, 1957. Patience. See morris, richard.

philalethes, eirenaeus. A Short Vade Месит or Guide to the Celestial Ruby. See waite, tr., The Hermetic Museum, II, 246-6o.

plutarch. "Isis and Osiris." See mead, Thrice Greatest Hermes.

poncins, gontran de, with galantire, lewis. Kabloona. New York, 1941.

RADIN, PAUL. The Trickster. With commentaries by С G. Jung and Karl Kerenyi. London and New York, 1956. [Рус. пер.: Радин П. Трикстер. — Спб: Евразия, 1999. — 288 с].

read, JOHN. Prelude to Chemistry: an Outline of Alchemy, Lts History and Relationships. London and New York, 1937.

Rosarium Philosophorum. Frankfort, 1550.

saint-exupery, antoine DE. Might to Arras. Tr. by Lewis Galanti-ere. London and New York, 1942.

spencer, Baldwin, and gillen, F. J. The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1904.

stevenson, ROBERT Louis. Poems. London and Glasgow, 1928.

stolcius DE stolcenberg, Daniel. Viridarium chymicum. Frankfort, 1624.

Tabula smaragdina. See "The Emerald Table of Hermes," in Wake, The Lives of the Alchymistical Philosophers, pp. 383-84.

tennyson, Alfred. Poetical Works, including the Plays. London, New York, and Toronto, 1953.

Tripus aureus. See maier, michael.

trismosin, solomon. Splendor solis: Alchemical Treatises. Reproduced from the MS. dated 1582 in the British Museum, with an introduction by J. K. London, 1920. See also Aureum Vellus.

van dyke, henry. Poems. New York, 1930.

wage, alan J.B. Mycenae, an Archeological History and Guide. Princeton, 1949.

waite, A.E., tr. The Hermetic Museum, Restored and Enlarged. London, 1893; repr. 1953. 2 vols.

_____. The Lives of the Alchymistical Philosophers. London, 1899; repr., London, 1955.

_____. The Turba Philosophorum, or Assembly of the .fages. Lon don, 1896; repr. 1914.

wells, H.G. Christina Alberta's 'Father. London and New York, 1925.

[wilhelm, richard.] The Secret of the Golden Flower. Tr. into German and explained by Richard Wilhelm, with a European commentary by C. G. Jung. Tr. into English by Cary F.

Baynes. London and New York, 1931; 2nd edn., 1962. (1st edn. cited herein.) ZIMMER, heinrich. "The Guidance of the Soul in Hindooism," Spring (New York: Analytical Psychology Club of New York), 1942.

_____. "The Indian World Mother," Spring (New York: Analytical Psychology Club of New York), 1960.

_____. Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Ed. by Joseph Campbell. New York (Bollingen Series VI), 1946. (Paperback edn., Princeton, 1972.)
