They went into a different hallway than the one they came out of. There were no people in this one. The cells were completely deserted and looked as if they'd been that way for years. Finally Bill pushed her into a room at the end of the long, chilly corridor.

"I was watching your performance," Chris said, smiling from behind a rectangular, metal desk. There were piles of invoices on the desktop along with what looked like time schedules. A three-drawer green metal file stood to the left of the desk. The room had the appearance of a makeshift office. "You've got a lot of energy, Linda. I could use someone like you," he added, sifting through the pile of invoices to his right.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the blonde said honestly.

"Of course you don't. Not completely, that is. I heard that you overheard some of the conversation last night. That wasn't very smart, Linda. It cost poor Max his life, not to mention what it's gonna cost you if you don't go along with us," Chris said, smiling wryly at her.

"What does it matter? You're going to kill me one way or the other. Why should I drag it out?" Linda answered tiredly. She knew that they couldn't afford a luxury like her much longer.

"That's not a bright way of looking at it. Besides, you might become so valuable that it would be impossible to kill you," Chris said calmly, obviously enjoying her discomfort.

"What do you want me to do?" Linda asked after several minutes of silence.

"That's better," Chris said, smiling broadly.

Linda didn't necessarily want to help these people. But she realized that even in the darkest moments of her despair, there was still that will to live. As much as she'd been hurt and degraded, she just couldn't lay her head down on the block meekly and let them whack it off. She knew that she'd thought of that several times during her tortures. But when the chips were down, Linda opted for life. Besides, there was always the hope that she could get away.

"Do I have to do something with drugs?" Linda blurted out.

"Bright too," Chris commented. "Of course. That's the purpose of this whole set-up. You think we enjoy romping around the desert for kicks? Baby, you stumbled into one of the biggest drug ops in California."

"I don't understand…"

"You ain't been reading the papers," Chris said. "Ever since the overseas sources dried up, the heroin shit's been comin' in through Mexico. Baby, I've got half the traffic under my belt. We move it in by low-flying plane or boat in from down south to San Diego. There, we've got warehouses we stash it in until we get the high sign to move it out up to L.A., Frisco, or out of state." Chris stood up from his desk and started to pace back and forth excitedly. It was obvious to Linda that he was proud of the operations he'd created.

"You see, we doctor up the invoices from the trucking company after the driver leaves. The added weight goes in here," Chris said, picking up an invoice and pointing to a figure. "So if we get weighed by some suspicious cop, we're covered. The heroin goes in the middle of the load. Most cops are too lazy or tired to go through what looks like a normal load for any kind of check. So we get away with it," Chris concluded, smiling broadly as he leaned against the desk and folded his arms tightly across his chest.

"While the kids in the playground get high on your stuff," Linda commented wryly.

"Listen. What happens to the heroin after we get rid of it's no concern of mine. Those kids have got minds of their own. I'm not forcing it into their arms," Chris said impatiently.

Linda sighed, then looked at the floor.

"So how do I fit into this?" she finally asked.

"It's been getting kind of tight down around San Clemente lately. I think they suspect something's goin' on, so they're checking the trucks more carefully. So far we ain't been caught. But all they have to do is catch one trucker with a load of drugs and we're all in trouble. There goes the organization," Chris said, shaking his head sadly. "And me?" Linda persisted.

"And you, Mama, are gonna be a diversion for the big shipment we've got comin' up in three days," he said.

"I don't understand," Linda said, wrinkling up her forehead.

"I haven't got it figured out yet. But while our trucks move through, you'll be attracting attention in some other part of the checkpoint," Chris said, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

Linda stared at him for several seconds, then turned away.

"If you think I'm going to help."

"Baby, you ain't got a choice. Didn't you understand what happened out there?" Chris asked incredulously. "Don't you know what I'll let them do to you if you don't cooperate? I think you don't realize how important this whole operation is to me. I'd kill my own mother to pull it through. And a little diner slut like you're not gonna stop me from doin' it."

"Go ahead and do whatever you want," Linda said defiantly. "If you need me all that badly, you're not about to damage the merchandise."

Chris looked a little surprised by her sudden defiance. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared in anger as his fingers worked mechanically over the metallic desk top. Then his face broke into a sadistic smile.

"I think we can convince you to go along with us and have a little fun while we're at it," Chris said threateningly.

"What? More whips?" Linda asked, almost laughing as she thought about it.

"Not for you, anyway. Tie her hands behind her and gag her. I think you're going to find what you see next pretty interesting," Chris said, motioning to Bill who stood in the doorway.

Linda watched as Chris opened the middle drawer of his desk and threw a soiled handkerchief and some pieces of old rope at Bill. Quickly, the blond trucker jammed the filthy rag in her mouth, tying it tightly behind her head. The blonde gagged, fighting down the vomit that was rising from her belly as the pungent taste of that red handkerchief filled her mouth.

Soon her wrists were tied tightly behind her back, and Linda was shoved out of Chris' tiny office and back into the corridor.

"You might think still that we're dumb truckers who don't know what we're doin'," Bill said as he marched Linda back up the hall toward the door that led outside. "But we did a quick investigation on you baby. We went through your purse back at the diner before we left," Bill continued, stepping in front of her and opening the door. He pushed her out, then led her along the outside wall of the building to the door that opened into the occupied section of the prison building. As she was roughly shoved into the darkened corridor, Linda could hear violent sobbing coming from somewhere in the section. It couldn't be that Mexican girl she'd seen hanging from the ceiling. The woman looked too drawn out and resigned to her fate to be wailing like that.

"Family reunions always make me cry," Bill said ironically as he stopped in front of one cell and opened the door.

Linda's blood froze at the big trucker's words. She had an idea of who was in that tiny hovel. When she came forward at Bill's hand command and peered into the filthy cell, her suspicions were confirmed. It was her daughter, Judy, sitting on the edge of an Army cot and sobbing her heart out.

The girl jerked her head around to see who was there. Her eyes opened wide with terror when Bill stepped in. Then she jumped off the cot and ran forward, stopping short of Linda when she recognized her mother.

"Mama! What's going on?" The girl pleaded, her face twisted with fear and agony.

Linda felt tears filling her eyes, then trickling down her flushed cheeks as she looked at her daughter. Dirt covered the young girl's face, and her dress was ripped open at the top and torn and soiled at the hem. There were claw marks on her legs and thighs. Linda was sure of what had happened to her daughter that night. She wanted to scream. She wanted to turn around and gouge out Bill's eyes. But all she could do was stand there dumbly and cry while her daughter sank to her knees and wailed in terror.

"Your mother's been uncooperative with us," Bill said, pushing Linda roughly forward. She stumbled and slid down to the cot Judy had been sitting on seconds before. "Maybe we should show her what we did last night, baby," he said, wrapping his big arms around the young girl's waist and sliding his hands around her young, plump ass-cheeks.

"No! Oh Goddd!" the teenager shrieked, curling her tiny fingers into two tight fist and beating the trucker's chest with them. But it was useless. Bill just laughed, kneading her firm butt-cheeks with his powerful fingers while he hiked up the dress until her ass was completely exposed. Judy groaned and hung her head back, her long black silky hair hanging down almost to her waist.

Linda was appalled by what she saw. Bill had his nose nuzzled between the young girl's mammoth tits while he sucked at the tender flesh. At the same time, he was hunching his bulging groin against Judy's pussy. Linda could see streaks of dried blood on the girl's inner thighs. That confirmed her suspicions that her daughter had been raped last night.

"Mmmmm, you should have seen her last night, bucking and wriggling under my cock! Shit, she kept screamin' nooooo. But the way she was actin' once I slipped it to her, sheeesh! She's hotter than you," Bill said tauntingly, slipping his fingers deep into Judy's ass-crack.

Linda couldn't take any more of this. She sprang up from the cot and ran for the two of them. She bumped hard against Bill, knocking him away from her moaning daughter.

"Shit!" he cried out, falling to the floor as Linda started kicking him wildly with her bare feet. But instead of fighting back, the big trucker just laughed, grabbing at her feet until he finally caught her leg in both hands. With one powerful quick movement up, he sent the blonde sailing into the air.

"Mmmmff!" Linda grunted as she crashed down to the cell dirt floor, flat on her back. Bright lights appeared in front of her eyes as she sobbed while her daughter wailed. She couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. But through the bright haze that still covered her mind, Linda thought she could see Judy being pinned down and kicking while Bill unzipped his Levi's and pulled out his prong. Linda tried to get up again, but the blow she'd received from her tossing was too much. In a dreamlike sequence, she watched helplessly as Bill's thick, knotty prick pushed hard into Judy's young cunt, digging into that almost virginal flesh like a torpedo.

Finally it was all over. It hadn't been a dream after all. It was a nightmarish reality. Bill had raped her own daughter in front of her, laughing and taunting while he did it. The girl covered her face with both hands in shame as she rolled over on her right side and pulled her knees up to her tits.

"You ready to cooperate now?" Bill asked, looking at Linda.

Her eyes flashed defiance. No, she wouldn't give in. It would be an insult to her daughter. They wouldn't dare harm the girl any more than they had.

"Whew!" the man whistled, looking first at Linda, then at Judy. "It's gonna take some pretty strong stuff to get you to come on over," he said, backing out of the cell. "Well, the two of you can console yourselves while I tell the boss about this," he said, closing the door and locking it.

When she was sure that he was gone, Judy sprang up and ran over to her mother. She quickly untied her hands and pulled the filthy rag out of Linda's mouth.

"Mama! Mama! What's happening," the girl wailed out as Linda flung her aims around her violated daughter.

"Oh, God! Did they have to drag you in here, too?" the blonde wailed, looking up at the ceiling and wondering if there was anyone who could help them now.

"They came in last night while I was asleep, Mama, and told me to get dressed." Judy sobbed out after she managed to get some kind of control over herself. "We drove around for hours until we got here. And then that man – that man," Judy stammered, looking out at the closed prison door, "he…" she started to say, then covered her face once more and leaned heavily against her mother while she sobbed her heart out.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry," Linda cooed as she patted her trembling daughter's shoulders. Was there nothing that these animals wouldn't do to get their own way? Would they keep torturing the two of them until Linda gave in? She looked at her daughter, sobbing, dirtied, raped by that animal! Giving into them would be the ultimate humiliation – the acknowledgement that they agreed with whatever Chris believed in. No matter what they did to her, Linda couldn't think of submitting to their horrible demands.

But then there was her daughter. How could she explain to someone as young as Judy what she was thinking? She knew that the girl was hurt, humiliated, terrified and confused. All she wanted was for this nightmare to stop, no matter what the price. Linda knew that her daughter wouldn't believe that they'd be trapped no matter what she did.

"What do they want, Mama?" Judy finally whimpered out. "Whatever it is, give it to them. I want to go home," the girl wailed, resting her head against Linda's heaving chest.

"They'll do whatever they want to us no matter what I do," Linda sighed, stroking her daughter's long black hair with her fingers.

"Maybe not. Oh Mama, if that man comes near me again – if he – OHHHHH!" the girl screamed, shuddering again as the vision of what had happened earlier shot through her mind.

Before Linda could answer her daughter, she heard footsteps again. She knew that this was the result of her refusal to go along. Linda felt that Chris was desperate for her help and would try anything to get it. She was torn between her desperate fight for self-respect and her desire to stop all this madness and save both herself and her daughter.

The door opened and Chris stepped in.

"Come out here, girls," he said, stepping back and pressing his body against the doorway to the cell. "I've got something I want the two of you to see."

Linda looked curiously at the man, and then at her daughter. Hugging the young, sobbing girl protectively, Linda moved slowly out of the cell and down the long corridor toward the outside.

When she stepped into the clearing in front of the prison, she noticed several of the truckers who had been in that line earlier standing around in a loose semi-circle. They were all looking to the left.

Linda shifted her eyes and saw that young Mexican girl she'd seen hanging from the ceiling standing stark naked in the middle of the makeshift square.

"Maria there's responsible for the Feds gettin' active down south. Seems somebody paid her for some info. Too bad she'd not gonna have time to spend the money," Chris said.

Linda looked at Maria who was standing with her hands crossed over her tits. There was abject terror registering in the pretty young girl's eyes. Her smooth brown flesh quivered in the brisk air as the men stared at her and shook their heads.

"What are you going to do to her?" Linda asked in a quivering voice as she hugged her daughter more closely to her.

"The same thing I'm gonna do to the two of you if you don't cooperate, baby. In case you think that you're indispensable to this operation, forget it. You'd be nice to have. But I can chance it without you," he said threateningly. "You're beginning to be more trouble than you're worth," Chris said as he gave some kind of signal to one of the men.

Linda and Judy kept staring at the Mexican girl who seemed to beg for some kind of help from them. None of the women saw one of the truckers disappear into a tiny shed just behind the prison building.

Then there was the sound of cursing and growling. Linda, the Mexican girl and Judy all turned their heads and were horrified by what they saw. A tall, burly dark-haired trucker was pulling a large, black Doberman behind him.

"Oh, no!" the Mexican girl wailed, falling to her knees and crossing herself.

"You wouldn't!" Linda cried in disbelief, turning around and staring wildly at Chris.

"Nobody crosses me and gets away with it," he said coldly, leaving them and walking quickly up to the cringing Mexican girl. The other trucker had pulled the snapping animal up to the girl. He was standing now by Chris, his jaws leaking spittle as his powerful body quivered with excitement. He seemed to sense what was about to take place.

"There's nothing better than seeing a dog and pony show," Chris said, stepping back so that both Linda and Judy could see the animal. He was big-boned, husky, and sported a shiny black coat of short, bristly hairs. Drooping down between his muscular hindquarters was his big cock. As he panted heavily, he drooled spittle down his chin. Linda felt her skin crawl with horror as she guessed what was about to happen to that helpless girl in front of that big animal.

"Oh Mama, are they…" Judy wailed as she turned and looked with terror at her mother.

"Shhhh," Linda cautioned her daughter, turning the girl's face away from the woman.

"There's a good meal down there, King," Chris said, reaching over and rubbing his fingers over the girl's snatch. Linda wasn't sure if the girl was aroused by Chris' fingering or if the dog thought she was. But the animal's cock suddenly slipped out of its furry sheath and jerked. He took a step toward her, pulling the leash tight. He barked wildly at his inability to walk further, jerking on the restraining leather. Linda watched in horror, waiting for the attack.
