"He wants you a lot, Maria," Chris said, bending over and whispering loudly into the terrified girl's ear. "It's too bad you have to end up this way, baby. You were a good fuck, and a pretty damned good partner. Too bad you got greedy," he added, bending down and grabbing a handful of the girl's long black hair. He jerked it back hard until her head was pulled down almost to her back.

"I'd give anything to slice open that throat of yours," Chris hissed, staring into the girl's eyes with animal hatred. "But I think I'm gonna enjoy this more. Besides, it'll be a good lesson for those two over there," he said, calming himself down and letting go of the gasping girl's hair. He snapped his fingers behind him. The dog stayed leashed while the trucker took a few short steps to give him more play with the leash. The massive head dropped while the Doberman shot forward. His tongue shot out, licking the screaming girl's thighs. She tried to scoot away on her ass. But Bill was behind her, preventing her from making any kind of escape.

"Oh my God!" Linda wailed, hugging Judy closer to her trembling body.

"Nooooo!" the Mexican girl wailed as that long pink tongue sloshed up and down her firm, smooth inner thighs. Then Maria couldn't stand the tension and fear any more. She screamed out, jerking her head to the side and hunching away to escape the animal's licking.

Angered at the sudden loud noise and movement, the Doberman bared his long, dagger-like teeth. There was the sickening sound of a low growl filling the air, followed by a shriek of unspeakable agony as the dog sank his teeth into the wailing girl's hip.

"Aiyyeeeeeee! N-noooo!" Maria shrieked, her eyes rolling up into her head as she fell to the ground. Her hands shot up, pushing hard against the growling Doberman's pointed head. She tried to pull him off her as blood poured out of the slash. He kept chewing, growling angrily as the girl wailed in pain and terror.

"Ohhh," Linda sighed, turning her head away and grabbing her stomach to keep from vomiting. The sight was too sickening to look at for long. The dog's angry growling, the girl's shrieks, Chris' laughing and taunting – it all added up into a nightmare of sadism and bestiality that she couldn't believe was really happening.

The big dog growled louder, his growls muffled by the wad of flesh between his teeth. He snapped more flesh on the hip, working his way down to where the girl's right butt-cheek and the blood stained dirt mat. He nosed down further, pushing his snout hard against Maria's hairy mound. Blood dripped from his white teeth.

Chris snapped his fingers and the dog was pulled away. The girl sank exhausted to the ground, sobbing out incoherent Spanish phrases and prayers as her body shook from shock. The big Doberman meanwhile howled and yelped, straining the leash as his jaws snapped at the man at the other end of it.

"Let him… feed," Chris said, smiling cruelly at Maria, then turning toward Linda and Judy. Obviously, he was displeased that the young girl was being deprived of this vicious sight. He walked briskly up to the two women and pulled the teenager away from her wailing mother.

"I want her to see what she's going to get next if you don't cooperate," Chris said, holding the girl tightly by the arm and forcing her to watch the sickening scene.

"Ohhh!" the girl cried out, her eyes opening wide in disbelieving horror as only now she realized what had been happening in front of her. The trucker now restraining the Doberman gave him more leash. He barked twice, then bounded forward until he was standing between the screaming girl's legs.

"My God!" Linda groaned, covering her mouth in terror with her left hand as she watched the big dog's massive cock swinging like a piece of heavy steel pipe. He drooled, snapped his jaws, and stared back at the gaping girl, wondering how to approach this odd new conquest.

"No! No! No!" Maria wailed again, staring in horror at the growling Doberman. She kept on shrieking, drowning out any commands the trucker was trying to give the animal.

Finally the Doberman dropped his big, pointed snout into the jungle of black, curly pubic hair. For a second the movements of his powerful jaw were hidden in that forest.

"Aiyeee! Nooo! Nooooo!" Maria screamed, each shriek louder than the last. Her tits jumped, rolled, collided with each other on her heaving chest as the Doberman's growling grew to a furious pitch and intensity.

"Oh no!" Judy cried, turning her head away as she saw the dog's blazing eyes. The Doberman seemed to enjoy the Mexican girl's shouts and cries. Growling, he pushed his snout against her furry box once more.

"NO! Oh, noooooo," the woman groaned as she rolled her head from side to side.

Linda stared at the whimpering girl. And as much as she tried to force it from her mind, she began to feel something hot and tight taking over her cunt. It was the same kind of sexual excitement that had crept up from the pits of her mind when she was being beaten and humiliated. As she watched that growling Doberman mercilessly work over the wailing Maria, Linda imagined that she could feel the animal's teeth scraping painfully across her puffy outer cunt-lips. She could feel that long, rough pink tongue darting and slobbering all over her pussy, her ass, her inner thighs, and her heaving, flat belly. She could feel the hot, wet breath blasting through her spit-slicked cunt-hairs. And then there would be that wild, painful sensation of those long, sharp canine teeth ripping across her clit. Linda tried to shake that feeling from her mind, but it seemed to take over her body.

"Arrrrg-ihhhh!" The Mexican girl suddenly cried out. There was something desperate, despairing, agonizing, almost masculine about that scream. It shook Linda out of her daydream and forced her to focus her eyes on the scene. What she saw almost made her faint. The Doberman had gone wild, ripping his teeth into the girl's snatch.

"Ohhhhh, Mama!" Judy wailed, trying to look the other way as Chris forced her to watch the carnage. The dog's head swung back and forth as he made deep gutteral noises of an animal feeding on its prey. There was blood splashing and spraying everywhere as his snout sank deeper and deeper into the mess that was Maria's cunt. The girl shrieked and tried to escape. But it was useless. The dog kept her from crawling away as he continued to gnaw her life away.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Linda shrieked, covering her eyes and sinking to the ground.

Chris raised his eyebrows, then turned toward the trucker who still held the leash. With a signal, the dog was pulled away. Linda peered at the animal, blood dripping from his paw. A few feet away the Mexican girl lay bleeding heavily. Only a few moans of agony escaped her moving lips.

"Take her away!" Chris ordered, pushing Judy back to her mother. As the two women embraced, the Mexican girl was dragged from the compound and back to one of the cells.

"You've seen the first part of the doggie show. You want your daughter to be in act two?" Chris asked, looking sharply at Linda.

"Mama!" the girl wailed, clutching Linda wildly as she buried her face in her chest.

Linda closed her eyes and groaned deep in her throat. No matter how she felt, she could never even think about letting Judy go through what Maria had endured.

"You've won," she said, inhaling a deep breath and turning her face away. "I'll do what you want me to do," she whispered out. "Now, let the two of us go back to the cell."

"Sure, sure," Chris said, obviously pleased that he'd gotten Linda to come around. "In fact, if either of you girls are anxious for a little cock as a reward…" he said, sweeping his hands around and motioning to the truckers who were still in the yard.

"We want nothing from you," Linda said, fighting down the revulsion that boiled in her belly. The two of them walked back into the building, each clutching the other for support and protection as Chris watched them disappear into the stone building.

"What's going on, mother?" Judy asked as Linda stood on her toes, peering out of the window. It was night. The two of them had been fed, then ignored as the sun set. Now the yard was filled with the sounds of wild laughing and drunken shouting.

"Looks like they're having some kind of party," Linda remarked as she watched the truckers staggering around with half-empty bottles of liquor in their hands. Chris and Bill stood stone-sober on the far side of a large bonfire that had been built. They seemed to be the orchestrators of this drunken orgy. Linda guessed that it was this kind of thing that kept the men loyal to him – this and money.

"I hope they don't ask us to join," the girl said after several minutes of silence passed.

"Don't even think it," Linda said, feeling a chill ripple through her body. The thought had crossed her mind. Two women, completely helpless in this deserted section of the desert; she could well imagine what they'd do to them and still keep them serviceable for their smuggling plans.

Both Bill and Chris seemed mildly amused at the truckers' drunkenness, watching with detachment their unrestrained revelry. Then Chris turned around and noticed Linda peering out of the window. He stared at her for a few seconds, then broke into a thin, cold, mocking smile. Linda felt her skin crawl with disgust. Even looking at that man made her feel unclean. She shuddered, then pulled herself away from the window and walked over to the Army cot and where Judy was sitting.

"What are they going to do with us when they're through?" the girl asked quietly after her mother sat down.

"I don't even want to guess, honey," Linda said, reaching over and gently taking her daughter's hand in hers. She stroked those smaller fingers and almost broke down into sobs. It was only the knowledge that one of them had to stay strong in the face of this horror that kept her from screaming the roof down.

"Will they do the same to us as they did to that girl?" Judy asked dreamily.

"Don't even think it! Don't even think it!" Linda whispered hoarsely, hugging her daughter close to her. She remembered Maria's shrieks. All that blood, all the pain! No – it was too horrible to think about!

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of drunken shuffling outside the cell door. Linda looked up and saw five truckers leaning heavily against the thick, black iron bars of the door. Their rancid breaths filled the tiny cell with a sick odor while they leered and chuckled and drank from the bottles they held loosely in their hands.

"What do you want?" Linda demanded, shrinking back from the tiny mob.

"Listen to her," one trucker said, his heavy lidded eyes focused on Judy's bare thighs. "She sounds like the Virgin Mary."

The other truckers broke out laughing and took another long drink.

"Get out of here. If your boss knew where you were, he'd whip you!" Linda hissed, realizing that those men had more than just humiliation in mind.

"Come out, come out and play," another trucker said in a mocking voice.

"Hey, I've got the keys," someone yelled from down the passageway.

Linda's blood froze. To be turned over to this howling, drunken pack – it was unthinkable! Yet soon she heard the sounds of the key being drilled into tht lock, then the rusty iron door creaking open.

"Mama!" Judy shrieked as two truckers lunged for the girl.

"Leave her alone!" Linda cried out, jumping off the cot and clawing at the biggest man. She dug her fingers into his face, raking her nails across his flushed cheeks as she kicked him savagely in the legs. But her attack only seemed to make him more determined to get at Judy.

"Get her off me!" he finally cried out as Linda made a fist and pounded him as hard as she could in the left eye. The blonde felt a pair of rough hands suddenly slide around her waist and pull her off the angered driver. Another trucker held her tightly around her waist while she screamed, thrashed, kicked and tried to rip at him with her fingers.

"Noooo!" Judy screeched.

Linda became more violent, twisting in the trucker's arms. Any view of her daughter was obscured by three trucker's backs. She couldn't see what they were doing to her daughter.

"Come on. Let's take 'em outside," the trucker behind Linda shouted as he staggered backward toward the opened cell door. Linda clawed at his wrists with her fingernails, drawing blood into his hairy, leathery skin finally. But the man just laughed and continued dragging the screaming woman down the corridor.

Behind her Linda could hear Judy yelping and screaming for help. She twisted her head around and could barely see her daughter. Four men were carrying her like a bagged deer – two by the arms, two by the legs. The girl swayed back and forth like a piece of speared meat with every drunken step the men took. She tried to kick herself free. But the truckers held her too tightly for that.

"Let me go!" Linda cried out again when the trucker holding her let his hands slip up to her tits. He laughed again, bending down and planting a disgustingly sloppy kiss on the back of her neck. At the same time he squeezed her thunderous tits so hard that Linda screamed out in pain.

"Lots for you out there, babe," the trucker said, still holding tightly onto the blonde. Linda felt him working her dress up to her waist, then sliding one hand slowly back to her bare right ass-cheek. She twisted again, this time partly breaking away from his grip. He grabbed at her arm as she started to bolt back to where her daughter's shrieks were coming from. Linda screamed out in anger and frustration as she spun to the ground. The hard dirt scraped her knees and palms as she tried to keep from pitching forward on her face. The trucker took advantage of Linda's dog-like position. Before the blonde could scramble to her feet, she felt the man on top of her, his hands wrapped tightly about her belly. She could feel the rough Levi's material rubbing against her sensitive, exposed ass-cheek flesh. He was rubbing his fly against her ass-crack, grunting like a contented pig while he dug his powerful fingers into her sides. Just then, the other truckers came up with Judy shrieking and bucking in their respective grips.

"Ass-fucking the old lady?" one of them asked, making the other break out into loud, uncontrolled laughter.

"Sure," the trucker said, letting go of Linda while he quickly unzipped his fly and yanked out his six-inch dick. "She'll have to take it dry."

"Mama!" Judy cried out, turning her head to the left and seeing what the men were all laughing about. Linda turned her head and shut her eyes tightly as she felt something pointed and hot sliding down the full length of her narrow ass-crack. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead and plastered down some of the stray strands of blonde hair that hung in front of her face. The trucker grunted as he reached down and poked around that narrow crevice, looking for her bunghole. Linda groaned as she felt that big, calloused finger inch closer and closer to her shitter until he finally ran the tip across her wrinkled, brown asshole skin. He punted with satisfaction, then shifted position slightly. Linda inhaled sharply as she felt the pre-cum-smeared cock-head pressing against her asshole. Then a belly-ripping pain spread across her stomach and made her writhe with agony as the trucker hunched forward and buried most of his dick in with one thrust.

"Nnnghhh!" Linda cried, tossing her head wildly from side to side as the ache made her fingers tingle. She clawed the hard dirt with her hands, breaking her nails. The agony increased when the trucker shoved the rest of his fat dick into her violated asshole. Linda collapsed on her elbows, sobbing wildly as the big man on top of her rode faster and faster, stabbing his prick like a dagger into her ass. She heard the sucking sounds of her pounded shit lubing up the tunnel for the big man's dick. He laughed and grunted alternately, hunching forward so powerfully that he almost knocked her flat with every thrust.

"Nnnghh!" the trucker finally groaned, throwing his head back and gritting his teeth tightly together. He clenched his fingers together into two fists and slammed them hard into the blonde's sides. Linda felt the air blasted out of her as the first white-hot spurt of jizz shot into her bunghole. There was another violent blow as his dick-head contracted again and spat out another clod of white, sticky spunk. Linda prayed that his climax wouldn't last too long. She didn't know if her asshole could hold out too much longer.

Finally, that nightmare was over. The big trucker grunted with satisfaction, patted her sides as if she were some favorite old cow, then yanked his soft dick out of her shitter with an audible, sloppy pop.

"Best kind of enema she could get," he said, taking a soiled handkerchief from his rear pocket and wiping the shit off his dick. Linda looked up for the first time and saw Judy staring down at her mother with a mixture of horror and disgust.

"Come on. Jack's in with a load of horses bound for Fresno. Let's have a little fun," the trucker who'd fucked Linda said. The others agreed, and the two women were dragged out of the damp, cold jail for yet another session of degradation.
