

The best general history of seventeenth-century Russia remains V O. Kliuchevskii, A Course in Russian History: The Seventeenth Century (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968). For a survey of primary and secondary sources, see S. A. Kristensen [Christensen], Istoriia rossii XVII v. Obzor issledovanii i istochnikov (Moscow: Progress, 1989). On high politics, see Robert O. Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors: The Boyar Elite in Russia, 1613-1689 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), and Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great: The Struggle for Power, 1671-1725 (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001).


For an overview of governmental institutions, see N. P. Eroshkin, Ocherki istorii gosu- darstvennykh uchrezhdenii dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Uchebno- Pedagogicheskoe izdatel'stvo Ministerstva prosveshcheniia RSFSR, i960).


For an extended discussion of the Russian ruling class and its interests, see Marshall T. Poe, The Russian Moment in World History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).


On these dicta, see Marshall T. Poe, A People Born to Slavery'-.Russia in Early Modern European Ethnography, 1476-1748 (Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell University Press, 2000), appendix 1.

On pretenderism, see Chester Dunning, Russia's First Civil War: The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001) and Maureen Perrie, Pretenders andPopularMonarchism in Early ModernRussia: The False Tsars of the Time of Troubles (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).


On the Romanovs' campaign to stamp out pretenderism, see Mark C. Lapman, 'Political Denunciations in Muscovy 1600 to 1649: The Sovereign's Word and Deed', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard, University, 1982; N. I. Novombergskii, Slovo i delogosudarevy: Protsessy do izdaniia Ulozheniia Alekseia Mikhailovicha 1649 g. (Moscow: A. I. Snegireva, 1911), and G. G. Tel'berg, Ocherki politicheskogo suda i politicheskikh prestuplenii (Moscow: Tipografiia Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1912).


See Daniel Rowland, 'The Problem of Advice in Muscovite Tales about the Time of Troubles', RH 6 (1979): 259-83, and his 'Did Muscovite Literary Ideology Place Limits on the Power of the Tsar (i540s-i660s)?', RR 49 (1990): 125-56.

For a bibliography of works on the gosudarev dvor, see O. Kosheleva andM. A. Strucheva, Gosudarev dvor v Rossii: konets XV-nachalo XVIII vv.: katalog knizhnoi vystavki (Moscow: Gosudarstvennaia publichnaia istoricheskaia biblioteka Rossii, 1997).


On this distinction, see N. P. Pavlov-Sil'vanskii, Gosudarevy sluzhilye liudi. Liudi kabal'nye i dokladnye, 2nd edn (St Petersburg: Tipografiia M. M. Stasiulevicha, 1909), pp. 128-208.


This system is described in Crummey Aristocrats and Servitors, pp. 23-4, as well as in Marshall T. Poe, The Russian Elite in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vols. (Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2003), vol. 11, passim.


On the administrative class, see N. F. Demidova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia v Rossii XVII v. i ee rol' v formirovanii absoliutizma (Moskva: Nauka, 1987).

On consensus among the elite, see: Edward L. Keenan, 'Muscovite Political Folkways', RR 45 (1986), 115-81; Nancy Shields Kollmann, Kinship and Politics: The Making of the Muscovite Political System, 1345-1547 (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1987), pp. 2, 7-8, 18, 44, 149-52, 184. The degree ofconsensus is the subject ofsome debate. See the exchange between Valerie Kivelson and Marshall Poe in Kritika 3 (2002): 473-99.


This is not to say that these were the only political actorsin Muscovy Certainly there were others (the Church, elite women etc.). These three, however, are the most significant for our limited purposes. On the Church in politics, see: Georg Bernhard Michels, At War with the Church: Religious Dissent in Seventeenth-Century Russia (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1999). On elite women in politics, see: Isolde Thyret, Between God and Tsar: Religious Symbolism and the Royal Women of Muscovite Russia (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001).


There are a number of well-known examples: Michael and his father, Patriarch Filaret; the young Alexis and Boris Ivanovich Morozov; Sophia and Prince Vasilii Vasil'evich Golitsyn; Peter and his assembly of friends.


GrigorijKotosixin [G. K. Kotoshikhin], O Rossii v carstvovanie Alekseja Mixajlovica. Text andcommentary, ed. A. E. Pennington (Oxford and New York: Clarendon Press, 1980), fos. 34-36v. On Kotoshikhin's understanding of governmental institutions, see Benjamin P. Uroff,'GrigoriiKarpovich Kotoshikhin, "On Russiain the Reign of Alexis Mikhailovich": An Annotated Translation', unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois, 1970, and Fritz T. Epstein, 'Die Hof- und Zentralverwaltung im Moskauer Staat und die Bedeutung von G.K. Kotosichins zeitgenoessischem Werk "Uber Russland unter der Herrschaft des Zaren AleksejMichajlovic" fur die russische Verwaltungsgeschichte', Hamburger Historische Studien 7 (1978): 1-228.


On them, see Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors, passim.


The literature on mestnichestvo is large. For a recent treatment, see Nancy Shields Koll- mann, By Honor Bound: State and Society in Early ModernRussia (Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell University Press, 1999), pp. 131-68.


Philip Longworth, Alexis, Tsar of all the Russias (London: Secker and Warburg, 1984), pp. 38-45.


Longworth, Alexis, TsarofalltheRussias,pp. 136-7. Muscovy was under significant military pressure in the seventeenth century, and Alexis initiated a number of important military reforms. See Hellie, Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy, pp. 181-201.


The following paragraphs are adapted from Marshall T. Poe, 'Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich and the Demise of the Romanov Political Settlement', RR 62 (2004): 537-64; Marshall T. Poe, 'Absolutism and the New Men of Seventeenth-Century Russia', in J. Kotilaine and M. Poe (eds.), Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), pp. 97-ii5; and Marshall T. Poe, The Russian Elite in the Seventeenth Century, vol. 11, passim.


I. P. Matiushkin, A. O. Pronchishcheev I. F. Eropkin, P. K. Elizarov, I. I. Baklanovskii, V M. Eropkin, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin, I. A. Pronchishchev Z. F. Leont'ev, 1.1. Chaadaev, G. B. Nashchokin, D. M. Bashmakov Ia. T. Khitrovo, G. S. Karaulov L. T. Golosov.


Datain this table was drawn from S. K. Bogoiavlenskii, Prikaznyesud'iXVIIveka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1946). The abbreviations DD, DDv Ok and B refer to the positions of dumnyi d'iak, dumnyi dvorianin, okol'nichii and boyar respectively.


Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors, p. 28.


A. I. Markevich, Istoriiamestnichestvav Moskovskomgosudarstve v XV-XVIIvekakh(Odessa: Tipografiia Odesskogo Vestnika, 1888), pp. 572ff.; V K. Nikol'skii, 'Boiarskaia popytka 1681 g.', Istoricheskie izvestiia izdavaemye Istoricheskim obshchestvom pri Moskovskom uni- versitete 2 (1917): 57-87; G. Ostrogorsky 'Das Projekt einer Rangtabelle aus der Zeit des Tsaren Fedor Alekseevich', Jahrbiicher fiir Kultur und Geschichte der Slaven 9 (1933): 86­138; M. Ia. Volkov, 'Ob otmene mestnichestva v Rossii', Istoriia SSSR, 1977, no. 2: 53-67; P. V Sedov, 'O boiarskoi popytke uchrezhdeniia namestnichestvav Rossii v 1681-82 gg.', Vestnik LGU 9 (1985): 25-9; Kollmann, By Honor Bound, pp. 226-31; and Bushkovitch, Peter the Great, pp. 118-19.


Kotosixin, O Rossii, fo. 35v.

This development is discussed in S. I. Nikolaev, 'Poeziia i diplomatiia (iz literaturnoi deiatel'nosti Posol'skogo prikaza v 1670-kh gg.)', TODRL 42 (1989): 143-73, and Edward L. Keenan, The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apocrypha: The Seventeenth-Century Genesis of the 'Corre­spondence' Attributed to Prince A. M. Kurbskiiand Tsar Ivan IV (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 84-9.


On the chancellery personnel and their growth in the seventeenth century, see Demi- dova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia; N. F. Demidova, 'Gosudarstvennyi apparat Rossii v XVII veke', IZ 108 (1982): 109-54; N. F. Demidova, 'Biurokratizatsiia gosudarstvennogo appa- rata absoliutizma v XVII-XVIII vv.', in N. M. Druzhinin (ed.), AbsoliutizmvRossii (XVII- XVIII vv.). Sbornik statei k semidesiatiletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia i sorokapiatiletiiu nauchnoi i pedagogicheskoi deiatel'nosti B. B. Kafengauza (Moscow: Nauka, 1964), pp. 206-42; and N. F. Demidova, 'Prikaznye liudi XVII v. (Sotsial'nyi sostav i istochniki formirovaniia)', IZ 90 (i972): 332-54.


Demidova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia, p. 23.


On the membership of the duma (or at least the identity of those holding duma ranks) in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, see: S. B. Veselovskii, Issledovaniiapo istorii klassa sluzhilykh zemlevladel'tsev (Moscow: Nauka, 1969); A. A. Zimin, Formirovanie boiarskoi aristokratii v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XV-pervoi treti XVI v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1988); Koll- mann, Kinship and Politics; A. P. Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor i politicheskaia bor'ba pri Borise Godunove (Moscow: Nauka, 1992); M. E. Bychkova, Sostav klassa feodalov Rossii v XVI v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1986).

Poe, A People Born to Slavery', pp. 66-7, 103-4.


Giles Fletcher, Of the Russe Commonwealth, ed. John V A. Fine and Richard Pipes (Cam­bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966), pp. 34-6.


Poe, A People Born to Slavery', pp. 63-6,101-3, 203.


Ibid., fos. 35v-36.


Ibid., fos. I85v-i86.


Ibid., fos. 36-36v.


On the historiography of the zemskii sobor, see L. V Cherepnin, Zemskie sobory russkogo gosudarstva v XVI-XVII vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1978), pp. 5-47, and Peter B. Brown, 'The Zemskii Sobor in Recent Soviet Historiography', RH10 (1983): 77-90.


K. S. Aksakov, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii K. S. Aksakova, 3 vols. (Moscow: P. Bakhmetev, 1861-80), vol. 1, p. 11.


The following is drawn from: Ellerd Hulbert, 'Sixteenth-Century Russian Assemblies of the Land: Their Composition, Organization, and Competence', unpublished Ph.D. dis­sertation, University of Chicago, 1970; Hans-Joachim Torke, Die staatsbedingte Gesellschaft im moskauer Reich: Zar und Zemlja in der altrussischen Herrschaftsverfassung 1613-1689 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974); Cherepnin, Zemskiesobory; Ira L. Campbell, 'The Composition, Character and Competence ofthe Assembly ofthe Landin Seventeenth-Century Russia', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1984, and Donald Ostrowski, 'The Assembly of the Land as a Representative Institution', in J. Kotilaine and M. Poe (eds.), Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), pp. 117-42.


Ostrowski, 'The Assembly of the Land', pp. 135-6.


P. Ivanov, Opisanie gosudarstvennogo razriadnogo arkhiva (Moscow: Tipografiia S. Silivan- skogo, 1842), pp. 156, 209.


N. F. Demidova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia v Rossii XVII v. i ee rol' vformirovanii absoliutizma (Moscow: Nauka, 1987), p. 31.


V N. Glaz'ev Vlast' i ohshchestvo naiugeRossii XVII v.: Protivodeistvie ugolovnoi prestupnosti (Voronezh: Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2001), p. 141.


On record-keeping in the governors' offices, see: N. N. Ogloblin, 'Provintsial'nye arkhivy v XVII veke', Vestnik arkheologii i istorii izdavaemyi Arkheologicheskim institutom 6 (1886): 74-206; D. Ia. Samokvasov, Russkie arkhivy i tsarskii kontrol' prikaznoi sluzhby v XVII veke (Moscow, 1902); N. N. Ogloblin, 'Obozrenie stolbtsovi knig Sibirskogo prikaza', 4 parts, ChOIDR 2 (1895): i-viii and 1-422; 1 (1898): 1-162; 3 (1900): i-iv and 1-394; 1 (1902): 1-288.


Demidova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia, p. 37.


V A. Arakcheev, Pskovskii krai v XV-XVII vekakh: Obshchestvo i gosudarstvo (St Petersburg: Russko-Baltiiskii informatsionnyi tsentr BLITs, 2003), p. 310.


As there were no universities or academies to train clerks, all clerical training had to be obtained through apprenticeship within the chancellery or governor's office.


J. L. H. Keep, Soldiers of the Tsar: Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), p. 91.


Max Weber, Economy and Society, ed. Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, 2 vols. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), vol. ii, p. 974.


For petitions seeking the governor's post at Pereiaslavl'-Riazan' see A. A. Kabanov, 'Akty o naznacheniii smene voevod vPereiaslavle Riazanskom', 2 pts., Trudy Riazanskoi uchenoi arkhivnoi kommissii 25, 2 (1912), 1-28, and 26,1 (1914), 15-35.

In someinstances notables appointed to hard postings-governorshipsin underdeveloped regions far off in Siberia - did receive special maintenance subsidies out of the treasury, usually in grain or spirits, but these were only in supplement to their regular service bounties.


P. P. Smirnov, Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor'ba do serediny XVII veka, 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947-8), vol. ii, pp. 37-8.


Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii. Sobranie pervoe, 45 vols. (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia S.I.V Kantseliarii, 1830-43), vol. iii, no. 1670; AI, vol. iii (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1841), nos. 134,154.


S. V Bakhrushin, 'Ocherki po istorii krasnoiarskogo uezda v XVII v.', in his Nauchnye trudy, 4 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952-9), vol. IY (1959), pp. 167-9.


S. I. Porfir'ev, Neskol'ko dannykh o prikaznom upravlenii v Kazani v 1627 g. (Kazan', 1911),

p. 4.


B. N. Chicherin, Oblastnye uchrezhdeniiaRossiivXVIIveke (Moscow: Tipografiia Aleksan- dra Semena, 1856), pp. 577-9.


Zakonodatel'nye akty Russkogo gosudarstva vtoroi poloviny XVI - pervoi poloviny XVII veka.

Teksty (Leningrad: Nauka, 1986), no. 68.


Demidova, Sluzhilaiahiurokratiia, pp. 141-2.


Ia. E. Vodarskii, Naselenie Rossii za 400 let (Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1973), pp. 27-8: Richard Hellie, Slavery in Russia, 1450-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), pp. 1-2.


G. A. Sanin et al. (eds.), Istoriia vneshnei politiki Rossii: Konets XV-XVII vek (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1999), pp. 218-19.


Ibid., p. 220.


B. F. Porshnev, Muscovy and Sweden in the Thirty Years War, 163 0-1635, ed. Paul Dukes and trans. Brian Pearce (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 28-35.


A. V Chernov Vooruzhennye sily Russkogo gosudarstva (Moscow: Ministerstvo oborony SSSR, 1954), pp. 114-15, 157-8; Richard Hellie, Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971), pp. 168-72.


For accounts of the Smolensk war see E. D. Stashevskii, Smolenskaia voina 1632-1634. Organizatsiia i sostoianie moskovskoi armii (Kiev, 1919), and William C. Fuller, Jr., Strategy and Power in Russia, 1600-1914 (New York: Free Press, 1992), pp. 7-14.


Mykhailo Hrushevsky History of Ukraine-Rus'. Vol. viii: The Cossack Age, 1626-1650 (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2002), pp. 179-80; A. A. Novosel'skii, Bor'ba Moskovskogo gosudarstva s tatarami v pervoi polovine XVII veka (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1948), pp. 245-8.


A. I. Iakovlev, ZasechnaiachertaMoskovskogogosudarstva vXVII veke (Moscow: Tipografiia G. Lissnera i D. Sobko, 1916), pp. 45-6, 57, 62-3.


VP. Zagorovskii, Belgorodskaia cherta (Voronezh: Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi univer- sitet, 1969), pp. 93-4.


S. I. Riabov, Voisko Donskoe i rossiiskoe samoderzhavie (Volgograd: Peremena, 1993), p. 24.


Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine-Rus', vol. yiii, pp. 264-8.


Brian Davies, 'Village Into Garrison: The Militarized Peasant Communities of Southern Muscovy', RR 51 (1992): 481-501.


Hellie, Enserfment, p. 193.


On the Don expeditions, see V P. Zagorovskii, 'Sudostroenie na Donu i ispol'zovanie Rossieiu parusnogo-grebnogo flota vbor'be protivKrymskogo khanstvai Turtsii', Kan- didatskaia dissertatsiia, Voronezhskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 1961. On the Razin Rebellion, see E. V Chistiakova and V M. Solov'ev, Stepan Razin i ego soratniki (Moscow: Mysl', 1988), and Michael Khodarkovsky, 'The Stepan Razin Uprising: Was it a "Peasant War"?', JGO 42 (1994): 1-19.


Ibid., pp. 26-37.


N. I. Kostomarov, 'Getmanstvo Vygovskogo', in his Kazaki (Moscow: Charli, 1995), pp. 49-50, 59, 74, 101.


N. I. Kostomarov 'Getmanstvo Iuriia Khmel'nitskogo', in his Kazaki, pp. 176-80.


Hellie, Enserfment, pp. 175,194-6, 200-10, 269; Carol Belkin Stevens, Soldiers on the Steppe: Army Reform and Social Change in Early Modern Russia (De Kalb: Northern Illinois Uni­versity Press, 1995), pp. 33, 56.


Robert I. Frost, The Northern Wars, 1558-1721 (London, New York: Longman, 2000), pp. 216-17.


V Gorobets, 'Ukrainsko-rossiiskie otnosheniia v politiko-pravovoi status getman- shchiny', in A. I. Miller et al. (eds.), Rossiia-Ukraina: istoriia vzaimootnoshenii (Moscow: Iazykimirovoikul'tury, 1997), p. 9;N. I. Kostomarov Ruina. Mazepa. Mazepintsy (Moscow: Charli, 1995), pp. 158-65.


Ibid., p. 267.


Hellie, Enserfment, p. 271.


A. N. Popov 'Turetskaia voina v tsarstvovanie Fedora Alekseevicha', Russkii vestnik 6 (March 1857): 167-70; V N. Zaruba, Ukrainskoekazatskoevoisko vbor'be s turetskoi-tatarskoi agressiei (Kharkov: Osnova, 1993), pp. 46-50.


Brian Davies, 'The Second Chigirin Campaign (1678): Late Muscovite Military Power in Transition', in Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe (eds.), The Military and Society in Russia, 1450-1917 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002), pp. 101-2, 104-5.


Ibid., pp. 115-19.


AndrzejSulima Kaminski, Republic vs. Autocracy. Poland-Lithuania and Russia, 1686-1697 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1993), p. 12.


Chernov Vooruzhennye sily, pp. 187-9.


Stevens, Soldiers on the Steppe, pp. 113-16, 120.


Davies, 'The Second Chigirin Campaign', pp. 108-11.


Stevens, Soldiers on the Steppe, pp. 77-84.


Akty vremeni Lzhedmitriia 1-go (1603-1606), Nogaiskie dela', ed. N. V Rozhdestvenskii, ChOIDR (Moscow, 1845-1918), vol. 264, pt.i (1918): 105-9,136,139-42.


Grigorii Kotoshikhin, O Rossii v tsarstvovanie Alekseia Mikhailovicha (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Glavnogo upravleniia udelov, 1906), p. 135.


On the evolution of the fortification lines see A. I. Iakovlev, Zasechnaia chertaMoskovskogo gosudarstva v XVII veke (Moscow: TipografiiaI. Lisnera, 1916); V P. Zagorovskii, Belgorod- skaia cherta (Voronezh: Voronezhskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 1969); A. V. Nikitin, 'Oboronitel'nye sooruzheniia zasechnoi cherty XVI-XVII vv.', in Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, vol. 44 (1955): 116-213; Novosel'skii, Bor'ba, pp. 293-6. For works in English which discuss the situation and fortifications in the south see Brian Davies, 'The Role of the Town Governors in the Defense and Military Colonization of Muscovy's Southern Frontier: The Case of Kozlov, 1635-38', 2 vols., unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1983; Richard Hellie, Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971), pp. 174-80; Carol Belkin Stevens, Soldiers on the Steppe: Army Reform and Social Change in Early Modern Russia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995), pp. 19-36.


Michael Khodarkovsky, Where Two Worlds Met: The Russian State and the Kalmyk Nomads, 1600-1771 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1992), pp. 105-33.


AI, 5 vols. (St Petersburg: various publishers, 1841-2), vol. iv (Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1842), no. 219, pp. 473-4.


George Lantzeff and Richard Pierce, Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier, to 1750 (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1973), pp. 127­83; James Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), pp. 48-109; Mark Bassin, Imperial Visions, Nationalist Imagination and Geo­graphical Expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840-1865 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 19-24.


Kabardino-russkie otnosheniia v XVI-XVIII vv. Dokumenty i materialy, 2 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1957), vol. i, nos. 21 (pp. 34-5), 41 (pp. 67-8), 43 (p. 69).


Ibid., p. 402, n. 165; Istoriianarodov Severnogo Kavkazas drevneishikh vremen do kontsaXVIII v., ed. B. B. Piotrovskii (Moscow: Nauka, 1988), pp. 330-1.


Kabardino-russkie otnosheniia v XVI-XVIII vv., vol. 1, nos. 28 (pp. 50-1), 52 (pp. 84-5), 208 (pp. 325-6), 232 (pp. 360-1), 236 (pp. 364-5); Khodarkovsky, Where Two Worlds Met, pp. 95, 113-18.


AI, vol. iv, no. 141, p. 285.


Materialy po istorii Bashkirskoi ASSR, vol. i: Bashkirskie vosstaniia v XVII i pervoi polovine XVIII vekov (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1936), pp. 26-40, 150-212.


Ocherkipo istorii Bashkirskoi ASSR, vol. i, pt.1 (Ufa: Bashkirskoe izdatel'stvo, 1956), p. 97.


Ibid., pp. 132-4; Materialy po istorii Bashkirskoi ASSR, vol. iii: Ekonomicheskie i sotsialnye otnosheniia v Bashkirii v pervoi polovine XVIII veka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1949), pp. 9-25.


Kazakhsko-russkie otnosheniia v XVI-XVIII vekakh. Sbornik dokumentov i materialov (Alma- Ata: AN Kazakhskoi SSR, 1961), no. 210, p. 539.


Kotoshikhin, O Rossii v tsarstvovanie AlekseiaMikhailovicha, pp. 39, 40, 87.


AI, vol. i (Tipografiia EkspeditsiizagotovleniiaGosudarstvennykhbumag, 1841), no. 209, p. 449; vol. iii (Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1841), no. 1542, pp. 236, 244-5; no. 1594, pp. 355-6; Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia's Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002), pp. 201-10.


Arkhiv vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi imperii (Moscow), f.119, op. 5, Kalmytskie dela, 1755 g., d. 17, ll. 17-20.


This is evident for the most common commodity, rye, but holds for nearly everything else as well. See Richard Hellie, The Economy and Material Culture of Russia 1600-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), p. 14 (see Fig. 2.1) et passim.


Richard Hellie, 'Russia, 1200-1815', in Richard Bonney (ed.), The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c.1200-1815 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 494 et passim.


Arcadius Kahan, The Plow, the Hammer, and the Knout. An Economic History of Eighteenth- Century Russia, ed. Richard Hellie (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 311-18.


See 'Agapetos', in The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. A. P. Kazhdan, 3 vols. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), vol. I, p. 34.


Hellie, Economy, pp. 80-1.


Richard Hellie, Slavery inRussia 1450-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), p. 63.


There was one exception: as noted in Chapter 16 above, the Sudebnik of 1550 had placed a price cap of 15 roubles on military slaves.


So far, no one has produced any Muscovite land transaction between non-relatives with both the units of lands and the prices paid - presumably the definition of a market. This is most evident in the work of Valerie Kivelson: see her Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996). This makes comparison between the prices of farm land in Muscovy and elsewhere impossible. See also Hellie, Economy, pp. 392, 631.


Richard Hellie, 'The Costs of Muscovite Military Defense and Expansion', in Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe (eds.), The Military and Society in Russia 1450-1917 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), p. 49.


Ibid., p. 66 .


E. I. Kolycheva, Agrarnyi stroi Rossii XVI veka (Moscow: Nauka, 1987), p. 117.


Richard Hellie (trans. and ed.), The Muscovite Law Code (Ulozhenie) of1649 (Irvine, Calif.: Charles Schlacks, 1988), ch. 20, art. 39. (Cited henceforth as Hellie, Ulozhenie.)


Richard Hellie, 'Russian Law from Oleg to Peter the Great', in Daniel H. Kaiser (trans. and ed.), The Laws ofRus' -Tenth to Fifteenth Century (Salt Lake City, Ut.: Charles Schlacks, 1992), pp. xi-xl.


Hellie, Ulozhenie, preamble, ch. 13, art. 1; ch. 19, art. 34.


Ibid., ch. 19.


Richard Hellie, 'The Stratification of Muscovite Society: The Townsmen', RH 5 (1978): 119-75.


Richard Hellie (ed. and trans.), Muscovite Society (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

i967, i970), pp. 63-9i.


Maria Fusaro, 'Commercial Networks of Cooperation in the Venetian Mediterranean: The English and the Greeks, a Case Study', unpublished paper, October 2001.


Richard Hellie, 'Le Commerce russe dans la deuxieme moitie du XVIIIe siecle (1740­1810)', inL'Influencefranx;aiseenRussieauXVIIIsiecle, ed. Jean-Pierre Poussou et al. (Paris: Presses de l'Universitee de Paris-Sorbonne, 2004), pp. 73-82.


Hellie, Economy, ch. 18.


Hellie, Economy, ch. 20; pp. 388, 404-5.


Ia. E.Vodarskii reckons the 1678 population at ten million, ofwhom 92 per cent were peas­ants (V A. Aleksandrov et al., Krest'ianstvo perioda pozdnego feodalizma (seredina XVIIv. - 1861 g.) (Istoriia krest'ianstva Rossii s drevneishikh vremen do 1917 g., vol. iii) (Moscow: Nauka, 1993), p.18). This seems to minimise excessively the slave population, which was not counted in the censuses because slaves paid no taxes. See my Slavery volume for my calculations of the numbers of slaves.


Hellie, Enserfment, chs. 6 and 7.


Hellie, Muscovite Society, pp. 33-47.


P. P. Smirnov, Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor'ba do serediny XVII veka, 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947-8).


Ibid.; Hellie, 'Stratification'.


Hellie, Muscovite Society, pp. 144-56, A. E. Vorms et al. (eds.), Pamiatniki istorii krest'ian XlV-XIXvv. (Moscow: N. N. Klochkov, 1910), pp. 50-2.


N. A. Gorskaia et al., Krest'iamtvo v periody rannego i razvitogo feodalizma (Istoriia krest'ianstva SSSR s drevneishikh vremen do velikoi oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii, vol. ii) (Moscow: Nauka, 1990), pp. 379-80.


Hellie, Muscovite Society, pp. 167-76.


Ibid., pp. 178-91.


Ibid., pp. 191-6.


Hellie, Enserfment, pp. 133-8,188-9.


Hellie, Muscovite Society, pp. 198-205.


Richard Hellie, 'Patterns of Instability in Russian and Soviet History', Chicago Review of International Affairs i (i989): 3-34.


Hellie, Enserfment, pp. 134-45, et passim; Richard Hellie, 'Zemskii sobor', in MERSH, vol. xlv (Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1987), pp. 226-34.


Richard Hellie, 'Migration in Early Modern Russia, I480s-i780s', in David Eltis (ed.), Coerced and Free Migration. Global Perspectives (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2002), pp. 292-323.


This practice continued for years thereafter, for without continuing enforcement the legal stratification of society would have been a farce. The distinguished Leningrad/St Petersburg historian A. G. Man'kov claimed that the fifty-two article decree of 2 March 1683 to the state's fugitive serf and slave hunters was the most important legislative document of the second half of the seventeenth century (RZ, vol. iv, p. 79).


Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker, 'The State, the Community and the Criminal Law in Early Modern Europe', in V A. C. Gatrell, Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker (eds.), Crime and the Law. The SocialHistory of Crime in Western Europe since 1500 (London: Europa Publications, 1980), pp. 11-48.


Hieromonach Nikolai Iarushevich, Tserkovnyi sudvRossii do izdaniia sobornogo ulozheniia Alekseia Mikhailovicha (1649 g.) . . . Istoriko-kanonicheskoe issledovanie (Petrograd: Sinodal'naia tipografiia, 1917); F. Dmitriev, Istoriia sudebnykh instantsii i grazhdanskogo appelliatsionnogo sudoproizvodstva ot sudebnika do uchrezhdeniia o guberniiakh (Moscow: Universitetskaia tipografiia, 1859), pp. 93-100, 324-33.


Richard Hellie (trans. and ed.), The Muscovite Law Code (Ulozhenie) of 1649, pt. 1: Text and Translation (Irvine, Calif.: Charles Schlacks, 1988).


A. P. Dobroklonskii, 'Solotchinskiimonastyr', ego slugiikrest'iane vXVII veke', ChOIDR, 1888, no. 144, kn. 1, ch. 5.


For discussion of bishops' authority, see Georg B. Michels, 'Ruling without Mercy: Seventeenth-Century Russian Bishops and their Officials', Kritika 4 (2003): 515-42.


George G. Weickhardt, 'Pre-Petrine Law and Western Law: The Influence of Roman and Canon Law', HUS 19 (1995): 756-83.


Richard Hellie, Slavery in Russia, 1450-1725 (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1982), pp. 679-89.


See the extensive correspondence ofboyar B. I. Morozov with his bailiffs in A. I. Iakovlev (ed.), Akty khoziaistva boiarina B. I. Morozova, 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1940-5).


Although dated, this Stalinist-era collective work has good coverage of middle Volga and Siberia: Ocherki istorii SSSR. Period feodalizma. XVII vek (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1955), pp. 787-869.


V A. Aleksandrov and N. N. Pokrovskii, Vlast' i obshchestvo. Sibir' v XVII v. (Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991), and George V Lantzeff Siberia in the Seventeenth Century (Berkeley: Uni­versity of California Press, 1943).


A. I. Pashuk, Sud i sudnichestvo na Livoberezhnii Ukraini v XVII-XVIII st. (L'viv, 1967), chs. 2-3.


Two classic surveys oflocal government and the guba administration are: Boris Chicherin, OblastnyeuchrezhdeniiaRossiivXVIIveke (Moscow: Tipografiia AleksandraSemena, 1856); and Hans-Joachim Torke, Die staatsbedingte Gesellschaft im moskauerReich. Zar und Zemlja in der altrussischen Herschaftsverfassung, 1613-1689 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974).


Hereafter references to chapters and articles in the Ulozhenie will be provided in the text, and abbreviated, e.g. '13:3'.


V N. Glaz'ev, Vlast' i obshchestvo na iugeRossii vXVIIveke: Protivodeistvie ugolovnoiprestup- nosti (Voronezh: Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2001).


Dmitriev, Istoriiasudebnykh instantsii, p. 348.


A classic study ofgovernment in the north: M. M. Bogoslovskii, Zemskoe samoupravlenie na russkom severe v XVII veke, in ChOIDR 1910, no. 232, kn. 1, pp. i-viii, 321 pp. and 105 pp. of addenda; and 1912, no. 214, 2, pp. i-iv, 311 pp.


Good surveys include A. G. Man'kov, Zakonodatel'stvo i pravo Rossii vtoroi poloviny XVII v. (St Petersburg: Nauka, 1998); V S. Nersesiants (ed.), Razvitie russkogo prava v XV-pervoi polovine XVII v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1986), and E. A. Skripilev (ed.), Razvitie russkogo prava vtoroi poloviny XVII-XVIII vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1992).


N. F. Demidova, Sluzhilaia biurokratiia v Rossii XVII v. i ee rol' v formirovanii absoliutizma (Moscow: Nauka, 1987).


Brian L. Davies, 'The Politics of Give and Take: Kormlenie as Service Remuneration and Generalized Exchange, 1488-1726', in Ann M. Kleimola and Gail Lenhoff (eds.), Culture and Identity in Muscovy, 1359-1584, UCLA Slavic Studies, n.s. 3 (Moscow: ITZ-Garant, 1997), pp. 39-67, and P V Sedov, 'Podnosheniia v moskovskikh prikazakh XVII veka', Otechestvennaia istoriia, 1996, no. 1:139-50. See also Chapter 20 in the present volume.


Christoph Shmidt, Sozialkontrolle in Moskau :Justiz, Kriminalitat und Leibeigenschaft, 1649­1785 (Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag, 1996), pp. 76-92.


George G. Weickhardt, 'Due Process and Equal Justice in the Muscovite Codes', RR 51 (1992): 463-80.


For more detail on trial procedures, see my By Honor Bound: State and Society in Early Modern Russia (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999), ch. 3.


Nancy S. Kollmann, 'The Extremes of Patriarchy: Spousal Abuse and Murder in Early Modern Russia', RH25 (1998): 133-40.


Three sudebniki: PRP, 8 vols. (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo iuridicheskoi lit- eratury, 1952-63), vyp. iv: Pamiatniki prava perioda ukrepleniia russkogo tsentralizovannogo gosudarstvaXV-XVIIvv., ed. L. V Cherepnin (1956), pp. 229-350, 409-570.


I. I. Lappo (ed.), Litovskii statut v moskovskom perevode-redaktsii (Iur'ev: Tipografiia K. Mattisena, 1916).


PRP, vyp. iv, pp. 353-405 and PRP, vyp. v: Pamiatniki pravaperiodasoslovno-predstavitel'noi monarkhii. PervaiapolovinaXVII v., ed. L. V Cherepnin (1959), pp. 185-532.


1669 criminal law and land decrees: PRP, vyp. vii: Pamiatnikipravaperiodasozdaniiaabsoli- utnoi monarkhii. Vtoraiapolovina XVII v., ed. L. V Cherepnin (1963), pp. 57-100, 396-434.


Richard Hellie, 'Muscovite Law and Society: The Ulozhenie of 1649 as a Reflection of the Political and Social Development of Russia since the Sudebnik of 1589', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1965.


Valerie A. Kivelson, 'The Effects of Partible Inheritance: Gentry Families and the State in Muscovy', RR 53 (1994): 197-212.


1667 Trade Regulations: PRP, vyp. vii, pp. 303-28.


Pieter Spierenburg, The Spectacle of Suffering. Executions and the Evolution ofRepression:From a Preindustrial Metropolis to the European Experience (Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press, 1984).


That is, a tax-bearing population attached to a legal commercial suburb. Conversely, other towns had a legal posad but lacked commercial activity


VP. Zagorovskii, Belgorodskaia cherta (Voronezh: Izdatel'stvo Voronezhskogo univer- siteta, 1969), pp. 211, 227-9.


R. A. French, 'The Early and Medieval Russian Town', in J. H. Bater and R. A. French (eds.), Studies in Russian Historical Geography (London: Academic Press, 1983), pp. 249-77; R. A. French, 'The Urban Network of Later Medieval Russia', in Geographical Studies on the Soviet Union: Essays in Honor of Chauncy D. Harris (Chicago: University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper no. 211,1984), pp. 29-51.


Ia. E. Vodarskii, Naselenie Rossii v kontse XVII v-nachale XVIII v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1977), p. 133.


Ibid., p. 127; Ia. E. Vodarskii, 'Chislennost' i razmeshchenieposadskogo naseleniiavRossii vo vtoroi polovine XVII v.', in Gorodafeodal'noi Rossii (Moscow: Nauka, 1966), p. 290.


D.J. B. Shaw, 'Southern Frontiers of Muscovy, 1550-1700', in Bater and French, Studies, pp. 117-42.


P. P. Smirnov, GorodaMoskovskogo gosudarstvav pervoi polovine XVII veke, vol. I, pt. 2 (Kiev: A. I. Grossman, 1919); Vodarskii, 'Chislennost' '; Henry L. Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery of the Russian Cities from 1500 to 1700', CASS 11 (1977): 220-52.


'White places' were parts of towns which were free of the normal tax and service obligations.


DopAI, vol. ix (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1875), no. 106, pp. 219-314.


Vodarskii, 'Chislennost'', pp. 282-90; Smirnov, Goroda, pp. 32ft


Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery', pp. 235-46.


Ibid., pp. 250-i.

Key: i. Posad households, C.1550-1590S; 2. Posad households, 1646; 3. Servitorhouseholds, 1650 (figures in parentheses - 1632); 4. Other households, 1646; 5. Posad households, 1652; 6. Posad households, 1678; 7. Servitor households, 1670s (partial data); 8. Other households, 1678 (partial data).

a. Data for i6i0s

b. Data for 1638

c. Data for i700

Sources: Henry L. Eaton, 'Decline and recovery of the Russian cities from 1500 to 1700', Canadian-American Slavic Studies 11 no. 2 (1977): 220-52; Ia. E. Vodarskii, 'Chislennost' i razmeshchenie posadskogo naseleniia v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVIIv.', in Goroda feodal'noi Rossii (Moscow, 1966), pp. 271-97.

Figure 25.1. Urban household totals in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (towns with 500 or more households in the posad in the seventeenth century)


PaulBushkovitch, The Merchants ofMoscow, 1580-1650 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980), pp. 87-91.


J. Pallot and D. J. B. Shaw, Landscape and Settlement inRomanovRussia, 1613-1917 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990), pp. 241-64, esp. 242-4, and also 308-9.


Vodarskii, 'Chislennost'', p. 279.


Ibid., pp. 282-90.


J. de Vries, European Urbanization, 1500-1800 (London: Methuen, 1984), pp. 254-8.


Ibid., p. 12.


Pallot and Shaw, Landscape, pp. 23-4.


Ibid., p. 246.


P. P. Smirnov, Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaiabor'ba do seredinyXVIIv., 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947-8), vol. ii, pp. 701-18.


R. Hellie (ed. and trans.), The Muscovite Law Code (Ulozhenie) of 1649, pt. 1: Text and Translation (Irvine, Calif.: Charles Schlacks, 1988), ch. 19, art. 9, 13, pp. 154-5 (hereafter Hellie, Ulozhenie).


Ibid., p. 153.


Ibid., p. 155.




E. V Chistiakova, 'Remeslo i torgovlia na Voronezhskom posade v seredine XVII v.', Izvestiia Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta 25 (1954): 46-63; V A. Aleksandrov, 'Streletskoe naselenie iuzhnykh gorodov Rossii vXVIIv.', in Novoe o proshlom nashei strany (Moscow: Nauka, 1967), pp. 235-50.


Hellie, Ulozhenie, p. 157. See also art. 15, p. 156; art. 9, p. 155.


IstoriiaMoskvy, vol. i: Periodfeodalizma, XII-XVIIvv. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952), p. 446; see P. V Sytin, Istoriiaplanirovki i zastroiki Moskvy. Materialy i issledovaniia, vol. i: 1147-1762 (Moscow: Trudy Muzeia Istorii i Rekonstruktsii Moskvy, vyp. 1, 1950), p. 121.


Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery', pp. 250-1.


IstoriiaMoskvy, p. 453; Eaton, 'Decline and Recovery', p. 250.


Bushkovitch, The Merchants ofMoscow, pp. 69, 83-4, 101,125-6, 168-9.


V Snegirev, Moskovskie slobody (Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1947), p. 18.


Ibid., pp. 19-20.


Istoriia Moskvy, pp. 373, 462-3.


Ibid., p. 450.


For the location of the Earth Town, see below.


For the location of the White Town, see below.


Istoriia Moskvy, p. 373.


Ibid., pp. 386-8.


Adam Olearius, The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth-Century Russia, ed. and trans. Samuel H. Baron (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1967), p. 114.


Ibid., p. 114.


See e.g. B. N. Mironov, Vnutrennii rynok Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XVIII-pervoi polovine XIX v. (Leningrad: Nauka, 1981).


Mertsalov, Ocherki, pp. I2ff.


Hellie, Ulozhenie, ch. 1, pp. 3-4.


Ibid., ch. 10, art. 25-6, pp. 28-9.


Ibid., ch. 19, art. 40, p. 161.


Olearius, Travels, pp. 29,51,73,129,263,281 etc.; S. H. Baron, 'The Origins of Seventeenth- Century Moscow's Nemeckaja sloboda', California Slavic Studies 5 (1970): 1-17.


E. Service, Origins of the State and Civilization: the Process of Cultural Evolution (New York: Norton, 1975), p. 51; Paul Wheatley, The Pivot of the Four Quarters: A Preliminary Enquiry into the Origins and Character of the Ancient Chinese City (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971).


G. Hosking, Russia: People and Empire (London: HarperCollins, 1997), pp. 4-8; D. B. Rowland, 'Moscow - the Third Rome or the New Israel?', RR 55 (1996): 591-614.


Ivan Zabelin, Domashnii bytrusskikh tsarei, vol. i (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2000),

pp. 393-453.


Robin Milner-Gulland, The Russians (Oxford: Blackwell, 1997), pp. 212-20; A. L. Batalov and T. N. Viatchanina, 'Ob ideinom znachenii i interpretatsii Ierusalimskogo obraza v russkoi arkhitekture XVI-XVII vv.', Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo 36 (1988): 22-42.


G. V Alferova, Russkii gorod XVI-XVII vekov (Moscow: Stroiizdat, 1989), pp. 56-61; D. I. Bagalei, Materialy dlia istorii kolonizatsii i byta stepnoi okrainy Moskovskogo gosudarstva v XVI-XVII vekakh, vol. I (Khar'kov, 1886), p. 9; Barashkov, Arkhangel'sk, p. 17.


G. P. Fedotov, The Russian Religious Mind, vol. I (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966), pp. 344-62; Milner-Gulland, The Russians, pp. 96-103; W F. Ryan, The Bath­house at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, i999), p. i4.


Alferova, Russkiigorod, p. 180.


O. V Ovsiannikov, 'Oboronitel'nye sooruzheniia severorusskikh gorodov XVI-XVII vekov', in Letopis' Severa, vi (Moscow, 1972), pp. 211-23.


See e.g. G. V Alferova and V A. Kharlamov, KievvovtoroipolovineXVIIveke (Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1982).


Pallot and Shaw, Landscape, pp. 23-4.


French, 'The Early and Medieval', pp. 268-74.


Sytin, Istoriiaplanirovki, pp. 42, 52, 58-9.


Passages from the Diary of Patrick Gordon ofAuchleuchries in the Years 1635-1699 (London: Frank Cass, I968), pp. 43-4.


Sytin, Istoriiaplanirovki, pp. 84-90,162ff.


IstoriiaMoskvy, p. 509; Olearius, Travels, p. 154.


A. V Ikonnikov Tysiachialet russkoi arkhitektury (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1990), pp. 182-95.


L. N. Tverskoi, Russkoe gradostroitel'stvo dokontsaXVIIveka: planirovkai zastroikarusskikh gorodov (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1953).


V A. Shkvarikov, Ocherk istorii planirovki i zastroiki russkikh gorodov (Moscow: Gosu- darstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Stroitel'stvu i Arkhitekture, 1954).


Alferova, Russkii gorod.


Hellie, Ulozhenie, ch. 10, arts. 278, 279.


de Vries, European Urbanization.


Ibid., p. 12.


B. F. Porshnev, 'Sotsial'no-politicheskaia obstanovka v Rossii vo vremia Smolenskoi voiny', Istoriia SSSR, 1957, no.5: pp. 112-40; B. F. Porshnev 'Razvitie "Balashovskogo" dvizheniia v fevrale-marte 1634 g.', in Problemy obshchestvenno-politicheskoi istorii Rossii i slavianskikh stran. Sbornik statei k 70-letiiu akademika M. N. Tikhomirova (Moscow: Izda- tel'stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1963), pp. 225-35.


Adam Olearius, The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth-Century Russia, ed. and trans. Samuel H. Baron (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1967), p. 153.


E. V Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia v Rossii v pervoi polovine XVII veka (30-40-e gody) (Voronezh: Izdatel'stvo Voronezhskogo universiteta, 1975), pp. 59-61.


Gorodskie vosstaniiav Moskovskom gosudarstve XVII v. Sbornik dokumentov, ed. K. V Bazile- vich (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoesotsial'no-ekonomicheskoeizdatel'stvo, 1936), pp. 35-92; P. P. Smirnov, Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor'ba do serediny XVII veka, 2 vols. (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947-8), vol. ii, pp. 158-248; S. V Bakhrushin, 'Moskovskoe vosstanie 1648 g.', in his Nauchnye trudy, 4 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1952-9), vol. ii (1954), pp. 46-91; Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 62-106; Valerie A. Kivelson, 'The Devil Stole his Mind: The Tsar and the 1648 Moscow Uprising', American Historical Review 98 (1993): 733-56.


Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 107-234.


N. N. Pokrovskii, Tomsk. 1648-1649 gg. Voevodskaia vlast' i zemskie miry (Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1989).


Gorodskievosstaniia,pp. 93-108; BrianL. Davies, StatePowerandCommunityinEarlyModern Russia: the Case of Kozlov, 1635-1649 (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), pp. 225-42.


Gorodskie vosstaniia,p. 113.


Ibid., pp. 29-30.


Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 156-64.


M. N. Tikhomirov, Klassovaiahor'hav Rossii XVII v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1969), pp. 23-169, 234-396; 'Miatezhnoe vremia'. Sledstvennoe delo o Novgorodskom vosstanii 1650 goda, comp. G. M. Kovalenko, T. A. Lapteva, T. B. Solov'eva (St Petersburg and Kishinev: Nestor- Historia, 2001).


V I. Buganov, Moskovskoe vosstanie 1662 g. (Moscow: Nauka, 1964); Vosstanie 1662 g. v Moskve. Sbornik dokumentov, comp. V I. Buganov (Moscow: Nauka, 1964).


Krest'ianskaiavoinapodpredvoditel'stvom StepanaRazina. Sbornik dokumentov, 4 vols. (in 5) (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1954-76); I. V Stepanov Krest'ianskaia voina v Rossii v 1670-1671 gg. Vosstanie Stepana Razina, 2 vols. (Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1966-72); Michael Khodarkovsky, 'The Stepan Razin Uprising: Was it a "Peasant War"?', JGO 42 (1994): 1-19.


VI. Buganov Moskovskie vosstaniia kontsa XVII veka (Moscow: Nauka, 1969), pp. 87-318; Vosstanie vMoskve 1682 goda. Sbornik dokumentov, comp. N. G. Savich (Moscow: Nauka, 1976); Lindsey Hughes, Sophia, Regent of Russia, 1657-1704 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), pp. 52-88.


Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, pp. 318-47.


Khodarkovsky 'The Stepan Razin Uprising'.


Robert O. Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors. The Boyar Elite in Russia, 1613-1689 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), pp. 82-97.


Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 88-90.


Buganov, Moskovskoe vosstanie 1662 g., pp. 41-2.


Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, pp. 198-9.


Tikhomirov Klassovaiabor'ba, pp. 93-8.


Zapiski inostrantsev o vosstanii Stepana Razina, ed. A. G. Man'kov (Leningrad: Nauka,

i968), pp. 99, i24.


See e.g. V Nazarov, 'The Peasant Wars in Russia and their Place in the History of the Class Struggle in Europe', in The Comparative Historical Method in Soviet Mediaeval Studies (Problems of the Contemporary World, no. 79) (Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1979), pp. 115-16.


Khodarkovsky, 'The Stepan Razin Uprising', pp. 13, 15-16.


Krest'ianskaiavoina, vol. n.i, no. 22, p. 31; no. 29, p. 44.


Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 54, 56-7, 61, 75.


Buganov, Moskovskoe vosstanie 1662 g., pp. 44-7.


Krest'ianskaiavoina, vol. I, no. 171, p. 235.


Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, p. 151.


Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 69- 70; Tikhomirov Klassovaia bor'ba, p. 70.


GrigorijKotosixin, O Rossii v carstvovanie Alekseja Mixajlovica. Text and commentary, ed. A. E. Pennington (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980), p. 115; Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, p. 251.


Krest'ianskaiavoina, vol. I, no. 171, pp. 235-6.


Stepanov Krest'ianskaiavoina, vol. Ii.i, p. 89; Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, pp. 113,152-3.


S. K. Rosovetskii, 'Ustnaia proza XVI-XVII vv. ob Ivane Groznom - pravitele', Russkii fol'klor 20 (1981): 90-92.


Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 35, 46-7.


Pokrovskii, Tomsk,pp. 97-8,107-8. See also Davies, State Power and Community,pp. 215-16.


Bakhrushin, 'Moskovskoe vosstanie i648g.', p. 79; Tikhomirov, Klassovaia bor'ba, p. 379; Krest'ianskaia voina, vol. I, no. 171, p. 235; Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, p. 156.


Tikhomirov Klassovaia bor'ba,pp. 254,362; Buganov, Moskovskoe vosstanie 1662 g.,pp. 44-6; Buganov Moskovskie vosstaniia, pp. 154-5.


M. Perri, 'V chem sostoiala "izmena" zhertv narodnykh vosstanii XVII veka?', in Rossiia XV-XVIII stoletii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei, ed. I. O. Tiumentsev (Volgograd and St Petersburg: Volgogradskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 200i), p. 2i7.


Maureen Perrie, 'Indecent, Unseemly and Inappropriate Words: Popular Criticisms of the Tsar, 1648-50', FOG 58 (2001): 143-9.


Sil'vestr Medvedev, Sozertsanie kratkoe let 7190-92 (Kiev: Tipografiia Imperatorskogo Universiteta Sv. Vladimira, 1895), p. 44.


Maureen Perrie, Pretenders and Popular Monarchism in Early ModernRussia: The False Tsars of the Time of Troubles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 229-36.


P. V Lukin, Narodnye predstavleniia o gosudarstvennoi vlasti v Rossii XVII veka (Moscow: Nauka, 2000), pp. 103-69.


C. S. Ingerflom, 'Entrelemythe et la parole: l'action. Naissancede la conception politique du pouvoir en Russie', Annales: histoire, sciences sociales 51 (1996): 733-57; Maureen Perrie, 'Pretenders in the Name of the Tsar: Cossack "Tsareviches" in Seventeenth-Century Russia', FOG 56 (2000): 249-53.


Maureen Perrie, 'Popular Monarchism in Mid-i7th-Century Russia: the Politics of the "Sovereign's gramoty"', in Gyula Szvak (ed.), Muscovy: Peculiarities of its Development (Budapest: Magyar Ruszisztikai Intezet, 2003), pp. 135-42.


Krest'ianskaia voina, vol. I, no. 171, p. 235.


Zapiski inostrantsev, p. 97.


Stepanov Krest'ianskaia voina, vol. ii.i, p. 102; Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, pp. 72-3;

Buganov, Moskovskie vosstaniia, pp. 158-61.


Chistiakova, Gorodskie vosstaniia, p. 242.


Metropolitan Makarii, Istoriia russkoi tserkvi, 12 vols. (Dusseldorf:Brucken-Verlag, 1968­9), vol. xi, pp. 3-8, 23-33; A. V Kartashev, Ocherkipo istorii russkoi tserkvi, 2 vols. (Moscow: Nauka, 1991), vol. ii, pp. 96-9; Pierre Pascal, Avvakum et les debuts du raskol, 2nd edn (Paris, The Hague: Mouton, 1969), pp. 25-7; Serge A. Zenkovsky, Russkoe staroobriadchestvo; dukhovnyedvizheniiasemnadtsatogoveka (Forum Slavicum, Bd. 21) (Munich: W Fink, 1970), pp. 70-4; Paul Bushkovitch, Religion and Society in Russia:The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 52-3.


Pascal, Avvakum, pp. 8-14,21-4; Zenkovsky, Russkoe staroobriadchestvo, pp. 91-6; Kartashev, Ocherki, vol. 11, pp. 85-94.


A central theme in GeorgB. Michels, At War with the Church. Religious DissentinSeventeenth- Century Russia (Stanford,Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1999).


P. M. Stroev, Spiski ierarkhov i nastoiatelei monastyrei rossiiskoi tserkvi (St Petersburg: Tipografiia V S. Balasheva, 1877).


Michels, War, pp. 31-2,163-70,187.


Most recently, Daniel H. Kaiser,' "Whose Wife Will She Be at the Resurrection?" Marriage and Remarriage in Early Modern Russia', SR 62 (2003): 302-23.


Ia. E. Vodarskii, 'Tserkovnye organizatsii i ikh krepostnye krest'iane vo vtoroi polovine XVII - nachale XVIII v.', in Istoricheskaia geografiia Rossii. XII - nachalo XX v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), p. 76.


S. V Nikolaeva, 'Vklady i vkladchiki v Troitse-Sergiev Monastyr' v XVI-XVII vekakh. (Po vkladnym knigam XVII veka)', in Tserkov' v istorii Rossii, 3 vols. (Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 1997-9), vol. 11 (1998), pp. 81-107.


Vodarskii, 'Tserkovnye organizatsii'; Iu. V Got'e, Zamoskovnyi krai v XVII veke (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 1937), pp. 230-53.


Robert O. Crummey, 'Court Spectacles in Seventeenth Century Russia: Illusion and Reality', in Daniel Clarke Waugh (ed.), Essays in Honor of A. A. Zimin (Columbus, Oh.: Slavica, 1985), pp. 130-58; Michael S. Flier, 'Breaking the Code: The Image ofthe Tsar in the Muscovite Palm Sunday Ritual', in Michael S. Flier and Daniel Rowland (eds.), Medieval Russian Culture, vol. ii (California Slavic Studies, 19) (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), pp. 213-42; Michael S. Flier, 'Court Ceremony in an Age ofReform. Patriarch Nikon and the Palm Sunday Ritual', in Samuel H. Baron and Nancy Shields Kollmann (eds.), Religion and Culture in Early Modern Russia and Ukraine (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 1997), pp. 74-95; Paul Bushkovitch, 'The Epiphany Ceremony of the Russian Court in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries', RR 49 (1990): 1-18.


I. Zabelin, Domashniibytrusskikh tsareivXVIiXVIIst. (Moscow: TipografiiaA. I. Mamon- tova, 1895), pp. 376-435; Nancy Shields Kollmann, 'Pilgrimage, Procession, and Symbolic Space in Sixteenth-Century Russian Politics', in Flier and Rowland (eds.), MedievalRus- sian Culture, vol. 11, pp. 163-81.


N. V Rozhdestvenskii, 'K istorii bor'by s tserkovnymi bezporiadkami, otgoloskami iazy- chestva i porokami v russkom bytu XVII v.', ChOIDR 201 (1902, kn. 2), pp. 19-23.


AAE, 4 vols. (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1836), vol. iv, pp. 481-2 (no. 321).


Pascal, Avvakum, pp. 58-9.


'Deianiia Moskovskogo tserkovnogo sobora 1649 goda', ed. S. A. Belokurov, ChOIDR 171 (1894, kn. 4): 1-52.


A. S. Zernova, Knigi kirillovskoi pechati izdannye v Moskve v XVI-XVII vekakh (Moscow: Gosudarstvennaia Ordena Lenina biblioteka SSSRimeni V I. Lenina, 1958), pp. 46-77; Pascal, Avvakum, pp. 65-71,128-32; Zenkovsky, Russkoe staroobriadchestvo, pp. 91-101.


N. Kharuzin, 'K voprosu o bor'be moskovskogo pravitel'stva s narodnymi iazycheskimi obriadami i sueveriiami v polovine XVII v.', Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie, 1879, no. 1,143-51; AI, vol. iv (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia Sobstvennoi E. I. V Kantseliarii, 1842), pp. 124-6.


Russell Zguta, Russian Minstrels: A History of the Skomorokhi (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978), pp. 63-5; M. M. Gromyko, Mir russkoi derevni (Moscow: Molodaia Gvardiia, 1991), pp. 325-9,345-60.


Pascal, Avvakum, pp. 156-8.


Archpriest Avvakum, Zhitie Protopopa Avvakuma im samim napisannoe i drugie ego sochi- neniia, ed. N. K. Gudzii (Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1960), pp. 61-4; Archpriest Avvakum, The Life Written by Himself: With the Study ofV. V. Vinogradov, trans. and ed. Kenneth N. Brostrom (Michigan Slavic translations, no. 4) (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1979), pp. 45-50.


Sobornoe ulozhenie 1649 goda: tekst, kommentarii, ed. L.I. Ivina, G.V Abramovich et al. (Leningrad: Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1987), pp. 69-70, 242-6; M. I. Gorchakov Monastyrskii prikaz, 1649-1725 g. Opyt istoriko-iuridicheskogo issledovaniia (St. Petersburg: A. Transhel', 1868), pp. 40-90.


William Palmer, The Patriarch and the Tsar, 6 vols. (London: Trubner and Co., 1871-6), vol. i (1871), pp. 292-548; Patriarch Nikon, Patriarch Nikon on Church and State - Nikon's 'Refutation' (Vozrazhenie ili razorenie smirennogo Nikona, Bozhieiu milostiiu Patriarkha, pro- tivo voprosov boiarina Simeona Streshneva), ed. Valerie A. Tumins and George Vernadsky (Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton, 1982), pp. 351-601.


Zenkovsky, Russkoe staroobriadchestvo, pp. 193-5.


Kartashev, Ocherki, vol. 11, pp. 126-31.


On the reforms, N. F. Kapterev Patriarkh Nikon i Tsar'AlekseiMikhailovich, 2 vols. (Sergiev Posad: Tipografiia Sviato-Troitskoi Sergievoi Lavry, 1909-12); Paul Meyendorff,Russia, Ritual, and Reform: the Liturgical Reforms of Nikon in the 17 th Century (Crestwood, N.Y.: St Vladimir's Press, 1991).


Karl Christian Felmy, Die Deutung der Gottlichen Liturgie in der russischen Theologie: Wege und Wandlungen russischerLiturgie-Auslegung (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 54) (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1984), pp. 80-111; Boris A. Uspensky 'The Schism and Cultural Conflict in the Seventeenth Century', in Stephen K. Batalden (ed.), Seeking God: The Recovery of Religious Identity in Orthodox Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1993), pp. 106-43.


Kapterev Patriarkh Nikon, vol. i, pp. 192-8; Meyendorff, Russia, pp. 61-2.


Materialy dlia istorii raskola zapervoe vremia ego sushchestvovaniia, ed. N. Subbotin, 9 vols. (Moscow: Redaktsiia 'Bratskoe slovo', 1874-90), vol. i,pp. 51-78,99-100; Avvakum, Zhitie, p. 65.


Materialy, vol. i, pp. 100-2.


Michels, War, pp. 112-15.


Dokumenty Razriadnogo, Posol'skogo, Novgorodskogo i Tainogo Prikazov o raskol'nikakh v gorodakh Rossii, 1654-1684 gg., ed. V S. Rumiantseva (Moscow: AN SSSR, Institut istorii SSSR, 1990), pp. 29-58; Michels, War, pp. 33-8.


Palmer, Patriarch and Tsar, vol. i; Nikon, Refutation.


Contrast M. V Zyzykin, Patriarkh Nikon. Ego gosudarstvennye i kanonicheskie idei, 3 vols. (Warsaw: Sinodal'naia Tipografiia, 1931-8) with Kapterev Patriarkh Nikon.


Michels, War, pp. 28-30,143-4.


Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii, Sobranie pervoe, 45 vols. (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia S.I.V Kantseliarii, 1830-43), vol. ii, pp. 647-50 (no. 1102).


Robert O. Crummey The Old Believers & the World of Antichrist. The Vyg Community and the Russian State, 1694-1855 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970), pp. 39-57; Georg B. Michels, 'The Violent Old Belief: An Examination ofReligious Dissent on the Karelian Frontier', RH 19 (1992): 203-29.


K. V Kharlampovich, Malorossiiskoe vliianie na velikorusskuiu tserkovnuiu zhizn', vol. i (Kazan': Izdanie knizhnogo magazina M. A. Golubeva, 1914), pp. 214-32.


See Iu. M. Lotman and B. A. Uspenskii, 'Binary Models in the Dynamics of Russian Culture to the End of the Eighteenth Century', in A. D. and A. S. Nakhimovsky (eds.), The Semiotics of Russian Cultural History (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985), pp. 30-66.


See A. I. Nekrasov (ed.), Barokko v Rossii (Moscow: GAKhN, 1926) and summaries of debates in James Cracraft, The Petrine Revolution in Russian Architecture (Chicago: Univer­sity of Chicago Press, 1988) and in his The Petrine Revolution in Russian Imagery (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997). Also Natalia Kostotchkina, 'The Baroque in 17th- Century Russian Art: Icon-Painting, Painting, Decorative and Applied Art', unpublished M.Phil. thesis, SSEES, University of London, 1994.


D. S. Likhachev, 'Barokko i ego russkii variant XVII veka', Russkaialiteratura, 1969, no. 2: 18-45, and his Razvitie russkoi literatury X-XVIIvekov (Leningrad: Nauka, 1973), p. 214.


See Robert O. Crummey 'Court Spectacles in Seventeenth-Century Russia: Illusion and Reality', in D. C. Waugh (ed.), Essays in Honor of A. A. Zimin (Columbus, Oh.: Slavica, 1985), pp. 130-46; Paul Bushkovitch, 'The Epiphany Ceremony of the Russian Court in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries', RR 49 (1990): 1-18.


See Philip Longworth, Alexis Tsar of All the Russia (London: Secker and Warburg, 1984); Lindsey Hughes, 'The Petrine Year: Anniversaries and Festivals in the Reign of Peter the Great (1682-1725)', in Karin Friedrich (ed.), Festive Culture in Germany and Europe from the 16th to the20th Century (Lewiston, N.Y.: Mellen Press, 2000), pp. 148-68.


See Isolde Thyret, Between God and Tsar. Religious Symbolism and the Royal Women of Muscovite Russia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001).


Longworth, Alexis, pp. 118-20.


William C.Brumfield, AHistoryofRussian Architecture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 141-5.


See Hughes, 'Petrine Year' and her 'The Courts ofMoscow and St Petersburg. c. 1547­1725', in John Adamson (ed.), The Princely Courts of Europe 1500-1750 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999), pp. 294-313.


I. L. Buseva-Davydova, KhramyMoskovskogoKremlia: sviatynii drevnosti (Moscow: Nauka, 1997), pp. 42-3, 103-4.


B. N. Floria, 'Nekotorye dannye o nachale svetskogo portreta v Rossii', Arkhiv russkoi istorii 1 (1992): 137-9; FrankKampfer, DasrussischeHerrscherbildvondenAnfangenbiszuPeter dem Grossen. Studien zur Entwicklung politischer Ikonographie im byzantinischen Kulturkreis (Recklinghausen: A. Bongers, 1978), pp. 211-12.


Jeremy Howard, The ScottishKremlinBuilder: Christopher Galloway (Edinburgh: Manifesto, 1997); Lindsey Hughes, 'The West Comes to Russian Architecture', in Paul Dukes (ed.), Russia and Europe (London: Collins and Brown, 1991), pp. 24-47.


Brumfield, History, pp. 147-9.


Ibid., pp. 158-64.


See Cracraft, Architecture, pp. 85-109; Lindsey Hughes, 'Western European Graphic Material as a Source for Moscow Baroque Architecture', SEER 55 (1977): 433-43; and her 'Moscow Baroque - a Controversial Style', Transactions of the Association of Russian- American Scholars in USA 15 (1982): 69-93.


See N. Gordeeva and L. Tarasenko, Tserkov'PokrovavFiliakh (Moscow: 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo', 1980); Brumfield, History, pp. 184-93.


See Lindsey Hughes, 'Byelorussian Craftsmen in Seventeenth-Century Russia and their Influence on Muscovite Architecture', Journal of Byelorussian Studies 3 (1976): 327-41. On wider issues, Max Okenfuss, The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia: Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy (Leiden and New York: Brill, 1995), and editors' introduction to Baron and Kollmann (eds.), Religion and Culture, pp. 3-16.


S. P. Luppov, KnigavRossii XVII veka (Leningrad: Nauka, 1970); Hughes, 'Western Euro­pean Graphic Material'.


The borrowed words arkhitektor and arkhitektura first appear in the late i690s-early 1700s.


Samuel Collins, The Present State of Russia (London, 1671), pp. 64-5.


See Lindsey Hughes, 'Attitudes towards Foreigners in Early Modern Russia', in Cathryn Brennan and Murray Frame (eds.), Russia and the Wider World in Historical Perspective: Essays for Paul Dukes (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000), pp. 1-23.


Cracraft, Architecture, pp. 40-2.


See T. M. Kol'tsova (ed.), Reznye ikonostasy i dereviannaia skul'ptura Russkogo Severa. Kataogvystavki (Archangel and Moscow: MKRF, 1995).


Brumfield, History, pp. 189-90; T. A. Gatova, 'Iz istorii dekorativnoi skul'ptury Moskvy nachalaXVIIIv.',inT. V Alekseeva(ed.), RusskoeiskusstvoXVIIIveka (Moscow: 'Iskusstvo', 1968), pp. 40-1.


See Lindsey Hughes, 'The Moscow Armoury and Innovations in i7th-Century Muscovite Art', CASS 13 (1979): 204-23; Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 107-15.


For a popular Soviet view, see N. G. Bekeneva, Simon Ushakov 1626-1686 (Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1984). Also V G. Briusova, Russkaia zhivopis' XVII veka (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1984); Lindsey Hughes, 'The Age of Transition: Seventeenth-Century Russian Icon-Painting', in Sarah Smyth and Stanford Kingston (eds.), Icons 88 (Dublin: Veritas Publications, i988), pp. 63-74.


'Poslanie nekoego izografaIosifaktsarevaizografui mudreishemu zhivopistsu Simonu Ushakovu' and 'Slovo k liuboshchatel'nomu ikonnogo pisaniia' (c.1667), as cited in Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 82-8.


E. S. Ovchinnikova, Portret v russkom iskusstve XVII veka (Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1955), p. 13. Also I. E. Danilova and N. E. Mneva, 'Zhivopis' XVII veka', in I. E. Grabar' (ed.), Istoriia russkogo iskusstva, 12 vols. (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1953-61), vol. iv (1959), p. 380.


Lindsey Hughes, 'Simon Ushakov's Icon "The Tree of the Muscovite State" Revisited', FOG 58 (2001): 223-34; Thyret, Between God and Tsar, pp. 70-8; Kampfer, Herrscherbild,

pp. 227-30.


Ibid., plate 138, and pp. 233-4.


Ovchinnikova, Portret, p. 22. See Cracraft, Imagery, p. 19, on the exaggeration of'the degree to which such painting was "secular" in either subject or style'.


E. S. Smirnova, 'Simon Ushakov—"Historicism" and "Byzantinism": On the Interpre­tation of Russian Painting from the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century', in Baron and Kollmann (eds.), Religion and Culture, pp. 170-83.


See V G. Briusova, Fedor Zubov (Moscow: 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo', 1985), pp. 150-4.


A.A. Pavlenko, 'KarpZolotareviMoskovskiezhivopistsyposledneitretiXVIIv.',inPami- atniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia.1982 (Leningrad: Nauka, 1984), pp. 301-16; A.A. Pavlenko, 'Evoliutsiia russkoi ikonopisi i zhivopisnoe masterstvo kak iavlenie perekhodnogo peri- oda', in Russkaia kul'tura vperekhodnyiperiod ot Srednevekov'ia k novomu vremeni (Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN, 1992), pp. 103-8; Kostotchkina, 'Baroque', pp. 100-31.


V G. Briusova, Gurii Nikitin (Moscow: 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo', 1982).


Anne Odom, Russian Enamels (Baltimore: Walters Art Gallery, i996); Kostotchkina, 'Baroque', pp. 191-266.


See E. A. Mishina, Russkaia graviura na dereve XVII-XVIII vv. (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2000 [?]).


M. A. Alekseeva, 'Zhanr konkliuzii v russkom iskusstve kontsaXVII - nachalaXVIII v.', in T. V Alekseeva (ed.), Russkoe iskusstvo barokko (Moscow: Nauka, 1977), pp. 7-29.


Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 115-19.


For example, the Theatrum Biblicum, first published Amsterdam, 1643. See Hughes, 'Moscow Armoury', p. 212; Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 94-6.


Hughes, 'Moscow Armoury', pp. 208-9.


Ovchinnikova, Portret, p. 29.


See Lindsey Hughes, 'Images of the Elite: A Reconsideration of the Portrait in Seventeenth-Century Russia', FOG 56 (2000): 167-85.


See Kampfer, Herrscherbild, pp. 174-6; illustrations in Ovchinnikova, Portret, p. 59.


Ibid., p. 27.


Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 206-8; Hughes, 'Women' and her 'Images of Greatness: Portraits of Peter I', in Peter the Great and the West: New Perspectives, ed. L. Hughes (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2000), pp. 250-70.


Simon Karlinsky, Russian Drama from its Beginnings to the Age of Pushkin (Berkeley: Uni­versity of California Press, 1985). Documents on this topic were published in S. K. Bogoiavlenskii, Moskovskii teatr pri tsariakh Aleksee i Petre (Moscow: Russkaia starina, 1914).


For texts see O. A. Derzhavina et al. (eds.), Ranniaia russkaia dramaturgiia XVII - per- vaia polovina XVIII v., 5 vols. (Moscow: Nauka, 1972-6). Also L. A. Sofronova, Poetika slavianskogo teatra XVII - XVIII vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1981).


Hughes, Sophia, pp. 173-5.


See Olga Dolskaya, 'Choral Music in the Petrine Era', in A. G. Cross (ed.), Russia in the Reign ofPeter the Great: OldandNewPerspectives (Cambridge: Study Group on 18th-century Russia, 1998), pp. 173-4; and her 'Vasilii Titov and the "Moscow Baroque"', Journal of the Royal Musical Association ii8 (i993): 203-22.


Adam Olearius, The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth-Century Russia, ed. and trans. S. Baron (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1967), pp. 262-3.


See C. R.Jensen, 'Music for the Tsar: a Preliminary Study ofthe Music ofthe Muscovite Court Theatre', Musical Quarterly 79 (1995): 371-2.


Jacob Reutenfels, quoted ibid., 373.


Ibid., 375, 377, 382.


See E. K. Romodanovskaia, Russkaia literatura na poroge novogo vremeni (Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1994), esp. pp. 3-11.


Luppov, Kniga, p. 29.


See arguments in Paul Bushkovitch, 'Cultural Change among the Russian Boyars 1650­1680. New Sources and Old Problems', FOG 56 (2000): 89-111. On astrology and other pseudo-sciences in Muscovy W F. Ryan, The Bathhouse at Midnight. AnHistorical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, i999); W. F. Ryan, 'Aristotle and Pseudo-Aristotle in Kievan and Muscovite Russia', in J. Kraye et al. (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages (London: Warburg Institute, 1986),

pp. 97-i09.


Marcia A. Morris, The Literature of Roguery in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Russia (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2000).


Zhivov, 'Religious Reform', pp. 188-9.


See discussion in Paul Bushkovitch, Religion and Society in Russia. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, i992), pp. i40-7.


See N. S. Demkova (ed.), Sochineniia protopopa Avvakuma i publitsisticheskaia literatura rannego staroobriadchestva (St. Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta,



See A. M. Panchenko (ed.), Russkaia sillabicheskaia poeziia XVII-XVIII vv. (Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel', 1970); A. M. Panchenko, Russkaia stikhotvornaia kul'tura XVII veka (Leningrad: Nauka, 1973); Bushkovitch, Religion, pp. 140-5; D. I. Luburkin, Russkaia novolatinskaiapoeziia:materialykistoriiXVII-pervaiapolovinaXVIIIveka (Moscow: RGGU, 2000).


Simeon Polotskii, Simeon Polockij. Vertograd mnogocvetnyj, ed. Anthony Hippisley and Lydia I. Sazonova, 3 vols. (Cologne: Bohlau, 1996-2000); L. I. Sazonova, Poeziia russkogo barokko (Moscow: Nauka, 1991).


Bushkovitch, Religion, pp. 150-1.


Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 127,155.


Bushkovitch, 'Cultural Change', 104-5.


A. Sakharov et al. (eds.), Ocherki po istorii russkoi kul'tury XVII veka, 2 vols. (Moscow: MGU, 1979), vol. ii, pp. 149-52.


See N. Chrissides, 'Creating the New Educational Elite. Learning and Faith in Moscow's Slavo-Greco-Latin Academy, 1685-1694', unpublished PhD thesis, Yale University, 2000.


See Valerie Kivelson, Autocracy in the Provinces. The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996).


See, for example, Grabar', Istoriia, vol. I (1953), p. 504.


For discussions of the problems of Soviet scholarship, see Cracraft, Architecture, pp. 9-18, and Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 95-106; also Lindsey Hughes, 'Restoring Religion to Russian Art', in G. Hosking and R. Service (eds.), Reinterpreting Russia (London: Arnold, 1999),

pp. 40-53.


D. A. Rovinskii, Russkiegravery i ikhproizvedenie s 15 64 do osnovaniiaAkademii Khudozhestv (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo grafa Uvarova, 1870), pp. 135-6.


See N. E. Andreyev, 'Nikon and Avvakum on Icon-Painting', in his Studies in Muscovy (London: Variorum, 1970), essay xiii, p. 43.


Ovchinnikova, Portret, p. 98. Discussion in Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 117-18.


Zhivov 'Religious Reform', p. 193.


Full text in N. Ustrialov, Istoriia tsarstvovaniia Petra Velikogo, 6 vols. (St Petersburg: Tipografiia II Otdeleniia S. I. V Kantseliarii, 1858-63), vol. 11 (1859), appendix 9, pp. 467-77. Also Hughes, 'Attitudes towards Foreigners'.


G. V Esipov (ed.), Sbornik vypisok iz arkhivnykh bumag o Petre Velikom, 2 vols. (Moscow: Universitetskaia tipografiia, 1872), vol. 1, p. 127. Lindsey Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great (New Haven: Yale University Press, i998), pp. i2-20.


Esipov (ed.), Sbornik, vol. 1, pp. 143-4,161-2.


See Richard Wortman, Scenarios of Power. Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, 2 vols. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995-2000), vol. 1, pp. 42-4.


Cracraft, Imagery, pp. 133-4; Hughes, 'Images of Greatness', pp. 253-4.


Esipov (ed.), Sbornik, vol. 1, p. 154.


Gianluigi Goggi, 'The Philosophes and the Debate over Russian Civilization', in Maria Di Salvo and Lindsey Hughes (eds.), A Window on Russia (Rome: La Fenice Edizioni,

i996), pp. 299-305.
