Jimmy ran back to Matt’s room.

‘The line’s out at the Petrie house. I think he’s there. Goddamn, we were so stupid-’

Ben got off the bed. Matt’s face seemed to squeeze and crumple. ‘You see how he works?’ he muttered. ‘How smoothly? If only we had another hour of daylight, we could… but we don’t. It’s done.’

‘We have to go out there,’ Jimmy said.

‘No! You must not! For fear of your lives and mine, you must not.’

‘But they-’

They are on their own! What is happening-or has happened-will be done by the time you get out there!’

They stood near the door, indecisive.

Matt struggled, gathered his strength, and spoke to them quietly but with force.

‘His ego is great, and his pride is great. These might be flaws we can put to our use. But his mind is also great, and we must respect it and allow for it. You showed me his letter - he speaks of chess. I’ve no doubt he’s a superb player. Don’t you realize that he could have done his work at that house without cutting the telephone line? He did it because he wants you to know one of white’s pieces is in check! He understands forces, and he understands that it becomes easier to conquer if the forces are split and in confusion. You gave him the first move by default because you forgot that-the original group was split in two. If you go haring off to the Petries’ house, the group is split in three. I’m alone and bedridden; easy game in spite of crosses and books and incantations. All he needs to do is send one of his almost-Undead here to kill me with a gun or a knife. And that leaves only you and Ben, rushing pell-mell through the night to your own doom. Then ‘salem’s Lot is his. Don’t you see it?’

Ben spoke first. ‘Yes,’ he said.

Matt slumped back. ‘I’m not speaking out of fear for my life, Ben. You have to believe that. Not even for fear of your lives. I’m afraid for the town. No matter what else happens, someone must be left to stop him tomorrow.’

‘Yes. And he’s not going to have me until I’ve had revenge for Susan.’

A silence fell among them.

Jimmy Cody broke it. ‘They may get away anyway,’ he said meditatively. ‘I think he’s underestimated Callahan, and I know damned well he’s underestimated the boy. That kid is one cool customer.’

‘We’ll hope,’ Matt said, and closed his eyes. They settled down to wait.
