She dialed the number marked beside JIMMY CODY, PILLPUSHER. The legend was written in the neat block capitals she remembered so well from her school days. A woman’s voice answered and Susan said, ‘Is the doctor home? Emergency!’

‘Yes,’ the woman said calmly. ‘Here he is.’

‘Dr Cody speaking.’

‘This is Susan Norton. I’m at Mr Burke’s house. He’s had a heart attack.’

‘Who? Matt Burke?’

‘Yes. He’s unconscious. What should I -

‘Call an ambulance,’ he said. ‘In Cumberland that’s 841-4000. Stay with him. Put a blanket over him but don’t move him. Do you understand?’


‘I’ll be there in twenty minutes.’

‘Will you-’

But the phone clicked, and she was alone.

She called for an ambulance and then she was alone again, faced with going back upstairs to him.
