David hunkered down spreading her legs wide apart, Annette felt her muscles cramping from the spread position. The ropes were chafing her wrists and ankles, making the pain of being roped in that awkward position that much more intense. She strained against the rope bindings, feeling how they cut into the flesh of her wrists and ankles.

"Stop it. Oh please, it's going too far…"

David laughed again.

"Baby, it went too far the second you wanted to come up here and party."

Annette could feel that cockhead sliding back and forth, getting slippery on her own flooding fuck juices. She twisted around. Her wrists and ankles strained against the rope. And then David was back to sucking her the nipples, biting the nubs. She could feel his hot spit trickling down her side. She heard him smacking hungrily.

She felt his prick slipping back, sliding toward her swollen cuntal mouth. The muscles along her inner thighs cramped again. Curling her toes, she rubbed them against her fingertips as David prepared to fuck her.

"Don't… oh God, I've never been… been fucked before. Please…"

"Virgin? Good, baby, glad I'm your first fuck."

Annette bit blood from her lip, whining like a kicked puppy through her flared nostrils. He was starting to fuck her. David was braced between her splayed thighs, fucking all the way in. All the nerve endings were vibrating, tickling as he stretched her squiggly cuntal sheath with his massive cock.

It was a strange new feeling – the sensation of something foreign taking her over, filling her up, making her belly swell. She rolled around, feeling that cock inside her.

He was in her, penetrating, fucking in deeper! Annette just couldn't seem to take deep enough breaths to fill her lungs. And still David fucked down harder, sucking her tits, holding her down while the ropes held and chafed.

"Ohhhh, yeah, man, baby, this is the first time you been poked. Can… uhhhhh… feel that. That's all right, man. I dig virgins."

David grabbed the ropes and tugged them savagely, bending her arms and legs back harder, making the young teen groan with ecstasy and pain. Then he started fucking in deeper. In a moment Annette felt him pressing his cock up against her cherry. The young teen let out a growl, tossing her head from left to right while the pain increased terribly. It was worse than the beating, worse than the roping, the hair-pulling, everything David had visited on her.

Annette felt tissue tearing, her cherry ripping loose. Shocks of mind-splintering pain tore through her. Annette screamed and screamed, her mind going blank with the pain. But David kept shoving down deep, pressing in all the way until his balls flattened up against her crotch. Annette found herself sobbing and whimpering when her mind returned.

"Yeah, man, that was rough," he sniffed, shaking the sweat from his forehead.

"You… you fucking animal!"

"Been called worse by better," he shot back, pulling his rod down a bit, then jerking it in.

Annette shuddered. He was all the way in! She could feel his stiff cock inside her, a giant hot-iron cannon stirring her insides around. When his hands slid under her ass, lifting her a bit from the bed, Annette groaned, tears running down her cheeks. He wasn't going to give her any rest. He wasn't going to give her a chance to get used to the sensation of having a fat prick inside her.

"Yeah, yeah," David gasped at her, his hands still flat against the underside of her hips. He was jerking her around, pulling her up, then down, rubbing her crotch up against his and fucking down deep.

David was fucking his cock in faster and faster. The white jizz started boiling up in his swinging balls, packing down in that center tube. Annette instinctively knew he was getting ready to explode. She shivered up against the ropes. David yanked at them every now and then to let her know she was still his captive.

David's hands pulled at her ass, slapping her asscheeks. Wild with excitement, he used his left forefinger and stuck it deep in her asshole.

Annette's face registered the wild surprise she felt. He was fucking her shitter with his finger while fucking his prick harder and harder into her squishy pussy.

David came, his body jerking up against hers. Annette struggled wildly, feeling the hot spraying sting of his jizz against her cuntal walls. She jerked and twisted about like a roped woman possessed, crying out for some relief. She could feel David's prick, hard and throbbing, spitting out its thick load of jizz. She was being inundated in spunk, drowned in the rope-like jets of his white cum.

"Come on, baby, cut it out… bring it off… that's it, bitch, come on!"

David shook her, biting her nipples, slapping her wildly across the face while tugging at the ropes binding her ankles and wrists together. Annette felt the world whirling around her. Things were exploding all around her. Her belly swelled, ballooning out. She could hardly feel the stud's blows any more. All the girl could sense were the spasms hitting her hard. Then, like a rusty knife cutting right down the middle of her clit, a shock exploded between her shivering legs.

Annette tried filling her lungs again and again. But, somehow, air never seemed to stay in her body for long. She screamed and screamed, the spasms going on and on and on.


How long she lay there like a mad woman on his bed, cumming, Annette had no idea. When she blinked open her eyes again, she saw David kneeling there in front of her, working his fingers around his prick. He was smiling down at her – not a kind smile, but one of cynicism. His smile looked evil, especially on someone as young as he was. Annette shivered. She never would have guessed this high school idol, this "nice" young boy was an animal. Annette wondered just how many other girls he had trapped like this.

"Please, let me go home now," Annette whispered, feeling as if all the life had been drained from her.

"In what? Your old lady gonna buy some kinda story about these?" David reached down over one side of the bed, drawing up her torn white dress. Her bra was in no better shape, and her panties were soaked with her juices.

"I… I'll think of something," Annette said, willing to take a chance with her mother just to get out of David's clutches.

"Bet you will. Cunts like you always do. But we're gonna have ourselves some more fun before I let you go."

He rubbed his prick a little more, getting his cock up to a semi-hard position. Reaching over, he carefully unbound the short piece of rope binding her wrists and ankles together.

Annette groaned with relief, slowly pushing her legs down and forward. Although her ankles were still tied to one another, at least she could stretch her body somewhat on the bed. It was then she felt David's cum oozing from her slit and greasing down her thighs.

"You're gettin' me hard just watchin' you movin' around the sack like that. Come on, get up," David growled.

He pushed her forward, rolling her off the bed.

Annette screamed, trying to jerk her arms free for balance. The ropes held. She rolled like a log off the left edge of the bed, crashing with a thud onto the carpet. Swinging his legs over, the young stud was above her in an instant. He slipped his hands under the ropes binding her wrists together, jerking Annette up to a kneeling position. The quick snapping movement nearly cracked her spine.

"Crawl, bitch. Come on, crawl outta here right down the hall and into the living room."

Annette steadied herself as best she could, moving one knee in front of the other. David pushed her, putting one naked foot behind her head and shoving down. She gasped, falling forward and striking her forehead.

Laughing, he jerked her upright once again, shoving her toward the hall. It was the longest, most painful journey Annette had ever made.

Annette paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath.

"Come on, bitch. This ain't no kinda resort," David growled.

He kicked her between her shoulder blades. The blow sent sharp knives of pain racing down her spine, then up to her brain.

Annette screamed, thinking her backbone had broken. She collapsed, sobbing, onto the hall carpeting, terrified of moving.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with you a good fuckin' beatin' wouldn't cure."

Grabbing the girl by her ankles, David hauled her into the living room, dropping her feet with a dull thud. There was a moment's pause. Behind her, the girl could hear the steady, soothing bubbling of the aquarium. She raised her head a bit from the floor, looking at the angel fish and guppies swimming around in the lit water.

"Need a little grease for this next bit, baby. Gonna top the night off real nice. Gonna warm that ass up, then fuck it good and hard!"


Had she heard right? What had he said? Fuck her ass? Annette shook off the dull fog that had settled over her. She was terribly aware of everything around her.

Twisting her head around a little more, she saw David standing there with his doubled black leather belt in both hands. Sitting precariously on the back of a blue wing chair was a bottle of hand lotion. Immediately the girl understood what was going to happen.

David snapped the two pieces of leather together, the resulting cracking sound making the young teen shiver on the floor. Her face wrinkled into a mask of terror as she watched him position himself over her. He unfolded the belt, letting the beveled end trail across her ass-cheeks. At the touch of the leather, Annette winced, letting out a small hiss of air.

She tried crawling away from him, her nipples scratching along the rug. A trail of cum and juice oozed from her cunt-slit, wetting down her thighs.

David laughed once more, then brought the belt up over his head.

The lights threw a shadow of his arm across her body. Annette could see the horrible belt circling his head. She could hear the leather hissing through the air.

The belt crashed against her body like a thunderbolt! The black leather bit into her right ass-cheek, chewing the white flesh and leaving a long red mark. Annette shrieked again, her body shivering from the blow.

"That's it, baby, that's it. I wanna hear you shout it out, man. I wanna hear you tell me how much you dig havin' this happen to you!"

"No, no, that's a lie! I don't like this," Annette screamed through her teeth.

"Fuckin' bitch liar," David growled, kicking her in the ribs. "You can't wait till I stick my cock in you again. Man, you're gettin' hot just thinkin' about it?"

"No, no, liar!"

David jerked back, snapping his arm and cocking it as if it were a weapon. The belt snapped high over his head, cracking loudly once more.

Annette felt her flesh puckering as she waited for the second blow. It came with a vengeance, biting along her lower back as if it would crush her spine. She jerked to the right, her knees flying apart. The ropes hurt even more as she screamed.

"Yeah, that's right, slut. Keep on screamin'. But man, you can't get enough of it, right? You want more, right, baby?"

David reached forward, twisting her hair in his fingers and jerking her head up from the floor.

Annette moaned, her scalp hurting terribly. She wouldn't answer him.

"Go ahead and lie there, then. I don't give a fuck," David grumbled, standing back after releasing her hair. "You're gonna get ass-fucked whether you dig it or not."

"No, no, not that!"

The belt came down a third time, its bite silencing Annette's protests. Again and again the leather criss-crossed her body, bringing more whimpers and screams from the young blonde teen.

She tried not to cry out. She tried to remain stoic. But the heated blows from the black leather drew out the shrieks from her soul. David kept hitting her ass. His strength didn't seem to slacken. Wouldn't he ever tire? He whipped directly into her cunt.

David stopped for a moment, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looped the belt around her throat, pulling up with either end and choking the girl. Annette gagged, her eyes bugging out, the air hissing from her front teeth. She struggled in vain, her wrists rubbing against one another.

David dropped the belt, jerking it away from her throat and letting her head fall back on the rug.

Annette groaned, wishing she could sink into unconsciousness from all the pain. But the stinging, hot tightness in her cunt just wouldn't let her. Each blow of the leather belt made her cuntal nerves vibrate.

Annette chewed her lower lip, trying to hide her lust-contorted face from David. Her ass-cheeks stayed tense, instinctively opening and closing rhythmically. She was matching the blows from the belt. Then, as David slowed the beating, she raised her ass in an attempt to absorb the last of the attack.

David laughed. "Fuckin' hypocrite. You want more and you keep tellin' me how much it hurts."

Annette couldn't answer him. The young boy beat the leather between her tensed white ass-cheeks again and again, reddening them as if he had painted them with a brush.

"Fuck, this ain't gettin' my prick anywhere," David said, suddenly stopping and throwing the belt to one side. "Gonna take care of it right now."

"No, no…"

Annette felt weak. Her knees were hardly able to support her as he dragged her off the carpet and draped her over a large, high-backed chair just in front of the aquarium. She blinked the tears away, wondering just how long this was going to last.

David grabbed the bottle of lotion and squeezed the yellowish liquid onto one palm. She could hear him greasing down his prick. Then one rude finger was jammed into her shitter, rubbing the cool greasy liquid into her asshole.

"Now, this is gonna be good, baby. Fucked in the cunt, then fucked in the ass," David said, bracing his knees up against the backs of her legs. "Bet you won't be able to sit down for a week."

"No, stop!"

She felt his fingers hooking around her narrow hipbones. It was a nightmare.
