David twisted her cunthairs again, pulling them from her pussy while stroking her thighs with the cold black leather of the riding crop. Then the young stud pushed his face deep between her tits, twisting his head around and sucking on her aching nipples.

Betty cried out, her legs shaking violently and nearly tearing the leather bonds keeping them fastened to the floor. She could feel her fuck juices running like molten lava.

"Man, man, she's hot," David said.

"Like a Goddamned griddle. She'll burn up your dick if you get a chance to stick it in. Man, she cried, David, when I fucked her," the coach said.

David moved around to her ass, biting her flesh, sliding the leather crop around her thigh. Then he backed away. Betty couldn't see him. But she saw his shadow on the floor to her right, cast there by the light bulb overhead. She could see that awful arm cocking back, getting ready to strike. She clenched her teeth, watching as the shadow cut across her body. And then there was the bite of the whip, the kiss of leather hissing against her flesh. The strands smacked dryly against her right asscheek.

Betty's body snapped forward, prevented from going any farther by the restraints. She twisted her wrists in them, bobbing up and down with short, jerky movements as yet another stroke carried the leather to the inner curves of her tight asscheek. A third blow yanked her asshole out of shape, sending lewd, hot streamers of pain up her spine.

Betty hated herself, hated herself for giving into this vile young man. First the electricity, then this! When would it end?

"You know, bitch, there's somethin' I gotta tell you," David said in a husky voice. "Your fuckin' daughter… she's been with me, man. I fucked the shit outta her."

It was a lightning revelation to Betty. She wanted to scream "liar" at him, but Annette's sulkiness, her jumping whenever the phone rang, everything in her recent attitude suddenly made sense. Rage filled the woman as she jerked futilely against her chains, screaming.

"Looks like you stepped on a sensitive nerve, David," Coach Robinson said.

"Man, she's gotta know. I'm gonna have some of the guys bring the little bitch down here when they come down for the late workout. Gotta see the two of 'em together. Bet it'll be one helluva show."

"Leave her alone! Oh God, leave her alone!" Betty cried. She couldn't stand to think of Annette going through something like this, especially in front of her.

David brought the crop down again against her asshole, the resulting pain ending Betty's screaming for the moment.

"Man, hot ass, hot everything," David muttered.

He dropped the crop for a moment, opening his Levi's and letting his fat prick tumble out. Betty stared at his cock as he walked around to the front again, working his fingers up and down the stiffening prick. He had fucked her daughter with that thing? No wonder Annette was upset, Betty thought. And now they were going to drag her here.

"You'll never get in. The school guards…" Betty stared to say.

"They ain't gonna notice nothin'. Coach here's taken care of them lettin' us in the back way without thinkin' twice. They're old men. We'll get around 'em. Yeah – gonna be a real show."

Betty couldn't help herself now as she stared at that massive cock poking out between David's halved Levi's. She felt her nipples, sore and throbbing, puckering into stiff points in spite of her horror. Her big tits were flattened somewhat by the extension of her trussed-up arms. David let his pants drop, the fat, long cock jutting toward Betty.

David picked up his crop, winding the top thong around his wrist. Betty's spirits sank. He was going to hit her again. He walked in front of her, riding crop trailing across the underswell of her tits. Then, with a quick, savage movement, David slashed the crop across both nipples. Betty squealed, seeing bright yellow flashes explode in front of her eyes. Her tits bounced from the impact, each vibration sending more and more pain into her brain. Her right nipple felt as if it were half-torn from her tit.

David smiled grimly at her. Then he slashed a broad X across her belly.

Then he went a little wild, hitting down under her kneecap with the middle of his crop. Betty jerked as if the coach had touched her once more with the electrodes. David moved around, beating the leather against her soles, sending rushes of incredible pain up her legs. Her head sank back and her mouth opened. Again and again David brought the black leather against her ass making sure the crop bit into her gray/pink asshole flesh.

Betty wanted to beat her fists against him, against something! But there was nothing around. Instead she let the cuffs slice into her wrists.

The leather smacked dryly again and again. Her ass was on fire. There were times when Betty thought her skin was splitting from the repeated blows.

David stopped hitting her with the crop, turning the instrument around and shoving the rounded handle into her ass hole. Betty's face blanched, her nostrils flaring as she felt that awful thing slide up her shitter. Her belly quaked while the woman made harsh, gagging sounds. No, no, he was tearing something back there, stretching her asshole with that riding crop! The woman screamed, her body quivering as three inches of the handle made their way up into her bowels.

"Man, you think she's loose enough back there to take my prick?" David asked.

"Doubt it, David. Look at the way she's carrying on. You'd probably have her bringing down the security guard if you ass-fucked her now."

The stud twisted the crop around in her asshole, until Betty thought her shitter would rip. Just then, she heard the sounds of more people outside.

"Just the others, baby," David said, smacking her ass lightly, then yanking the crop out.

Betty felt as if he'd pulled out a fistful of assguts. She shivered, stretched there between the floor and ceiling as David went through her purse, pulled out her driver's license, and gave her address to two of his buddies who stayed outside the door. They tried peeking in, but David was firm.

"Bring the slut's daughter down here. Then you can have all the fun you want with her. Me and the coach are workin' on Mom over there."

They disappeared in a hurry. Betty felt her heart sinking as once more she thought of her daughter and what was about to befall her.

"Oh God, not Annette, not her, not my daughter here," she sobbed.

"Christ, I'm gettin' fuckin' sick and tired of listenin' to her mouth," David growled, striking Betty once more across the ass with the crop.

"Then let's shut her up." Coach Robinson walked to one of the cabinets and pulled out a large red rubber ball. Two straps led from the sides of the ball while two thinner ones dangled from the top. He moved around to the front of the stretched woman. "Open your mouth."

Jack shoved the ball in, rolling it back until it was nearly pressing up against her molars.

Betty swallowed hard, able to taste the pungent flavor of the latex. Coach Robinson pulled the side straps around her cheeks, fastening them at the back of her head. The two straps he threaded on either side of her nose, slipping them around the rear straps and securing them firmly over the buckle. Betty worked her tongue around the ball, pushing it forward a bit so she could swallow more easily. Her jaws hurt already from being stretched apart so far!

David experimented with her, bringing the crop down hard across her asscheeks. Betty screamed, but the gagging ball prevented her from doing anything more than making muffled cries.

"That's better, man. She was gettin' on my nerves with all that fuckin' yellin'," David said.

David resumed poking the crop up Betty's ass, watching her face as he twisted the instrument farther and farther up her shitter. Betty tried pushing her knees apart. But the restraints on her ankles and the bar overhead prevented her from doing much. When he had shoved nearly four inches of the rod up her asshole, the young boy stopped. He slipped one hand around her cunt and found to his delight that Betty was still juicing.

She shamed herself again. She should have been terrified, screaming her head off, sobbing. But instead she was getting hot, showing them all that no matter what they did to her she was still in heat against her will.

"Bitch. Still wants a good fuck," David muttered.

"I'll show you one way to warm her up until she's practically percolating in front of you," Coach Robinson said. "I wired her up over there. I'm not going to do that now. Too much trouble." He walked to the cabinets. "But here's something you can use that'll give you an idea what she was like."

It was a dildo – a long, pink dildo with shiny metal strips wrapped tightly against the pink latex. It gave the instrument the shape of a strange barber pole.

"Be sure you don't touch the metal when you switch it on. Hold it here," Jack said, tapping one finger at the base of the latex prick.

"Man, she's gonna get one hell of a fuck with this mother, huh?"

David did as he was instructed, holding the dildo carefully in one hand while switching a tiny button on with the other. There was no sound as there had been with the transformer. There were no sparks, nothing to suggest there was anything different going on. But Betty, as she looked down horrified at the thing, knew it was going to hurt her as much as the electrodes had.

David spread her hot, slick pussy lips apart, hesitating for only a moment, then pushing the head of the dildo in.

Betty felt her cuntal muscles spasming down on the invading dildo. The first metal band hadn't touched her yet. She sucked in air and held her breath until her eyes swam. They would surely kill her with the games they were playing. David twisted more of the dildo in. Betty grunted. Heat flashed up from her crotch to her asshole and nipples, making them throb obscenely. He twisted in another inch. And then the first metal band came in contact with her juicy cuntal flesh.

Betty strained against her bonds, her toes and fingers curling until they cramped. It was like having a million tiny, sharp teeth nibbling into her clit and pussy! She let out the air with a muffled gusting sound as the voltage shot up her cunt. That thing couldn't possibly have the amperage the transformer had. But there was still enough electricity to make the woman bounce against her chains. David laughed, fucking yet more of the dildo into her.

He nearly had all nine inches of the thing in her, the metal bands searing the walls of her convulsing pussy. He was making her cum, and cum hard. The electricity was doing crazy things to her cunt. The muscles were contracting, relaxing, then contracting again. Betty wanted to kick her legs free. All she could do was pull them hard against the leather straps and feel the resulting cutting sensation against her ankles.

David started fucking that thing back and forth in long, slow, stroking motions. The voltage increased then decreased, depending on how far he fucked the dildo in and out.

"Hey, Coach, she's cummin'. I mean, she's really poppin' off, and I don't think she can stop," David said, pleased with his work and pulling out the dildo and handing it to the coach.

"Don't worry about it, David. This one's hot. I don't think she's going to give up cumming for a long time," the coach said, rubbing his prick through his gym shorts.

"Man, gotta fuck this chick. I ain't gonna stand here and watch her pop off without my cock in 'er. Her daughter was a hot fuck. Bet this one'll top even that," David said, grabbing one of the nearby chairs and dragging it over to Betty.

Betty watched as David slipped the chair in front of her, then climbed atop the seat, his fat cock still wagging like a flagpole in front of her. Stretching his thick-muscled arms over her head, he began unfastening the straps – first the left, then the right. The sudden release of tension from her arms made Betty slip back, her heels crashing to the floor. David caught her just in time, rubbing his hands freely over her ass-cheeks, then slipping the chair around behind the hot, frantic woman.

The bonds still kept her ankles fastened securely to the floor. When Betty bent her knees and sat in the chair, she realized immediately a large hole was cut in the center of the seat. Her asscheeks puckered together, sagging toward the floor. She started to rise, but the young stud shoved her back down.

"Ain't no mistake, cunt. That's the way it's supposed to be."

Coach Robinson brought out that awful electrified dildo again, this time having mounted it on a long two-inch diameter pole fastened to a small round stand.

"Thought this would keep you company while you're waiting for your daughter," Jack said, positioning the dildo under the chair.

Betty's eyes widened when she felt the smooth plastic cockhead rubbing up against her ass. The dildo was pressing up against her cunt now, forcing the outer swollen cunt lips in. Betty tried jerking up in her seat. But David only shoved her down roughly by the shoulders. In a moment, the fat plastic cock had forced its way back into her cunt hole, stretching her pussy walls apart and burrowing deep into her body. Betty let out a long groan of defeat, her head snapping back.

"Here, come on, David, can't let her arms go free like that. No telling what she'll do," the coach said.

Betty swallowed hard behind the gagging latex ball once more, her blue eyes moving from side to side. More rope, this time cinched around her mid-arm. She sighed gratefully that David and Jack had decided not to chafe her wrists any more. The young stud slipped the rope three times around her arm, securing both arms with double figure-eights. Coach Robinson switched the battery on that electrified dildo, sending a current into her pussy.

"I think she likes this, man. She's diggin' gettin' reamed out more by that thing than by us," David said.

"Let's see how much more she enjoys this in the end," Jack sneered.

"Man, this time I wanna hear the bitch," David growled, reaching around and unfastening both sets of straps and popping the ball from Betty's mouth.

The woman turned her head around and spat out foul-tasting spit, shuddering as the current from the dildo began pricking her clit more and more.

"Groove it on, man, fuck her in the ass. I did that to her daughter, and she was hungry for cockmeat up there."

"No, no, you didn't!" Betty cried, horrified at the news. "Annette would never… never let something like that happen!"

David laughed, jacking his cock a little, then crawling up on her knees. Betty groaned from the playful weight of his body on hers. In a moment he was standing on her thighs, his feet crushing her. Bending his knees slightly, he wiped his prick across her eyes, her nose, her forehead.

"Man, she couldn't get enough of my prickmeat. If I wasn't so fuckin' tired that night, I could've fucked 'er till daylight."

Coach Robinson slipped under the seat, his cock now hard and hot, jutting up from around the stretched legband of his white gym shorts. Betty shivered again, feeling his hands sliding around the armrests of the chair and touching her belly.

"You're going to have a woman's dream come true – fucked in all holes, and at once."

"No, no, no!"

David's cock in her mouth proved a more effective gag than the ball.
