Chapter 14—G.T.

The ride back to the clubhouse is quiet and somber. I kiss Angel’s hand and lay it on my lap needing to feel her closeness and comfort. What our family did for us, I can never repay. And for once, I’m actually at a loss for words. Seeing brothers from chapters all around standing in unison with Pops in front, choked me up to say the least and I tried my damnedest not to shed tears, but couldn’t stop it. It’s times like these that we really remember who has your back. Everyone can be around when shit is good, it’s the tough times when you know, who you can depend on. And I… we can depend on our brothers and family.

When Ma hugged me at the cemetery, I clutched on to her for dear life. She’s always been my rock no matter what stupid decisions I’ve made in life. But the words she whispered in my ear ring through my head. “You keep this one G.T. This woman is your forever.” Ma’s always into that mushy shit, but this time she is completely right. Angel is my forever and I’ll show her, every damn day.

“We have a party planned when we get back, but if you two want to take a breather and go lay down for a bit, go ahead.” Princess says from the front seat. Angel didn’t even balk this time about Cruz driving; she curled up in the backseat without a word resting her head on my shoulder.

“A big one?” Angel asks her voice raspy.

“Yeah. We wanted to celebrate Mia.” Princess looks back at Angel. “I hope that’s okay.” The reluctance in Princess is a fresh change of pace. I love my sister, but hearing the apprehension in her voice tells me that she wants Casey comfortable and to me that means a lot.

“It’s fine, but I need to lie down for a bit and get myself together.”

“Of course.”

“Harlow?” Angel’s voice quivers.


“Thank you. What you did for us.” She stops and breathes. “Dammit, I need to stop crying.” She blows some more and I squeeze her hand. “I love you so much, sister.”

“Love you too.” Princess turns away quickly her hands coming up to her face, my tough ass sister not wanting to show her tears.

“Yo sis.” I bellow.

“Yeah.” Her voice breaks.

“Love you.” I say and her head drops to her chest. Her shoulders move up and down silently. I reach over the chair and squeeze her shoulder. Her hand instantly comes up and covers mine squeezing back.

* * *

I watch Angel sleep, her face is still red from the taxing morning we just had. We’ve been lying in here for the past few hours, but I can’t sleep. I tried my damnedest, but just keep pulling my woman closer to feel her warmth and feel her heart beat on my chest.

I lay here thinking about the decisions that Casey made, and while I may not agree, I do forgive her. I love her and it’s time to officially let go of the anger and strip it away from me… From us. I’ll remember Mia every day and what could have been, but no more anger.

The music is thumping so loud its penetrating the walls. I’m surprised that sleeping beauty here hasn’t woken up in my arms yet. It’s been going on now for a few hours, but luckily it’s still early in the day so when we get there, it won’t be out of hand… Yet, it is after all a celebration.

Angel’s body moves, her eyes flash up to mine. “Hey.” She says her voice hoarse.

“Hey. You alright?” I brush the loose hair away from her eyes and she smiles.

“Yeah. I think I really am. I can’t believe they did that for us.” She digs her head into my chest pulling me to her.

I sigh and squeeze her, “me either.”

“I’m so sorry, G.T.” Her head burrows deeper in my chest. “For everything.”

“Look at me.” I demand and she stills, slowly turning her head to me. “No more. It’s done. Understand?” She doesn’t move. “Angel, what’s done is done. We move on and live.” The air I didn’t realize she was holding escapes her body.

“How can you say that? After everything I did.”

“After everything we did Angel. We are in this together. I’m working through it all, but you have to trust that I do forgive you as I hope you forgive me fully and truly.”

She sucks in a deep breath. “Okay.” She whispers.

“Okay. You ready to go out there?” Her smile radiates the room.

“Yeah, let’s celebrate.”


* * *

I lace my fingers with Angel’s as we step into the main room of the clubhouse. Tables and chairs are everywhere. A DJ is set up in the corner, his large speakers bumping with bass as music flows out of them.

“There you are!” Princess yells from behind the bar, running towards us quickly. Before I can protest, Angel lets go of my hand as Princess picks her up swinging her around. “You okay?” She asks.

“Yeah. I really am.” Angel says putting her feet back to the ground.

“Good. There’s food. You need to eat.” Princess looks at me. “I’m taking her for a while.”

Before she can pull her away, I grab Angel and pull her flush with my body wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her as close to me as I can. Her eyes widen in surprise. I lower my lips crashing them to hers, my tongue moving in and out of her mouth. She meets me move for move and I grab her ass pressing her body against my hardening dick.

Angel’s arms reach up, wrapping around my neck and hold me tight, her body melting into mine. I need to take her back to my room. Now. Whoops and hollers come from the room and they get louder and louder the more we go on. I couldn’t give two shits if they watch, but my Angel pulls slightly away. I nip her bottom lip with my teeth and rest my forehead on hers. Her breathing is labored and I take great satisfaction in the fact that I did that to her.

“You done pissing on your territory?” Princess says smiling wide.

“Never. But it’ll do for now.” Angel smiles and I nip her lip one more time before she reluctantly releases my neck and moves with Princess. I watch her ass sway side to side only making my dick harder. I move my hand down to my jeans, adjusting the hard-on that she will be taking care of soon enough.

“Here brother.” Buzz calls handing me a beer and a shot glass full of amber liquid. I shoot the whiskey first and then start on the beer.

I look around in search of Bella knowing she wouldn’t leave without saying bye to Angel. “Thanks. Where’s Bella?” I know she rode back with Buzz, but looking around I do not see her now. Bella’s had quite an education coming here for the past couple of weeks. Even though everything has been pretty calm for the most part, from what I hear, she’s been pretty busy getting to know Buzz and Breaker for that matter.

“Asleep. Be out in a bit.”

“Been keeping her busy?” I smirk.

“Fuck yeah, brother.” He laughs. “She’s fucking hot and a wildcat in the bedroom.”

“She still leaving?”

“Yep. Tomorrow now. She wouldn’t miss this.” I nod and head over to the large table with Pops, Dagger, Cruz, Rhys and Becs.

“Brother. Bout time you get your ass out here.” Dagger chuckles holding up his beer in salute.

“I’m here.” I hold my arms out wide flashing my rag and smirk. I pull out a smoke, roll it between my teeth and light it. Pops kicks the chair next to him in invitation and I sit. Judging by the slew of bottles on the table, this party is in full swing.

“Raise ‘em boys.” Pops declares. All of us raising whatever concoction is near. “To my beautiful granddaughter.”

“Mia.” They say in unison. I smile and take a pull from my beer.

“Princess sure outdid herself this time.” She utterly amazes me sometimes. With all the shit being thrown at her, she’s stronger than ever.

“Brother, you have no idea. That woman is relentless.” Becs says smiling.

“No shit. Try living with her.” Cruz laughs. “She’s been a fucking basket case. I can only calm her ass by fucking her.” He shrugs. “Not that I mind.”

“I gave her a lot of leeway with this shit, probably more than I should have, but I knew how much it would mean to you and Casey. And shit, who doesn’t like a kick ass party.” Pops grins, taking a pull from his beer.

“I just don’t even know what to say brothers, besides, thank you.” I shake my head and search for my girl. I spot her at a table on the other side of the room, Princess next to her and a big pile of food in front of her. Her eyes lock with mine and she smiles so brightly it lights the entire fucking room. I raise my brows suggestively and she blushes turning back to her food.

“She yours brother, or free game?” Rhys asks. My head jerks to him. I clamp the bottle in my hand so hard I feel the bottle waver a bit but not enough to break. My teeth grind and my pulse picks up, fiery rage spreads through my body.

“No one fucking touches her. Got me?” I grind out through gritted teeth starting directly into his eyes.

“You puttin’ colors on her?” Becs stares at me intently and it’s as if Bam asked the question and not him. I know that Casey sees Becs as the closest thing she has to a father because of their tight friendship, so his question doesn’t piss me off; instead it calms me a bit from Rhys’ mouth.

“Absolutely.” I answer immediately.

“Good boy. About fucking time.” He stands up and stretches.

“I’m gonna head outside, make sure everyone’s happy out there.” Dagger smirks standing up too. Outside the club doors, the club mommas wait until the party gets really going. Inside is just for family, for now.

“You do that.” Pops answers knowingly. We sit for what seems like hours talking and shooting the shit about everything; sports, women, our bikes. Members from other chapters come up, repeatedly patting me on the back and giving condolences along with the ol’ ladies who all piled around Casey. She caught my eye several times, giving me her sexy smile and each time, I am tempted to pull her into the bathroom and fuck her senseless, but refrain. Why? Who the fuck knows. But the way the ol’ ladies are rallying around her warms my heart. She’s feeling the family that she never thought she had.

The party is seriously picking up and club mommas in scraps of fabric come in, some with brothers from other chapters hanging on them, some alone but all looking to party.

The ol’ ladies have loosened up and are dancing in front of the DJ shaking their asses, Casey in with them. Currently, she’s wedged between Flash and Harlow shaking her body tempting me at every step. The sly looks she keeps sending me are about to send me over the fucking edge. The thing that stands out though is she’s the only one that doesn’t have a Property of rag on and that will fucking change soon.

I watch as she moves her body back and forth and up and down. Flash, Dagger’s ol’ lady, grabs her from behind and begins grinding with her. Angel’s face turns flush as she pushes her ass right into Flash, her hands hugging her hips tight.

I continue watching, catching her eye often. The sexual tension thickening with every passing minute. Feminine hands land on my shoulder, I glance up seeing DeDe. Back in the day she used to clean my room. “Hey.” I smile up at her as she moves around the table resting her almost bare ass on it.

“Hey handsome.” She crosses her leg, her skirt rising. “I’ve missed you.” Her hand reaches out touching my shirt.

“How ya been?” I pull out of her reach, her once long nails now look like daggers and the dark brown hair does nothing to appeal to me.


“You been taking care of yourself?”

“Yeah. Some friends of mine wanted to come tonight. Heard about your daughter. Sorry.”


“I was hoping we could catch up.” She smiles bashfully.

“Nah. I’ve got my girl.” I look out to the dance floor and eyes are piercing through me. Several ol’ ladies are killing me right now in their mind; Angel is nowhere to be seen. Shit. Without a word, I move to get up and DeDe stops me by grabbing on to my arm.

“I won’t tell her.” She says softly.

“You don’t have anything to tell.” I growl and move out of her embrace and head to the ol’ ladies on the floor. “Where is she?”

“She needed air.” Bubbles says, nothing like her happy go lucky self. But I don’t need to explain anything to them, they don’t matter to me, Angel does. I leave them, quickly heading out the door.


Dancing with the ol’ ladies is more fun than I’ve had in years. They know how to let loose and from what they told me, they feel safe here knowing their men will protect them. I do too. One difference that hits hard is their rags. Every single one of them proudly wears theirs and I didn’t realize how much I truly craved that with G.T.

I’ve tried my damnedest to keep in contact with G.T. some way the entire night. Partially for selfish reasons. I want him to know that I’m here and I don’t want him to have any reason to think he needs any other woman. Ever. I am all he needs.

Glancing over at G.T. a woman approaches him. I blink a couple of times to see more clearly and then it hits me like a thousand sledgehammers all at once.

It’s her. After all this time, it’s her and she’s fucking touching him. A combination of the booze and sweat has flushed my body and on top of seeing her… I need air. Now. “I’m going outside.” I yell in Princess’ ear. She looks at me then G.T. and shakes her head.

“What is she doing here?” I grumble to myself knowing no one would hear me over the music.

“Don’t. It’s nothing.” She latches my arm.

“I just need some air. I’ll be fine.” I give her the best smile I can muster and she releases me. I feel her eyes watching me as I exit the building, the cool air hits me as soon as the door opens and I breathe in deep.

The sight before me is straight out of a porn movie, guess they started early out here. Two women lay on a picnic table, their skirts around their waist while brothers from another chapter have their heads between their thighs. Over against the fence a man has a woman pressed tight against it pounding her relentlessly, his bare ass there for all to see.

Others stand around watching the action unfold before them. Nothing like live porn. I walk towards the garage, the dark night lit up by all of the tall lights the guys have installed.

I breathe in and out. A large boulder sits on the edge of the building. When I worked here we used it as a block from backing into the corner of the building. I sit on it just watching all the people.

Seeing her flooded me with too many memories that I want to keep locked down deep. G.T. says he forgives me about Mia and now it’s my turn to forgive him for lying. The heartache is still there, but I need to move away from it.

When I first saw her, I had this strong urge to march over to the bitch, pull her hair and beat the shit out of her. She after all, she was touching my man. Only one thing stopped me. He’s not really my man.

Being in the club life, you learn that everything can change in the blink of an eye. Such is life. I’m still not sure that G.T. wants me as his and his only. He knows that I will not sleep with any other brother, ever. But he’s never talked about commitment or monogamy, only that I’m his girl. As far as I know, he could have pieces on the side, but I choose to believe that he doesn’t. That he only has eyes for me. But until he puts a ring on my finger or leather on my back, he is not mine and if I demand that, it will turn him off. I’ve seen it happen to women before.

Grunting from behind me tells me I’m not alone. When a woman screams and a man growls, the noises stop. A few moments later a short little blonde with a very short skirt that she’s trying to pull down and not doing successfully, steps from the corner of the building. She smirks at me and keeps going. She tries running her hands through her hair but isn’t having much luck.

“Hey.” Tug’s voice comes from behind me as he’s buckling his belt.

“Hey back at ya.” I point to the girl. “She’s cute.”

He shrugs his shoulders and stands next to me, his hair a disheveled mess, but the smile on his face is glowing. “She got the job done.” He laughs.

“Whatever. To each their own.” I wave my hand.

“What are you doing all the way out here? Where’s G.T? The girls?” His eyes narrow a bit. “It’s not safe for you to be out here all by yourself girl. You know that.”

I wave my hand. “Most of these men know me or Bam and they see me with G.T.”

“But no rag babe. Remember that. Always remember that.”

The words hit me in the gut. “I know.” I whisper.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Just needed some air, it was getting thick in there.” I smile looking out at the courtyard and all the people.

“I imagine it’s been a hell of a day for ya.” He sits down on the boulder next to me, I move over a bit to make room.

“Yeah. Very unexpected that’s for sure.” He places his hand over mine, as mine rests on my knee and squeezes.

“You know you could have called me about Mia.” I turn to his face and see the concern in his eyes.

“I wanted to. But you would have told Princess or G.T., and at the time I couldn’t risk it. I didn’t tell anyone, Tug.”

“You should have told me. I would have been there for you.”

“No. She should have told me and I would have been there for her.” G.T.’s voice makes me jump.

“Hey.” I say looking up at him, his face lined with fury and rage, but he’s not looking at me. I follow his line of sight and it’s Tug’s hand on mine. I pull slightly away, not wanting to cause any trouble and by the look on his face, there is trouble.

His eyes move to Tug. “You and me. Meet me in the ring in thirty minutes.”

I jump from the rock stepping in front of G.T. “It was nothing. There is no need to fight, G.T.”

His eyes do not meet mine but stay focused on Tug. “Fine.” Tug says, reaching for my arm. “You gonna be okay?” He asks causing a deep growl from G.T.

“I’m fine, but no fighting.” I say directed to both of them.

“It’s a long time coming Casey. Long time.” Tug says moving away from us.

I look up at G.T. “You can’t fight him. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“He’s out here alone, with you in the dark, holding your hand.” Rage pours off of him and the vein in his neck begins to pulse and tick.

“Tug saw me sitting here and we were just talking, that’s it.” For some unknown reason, I feel like I have to defend myself here and plead with him at the same time.

“Everyone here knows you’re my girl. Mine. No one touches you.”

I step toe-to-toe with him and look him dead in the eye. “Guess I could say the same thing for you, huh?”

“I knew this was about her. She means nothing. I’ve already told you that.”

I sigh softly. “I know. It’s just not the right day for her to show up, today of all days.”

“You have nothing to worry about.” I close my eyes and tilt my head up to the sky. Nothing to worry about. Sure. It must be the booze that’s given me a kick in the ass, but I start to laugh. Full out laugh at his words. “What the fuck are you laughing about?”

“You’re not exactly known for keeping your dick in your pants, G.T.”

He pulls me close, our bodies colliding together with an uphf. “I have not had another pussy since you came back in my life. Didn’t want it. You are mine, Casey. Mine. That means I will put a ring on your finger and leather on your back. You will come home to me every day and wake up with my arms around you every morning. I allow no man to touch you, especially some Prospect, who is trying to become a brother in this club. Rules Casey. He will learn them tonight.”

I stand there speechless staring into his eyes letting all the words he just said seep into my soul. Then the dread of the threat about Tug claws its way through and I can’t breathe. I don’t want him hurt, but I know this is the way. If there is a dispute, you settle it in the ring, and then hopefully it will be done with and laid to rest.

“You will be front and center for it, Angel. I want to see you the entire time I’m in there.” I want to question if he is well enough to get in the ring. I know he’s been cleared by Doc, but for fighting, I’m not so sure. But I will not question him, I just nod my head.

His lips collide with mine, not seeking permission, but demanding, taking. G.T.’s tongue swipes my bottom lip and I open instantly for him as he plunges in. He tastes of beer and smokes and I can’t get enough. My arms pull his t-shirt urging him closer to me even though the air is having difficulty finding space between us. Our lips move in perfect sync, my body igniting with want and need.

His hand inches to the button and zipper of my jeans, undoing them. His hand slowly drifts down under my panties to my sopping pussy. “I love how wet you are for me, Angel.”

I moan as he inserts one finger at a time into my body moving them with total precision, playing my body for all its worth. His lips continue to devour mine and sparks begin to take over my body. G.T.’s lips silence my cries.

My breathing is ragged and difficult to control. I reach down to his pants and massage his fully erect dick through his pants. His hand reaches out and stops my movement. I look up at him in wonder. “After I fight. You’re mine.” He takes my hand and pulls it around his body.

“You don’t want me to relieve you now?” I ask batting my eyes.

“Yeah babe. I do. But, you’ve wound me up, now I’m ready to get in there.” Dread washes over me as he points to the ring. I do not want Tug hurt.

* * *

Bella reaches over and grasps my hand tight. “You okay?”

“No. Not at all.” G.T. is in the middle of the ring bouncing up and down, his hands taped up for a fight. His t-shirt and rag are off showing his cut abs and hot as hell back tat. I stand behind him because he’s my guy, but it doesn’t mean I have to like what these two are about to do.

Tug stands on the other side of the ring, hands taped bouncing just like G.T. There are so many differences between the two men though. Where G.T. is sure, confident and knowing, Tug is slightly unsure and his confidence is waning. G.T.’s size next to Tug is the other variable. Tug has a good four inches in height, but bulk wise they seem to be a good match. I do not want to stand here and watch this. Nothing good can come out of it.

Dagger is center and proclaims he will officiate, which stuns me at first. Normally this is not heard of, but for some reason unknown to me it is being done tonight. Rhys rings the side bell and they join together in the middle. Both of my hands are laced with small female hands, Bella and Harlow on each side of me. I squeeze them, needing some type of reassurance.

G.T. moves side to side. “Come on asshole. Show me how tough a man you really are.” G.T. goads.

“Ask your girl how much of a man I am.” Tug says back and G.T. charges. I cringe and shut my eyes. Grunts, heavy breathing, flesh hitting flesh, continue for what feels like forever. I open one eye softly only to see blood pouring out of both G.T. and Tugs faces. I close them again. This shouldn’t be happening, but I can’t stop it. Whatever this shit is, they need to work it out.

A loud thud makes my eyes fly open, both G.T. and Tug are wobbling on their feet, neither giving up and all I want is for this to be over.

“Time!” Dagger calls. G.T. turns looking at me with a huge smile on his face, blood dripping everywhere. He turns back to Tug opening his arms, Tug does the same. They embrace in one of the sexiest man hugs I’ve ever seen. Both men covered in sweat and blood, who’d have thought.

And just like that, whatever shit they were pissed about is done. Over. Finished. I sigh with relief; at least they are both walking out of there alive.

“Casey, get your ass up here!” Dagger yells loud and I look at Princess with the expression, do I go?

“Go.” She says letting go of my hand, Bella squeezes and let’s go too. I make my way up the small steps into the ring and stand in front of the two men. I smile softly at them both, but walk over to G.T. The cuts on his face really aren’t bad, they look worse because of the sweat rolling down his face mixed with the blood.

“Come here, Angel.” He reaches out and pulls me to him, crashing his lips to mine in the middle of the ring. Cheers and hollers are probably being heard for miles, but my body melts into his ignoring everything and everyone around. My arms wrap around his neck, his sweaty body presses to mine. My breathing accelerates as does my heart. He pulls away looking into my eyes.

“Now there’s no doubt you are mine.” G.T. says and I smile softly.

“I love you.” I whisper. He sweeps me off my feet carrying me out of the ring, through the clubhouse and into his room, not saying a word to anyone.
