Chapter 17—Casey

G.T.’s been gone all day on club business and it’s been great. Not that he’s gone because I miss him, it’s just when he’s here I’m always preoccupied. Today, I was able to get more than my assigned homework done and work on this massive business plan that one of my professors assigned. I feel very accomplished.

I lay out on a picnic table enjoying the sun shining down. It’ll be dark soon, but I need the fresh air. Brothers from the Clayton chapter of Ravage have been here all day while the guys have been gone. I feel their eyes on me constantly, but ignore them. They know I belong to G.T.

Harlow and I made them sandwiches, but mostly they did their thing and we each did ours. Harlow said that Coop needed a rest, so she decided to lie with him while I bask in the last bit of sun for the day.

It’s amazing how things have changed so much in such a short time. I really never thought that G.T. and I would be able to get to this place. There was just too much hurt there but for some reason we have. And I’ve never been happier.

“Hey Casey.” I hear whispered through the wind. I sit up and look around. Shaina is standing on the side of the garage next to one of the entrances.

“What?” I do not know what is going on between her and club. I do know that she is a ball full of trouble that I don’t want to be a part of.

“I need your help.”


She looks behind her and I can’t see anything. A little girl about the age of four pokes her head around the corner her eyes scared. I jump to my feet. “Who’s kid?” I say walking towards them.

“Mine.” A man’s voice comes from behind them and my body goes on instant alert and I let out a painstaking scream that would get anyone’s attention. Jared. What the hell? Before I can say a word, his hand comes up cracking me hard across the face. My knees give out and I fall to the ground, but continue to scream knowing it’s my only salvation right now. He picks me up and wraps his hand around my throat. I kick and scratch anything that I can get my hands on. Something gets stuffed in my mouth and tight arms grip my body making me immobile.

“Stop right fucking there.” I hear screamed in the background. The man slams his head into mine and I see black.

* * *

My head throbs as I move it back and forth slowly. I hear soft moans and realize they are my own. My arms are laced with pain and my shoulders are on fire. I try to open my eyes, but they feel heavy and gritty, like sand paper and everything around me is grainy and blurry. I blink repeatedly trying to clear the fog, look up and realize quickly why my arms and shoulders hurt so badly.

My hands are wrapped with a thick metal chain and I’m being held so my feet barely hit the ground. I move my arms slightly and the chains clank together loudly, but do not budge. I look down at my body, my clothes are torn but still covering me. Next to me, Shaina is in the exact same position, but her head is slumped down to her chest and there is no movement from her.

Looking around the room, it’s utterly black with only a small bit of light shining in through a small window and underneath the door, giving me a sliver of hope. It’s enough though to look around, but really there isn’t much to see. The concrete walls are gray and bare, the only thing in the room is Shaina, the chains and me.

Shaina starts to groan and mumble incoherently. I keep quiet not trusting this woman a bit. I have no fucking clue if she’s working for these assholes and I’m not taking any more fucking chances, especially with her ass.

“I’m so sorry.” She groans louder now and if I weren’t tied up, I’d beat the shit out of her. I try to keep my anger in check, it will do me no good right now.

“Casey? Are you okay?” She whispers.

“Why did Jared kidnap me?” I growl.

“Jared? I don’t know who that is?” Her voice scrapes out and I glare at her.

“What do you mean you don’t know who he is? You brought him to me Shaina!”

“I brought Paine and the T-Darts.” Dread washes through me. Jared is Paine. Great. Just fucking great. Confusion along with fear creeps up, but I tamp that shit down. Now is not the time to freak out. I got out of one bad situation. I can get out of another. I just have to think.

“How many?” At least I can do something about the confusion.

“Only three that I know.”

“How did you get in the club and why did you let them take me?” I ask staring over at her.

“Some newbie was by the door and I told him who I was. He let me in.” Her voice got quiet. “They were going to kill me.”

“So you say what the hell, instead of going to the brothers, I’ll trap one of their girls.” I cut at her. Who the fuck does this shit?

“I wasn’t thinking.”

No shit you weren’t. Fuck. I’m bait that much is clear. I pull on the chains feeling a small bit of give, but not much, the links grind into my skin leaving a burn. I will not be breaking out of these any time soon. Just then the door slowly creaks open, my head turns to the sound and I blink repeatedly from the sharp light invading the space.

“Aww. You ladies are awake? Swapping childhood stories I bet. One being a biker’s kid… the other a biker kid wanna be, whose father didn’t want anything to do with her.” My eyes widen, my body grows ridged and my mouth falls open. I stare in utter shock at the man in front of me, unable to form any words. I saw him before, but at this moment it is really sinking in. I can’t believe the man that I had drinks with is the same man that had kidnapped me. How in the hell did Jace know this man?

“Casey. It’s a pleasure to meet you… again.” He smiles and walks around my body, his fingertips reaching out to graze my hip. It takes every bit of willpower not to flinch from his repulsiveness. My heart beats so fast it threatens to burst out of my chest. “I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a while now. See, when we hung out at the bar I could see in your eyes that you wanted me. And that’s a good thing ‘cause now you are mine. Mine to do whatever I want with. You will never see any of the Ravage assholes again and you definitely will never see that pissant G.T. again.”

I listen to his words, but do not let it show on the outside that they are cutting me deep. How in the hell did I not see this? My mind begins running at the speed of light trying to piece this twisted ass puzzle together.

“O’ by the way. I’m Paine or Jared, but only my mother calls me that.” He runs his grimy hands over my leather rag and caresses the softness. He pulls out a knife, my body tensing, which I fight to stop, but fail unsuccessfully.

My mind is racing. Paine is Jared. This means that Jace and Paine know each other and this whole damn thing was a set up from the beginning. Was it? How do they know each other?

“Ahh… I see those little wheels turning, but you’ll get answers in time. Maybe. First things first. This shit has to go.” I bite my lip hard tasting blood and try to contain the words as he slices the leather off of my body and throws it like trash into the corner of the room. My mind is unable to process what is going on. He runs the knife between my breasts and I continue to stare straight ahead. Something inside of me is saying that I need to channel Harlow.

I’m nothing like her, but over the years watching her in action. I have learned a thing or two.

“Maybe I should cut this shirt off too, so I can see those tits. I love me a good set of tits.” I ignore him and his hand whips out hard lashing me across the face. I hold the whimper in, but my breathing is now labored. The pain is agonizing, but I will not shed a tear. I will not give him that satisfaction.

“You will react when I touch you. If you don’t, I’ll beat you until you fucking do!” He yells punching me in the stomach knocking the air out of me in a whoosh. This time the groan and gasp that comes out of me is unstoppable.

“We’re gonna teach you to be a good little girl like Shaina here.” His boots click on the concrete floor as he moves away from my body and through my peripheral vision I see him standing next to Shaina. “See, she knows how to fuck and will be doing it a lot. See here in the T-Darts, I don’t believe in monogamy and neither do my boys. We all fuck you. And Casey, we will fuck you.” His hands snake up Shaina’s arm and her body begins to shake.

The thought of Paine or his men touching me makes my stomach roll and bit of vomit comes to my mouth. I swallow trying to get the bile back down. I’ll kill myself before I let this man hurt me.

“I kept telling those assholes over there that I’d make them pay if they didn’t give me my fucking land, but for some reason they’re didn’t believe me. So, I’ll make them give it to me. Then I’ll keep you because I fucking can.” He growls loud. The door opens, my eyes shoot up to it and a cold chill falls down my spine. Two men enter the room, both large and imposing. Both with cold dead eyes that say to me, they could care less what they do to either Shaina or myself. “Great. Time to start sharing.” He slaps me on the ass hard and moves away.


I hop out of the cage to three brothers from Clayton running up to me quick, a frightened expression on their faces. “Some guy fucking took her!”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” These assholes are trembling, either from adrenaline or fear and if I think what they are going to tell me is true, it had better be fear.

“Some guys about two minutes ago took Casey, you probably fucking passed them. Black van, tinted windows. We shot and ran up on them, but they fucking took off before we could get to them.”

“Why the fuck are you not on your bikes?” I growl grabbing two of their necks. These fuckers are lucky I need to find my girl or I’d fucking snap both of them.

“We were and then you pulled up.” One of the men says in a hurry.

“Did she have her rag on?”


“Get on your fucking bikes and find her! I’m coming!” I turn to Buzz. “The chip in her rag. Track it. Text me where she is.” He nods running into the club house.

I look at Pops. “Go get your girl, I’ll stay with Rhys. Cruz, Dagger, Becs, Go!” He yells and we are off. To where I don’t have a fucking clue. Right now I’m following two numb nuts who supposedly know what fucking direction my girl went. Even though they are brothers, they are from another chapter and they don’t know how shit works around here. After I get my girl, I’ll fucking show them.

This time riding does not calm or soothe me. Every twist of the throttle sends a slice of fear through me. Every tick of the clock is a second that I can’t fucking protect her. I only have one guess who has her and that’s Paine. And if I’m fucking right… It scares the fucking shit out of me. I’ve heard of the way he treats his women, and it makes my fucking stomach roll. He is keen on inflicting pain and having very unwilling participants in the bedroom. Even having his brothers join in repeatedly without the woman’s consent. Once he scarred a woman’s body so bad, she ended up taking her own life because she didn’t want to live with the reminders of what had happened to her. I can’t let that happen to my Angel.

I keep my phone cradled in my crotch looking down repeatedly waiting for the coordinates and hoping that the little device fucking works. I hadn’t had a chance to check the little chip out yet and Angel doesn’t fucking know it’s in there.

Buzz came to me when I told the guys I was giving her my rag and said something about this little techy chip shit that could track my girl if I ever needed it. He said it could get sewed into the leather and she’d never have to know it was there. I went along with it, not thinking I’d ever fucking need it. Now I hope like hell the damn thing works. It’s the only fucking way right now; I’m going to find my girl.

My crotch lights up and I’m sure vibrates, but I can’t tell from the vibrations of the bike. Lucky I kept looking down at the fucking thing. The address listed is in the total opposite direction that we are heading. I make a quick turn and pull away from the guys in front, who slow, turn and follow along.

We make it quickly to the address killing the engines and moving quietly up to the big brick building. It’s two stories with lots of fucking lights on, bikes and cages lining the outside of it. Windows have light shining through them, but I’m unable to see any shadows inside.

I pull out my guns, screw the silencer on, and check the clips, putting one away in my holder. Each step I take is one step closer to my girl. I move in slowly, careful not to make noise or step on anything that may bring attention to me. My brothers stay right by my side. I breathe in and out to slow my ever beating heart. I’ve done this shit hundreds of times, but knowing my girl is the one I’m looking for puts this on a whole different level of fucked up.

Becs and Dagger motion with their hands that they are going around back with one of the Clayton brothers. That leaves Cruz, myself and two of the Clayton brothers to take the front. I turn the handle of the door opening it and move quickly away from it waiting for shots. When they don’t happen, I step in and see two men, I raise my gun, pull the trigger with precision and shoot one and Cruz the other. They tumble instantly to the ground unmoving.

We move through the building looking around every turn, the musty smell invading my nostrils. Our backs are either pressed to each other or against the wall at all times. I take a step and a creaking sound, almost like a moan, echoes through the room. Shit. I look around quickly not seeing anyone. Turning the corner, two men stand with their back to us with no idea that we are about to end them. Shots easily to their hearts have them crashing to the ground in heaps.

Moving down the hallway, I turn into the first door. Immediately I see three men who pull their weapons cursing at us rapidly. Cruz and I shoot back quickly, dodging their bullets and they fall dead to the ground. Sweat begins to run in my eye and I swipe it quickly with my hand. Fuck. I hate nerves.

We move quietly down to the next door, when a gun is placed at my temple from the opposite side. “Don’t move.” The asshole growls and I slowly breathe in and out.

Cruz doesn’t give him a chance. He steps around the corner putting a bullet right between the man’s eyes and taking out the guy standing behind him. Everything is eerily quiet and there is still no sign of my girl. I breathe in and out, nodding at Cruz.

We creep slowly down a long hallway our backs to the wall. Our boots tap lightly on the linoleum, but it can’t be helped.

We look in each of the rooms that we pass by, lucky that the doors are open but not seeing anything. We move to the last door and my heart picks up. My gut is telling me that Angel is behind this door. I lift my boot and kick the door in, pushing myself through, my brother right on my tail.

My breath catches, two women one being my girl, hanging by chains from the fucking ceiling, clothes stripped away from both their bodies, feet barely touching the floor. Looking at Angel’s face, I see no signs of tears, but her eyes are dead. Void. Almost as if she has drifted to somewhere inside of herself, her safe place.

“Well. Look who showed up to the party.” Paine moves quickly behind my girl clenching his gun that is now pointed directly at her head. “I’m guessing you got through my men or else you wouldn’t be here right now.” He shakes his head ruefully. “It’s astounding that you even found us.”

“You fucker. You’re dead.” I growl pointing my gun his direction. Angel’s eyes stare at me and spark at hearing my voice. Her head rises lightly.

I hear moaning from the side and without moving my eyes away from my girl, I know it’s Shaina. “Oh my God.” Shaina voice gasps the chains clanging from her struggles. “Get me out of here!” She yells but is ignored. I’m too busy looking at Angel, whose arms are a strange color of white from the loss of blood to them.

“You’re not getting out of here Paine, may as well give it up.” My voice comes out strong and authoritative, even if inside the level of hate and fear are wrapping around me like a snake squeezing every bit of life out of me.

“You think I’m gonna roll over and play dead?” He laughs sadistically. “Fuck no. If I’m going out, I’m taking this one with me. You’ll know what it’s like to feel pain the rest of your miserable life.”

I’m unable to get a clear shot because the worthless piece of shit is guarding his body with Angel’s. Paine pulls Casey’s hair back tight, her head snaps backwards. He holds the gun up to her temple with a slight reach and her eyes latch on mine. Inside of them I see a spark of determination. I know something is coming. I clutch my gun ready for it.

Out of nowhere, Casey’s leg swings back kicking Paine hard in the nuts and he stumbles back with a grunt holding himself, falling away from the girls. I aim and shots go off from Cruz, myself and Paine all at once. When Paine hits the ground with a thud, I rush to my girl and grab her around the waist, pulling her up to get the pressure off her arms. “You okay.” She nods carefully, but no words escape her lips. I rip my shirt over my head and cover her body with it holding it in place. Cruz rushes over to Paine checking his pulse. “Dead?” I ask quickly.

“Yep. Fucking dead.” That is for Diamond and my girl. Fucker.

“Call everyone. We need cutters to get them down now. Get over here and hold them up so their arms can get blood back to them.” Cruz dials the phone giving instructions. Becs and Dagger come rushing in, guns raised.

“Fuck. We missed the damn party.” Dagger lowers his gun placing it at his back.

“Dagger, hold Shaina up to get the blood back in her arms.” He does so and Angel starts shaking in my arms. I hold her tighter.

“It’s alright Angel. I’m taking you home.” I repeat soothing words to her over and over again. Her eyes slowly shut and her head falls to my chest. I want her fucking arms cut down now.

“He… Jace…” Her words stumble and are incoherent, but I know exactly what information she just became privy to. Dammit. The fear in her eyes and the sound of her voice guts me like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I would do anything to take that pain on myself and wipe it from my girl. I want that fucker alive again just so I can fucking kill him all over again.

“I know. It’s okay. It’s all over.” She slowly nods, but the fear is still prevalent in her eyes damn near ripping my heart out. “Everything clear on your end?” I ask Becs.

“Yeah. Took out four men.”

“We took out seven.” Cruz says coming back putting his phone in his rag pocket. “On their way, be here in ten.”

* * *

It’s been four days since she was taken and I haven’t let her out of my fucking sight. And she hasn’t let me either. Angel’s been up and down with what happened to her. She doesn’t want to talk about it, but at night, she has this tormented scream that rattles my core. I’ve pressed for answers, but she closes up. She swears that she wasn’t raped, but other than that, I can’t get shit out of her. Even Princess has tried, but still nothing. All I know is that I love her and I’ll do whatever she needs. I know the connection between Jace and Paine has really messed with her head. I just hope not too much.

The discussion on how I found her went much better than anticipated. I thought I’d get shit for it, but she didn’t even bitch about the chip inside of her cut. She even told me she was grateful for it. It just made me hold her tighter. I don’t know what the hell I ever did to deserve her, but I’m glad I did.

Princess, on the other hand, when she found out, went on a fucking rampage. She felt around her rag trying to find the chip, but that’s her. I’ll let Cruz handle that shit. My hands are full enough.

With Paine and most of his crew gone, we can now breathe a bit. First it was Rabbit and then Paine after us for all they were worth. I need a fucking break. I’m ready to ride with my girl behind me and relax for a change.

Shaina is one big hot mess that Princess has been dealing with. I can see why Diamond kept her out of the life. She can’t handle it, at all. Even though neither Shaina or Angel are talking, my gut is telling me that Shaina was hurt much worse than Angel. If that’s so, then she has every right to feel that shit.

Today, I’m getting my girl away from this clubhouse and we will ride to wherever the wind takes us. We are both in need of a fucking break. She says she has school work to do today, which she always says, but never does. But it needs to fucking wait. I need her wrapped around my body and the road in front of us. She needs it too.

“I really don’t want to go.” She says pulling on her leathers and pouting.

“You’re going.”

“But… Never mind.” She finishes lacing her boots and pulls her old leather jacket on. I know she doesn’t want to wear it and I can’t blame her and I know what she wants. “Ready.” Her voice is glum and down. I smile reaching into the closet.

I pull out her rag and hold it up with my hands. “You’re missing something.” Her eyes flash to her rag and tears form in her eyes.

She stands and walks over. Her arm reaches out to the leather and she rubs it in between her fingers. She pulls it to the side and notices all the new lacing I had done throughout it. “You fixed it?” She whispers softly.

“Of course I did.” Everywhere that bastard cut, I had lacing woven through the leather connecting it until it was all one piece again.

“I love you.” She says looking into my eyes.

“Love you too, Angel.”
