Rod stopped and listened. Damn! he thought. No fucking way to see a thing!

He listened to the delicate roar of wilderness sounds of the night, the endless variations of crickets, owls, mixed with less definable ones, the rustles, scrapes, thuds, an occasional scamper of miniature feet.

But nothing that could possibly tell him which way Carrie had gone. How the hell did she find her way in this blackout?

He stumbled over a log and landed in something mushy. As he pulled back and started to scrape the gunk off his arm, it moved.

Yeecchhh!! Fuck! He hated the dark, he thought as he lashed his arm around trying to shake whatever the fuck it was back to wherever the fuck it came from.

Then he turned and was running, where, he had no idea, but he ran.

He hated to admit it but he was really scared. For some reason, just before he had slipped out of the screen door to follow Carrie's swiftly disappearing shadow into the woods, he'd almost reconsidered.

Greed's what did him in. Greed pure and simple.

Well, he thought ruefully to himself as he struggled through a thicket of ferns, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do, but why the hell did I have to go do this?

He was about to give up and just sit it out till dawn, when he'd most likely get his nuts shot off by ole Doc Simpson as he crept back inside the house just on general principles.

Then he heard it!

Closer than he would have thought too!

The muffled thunder of hooves biting into the ground at a brisk gallop.

He'd been right!

At once his cock was hard and getting stiffer all the time inside his pants. He thought of their first meeting, still stunned at the sight of that wet pink slit opened in front of him, so inviting, so innocent…

Lord! He wanted her, wanted to have her legs wrapped around his shoulders, wanted to be able to drop his head quickly each time his body rose up to flick first one breast, then the other with a rapid fire burst of his tongue, wanted to feel that young pussy wrapping his cock in its hot sopping walls, the enclosing warmth of her pink flesh seeping through him as though he were merely a sponge growing satiated with her juice.

He wanted to fuck her God damned eyes out. By God!

But he still wasn't sure in the least how to best go about it. She was by far the strangest customer he'd ever encountered.

True, her circumstances almost demanded it. Still, he had a feeling she'd have wound up with an unpredictable kink or two if she'd been brought up in the cleanest W.A.S.P. nest or the scungiest ghetto. The girl was in her own little bubble, and damned if he knew whether or not he had the guts to pop it.

But, with a deep breath, he followed his ears to the grassy fields of pleasure.

Sherry walked on tip-toes. Even so, each board seemed to have a special squeak they'd reserved for just this night.

But her father had remained secluded. She was glad. With his work to occupy him, he would think less of her, which was fine because just at this moment her mind was getting ready to meltdown from over activity.

She didn't have the faintest idea what the flood of sensation was that had settled into her crotch, she only knew that it was very intimately linked with the strange man who simply by his presence coaxed such strange behavior from her.

Taking hold of his cock had almost been like a dream. There had been an unseen hand wrapped around her wrist. She would have been powerless to resist no matter what her reaction. But her utter lack of resistance left her numb.

She had taken it eagerly!

She had felt something that she could only compare to hunger, but it was an appetite that had never asserted itself before.

It was grinding into her nerves and muscles with blinding force now!

The door to his room loomed ahead in the dim hall. She nearly ran the last ten steps, opened it quietly and stepped inside.

He was lying in bed reading a dusty book from her father's bookshelf.

When he saw her, he simply closed the book wordlessly, felt his cock begin to stiffen and settled back into the pillows to see what would happen.

He found out quickly.

She was at the side of his bed, wanting to reach out to him, touch him, run her hands over his face, his chest, his cock. She wanted to feel it stiffen beneath her fingers, wanted to stroke it velvet surface from the swollen head to the patch of hair it rose out of like a monolith of flesh, a totem around which her scattered blind lust could coalesce.

But she was frightened, uncertain just how to proceed. Never had she felt this way. It was almost as though her cunt had taken a life of its own, one she could share in but never quite control… it drove her now, commanded her, generated her every move. All her thoughts were focused on the one desire to have it filled, stuffed with that cock that she only this afternoon discovered.

He was ready, and from all outward appearances, quite willing. As she drew back the covers, she had all the evidence she need of that.

"I haven't been able to think of anything else. It's been unbearable. All afternoon I've wanted to get my hands on it again."

"Well, I've got an idea for something else you can get on it with."

She blushed. At the same time, she felt a swelling blossom within her breasts, an answering tremble in her thighs and a slowly mounting flame flickering within her clitoris.

She was slippery, drenched, and as she removed her pants, she dipped her finger into her pussy slit, let the thick juice roll over the tip, and then she placed it at Johnny's lips. He sucked long and hard.

"You have the sweetest tasting pussy I ever got my tongue on darling. Which reminds me. Why don't you hop up here so I can get my tongue on it."

She quickly straddled him and he began to unbutton her shirt. Each time his hands moved from one button to the next and the material there fell open, he ran his fingers over the newly exposed flesh.

Darts of ecstasy ran back through her body.

Her breasts fell out of her shirt and he was all over her, cupping them in his hands, pressing them into her body, then, narrowing his fingertips to the point, he began to massage each hard nipple, rubbing the flesh between his fingers, pressing them, pinching them until they turned a deep crimson.

She was burning, all through her body, but finally so fiercely in her cunt that she could take it no longer.

"Please, please. You know what I want. Please!"

"Yeah? Do I really? What's that? What do you want?" he teased.

"Fuck me you fool! What do you think I want. Fuck me!"

She was whispering but the urgency in her words was quite plain.

Johnny wasted no time. Lucus felt the room slowly begin to fall into place, a cartoonist's rendering of reversed chaos, objects flung from a whirlwind somehow, miraculously, falling into it's precise spot. His mind, though still fragmented far beyond any hope of personality or analytic reasoning nonetheless began assembling still random images, restructuring the mosaic that had been his world, would be again. But with a difference! Now he would hear what they couldn't, see what escaped them, hear frequencies past their stunted range…

Elsewhere there was a similar focusing process, one with a far different energy driving it.

In his loins, his abdomen, his groin, he felt a mounting pressure, still at the level of mere uneasiness. Soon it would mount to a passionate thrust of his will, at the same time shorting out what normal social filters the brain evolved in only the last ten thousand years or so, letting the deeper and far more entrenched instinctive urged, the primal drives to ascend.

Soon, very soon, he would have to pay the fire in his balls the attention it demanded.

His lust was building!

Rod stood in the shadows, wanting her more and more with each passing second.

He would have to scale the fence soon, make his stand and let fate work its course.

She bounced in the moonlight, her hair glowed like a cold flame. She was a spirit, a phantom. At times he thought he could almost see through her. She was close to becoming mystical.

She had ridden the horse until he was as supercharged as she was. Somehow, he must have sensed the effect he had on her, must have felt the transfer of energy from his body to hers, felt it on the same wavelength her own brain was probably functioning at. She was an animal in heat. Pure and simple.

The moment was now.

He jumped the fence and stood waiting for her to pass by him on her next circle.

As she approached, he stepped out in her path, called her name, once, loud, and hoped to God she didn't run him down like he was just another weed. He had no doubt that the horse could do it and never even notice.

Instead, she reared him in instantly. He was up on his hind legs at once, neighing with a sharp edge of panic, but simply clasping him about the neck, she not only stayed on him with ease but she somehow calmed him down almost as fast as he had bolted.

Then she looked down at him.

"I was thinking about you just then," she said.

"I've been thinking about you ever since I first laid eyes on you."


She sounded amused.

"Why don't you come down," Rod said. He was nearly out of his mind. He wanted to get his hands on her fast!

"I've got a better idea," she returned. "Why don't you come up here?"

He wasn't about to argue. He jumped forward to climb up when she held out her hand stopping him.

"Wait," she said. "Put your clothes in a pile over the fence so you can find them again."

She's been doing this for a while, he could see.

He felt strange climbing up on a horse to try and seduce a girl who probably had never had a man in her life (the possibility here being taken into consideration).

But he did it. Nothing could have stopped him.

She didn't have to be told what to do with him. Johnny had been right. These were accomplished girls.

But Carrie was a natural any way you looked at it. Her touch was flawless, sure, and perfect.

Within seconds, she had ever nerve ending at the surface of his skin on fire.

His cock was hard as steel and his balls felt like they were going to explode. He reached for her breasts and with a moan she fell into him. Rubbing them in his hands, their incredible softness built his arousal even higher, and as he pressed his fingers into their tender flesh he felt the first dribblings of liquid from his cock.

He slipped a finger into her pussy, sought out the hard bud of her clitoris and savored the sound of her moans, felt the pressure from her hips as she rolled them against him.

Then he was pulling her up, lifting her bodily off the horse to lower her onto his cock. At first, she didn't understand what he was doing, but the second the head of his cock touched the already parted lips of her drenched pussy, she started to struggle.

"No, no," she was saying. What the fuck, though Rod, thoroughly confused.

"What's wrong."

"I… can't…" was all he could get out of her.

"Carrie, please, don't do this to me. What's wrong?"

She studied him long and hard. Then she explained to him about the unity she had felt riding the horse as he'd seen her doing. She couldn't… not with him, not with her father, who she'd avoided for weeks (Ah ha! thought Rod. So the old man was sticking it to them!). She couldn't unite with anyone else… not until…

Rod couldn't believe what she was asking him. She wanted to fuck the horse! For the love of fucking Christ she wanted to fuck the fucking horse! He realized then that no environment in the world could account for the woman whose breasts he still fondled to her obvious enjoyment. Whatever vein she was mining was one uniquely her own.

But the idea was quirky enough to appeal to Rod. And face it, he was horny as a hoot-owl.

"You really mean this, don't you?" he asked, still disbelieving.

"Of course. And if you help me, you can have me."

"How do you mean I can have you?" Rod asked.

"I mean, I'm yours. However you want me."

"What if I asked you to leave here with me?"

She waited perhaps a half second.

"I'd go with you."

Ok, thought Rod, let's get this show on the road.

Locus found the house in darkness. Carrie's room he didn't even bother to check. She'd be gone. The worthless whelp. Perhaps he'd dissect her brain as well. Surely there was a wrinkle or two there never before catalogued by anyone, anywhere. Someone that difficult to predict was better off without their cortex anyway.

He turned towards Sherry's room, saw that no light filtered out under the door, opened it and found it empty. The hair on the back of his head rose in a rush of tingling and he felt his stomach clench.

His breathing started to come harder and harder, short choppy breaths that cut through him like a giant blade.

Where was the bitch. Where was that sweet cunt of hers! He needed it. He craved it!

And he knew where it was too!

Slowly he turned. Step by step he made his way down the hall to the room where the stranger lay. How did he know, already, what he would find; he knew, that was all. He could sense it with his skin. They were in there, his beloved Sherry and that filth. Certain as he was, he prayed to whatever concept of God he still retained that he would, this one time, be wrong, that he would find her elsewhere, waiting for him, ready for him, knowing, as usual, when he needed her and preparing herself accordingly.

But it was not to be.

Even before he got to the door, he heard the low throaty animal groans rising up from his daughter's throat. God! Could that be her voice? Of course, it had to be.

How to do it?

Burst in, catch them in their moment of shock, or enter quietly, so quietly they would take no notice in the midst of their throes of passion… was that how he wanted to catch them?


He couldn't stand it.

Instead, he softly turned the door knob, took a deep breath and crashed the door on it hinges against the wall. The two figures on the bed lurched violently in horror. Sherry's eyes were wide. The man simply cried out in pain and reached for his leg.

What he saw sickened him.

Sherry was naked, her legs straddling him about his chest with her back towards his face. She was leaning forward, her lips wrapped around his cock while at the same time jamming her pussy into his face as hard as she could. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. He had lost her. She had tasted the forbidden fruit, and while simply expelling her from the Eden he'd fashioned would have appealed to his sense of symbolism, it would have been highly impractical. He was grateful for the drug. He needed the iced steel nerves that it would take to deal with her as she deserved.

"Father!" Sherry cried.

Lucus stepped into the room, never once taking his eyes off his daughter.

She quickly jumped off Johnny. His panic simply increased the tension of his erection and it stood straight up in the air, looking rather foolish under the circumstances.

"Deceit," said Lucus softly, almost to himself. "Deceit rules your mind."

He sounded surprised, a little disappointed, but still in control of himself. That was most important. Never let anyone know you were not quite in control of yourself…

Could he do this? Yes. There was no doubt in his mind that he could do it. But the pounding in his cock and balls was more than he could stand. First, he had to relieve himself.

He grabbed her by the hand and threw her to the floor. The man in the bed made a move to sit up and Lucus calmly walked over to him and directed a well aimed fist into the man's leg. He turned white from the vicious rush of sharp pain grinding against the broken ends of his bone. He let out a choked scream and collapsed back onto the covers.

Then Lucus turned to the trembling girl on the floor, already a stranger to his eyes. He approached, his shadow covering her. She turned a frightened face to him. Lucus kicked her with all his might. Hard, as hard as he could manage, aiming his shoe right for her cheek. She screamed and fell back to the floor. Lucus took his stiff cock out of his pants, slowly removed his clothing and prepared to unload the growing pressure in his balls that threatened to blow them into tiny pieces if they weren't emptied soon.

Rod was grateful that Carrie was so light. He supported her beneath her arms and she hardly felt like a weight at all.

The scene was amazing to him. Yet strangely enticing. Erotic. Arousing.

Her back faced the ground, her large breasts flopped to either side of her body.

She had her legs flared wide reaching up the underbelly of the animal she was preparing to fuck, resting against him for support. Ahead loomed that massive log of a cock, that horse-prick like no prick Rod had ever seen, and certainly unlike any that Carrie had ever encountered.

Closer and closer it loomed, seeming to grow larger and larger with each step he took, feeding her to it like lumber to the saw.

It was so huge. So awesome!

It was like… well, it was like if he raped a baby. Size ratio was about…!

Rape a baby!

Baby raper!

"The Babyraper", he thought to himself in a flash of recollection when all the loose links and clues that had kept flooding his mind ever since meeting Lucus Simpson fell into place like a deck of cards in the hands of a magician.


He saw the headline through the eyes of a ten-year old, uncomprehended then, quickly forgotten. He also heard the name Lucus Simpson. Television news, perhaps, maybe a dinner table conversation. Whatever, the entire story, even with its huge gaps flashed before him. Enough for him to realize that they were dealing with a psychotic, if half of what they'd said about him was true.

Of course. He was one of those names you kept hearing over the years, never strongly enough to make an impression… Yet with a echo residue that could suddenly reverberate with profound force.

He almost dropped Carrie, literally from fear. What if that maniac had followed them? What if he was watching now, as he assisted his daughter in what was perhaps the most bizarre thing Rod had ever taken part in.

Suddenly, he wanted to be out, away. But the girl he held in his arms right now could no longer be ignored. He wanted to take her with him, no matter what the cost.

"Now," she was moaning, wanting that massive cock to plunge up her pussy.

"Please," she begged, and Rod pushed that last inch, making contact, beginning the long job of trying to get that massive cock inside her pussy.

Her concentration was phenomenal. She wanted this more than she had ever wanted anything and now with it at hand, she was not about to taste defeat.

"Harder, harder," she yelled, "I don't care if it hurts, push me onto it, NOW!!!"

And Rod pushed. He couldn't believe that the cock wasn't just splitting her in two, but amazingly, he felt her sliding onto it, slowly inch by thick inch, as much as her cunt could possible take.

She was gasping, crying, babbling, writhing on the post. Her entire body was shaking, sending her breasts into a fine trembling quiver. Rod wanted so much to get one of them into his mouth. Soon, he told himself. Soon, when they were safe, away from the lunatic that waited back at the house for them.

She was out of her mind. Delirious. She was babbling, mindless incoherent words pouring out of her mouth, amid gasping for breath.

"Oh my God it's so huge," she moaned. "Hard now," she directed, "push me against it hard."

Rod did as she requested, beginning to slide her back and forth as much as was possible. It took very little of the cock to fill her pussy, but that was more than enough to reduce her to jelly.

She was screaming constantly now, not thinking a single thought, her entire body and mind filled with the explosive pain of that giant cock pounding into her.

Strangely enough, the horse seemed calm and cooperative. Perhaps the girl was right. Perhaps there was some for of bond between them.

When she came, she came in a long fine scream… … a scream that was sexuality itself. … a scream that matched her sister's exactly, although Sherry's sounded at that moment for drastically different reasons.

"Stop," she begged, "you'll kill him!!"

She was on the floor, her face beaten and bloody, watching in horror as Lucus tried with all his might to strangle the last life out of the piece of slime beneath him.

"Stop, stop," screamed his daughter, finally finding the capability in her muscles to move again, to act.

She looked frantically around the room for a weapon. Anything. There was nothing.

Except… as Johnny had thrashed about on the bed trying to avoid the end Lucus had planned for him, the splints had come loose from his leg which now lay across the bed at a sickening angle.

She picked it up now, balanced it in her hand and brought it down on her father's head as hard as she possibly could.

He let out a groan and fell to his knees.

Then he turned and with a snarl lunged at her. He was only half human and by now bore no resemblance whatsoever to the man she'd known as her father, who she'd called 'Dad'.

This was a beast, a drooling crazed beast who could only be destroyed, never reasoned with.

Sherry swung again at him, this time catching him across the cheek, opening the skin to a torrent of blood.

He grabbed her wrist just as she was going to bring the piece of wood down onto his head a third time.

In a quick move, he had it out of her hand and she was backing away from him with a look of sheer terror on her face.

"What's the matter you cunt? What's the matter? You thought you'd beat me did you? HA! You're a fool. Just like the rest of them. They're all fools, each and every one of them. They think I can be beaten. Well my darling, I'm going to show you how beaten I am."

He swung at Sherry with the wooden splint but she ducked, jumping behind a chair.

He kicked the chair away from her and brought the splint down hard across her back. She screamed and went down hard.

Then he was on her, pulling at her flesh, biting her, tearing her, digging into her. He lashed out with his fists, with his feet, his knees, elbows, teeth… he was brutal, as brutal as you'd expect the repressed deviant passions of twenty years to be on their first full expression back in the real world.

She was battered beyond belief. She felt like her body was slowly coming apart. She felt like she was being slowly stuffed into a small suitcase, where there was less and less air, less and less light… she felt like she was dying.
