Carrie was limp in Rod's arms.
"Take me, take me take me," she continually murmured to him.
"Later Carrie. Listen to me. We have to get back to the house at once. Do you understand what I'm saying? I think we might be in danger."
"Danger?" she asked dreamily. "What danger? I feel safe. Do you feel safe?"
"Carrie, this is no time for child talk. I'm serious. There's something you don't know about your father, but I'm afraid that he might be getting ready to do something violent."
"Why?" She seemed more interested now. "What about my father?"
"I'm not sure, but I…" but he could find no words to explain his fears to her.
"Look, just trust me. I'd feel a lot safer if we were back at the house and you were safely in your room and I was in mine. No sense in giving your father any reason to blow his stack."
"My father is crazy."
Her words chilled him.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because, he just is."
"Tell me what you mean."
"Well… he's just strange. I don't know… he's the only person I've ever known… I just know I feel really uncomfortable around him… I think he's sick."
"Come on. We're going back."
"I don't want to go back. I want to stay here. You promised."
Her pussy was still dripping from the fucking she gotten on that horse's cock. Rod could tell that she was still in a daze from the intensity of it.
"Carrie, I helped you. Will you still leave with me?"
She flung herself into his arms.
"Silly," she said, "I would have left with you even if you didn't want me to. I want to get away from here. I have for a long time. I told you that."
"All right, I want to take you with me. You need to get out of here. There are things you don't know."
"Like what!?" she demanded, getting annoyed at his hints that he never elaborated on.
"I told you, wait till we get back to the house. Then we'll find out."
She gave in, they got dressed.
"Come on, we'll ride if you're in that much of a hurry to go."
They mounted the horse and even in the darkness, she jumped the fence and found the trail without problem.
When they got back to the house, it was dark. Rod didn't have the faintest idea what time it was. After midnight Rod was afraid that the sound of the hoofbeats would be heard in the house, so he had them dismount and walk the distance up the lawn. The darkness seemed to actually flow out of the house, like a black mist, falling onto the lawn and spreading over it to the woods. Rod felt engulfed by the total absence of light.
But the dark seemed to be Carrie's element and she moved through it without fear.
They heard the sounds as soon as they opened the back door.
Thuds, and regular intervals. Sharp sounding thuds. And groans that were more randomly spaced.
"My God, what's happening," asked Carrie.
Rod was afraid to answer.
They ran towards the sound, realized that it was coming from the upstairs hall.
"NO! Johnny's room!" yelled Rod, racing up the stairs.
The scene that confronted him when he ran to the door was unbelievable.
Sherry was thrown across Johnny's still body, herself seeming to be unconscious, while Lucus beat her unmercifully with a leather strap.
Her body was a mass of bruises, welts and bloody red stripes where he had broken the skin. She could have been dead for all Rod could tell.
Lucus heard him in the doorway, turned with a wild look in his eyes and to Rod's surprise let out a growl and rushed him. But instead of attacking, he simply pushed past him and ran down the hallway.
Rod ran first to Johnny. He saw that there were horrible bruises around his neck, that he appeared not to be breathing, and that he still had not moved. Rod feared the worst.
At that moment, Sherry stirred with an agonized moan and started to slip off the bed. As she did so, her arm snagged on Johnny's broken leg and the weight of her body began to pull it as she fell.
That's what it took to shock Johnny back awake. It was then that Rod noticed the crooked twist where the bone had broken, the lack of any splints. What the hell had gone on here, he wondered.
Johnny let out a scream.
"Oh God, it hurts, please, no more, no more, I can't take it, I can't take it."
Rod leaned over and freed Sherry's arm and helped her to the floor gently.
Suddenly he thought about Carrie. Her father was out there in the house somewhere and so was she. He was obviously out of his mind.
"Carrie!!" he yelled, "he's out there. Be careful! He's snapped!"
He heard nothing in reply, and was just about to get up and run out into the hall to see what was keeping Carrie, when a form crossed the doorway.
It was Dr. Simpson, his eyes as wild as ever, standing right in the middle of the door. In his hand was a revolver. It was pointed, not at Rod or Johnny but at Sherry.
"Mr. Barrett, I wouldn't worry about my daughter. I assure you, I'll worry about her. You might look to your own safety. You see, Mr. Barrett, I have plans for you."
Rod's eyes were glued to the revolver.
"Don't worry, Mr. Barrett. You needn't worry about this little toy. It's not for you."
He looked at Sherry's still immobile form on the floor next to the bed, and without blinking an eye drilled three rounds into her. Her body jerked at each shot.
Rod felt his world slipping away. It was over. They had lost without even knowing what the stakes were until it was too late.
"Well, are you satisfied, you maniac," he said, trying to sound as vicious as he could.
"Please shut up Mr. Barrett."
Lucus turned his attention to Johnny, conscious now, simply watching in fear for his life.
Rod hissed the words and they had a startling effect.
Lucus' face went slack for just a second, and he seemed to collapse against the door frame.
His eyes grew wide with shock.
"What did you say?" he croaked.
Rod sneered at him, looking a lot more contemptuous and condescending than he felt.
"You think I didn't know? You think that we didn't know from the first, when you introduced yourself? Come on, Dr. Simpson? That was a big case."
Rod saw Carrie, her face white from shock and fear peeking around the corner, listening. Her eyes fell on the wooden splint that Lucus had cast aside after using it to beat Sherry.
"Come on, Dr. Simpson. How many was it they were after you for? Six. Eight maybe ten?"
He flinched at every word, as if being physically struck.
"Babyraper. That's what they called you, wasn't it?"
"There was no evidence," screamed Lucus, all at once losing control. Rod tensed his muscles, certain that a bullet was about to rip through his body, maybe two or three. Maybe enough to kill him.
But the expected shot didn't come. Lucus had somehow brought his temper under control, though Rod could see he was right on the line.
"You think you can shake my composure? You think you can surprise me and gain the upper hand. You have a lot to learn, Mr. Barrett. A lot to learn indeed."
"Well, I've already learned a lot, yessir quite a lot indeed."
"You've learned nothing except to repeat rumors. But you see, there is no one which whom you can confide your information and do me damage. The daughter I loved is gone, the one who loathes me will not come close enough to me for me to deal with her as she should be treated, so I will have to track her down."
Carrie had by this time already snaked into the room and had the splint in her hand. It was hard for Rod not to steal glances at her from time to time, but he knew it would be her death warrant if he did, so he made certain that his eyes stayed glued to Lucus.
Carrie had the splint in her hand now, but instead of bringing it down on top of him, she looked like she was preparing an underhand swing.
Good luck Carrie girl. If you miss this one you won't get another chance.
"Tell me, Dr. Simpson, what was it like, trying to slide your cock into a small child like that? Was it as disgustingly sick as I imagine it was?"
Lucus was beginning to sweat and his bottom lip was quivering without pause.
"You'd better shut up now. I'm sick of listening to you." He leveled his gun at Rod's midriff to make the point.
Rod looked over at Johnny. He hadn't made a move since Lucus walked into the room. He looked like he was in bad shape.
Too bad about Sherry. Fine lady. Would have been great to bring her out too. But there was still Carrie, and if he could at all he was going to save her from this madness.
She had her own plans at the moment.
Rod kept talking to Lucus, who seemed only too glad to brag, not about the murders themselves for he'd always maintained that he was innocent, and he saw no reason to change his position now. But about the escape, when every law agent in the city had been watching him to make sure he didn't do exactly. And with two daughters no less!
The more he talked, the more Rod got the idea that he saw his daughters simply as a gauge to measure himself. He success at dominating them was his measure of his own worth.
And then Carrie was in position. Rod held his breath, still scarcely able to avoid looking at her. She stood behind him, hands gripping the splint tightly, her face contorted from the urgency of the situation.
And yet, this was her father. A madman, to be sure, and certainly not to be reasoned with. She knew that. She was a bright lady. But Rod could imagine that the final thrust, that last harsh act that would forever place him beyond her was a difficult one for her. He could almost see her steeling her reserves!
Too late! He'd glanced in her direction, for just a split second. It was enough. Dr. Simpson pivoted on his heels in a second, and a grin slowly crossed his features.
"So. I'll not have to track you down after all. So glad you could join us, my daughter dearest."
He spoke with a sneer, his words dripping with contempt. Carrie's face went white as she saw the gun aiming right at her stomach. With his back turned, Rod was tempted to jump him, but Lucus was too quick, swiftly moving away so that he could aim his gun at them both.
"Over there," he told her, pointing to Rod.
"What have you done to Sherry?" she cried. "You're a monster. You're a vicious monster. What have you done?"
"Please, don't. You're giving me a headache. It's the last thing I need now. Just stand there next to your little friend there, and we'll just see what's to be done about you. I must say daughter, you've been a supreme disappointment to me. I had such visions for you when you were younger."
"Yeah, but they all included keeping me away from the rest of the world. I'm tired of being in a cage. I want to leave. I want to leave with him."
Lucus chuckled.
"Well, that's going to be a little difficult. You see, he and his friend are not going to be leaving us. Not today, not at the end of the week. Not ever."
"You can't keep us here forever. If you kill us, there are people who know where we are. There'll be search parties. You'll be found out, no matter what. It's over. You're finished. Why don't you face that fact and end the suffering now. You've already killed one of your daughter's. Must you kill the rest of us?"
Locus stared at Rod as he spoke, but it looked as if he really couldn't hear what was being said. His eyes began to wander the room, he began to waver ever so slightly on his feet. Rod noticed this, hoped it would continue and grow worse and kept up a steady stream of chatter, designed more to hypnotize him than anything else.
It appeared to be working. Rod kept hammering home the arguments for letting them go, but as he spoke, his voice assumed more and more a lilting, melodic quality, almost a sing-song rhythm, rises and falls spaced at regular intervals.
Lucus was hardly paying attention now. He was starting to have difficulty staying on his feet.
Suddenly, Sherry moved. Rod noticed it, saw a flicker of eyelids, saw her body jerk spasmodically. At first Rod had just assumed it to be a mindless firing of nerves, a reflex, a mimicking of life, not a sign of its presence.
But she moaned. A moan of pain, but undeniably from a living breathing person! There was hope!
Lucus Simpson was jerked out of his trance-like state and jerked around to face his daughter, firing two more rounds as he did so. They buried themselves harmlessly in the wall. He stared at Sherry's still living form in horror as she tried to raise her head and prop herself up on an elbow, only to collapse moaning in pain.
As he stared at her, Rod had to do some quick thinking. He had to somehow get across the room to that madman before he took that last bullet. Or else he had to make him fire the gun. But how!?
Carrie provided the answer. She lunged for the piece of wood he'd forced her to drop when he'd first discovered her presence in the room. It still lay at her feet, and with her father's attention momentarily diverted, she bent down, picked up the heavy piece of wood in her hands and without even bothering to take aim she threw it as hard as she could across the room. She evidently knew how to throw well.
The wooden splint flew straight as a spear. Her quick movement had once more diverted Lucus Simpson's attention, and as he quickly turned to face this new threat, the piece of wood caught him right in his adam's apple. He instantly started to cough, bending over in pain.
Rod had started to sprint across the room towards him as soon as Carrie had heaved the splint at him, and as he doubled over, Rod felt him to be an easy target. He proved much more dangerous.
He was obviously having trouble breathing, but he still managed to swing his arm out towards Rod when he was within range. The revolver caught Rod right across the cheek and for a moment he saw stars and nearly fell. Then he swung back, caught the madman right on the chin, but it scarcely affected him.
Then, as Lucus once more lowered the revolver to Rod's stomach, this time with no doubts about whether he was going to use it or not, Rod truly tensed himself for the hot lead.
That is, until he saw that Carrie had managed to pick up the wooden splint once more and sneak around behind her father in the same position where she'd been before. This time, she was successful.
The piece of wood flew with perfectly aimed precision up between Lucus' legs, burying itself in his balls. All his muscles went rigid instantly and Rod was afraid he might pull the trigger, but then they went slack almost as quickly. He fell like a piece of empty clothing tossed on the floor. His gun clattered across the floor.
Rod jumped for it, but Carrie was on it first, pulling it from his reach.
Her father was not yet done-for either, rising to his knees, looking Carrie directly in the eyes, face white but still rigid with determination, trying to stand.
He held out his hand.
"Give it to me, Carrie."
She backed away, the obvious conflict within her twisting her face totally out of shape.
"Carrie, I'm your father. You can't use that against me."
He was standing up now, wobbling, the effects of the splint in his balls not yet subsiding. But he was persuasive. Old patterns of behavior die hard. No matter how long Carrie may have nurtured rebellion in her mind, she had been simply his unquestioning daughter for many years longer. She struggled with an awesome choice at the moment, and Rod knew nothing he could do to make it easier for her.
Lucus took a couple of steps towards his frightened daughter. She stepped back again and found herself nearly against the wall. Lucus began to laugh.
"You can't use it. Don't even try. Give it to me, do you hear? Carrie, give it to me."
He was closing the gap between them. Still the girl could only stare at him in absolute fear, paralyzed by the situation in which she found herself.
"Stay back," she finally managed to say, but didn't sound a bit convincing.
"No, I don't think I will," her father answered. "Now give me the gun."
Rod was later unsure if he could even remember the sound of the final bullet firing. He could only really remember Lucus being literally thrown back off his feet. He fell flat on his back, eyes still opened, a slowly growing splotch of deep red forming over the space where his heart only moments before had pounded wildly. He looked simply surprised.
Carrie held the gun limply in her hands, was nearly on the verge of tears and would probably have fallen if Rod hadn't been at her side at once, arm around her, soothing voice in her ear.
She fell against him. She began to cry. Great heaving sobs poured from her throat shaking her body like someone jerked her on a string.
Rod quickly led her to a chair and made her comfortable, then ran to Sherry's side.
She was dazed, hopelessly confused and bleeding.
Carrie stared at them from across the room.
"She isn't dead yet, is she?"
"No, but she's hurt. Not nearly so bad as I'd thought. It looks like her hand, her leg and shoulder. But no major arteries or veins. At least it doesn't look like it."
He continued to examine Sherry's naked body until he was sure that she was no worse than that, took a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her.
"We have to stop the bleeding," said Carrie, her voice still dull and lacking expression, but at least she was thinking, dealing with the situation.
"Do you know how?"
She nodded.
"He insisted that we know first aid. And he taught us a lot more than most people know. He was a doctor, remember."
She worked fast, tearing sheets for bandages. "That should hold her. For awhile. How long is it going to take us to get out of here?"
"Your father mentioned a radio. Do you know where it's at?"
"No. He never let us see it. He never used it that I know of, but I guess he must have once in a while. We'll have to search the house."
Sherry started to mumble something.
"What's she saying?" asked Rod.
Carrie put her ear close to her sister's mouth. "I think she's saying it's down in the laboratory. Come on, it's this way."
"Wait a second," said Rod. "I want to check on Johnny."
His friend looked pale. He hadn't moved again since Sherry had fallen off the bed. Rod tried not to look at the sickening angle of his leg bone. He wondered if Johnny would ever be able to walk right again.
"Johnny, wake up. Are you all right?"
Johnny made some incoherent noises, but opened his eyes and smiled. "Shit, I told you I was too old for this shit. Next time, I'm staying in the damn city."
Rod looked at Carrie.
"He'll live. Come on. Let's look for that radio."
They broke the lock on the laboratory and walked down the steps. The room was still bathed in the same glow it had when Lucus had been down there. The same blob stared silently from the still flickering screen. Rod let out a low whistle.
"Christ, what was he doing down here?"
"He never would tell us. But there was something he mixed up down here and he'd take it and it would make him crazy. That's what happened tonight."
Rod looked at her. "You've been through this before?"
"Not quite as violent. But yes. All our lives."
They found the radio after a random sampling of buttons on the console slid a small door aside on one of the cabinets. Rod made contact with the nearest ranger station without difficulty and soon had help racing to their rescue.
He looked at Carrie.
"You know, it's just starting for you?"
"I know. Will there be a lot of people and a lot of questions?"
"Tell me about my father. What did he do?"
Rod shook his head. "Later. There'll be lots of time."
He took her hand and they ascended the stairs and went back to wait with the others.