Title (delete as appropriate):
Forename (s):
Susan deLaney Margaret
Date of Birth:
Didn’t you know that it’s not done to ask someone’s age?
Place of Birth:
Sandringham, in the riding stables (Mummy had just been out hunting)
Previous Acting Experience:
I played a bumble-bee at Mrs Darlington’s Academy and then I was a rabbit, and then I was that Blanche Dubois, my most brilliant role, and then that girl in
The Merchant of Venice
. Oh, and Juliet. Except we only did three scenes, because Shakespeare IS a bit long
Special Skills (e.g. riding, juggling):
Oh, loads! Riding, tennis, fly-fishing, yoga, making photo frames, flower arranging, folding napkins into shapes, icing cakes (I did a course, Daddy thought I might go into catering). I’m not much good at typing but I could always pretend. And if you’re filming a movie set in an old English house, I can tell you where the knives and forks go, because you always get it wrong. And the English don’t all wear tweed the whole time. Oh, and WHY are the villains always British??
I can do a brilliant American accent. And French. I can do Welsh but it starts to sound Indian
Are you willing to appear nude?
Are you mad? What would Daddy say? And my husband? Anyway, why do you need anyone to appear nude? When anyone strips off on the screen I start squirming with embarrassment and my husband gets up and says, ‘Who’s for a titchy?’ People in films should
keep their clothes on
. Apart from Captain Jack Sparrow, he can take his off!! (Don’t tell Tarkie I said that.)
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