In this new collection, edited by Peter Matthiessen, a host of brilliant contributors share their thoughts on Rachel Carson’s enduring legacy in the environmental movement. Contributors include Al Gore, John Hay, Freeman House, Linda Lear, Terry Tempest Williams, Edward O. Wilson, and others.
ISBN 13: 978-0-618-87276-3 / ISBN-10: 0-618-87276-0
“Rachel Carson was first and foremost a writer of considerable literary style whose true love was the sea.”
While Rachel Carson is best known for Silent Spring, she had a deep passion for life in the ocean. In pellucid, knowledgeable prose, she transforms seemingly simple plants and animals at the sea’s edge into complex and stunningly beautiful creatures deserving of our compassion, understanding, and finally, protection.
ISBN-13:978-0-395-92496-9 / ISBN-10: 0-395-92496-0