Chapter Ten

Lexi walked out on the porch and into the midday sun. It was warm but not overly hot, yet the sight in front of her sent her temperature soaring.

Lucas and Aidan were working outside the barn, loading carefully packed hay into the back of a bale rack attached to an oversized truck. Their shirts had been flung off at some point, leaving two gloriously hard male bodies on full display. They wore nothing but low-slung Levi’s, boots, and their Stetsons.

She’d gone way too long without sex.

They were so different, much more now than they were before. It had only been a few years since all three of them had been together, but they seemed more mature. Pain in each of their lives had changed them. Aidan was physically changed, but she could see the mental scars, too. She’d glimpsed the naked pain on his face when he’d had to lean on Lucas for balance.

Lexi could have told him that Lucas was the best balance in the world. Lucas thrived on people needing him. Jack had been the first person to really give a damn about Lucas. Lexi had been there that first summer. She’d watched Lucas change from a scared boy to a calm, patient, infinitely strong man.

Why was he so willing to let Aidan back in? Did she love Lucas enough to follow him?

Pain had changed Lexi, too. Had it changed the three of them enough that maybe it could work this time?

Lucas used the bale hooks to hoist the last of the hay onto the rack. His lean muscles rippled in the sunlight. He glanced up and saw her standing there. He took his hat off, his thick, dark hair curling around his ears. A devilish little glint came into his eyes. Aidan walked up close to the back of the rack and secured it. He drew the lock on the rack and turned. Lucas was in his space. Lucas said something to Aidan that had Aidan’s lips curling up and his dimples flashing.

Lucas’s hand came up and trailed down Aidan’s chest. It was a soft touch, the sort Lucas was good at. He always treated her so gently. The way he’d fucked her mouth the night before had been different. Lucas had been fully in command. He’d been rough, and she’d loved it. He’d held her head and forced his cock in and out of her mouth. She had loved looking at the dark expression on his face as he used her. It wasn’t like she wanted to be abused. She wouldn’t allow anyone but Lucas to do that. Lucas loved her. Hell, most of the time Lucas worshipped her. It was safe to submit to Lucas. It was perfectly fine to indulge that part of her sexuality.

And suddenly, with Aidan around, Lucas felt safe to indulge his. It was the only explanation. He’d spanked her and performed scenes with her, but the night before was the first time he’d just let go. Lucas had trusted Aidan to make sure she didn’t get hurt.

She wanted to have sex with Aidan.

Damn it. She’d always known Aidan would be masterful. She’d tried to steer him that way once she’d figured out a little of what she wanted, but Aidan had been very vanilla.

He didn’t look vanilla now.

Aidan leaned forward and whispered something into Lucas’s ear, his big hand cupping Lucas’s waist. Even from here she could see the way Aidan’s cock was pressed against his jeans. And then Lucas turned his head just the slightest bit and their mouths met. It was gentle at first, a little playful whisper of lips on lips. Then Lucas’s tongue came out and traced the line of Aidan’s mouth.

Aidan’s reaction was instant. He grabbed Lucas’s head, his fingers tangling in his hair. He pulled back and mastered Lucas. Aidan was only a few inches taller, but in that moment he towered over Lucas. Their mouths ate at each other. Aidan devoured Lucas like a starving man. It didn’t seem like simple lust to Lexi. There was infinitely more than that. Aidan needed Lucas, and Lucas needed him.

Lucas suddenly broke the kiss and turned to her.

Son of a bitch. Lucas had known what he was doing, and he’d known she couldn’t resist.

“Alexis, in the barn, now. Clothing is not an option.” Aidan was the one who barked the order, but Lucas was the one who smiled. It was the long, slow, satisfied smile of a master manipulator who’d just gotten his way.

Lucas wanted the three of them together, and he would play dirty to get it.

Lucas strode toward the barn after picking up a towel and wiping off his chest. Even that was calculated to show every inch of his gloriously cut torso. “You better obey, Lexi. He’s got the whole barn rigged for play. There’s some fun stuff in there. Of course, there’s also some stuff to torture a little sub who doesn’t mind her Masters. I’d love to use some of it on you. I might submit to our Dom, but don’t you dare forget that I top you, too. So get your pretty ass in that barn.”

Lexi stared as he disappeared inside the weathered barn. Aidan stood watching her. In that moment, he was more timid than Lucas. Though his jaw was square and his shoulders thrown back, she could still see his anxiety. He was expecting rejection. She could hurt him now. Lucas would follow her. She could force Lucas to make the same decision Aidan had foisted on her.

But all that would be was revenge. She could get some revenge on Aidan, but what did that buy her? Some momentary satisfaction? Aidan had been scared and confused when he’d forced her to choose between him and Lucas. Lexi was scared, too, though for different reasons, but she couldn’t hurt Lucas like that. And she didn’t want to.

Aidan’s face fell as he waited. Lucas came back to the door, not quite as sure as he was before.

It was her choice.

Lexi set the notebook down and walked to the barn, her fingers already undoing the buttons on her shirt. “If you think you’re touching me when you’re all sweaty, you’re all kinds of wrong, mister.”

Aidan’s hand came out as she passed him, and she felt a sharp shot to her ass. “That’s Sir, to you.”

She shrugged out of her shirt and unhooked her bra, noting Lucas’s smile and Aidan’s rising interest. “Fine, you should clean up, Sir.”

Aidan followed her inside. “Not going to happen. I’d just get dirty again. Lucas and I will have you just as sweaty as we are in a few minutes. Get your pants off and assume the position.”

For someone who used to be vanilla, he seemed awfully comfortable being bossy now. Maybe this was what she needed. Maybe a few days of submitting to Aidan would prove that she didn’t really need it. She’d only had Lucas as a Dom before, and he’d been very indulgent with her. Maybe she wouldn’t like real D/s.

She tried not to think about how her skin was already humming. She had gone soft and wet. She wouldn’t be able to hide how interested she was. She could be the biggest brat in the world, but the minute one of them shoved a finger up her pussy, they would know it was all an act. So much of what she did on a daily basis was just an act. She moved through life like a walking corpse when Lucas wasn’t around to make her smile. But being with both of them was making her feel.

She kicked off her shoes and pushed the jeans over her hips, snagging her panties as she went. The barn was warm, with soft sunlight filtering in. The whole place was gauzy and strangely romantic. It was filled with hay and equipment, but no animals. Though it was large, it felt intimate with just the three of them inside. Aidan closed the door behind him. Lucas was sitting on a bale of hay, leaning back like the centerfold to some uber-hot cowboy calendar. He had a length of rope in his hand. No comfy, fur-lined cuffs for her this time.

“I believe the Master told you to get on your knees, baby.”

Lexi had never heard as much confidence in Lucas’s voice before. It had her dropping to her knees and spreading them wide. She placed her hands on her thighs and lowered her head. She relaxed. She wanted this. She needed this.

Dark, worn cowboy boots came in to view. Aidan. He stood for a moment looking down at her, and then his boots disappeared. He pulled the band out of her hair, sending her dark tresses tumbling around her shoulders. “Very nice. Someone who didn’t know you might think you were a sweet little sub.”

“She can be, when she wants to.” Lucas’s boots were suddenly close to her knees. They were expensive, though he’d broken them in. His hand tangled in her hair, and he gently forced her head up so she looked him in the eyes. “Are you ready for this, baby? Are you ready to serve two Masters?”

Since her heart was pounding like mad, she figured she probably was. Even if she wasn’t ready for this emotionally, she didn’t think she could stop. “Yes, Sir.”

“Lexi, I want to make love to you and Lucas.” Aidan’s dark brown eyes looked almost black in the soft light. “I want to set the ground rules before we start. I won’t make you do anything we don’t agree to at the beginning.”

He was going to force her to say yes. He couldn’t just take her? No, the bastard Dom had to put all the responsibility on her. She would have greatly preferred he just ordered her to spread her legs. She could have blamed it all on being in subspace.

Lucas knelt down. His hand stroked her cheek and then traced a line from her neck all the way down her torso to her pussy. Lexi held herself very still, though she wanted to force those long fingers to fuck her hard. It had been so long since she’d really had a partner. Lucas couldn’t count because he only gave and, until last night, hadn’t taken anything in return. She wanted her pleasure, but she needed to please, too.

A single finger slid through her pussy, parting her labia and wiggling all around. Lexi could feel the cream coating her pussy. Lucas’s finger teased her for a moment and then was gone. She let a little whimper escape her lips.

Lucas stood and held his hand up. “Well, she might not be willing to admit it, but her pussy is plain and open about what she wants.”

Aidan moved beside him, his eyes staring at Lucas’s cream-coated fingers. “It could all be about you. She loves you.”

“A fact I am grateful for every day, but I know my girl. She’s a dirty little thing, and I wouldn’t have her any other way. She’s thinking of two hard cocks right now.”

That was the problem. She wasn’t thinking of two hard cocks. She was thinking of Lucas and Aidan. She was thinking about their hands on her, their tongues lavishing affection, their bodies worshipping hers. She was thinking of them, not some random and faceless lovers.

Lucas licked his fingers, the image sending a shiver of desire through her.

Aidan stared into her eyes. “I need a response, Lexi. Unlike Lucas, I don’t have a telepathic link to your pussy.”

“I wouldn’t mind a little sex,” she managed to say. She didn’t have to admit anything beyond that. She wasn’t going to lie down and beg him to love her. Begging didn’t work with Aidan.

“I said I want to make love to you, Lexi. That’s what this is for me. This is coming home. I want to come home, angel.”

“Aidan, all I can promise you is sex. I want to fuck you out of my system.” That was as honest as she intended to get. She really meant it. She was self-aware enough to know that he still moved her. She wanted to be indifferent to him. She just needed to prove that it hadn’t been as good as she remembered. And she definitely wanted to banish the idea that the three of them together would have been perfect.

Aidan fell to one knee, his eyes hardening. His hand went around the nape of her neck, pulling her forward. “I have no intention of allowing that to happen. You won’t get rid of me. I love you. I love Lucas. I will say it until you believe it. For now, if sex is what you want, then I will give it to you. But you’re going to please your Masters before you get anything for yourself, you bratty little sub. Tell me something, did you do your work?”

She’d sat and stared at that notebook for the longest time. It had been strangely peaceful to sit on the front porch, cup of coffee in one hand, pen in the other. The morning had been warm and quiet. Every now and then Ike had thumped his stubby tail. And finally, finally she’d written. Just a page and a half. She wasn’t sure where it was going, if it was going anywhere at all. Just the beginning of a small town story. It had felt so good to write again, to let her mind roam without limits.

“I did.”

Lucas’s face lost its masterful look, and softened. “Really? That’s great, baby.”

Aidan looked far too satisfied. “Good, then we can forgo the violet wand.”

Lexi felt her eyes widen. “What? You were going to use a fucking violet wand on me?”

Lucas’s mouth slid right back to decadence. “The Master is into all kinds of play, baby. Julian taught him well. He has a TENS unit he wants to attach to your pink parts. I would be a very, very good girl if I was you.”

“You behave too, Lucas,” Aidan interjected. “I can strap that to your cock.”

The look on Lucas’s face let Lexi know he just might misbehave. “I’ll take that under consideration, Sir. And she cursed. I didn’t think that was allowed.”

“It’s not. Hands and knees, angel. Count of ten.”

A certain sense of trepidation filled her system. It did absolutely nothing to quell her desire. If anything, she was tightening in anticipation. She’d always known what to expect with Lucas. She’d always been able to manipulate him. She got the feeling Aidan wasn’t going to play that way.

She moved forward, the hard wood of the barn floor biting into her knees. She let her hands find the floor and tried not to sway.

Aidan’s hand found her hair. He stroked her as he spoke. “We’re going to explore, Lexi. You have your safe word, and you can use it if you need to, but I will push your boundaries. I’ll push Lucas’s, too. Today is about you, though. Today, Lucas and I intend to play with our little sub. And Lexi, if you curse again, I will get out the wand. Have you used it before?”

“No.” She’d stayed away from it. She’d planned to stay away from violet wands forever, but it looked like she’d get acquainted with them in the future. She doubted she’d be able to be good for long.

“I’ve tried it. Julian forces all of his Doms to try the toys. He won’t allow himself or anyone he trains to use something when they don’t know how it feels.” Aidan’s hand trailed down her back, lighting up her skin everywhere he touched. “The wand is very diverse. It can feel like bubbles on your skin. Imagine that. I could tease it against your pussy and your asshole. You would shiver and beg for some more. I could move the setting up when you’re bad. It cracks against your skin, like holding a firecracker in your hand. I won’t ever take it too high. It’s intense when it’s high. It feels like you’re being cut, but it doesn’t leave a wound. You have to trust me. I’ll punish you when you need it, but I won’t ever hurt you, Lexi. Never again.”

Lucas didn’t seem interested in that. “Don’t pull that shit with me, Aidan. I want to try it all.”

Aidan chuckled. “Yes, you’re my masochist, aren’t you, Lucas? You’ll push me hard.”

“Fuck yeah, I will.”

Lexi brought her head up, unwilling to let that pass. “Could I point out that Lucas is cussing like a sailor?”

There was a sharp slap to her ass. “And ten more for questioning us. Lucas isn’t subbing today. Lucas is topping you. And now he owes you ten.”

She felt the floor shudder a little as Lucas fell to his knees. “Thank you, baby. I’ve been wanting to spank this hot ass for days. I didn’t get to last night.”

“You don’t get to complain about that, Lucas,” Aidan said. “You were too busy shoving your cock in her mouth.”

“Oh, and that was heaven. But I did miss this.” Lucas brought his hand down on her right cheek.

“And I miss her mouth sucking at me.” Aidan’s hand slapped her left cheek.

Lexi wanted to scream. They were making her crazy with their hands and their hot words. More than that, she was with them. She didn’t have to fight. She could savor the sensations of being with these two men.

They spanked her, alternating turns. All the while, they talked about her. They talked about how beautiful she was and how they couldn’t wait to fuck her. They talked about how her ass looked all sweet and pink. They slapped and spanked and discussed all the ways they could torture her when she was bad. Aidan wanted to use a whip, but Lucas preferred the crop.

The pain sank into her skin, lighting her every nerve. The words rolled over her, making her feel lovely and desired. Over and over, the spanks came. She lost count, trusting them to stop when the time was right. Instead, she just felt. The slaps rained down on her backside. They struck her ass and thighs. She heard Aidan say fifteen and then felt his hand on her back.

“Get down, Lexi. I need that ass higher.” Aidan’s voice had gone deep and lost some of its smoothness.

Lexi leaned forward, folding her hands together and resting on her elbows. Her ass ached, but she wanted whatever they were going to give her.

One of them had a hand on the small of her back.

“That’s gorgeous,” Lucas said.

“So fucking pink and perfect,” Aidan replied.

“I think she likes her spanking,” Lucas continued. Now Lexi sighed because a thick finger teased into her cunt. She couldn’t help but clench, trying to keep it in, but the playful digit was too fast. “God, I love the way she tastes.”

“Hey, you’ve already had a taste. Give that to me.”

Lexi craned her neck to catch the barest glimpse of Lucas’s fingers disappearing into Aidan’s mouth. His tongue came out, lapping up the cream of her arousal.

“Eyes front, sub.” Another slap from Lucas.

Lexi obediently complied. She might not be looking, but she doubted she could get the sight out of her brain. Aidan and Lucas were beautiful together. Aidan was all big, burly alpha male while Lucas was just fucking gorgeous. Lucas was a decadent dream.

“We still owe her five, Sir.”

“Yes, we do.” There was a moment’s pause and then a smack.

“Oh, god.” Lexi groaned and shook as they slapped at her pussy. It stung and then warmed her already overheated flesh. She wiggled her ass trying to get them to do it again. In quick succession, they gave her four more slaps, each one sending her closer and closer to the edge. She felt something building inside, but just as she thought she would burst, Aidan spoke again.

“Twenty. Now she’s really creamy and ready to go. I think we should move on. She’s far too free to move around the way she is now. I’d like her tied down. Pick her up and move her to the rack.”

Before she could protest, Lucas had his arms around her waist, lifting her up. He swung her into his arms and moved toward a big wooden table she’d thought was a work bench. Now she could see the hooks that had been drilled into it. From each of the four hooks there was a length of rope attached.

“Relax, baby,” Lucas said as he placed her on the rack. “The hard part is over. You’ll pleasure your Masters, and then we will be happy to please you. Obey, and I promise there isn’t a thing we won’t do to make you come.”

Lexi laid back, content to allow Lucas to move her limbs into position. Her ass still stung, but the ache in her pussy was far worse.

“Leave her legs untied,” Aidan ordered.

Lexi looked up, and Aidan was standing over her, watching as Lucas tied the knots. Aidan had shed his jeans. His body was hard all over. Every muscle glistened with sweat, but it didn’t bother her now. She was far too busy looking at his cock. It stood out from his core. His hand lazily stroked up and down as he watched Lucas prepare her.

Aidan had been able to fuck forever when they were engaged. He would just thrust in and out like he didn’t have a care in the world. He would fuck her until she’d come so many times she couldn’t remember anymore, and only when she told him she was sore would he sigh and pick up the pace and finally let his cum flow.

She felt Lucas tighten the rope. Lucas. He could play with her for hours. He was so patient and willing to deny his own pleasure.

“I missed you.” Aidan was so serious as he looked down at her. He stroked a hand through her hair.

“I don’t want this, Aidan. I’ll take the sex, but I don’t want to talk about this.” She couldn’t go there with him. Not yet. Maybe never.

He nodded his head, but the light in his eyes had dimmed. “Then I’ll show you. I’ll show you how much I’ve missed you both.”

Aidan leaned over and took her mouth. There was nothing tender about his kiss. He possessed her. His lips molded hers, forcing them open, and his tongue invaded. He surrounded her with his taste and feel and smell. He was overwhelmingly masculine.

Lexi shivered with desire when she felt a hot mouth on her breast. Lucas. While Aidan’s tongue danced against hers, Lucas pulled a nipple into his mouth and began to suckle.

“You’re going to give us everything,” Aidan said when he came up for air.

She looked up at his face, his handsome, scarred face, and worried that he was right.

* * *

Lucas pulled that perfect pink nipple between his lips as Aidan spoke. He wasn’t so sure that Lexi would give them everything. She was stubborn, his girl, but damn he wanted it all. Lexi felt heavenly under his hand. He stroked her perfectly soft skin as he curled his tongue around her nipple and sucked. He wanted Lexi, and he wanted Aidan. His girl and his guy. Well, his father always told him he had unrealistic expectations.

He banished that thought. He hadn’t gotten anywhere listening to his politician father. Now Jack was a different story. Listening to Jack had gotten him a good job and Lexi. Listening to Jack was going to get him Aidan, too.

Lucas had known what he was doing when he’d gotten close to Aidan and pulled their bodies together. He’d seen Lexi walk out, and her eyes had been as wide as saucers as she’d looked at them. It had been a simple thing to lean in and explain to Aidan that they had a peeping Lexi who just might like a show.

It had been an excuse. Lucas had wanted that kiss. He’d denied himself for so long that he couldn’t go on without it. And it had been wonderful. A kiss from Aidan when he wasn’t tipsy or seized with lust.

“Lucas, I want to watch. Take her pussy.”

Now Lucas was the one who was seized with lust. He’d avoided fully making love to Lexi because the time wasn’t right, because he wasn’t sure she would stay, and he couldn’t live without her. Since the moment he’d seen her, she’d been the sun in his sky. He’d been orbiting around her. She was tough and kind. She had a heart that was as big as he’d ever seen, and she hid it behind a sarcastic exterior because life had kicked the shit out of her more than once. She was his haven.

It was time to be with her.

His cock hardened painfully.

“Lucas,” she whispered his name.

Aidan leaned over the table, his face close to hers. He placed kisses all over her cheek and neck.

Lucas dragged himself off her breast. He stood and looked down at Lexi. Her bright blue eyes shone up at him. She was beautiful, with porcelain skin and raven dark hair, but beyond that he saw the young woman who had befriended him despite his past. She’d opened her heart when he needed kindness so badly. She’d taught him how to love. He couldn’t, wouldn’t fail her.

“I love you, baby. I loved you yesterday. I love you today. I’ll love you after we’re both gone from this earth.” It was his first time making love with her. He wouldn’t change it into something less. He wouldn’t play a game. He turned to Aidan. “We should do this later. I can’t play a game the first time.”

Aidan kissed Lexi’s cheek one last time and straightened up. Aidan took Lucas’s face in his hand, surrounding Lucas with his rough warmth. “No more games. That first night in Austin I should have let you have her, but I was selfish. I want to give you this, Lucas. I want to be here when the two people I love the most finally get to be together.”

“Lucas, please,” Lexi said, watching them. There was a watery gleam in her eyes. “I need you. I’ve always needed you.”

Lucas leaned forward, pressing his lips briefly to Aidan’s before turning back to his girl. “Do you want me to untie you?”

She frowned. “Don’t you dare. This isn’t a game, Lucas. I want this. I want this life with you. I want to submit to you. You better take me up on this, babe. I seriously doubt I’ll be compliant anywhere but the bedroom, or barn, or wherever you happen to tie me up.”

Just one of the reasons he loved her. He kissed her, letting his tongue have its way. He wouldn’t have wanted her as badly if she hadn’t been difficult. She was smart and funny and creative. She was his.

Lucas kissed his way down her body. He loved her touch, her sweet scent, the taste of her skin. He nipped at her breasts and tongued her navel. By the time he made his way to her plump pussy, she was writhing.

“Lucas, do it now.” Lexi didn’t sound terribly submissive.

He chuckled against her flesh. Her clit was poking out of its hood, practically begging him. “I like to take my time, baby. You know I never rush things.”

Not anymore. He used to rush things, but he’d learned the power of patience.

“You’re going to kill me, Lucas.”

Lucas breathed in her arousal and took a long, slow swipe. She tasted sweet and savory all at once. She was a treat, and he indulged in her. He licked and sucked, spearing his tongue into her cunt, imitating what his cock was going to do. He pulled her labia gently apart so he didn’t miss an inch. He traced a line from just below her clit all the way to that tight asshole he intended to fuck one day. He licked her there, and Lexi squirmed.

“You stop, Lexi,” Aidan commanded. “You behave or I’ll spank you, and Lucas will have to start all over again.”

“Please,” Lexi cried. “Please don’t stop.”

That was where Lucas wanted her. He wanted her begging for his cock, because Lexi begging meant something. She wouldn’t beg for just an orgasm. She had to be involved soul deep to truly submit.

Aidan’s voice softened, but only a little. “Then calm down and let Lucas have his way.”

Lexi stilled, though her pussy was weeping and clenching. Lucas looked up, and Aidan was staring as he stroked Lexi’s hair. A look of longing crossed his face as he watched Lucas lavish affection on Lexi.

How long was he going to pretend with Aidan? It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since Aidan had walked back into their lives, but Lucas was ready to throw his stupid heart at the man. How long before he gave up? Lucas had been offering his heart since he was a kid, and only Lexi had ever stayed. How many times did he need to get his heart stomped on?

“Come down here, Sir. Help me send her to heaven.”

Aidan was beside him in a heartbeat, his head leaning over. Aidan touched their foreheads together, the contact sweet and gracious.

How many times would he try? Lucas would try until he had what he and Lexi needed. Lucas understood why Aidan ran. He’d been afraid. Accepting oneself was hard and frightening when it meant giving up so much. Aidan had been afraid of losing his family, his community. He was back, and he wasn’t afraid anymore. Now Lexi was the one who was afraid.

Lucas bent down and lapped at her pussy, Aidan’s head joining him. Their tongues played in the heated pool of her cunt. Every now and then they would slide together, exchanging her taste. Lucas’s cock was begging, but he had a point to prove.

Aidan speared his tongue into her cunt, and Lucas finally gave in to her little cries. He sucked her clit between his teeth, and Lexi screamed.

Aidan lapped, his tongue licking up all that cream. Lucas was done being patient. He fished into his jeans and pulled out the condom he’d put in there when he’d dressed. Lucas watched Aidan rubbing his nose in Lexi’s pussy as he kicked off his boots and jeans. His cock bobbed up and down. It was so hard it was painful, but relief lay there on that hard rack. She was glorious with her hands tied, her body helpless against their assault. Lucas rolled the condom over his dick and prayed he lasted more than a stroke or two.

“Get up, Aidan.”

Aidan’s head came up, and Lucas watched the Dom in Aidan threaten to take charge. Aidan’s whole body tensed, and an icy glare came over his dark eyes.

Lucas didn’t have time for a fight. “Spank me later, Sir. I’m going to fuck her now.”

The Dom fled, Aidan’s expression softening. He hopped off the table and kissed Lucas gently. “All right. Thank you, Lucas.”

Lucas hugged his partner, because he couldn’t think of Aidan as anything less. He would have to find a way to convince Lexi to forgive Aidan and leave the past behind. His cock bobbed against Aidan’s. Oh, he wanted that, too. He wanted to fuck Lexi while Aidan screwed his ass. He wanted it all.

But now he needed Lexi.

He climbed onto the table and spread her wide.

“Oh, Lucas,” she whispered. “I love you, Lucas.”

Tears pricked at the back of his eyes because he’d waited so long to hear those words. “Forever, baby.”

He lined his cock up and started to thrust.

“God, Lexi, you’re so tight. So fucking tight.” Lucas heard himself groan. She clenched around him. She felt so good. His balls were already drawing up. He pressed forward.

“I’ve only had one lover, Lucas. I’ll only have two in my life, I swear.” Those dark blue eyes were filled with tears.

He’d had so many he couldn’t count them, but she’d had Aidan, and now him. It was a gift. He pressed forward, but he was in control now. He had to make it good for Lexi. Lucas leaned down and kissed her, savoring their connection, mind, body, soul. She was a part of him. The best part.

“You’ll never regret it,” Lucas promised.

He worked his way in. She hadn’t had a lover since Aidan, and that was years before. Since then, Lucas had been her intimate connection, and he’d been careful. He’d used a vibe on her, but he was bigger than the one he’d bought for her. He pressed in until he was finally all the way in his love.

Lucas felt a hand on his back. Aidan. He smiled at the joy in his heart. They weren’t home yet, but they were together.

Lucas pulled back and plunged in. He thrust into Lexi, over and over. The feel of being inside her was overwhelming. Lucas ground his pelvis against hers as he pushed up. He might have had an enormous amount of meaningless sex with men and women, but it had taught him how to please a lover. It was all worth it if it brought Lexi joy. He pushed his cock deep as he ground against her clit, and Lexi’s whole body tensed and shuddered.

“Oh, Lucas!” She shouted his name over and over.

And he was gone. She tensed around his cock, squeezing him tight and his balls shot off. Pleasure coursed through his veins as he gave up his cum.

“Fuck.” Aidan was beside him. Aidan’s cock strained, and his hand stroked helplessly.

Lucas moaned as he continued to thrust, wanting to get out every last drop. But he wanted something more, too. “Shoot it on her breasts. I want to see you come.”

“Give it to me, Aidan,” Lexi said, her voice a throaty groan. “You know you can get it back up. I want you both. One in my ass. One in my pussy.”

“Oh, god.” Aidan’s hand pumped up and down his huge cock. Lucas kept up his connection with Lexi, stroking into her as he came down. She shuddered every time he hit her clit. Aidan’s cock throbbed in his hands. It was huge and thick. Aidan pumped, cream pulsing from the slit. Lucas remembered what he tasted like. Salty and masculine. He’d loved deep-throating that cock.

Aidan’s head fell back, and he jetted cum on Lexi’s round breasts. Lexi’s eyes watched that cock as it gave up its cream. She was coated in it, her nipples covered in pearly fluid.

Lucas felt his cock swell again. Lexi just might get her wish.

Aidan pumped his cock for the longest time. His head fell forward, and he panted for breath.

Lucas slipped out of Lexi’s pussy. He leaned down, pressing his chest to hers. He loved the fact that Aidan’s cum was slick between them. He kissed her, a deep sense of satisfaction and belonging coursing through his system.

“I love you, baby. You won’t get me off you now.”

She grinned against his lips. “Never.”

Lucas turned to smile up at Aidan, but he was staring at the door, his eyes widening.

“What the hell is this?” a feminine voice shouted as the light of day spilled into the playroom.

The blonde from last night stood in the doorway, her mouth open in horror. But that wasn’t the worst of it. She’d brought a friend or two. Lucas quickly cupped himself and dove for his pants.

“Is that who I think it is?” Lexi asked, trying to crane her head around.

Lucas looked at his Dom. He couldn’t help but laugh a little. His Dom was in some serious trouble.

“Alexis Ann Moore. What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” Abigail Barnes asked.

Lexi flushed a pretty red. “Hi, Mom.”
