Chapter Seventeen:

Leo, Shelley, and Wolf

Wolf looked around the bar, hoping to catch sight of his fiancée. He needed to find her, hold her, reassure himself that the whole freaking world hadn’t upended.

Some bastard out there had used him to torture his mother. He’d put a good face on with Mel and Leo, but he fully intended to have a nice discussion with his “father.”

God, his father had hit his ma and Leo. If his mother hadn’t found the strength, they might have grown up very differently.

He remembered all the times some asshole in his class had told him he took after his ma. It was their way of telling him he was crazy and an outcast, but he was never more proud to take after his mother than he was tonight.

Even if she was wearing a headdress made of beets. She looked like the vegetable version of Carmen Miranda. He wasn’t even sure how that thing was staying on her head. She turned from the table she was at, a bright smile on her face. “Wolfgang.”

God, no one in Dallas ever called him Wolfgang, and he kind of liked it that way. Still, he forced a smile on his face. “Hi, Ma. Looks like we’re getting set. Isn’t this a whole lot of ceremony for one little drink?”

God, he prayed it was one little drink. Just one. Shelley might run if there was a tumbler involved.

His ma shook her head. “It’s so much more, Wolfgang. Shelley’s agreed to make her pledge tonight.”

“There’s a pledge?”

“Of course.”

Well, naturally. “Ma, I’m going to ask you to go easy on Shell. Please.”

“No need, babe.” An arm wound around his waist, and she was suddenly at his side.

He practically sighed. He hated being away from her, and he’d been away far too often lately. He pulled her close, reveling in how soft she felt against him. “Hey, baby.”

She tilted her face up, offering those gorgeous lips of hers. “Kiss me hello.”

He wasn’t going to refuse that offer. He bent down, covering her lips with his, his tongue delving briefly inside her mouth. “Hello.”

She smiled up at him, a peace to her expression he hadn’t seen in a while. She’d been a little manic lately, but now she was relaxed. “Your momma and I spent the afternoon going over my pledge so don’t you interrupt us tonight.”

“Shelley was real sweet. She helped us make the decorations and everything. Wolfgang, you got a real good girl there.” His ma looked at Shelley like she was a shining light in the darkness.

Wolf’s heart damn near skipped a beat. This was not what he’d expected.

“Well, this is a special day, Ma.” There was a little quiver to Shelley’s voice that told him she was emotional. In a good way.

What the fuck had happened? For the first time, he wondered if aliens had taken his sweet baby and replaced her with a pod person.

“It certainly is.” His ma gave Shelley a quick hug. “This should all be ready in an hour or so.”

She turned back and went about her work with an energy he hadn’t seen from her in a long time.

Wolf looked down at Shelley, his eyes a little wide. He couldn’t talk to her here. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Leo walking in the door and waved him over. The place was starting to get packed. He saw Logan, Seth, and Georgia in a back booth laughing with Gemma, Jesse, and Cade. Laura was talking to Cam, but Rafe didn’t seem to be with them. God, he hoped that went all right. He really liked Laura and couldn’t stand the thought that one of her men might leave. The Circle G contingent was in full force. Shelley’s brother, Trev, had a cup of coffee in one hand, his other arm slung around his pretty wife, Beth. She sat in between him and Bo O’Malley. They were having an animated discussion with Jamie, Hope, and Noah. His boss was standing in the back, watching Dani and Finn on the dance floor, a little smile on his face.

Even Kitten had shown up with her brand new Dom, Cole Roberts, who owned the ski lodge. She was vibrant in a lovely baby-blue dress and high heels, but he could tell they were still awkward with each other. While Kitten laughed with some of the Dallas girls, Cole held himself back.

It wasn’t all hugs and kisses though, Wolf noted. Aidan and Lucas were sitting with the Circle G crowd, but Wolf didn’t see Lexi anywhere.

And then there was Michael McMahon. Why the hell the former US Marshal was here he had no idea. He was sipping a beer and he seemed to utterly ignore everything that went on around him with one exception. His eyes were like lasers on Lucy, the pretty brunette waitress. Well, he stared at her until she actually tried to get his attention and then he pretended to ignore her.

But then she was ignoring Tyler Davis so it kind of served her right. That was an interesting threesome.

“Hey, why is Ma wearing a vegetable garden on her head?” Leo asked as he walked up, pulling Wolf out of the Trio soap opera happening in front of him.

“She’s a Priestess of the Beet,” Shelley informed him. “It’s very important. If I ever want to become one, I have to take it seriously. No beet tablets for the Priestess. She told me beet tablets could be easily manipulated. It’s where she and Mel diverge. They had a long argument over it. She thinks he might have been brainwashed at his last probing. He claims she’s crazy. Like he should say that. And then they made out for a long time. It’s all very complex.”

Wolf forgot about everyone else and decided to concentrate on the changes that had come over his bride-to-be. The last thing he wanted to think about was beets and his ma making out. “We all need to talk.”

He took Shelley’s hand and started to lead her toward the back, behind the bar. There was a kitchen and freezer and tons of closet space at the back of Trio. Wolf had taken bartending shifts when he’d first come home. He knew exactly where to go to get away from all the noise and hubbub.

“Where are we going?” Shelley asked.

“Someplace where I can hear myself think.” Once he got her behind the bar, they could talk without shouting. He pulled her along and Leo followed.

He walked them past the bar. No one was standing behind it. Lucy passed them with a tray full of drinks, and Alexei stepped into the back. Wolf led Shelley into the dark recesses of the bar.

“What the hell happened tonight?” The last time he’d talked to her, she was so pissed at his ma she couldn’t speak.

Shelley turned into his body, her hand coming up to cover his chest. “Tonight? Not a lot. I helped your mom out. I drove her here. Her car needs a tune-up by the way.”

“You drove Ma?” Leo asked.

At least someone got it. “She and Ma seem real tight all of a sudden.”

Shelley’s laugh rang in his ears. “Well, we are now. I finally figured your ma out. I think we’ll get along really well. Your mother is a great lady.”

“Did she feed you some of Mel’s tonic?” Leo asked, his eyes searching her face.

Shelley huffed a little. “No. No, I just found a few things out about her, about what she went through. I met your dad today.”

Wolf’s heart clenched. “He came after you?”

Leo turned her toward him. “What the fuck did the bastard do?”

Shelley didn’t seem at all fazed by his and Leo’s freaked-out anger. She simply smiled and ran a hand along Leo’s chest, leaning her body back toward Wolf. “We just had a talk and it pointed out a few things to me. He tried his damnedest to scare me, but I just took a couple of shots at him and he ran away.”

Shelley had taken a shot at him? “With what? You barely managed to shoot my gun.”

“You shot him?” Leo asked, but there was a little pride in the question.

“I didn’t shoot him.” Shelley leaned over and ran her nose along Leo’s neck. She turned and her hands found Wolf’s waist. “He came to me at the Talbot estate this afternoon. I listened to his very disgusting rant and then I went inside, ostensibly to get him a check for ten grand. I went in the house and found Rachel Harper and she loaned me her revolver. I made sure the asshole won’t ever come near my mother-in-law again. If he comes anywhere close to Cassidy, I swear I will shoot off his balls. It might take me two or three tries because I’m a horrible shot, but I’ll make it happen.”

Wolf brought his hand to her face. “He threatened you?”

Sweet brown eyes rolled. “Like he really could. He told me he would go to Julian and tell him about you and Leo’s past. He has a deeply mistaken impression of Julian. He thinks he’s some high-society drone who would be horrified to find out that his bodyguard had a bio dad who spent time in jail.”

Leo snorted. “Julian knows everything. Julian knew more than we knew. If that fucker had gone to Julian, he would be six feet under now.”

“I thought so, too, but I wanted him to be afraid of me.” Shelley got on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I wanted to make sure he never got anywhere close to your momma.”

His skin was lighting up everywhere she touched him. He had to wait until tomorrow night? It seemed like forever since he’d sank his dick inside her, found his home. “You tried to protect her for us?”

Shelley shook her head. “No. I protected her because she’s going to be my mother tomorrow. My mom died. The only other mother I intend to have is Cassidy Meyer. And what I discovered about her today is that she’s brave and strong and she is going to make one hell of a grandma if you two want her to be.”

Leo moved in, not willing to go along with the seductive little explanation Shelley was playing with. He had to be an impatient asshole. “Shelley, what happened today? Tell me right now.”

Shelley didn’t seem to be deeply worried about his gruff tone. She pulled at Leo’s shirt as she backed up past the kitchen. “I told you. I shot at the bad guy. He peed himself and ran away.”

“I got that. I meant with Ma.”

Shelley stopped and seemed to get serious for a moment. “I realized we have a lot in common, Cassidy and I. We both picked crappy first husbands. We both got into horrible relationships that should have made us unwilling to ever try to love again. And we both survived and we both found great guys who love us. She did an amazing job raising the two of you. If she managed to be a great mom after everything she went through, then maybe I can be, too.”

Wolf got behind Shelley, wrapping his arms around her. “Baby, you’ll be a wonderful mom. How can you even question it?”

Leo’s hands moved, cupping her face. “Is this what’s been worrying you?”

“I thought it was the wedding.” Had she been stressed about babies? He’d known she was worried, but he’d thought it was the stress that came with getting married.

Shelley nodded. “Sort of. I guess it’s been a worry in the back of my mind. I know I said I wanted babies, but I’ve been afraid that maybe I didn’t deserve them. And I’m definitely afraid that you don’t want them, Leo.”

Leo didn’t ever want kids? He hadn’t heard that. How could that be possible? “Leo?”

Leo’s head shook. “Hey, that was before we got engaged. And yes, it had a lot to do with my dad. I still remember him a little. I remember how rough he was on Ma, how nasty he could be with me. I guess I’ve been afraid I might be a little like my dad, but that’s bullshit. I didn’t learn anything from that man except what not to do. My mother taught me everything. And watching Julian and Jack has made me think I could handle it. And I know Wolf can. He’s practically my momma right now.”

Wolf sent his brother his happy middle finger. “Fuck you, brother. I just make sure you have lunch. You forget it half the time. And I could say you’re practically my maid, and a nagging one at that.”

Leo shuddered a little. “Well, you could pick up your clothes every now and then.”

“No, I can’t. The minute they hit the floor, you’re diving to catch them and then bitching at me about what a slob I am.” He totally wasn’t. Not much. Maybe just a little. Leo had an obsessive-compulsive need to see every inch of the floor at all times.

Shelley put a hand on both their chests. “Both of you, stop.”

And they did because Shelley was kind of sort of the boss of them no matter how sweetly she submitted in the bedroom.

She smiled, a sexy little smile that had her lips curving up. “So we’re all in agreement about the babies thing?”

He’d never known they weren’t. “I want lots of babies.”

“I want babies that look like Shelley,” Leo said, his face softening.

Shelley turned her head, looking between them both. “You know I thought it was weird that neither one of you looks a thing like your father.”

Wolf shrugged. He was happy about that. “Guess we took after Ma’s side.”

“Nope. I spent the afternoon looking through pictures of Cassidy’s family while we played with beets. They’re all small. She said Robert’s people were, too.”

Leo sighed. “We’re not aliens, Shell.”

Oh, god, had his mother gotten to Shelley? “No alien DNA here.”

She shrugged a little, a teasing smile on her lips. “I don’t know. You seem smarter and faster and more agile than the normal human. And hey, I wouldn’t mind if my kids got an edge because their dads had some freaky genetics.”

She laughed and threw her arms around Leo, kissing him soundly. She turned and gave Wolf the same treatment.

He could actually see several play scenarios where being half-alien might be fun.

“Hey, I have about thirty minutes before I have to drink beet juice. Why don’t we have one last crazy fling before we’re boring old married people?” Shelley asked, a glint in her eye.

Wolf knew just the place. “There’s a big closet in the back where Zane keeps the dry goods.”

He started to lead them back, finding the door and hauling them all in. He shut the door and turned on the small light. Thank god Lucy, Zane’s waitress, was as obsessively, compulsively clean as his brother. The storage room was pin neat and had just enough space for what he needed to do.

“Shouldn’t we turn the lights off?” Shelley asked.

Leo just stared at her. “Shouldn’t you take your clothes off?”

Yep, he was already in Dom mode. That was plain to see. “Hurry, baby. He’ll spend all his time spanking you and then we won’t get to the part where I feel some small amount of relief for my aching dick.”

It was only the truth. He’d been hard for days. Well, the whole sweat lodge thing had actually been a blessing since his cock had shriveled up at the thought of being alone in a sweaty, naked place with his brother and de facto stepfather, and his stepfather had been talking sex. It had been damn funny until he got a picture of it in his head. He was actually happy now that he was hard again. For a couple of minutes, he thought his cock might be dead.

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Shelley pulled the tie on her wrap dress and was handing it to Leo in no time at all. Her gorgeous curves were on full display in a sexy black bra and some killer heels. No panties. His girl had learned that lesson long ago.

Leo sighed, his hand covering her shoulders and sliding down to her breasts. “Do you have any idea how much we’ve missed these breasts?”

Wolf flicked the back clasp of her bra, because the situation was far too desperate for a ton of playtime. His brother liked to warm up, but Wolf was already on fire. “We sat around drinking beer last night and moaning about how long it had been since we’ve seen you naked, baby.”

A little shake in Leo’s voice gave away the fact that he was just as on edge. “It’s been eight days, thirteen hours, and twenty-four minutes.”

Shelley’s head fell back against Wolf’s shoulder as she laughed. “Well, you two certainly know how to make a girl feel wanted. Don’t waste another minute. It’s been that long since I saw you naked, too.”

The closet was too small, but Wolf managed to get out of his clothes really damn fast.

Leo shrugged out of his shirt, but put Shelley’s hands on the fly of his jeans. “Take me out.”

Damn, why hadn’t he thought of that. “Me, too.”

Shelley grinned as she got to her knees. “You’re already out, Wolf.”

He was. His cock was already pointed straight at her, pulsing and desperate. He couldn’t help it. He was tuned in to her. She was his wife. They were as alone as they ever got and she was naked. His cock wasn’t as patient as Leo’s.

She unzipped Leo’s jeans, drawing his cock out and lowering her head for a little kiss. Wolf’s cock strained, waiting for its turn. Shelley put a hand on him, firmly pumping his cock as she kissed Leo’s.

Wolf let his eyes drift closed. This was where he’d needed to be for days. He’d needed to have her hands and mouth on him. He’d needed to remind himself that she’d chosen him and he had the family he wanted.

He looked down when he felt the heat of her mouth start to envelop his cockhead. Already he could feel a pulse of pre-cum wetting the tip.

Leo put his hands on her head, pulling her dark head back. “Suck him, baby. Suck him hard. We don’t have a ton of time before you have to prove you’re not an alien queen, so prove to us that you’re our queen.”

She was. And she was damn fine at giving head. Her gorgeous lips slid down his dick, encasing him in spine-melting pleasure. Over and over she sucked at him, one hand coming up to play with his balls while her breasts jiggled and got him even hotter.

“That’s perfect, baby. Take me deeper.”

She obliged, opening her jaw and letting her tongue whirl over his cock.

Pleasure threatened to overtake him, but he stared down at her. Her eyes were up, watching him, too. Another connection. He watched as her mouth sucked his cock deep and then she pulled back almost to the tip before starting the journey again.

“Don’t come, Wolf.” Leo was on his knees behind her, one hand holding her hair while the other played with her breasts, tweaking the nipples. Leo pulled on them and Shelley groaned around Wolf’s cock. The sound sent vibrations all over his skin.

His brother was so fucking bossy. “Dude, I don’t think we can double-team her in here.”

Not unless he wanted to get far too close to Zane’s stash of paper towels. This was really more of a quickie-type situation.

“I don’t think I’m that flexible, guys,” Shelley said, coming off his cock.

A sharp slap sounded through the room. Shelley gasped, but Leo just frowned. “Did I tell you to stop sucking? We might be in a storage closet, but I’m still the Dom, sweetheart.”

Wolf was going to protest, but he just shuddered as Shelley started in on his cock again. “So why can’t I have my happy ending hummer?”

“Because how are you supposed to get a baby up in her? Maybe I should have let Mel explain the birds and the bees to you. See, it only looks like the baby is in a mother’s belly. Let’s talk about the uterus.”

Fuck. He almost came at the thought. He had to step away, his cock popping out of her mouth. Because now he so didn’t want her mouth.

“I would like to point out that I didn’t stop. Wolf did. Are you going to spank him, too?” Shelley asked.

Leo twisted her nipples between his fingers. “I’ll have you tied up and begging me, brat. But not right now. Right now we should all be thinking about the fact that I don’t have a condom on me, and I’m betting Wolf doesn’t either. We packed them all for the honeymoon, but I think we could better use that luggage space.”

Shelley turned to him. “Are you sure?”

Leo nodded. “Yeah, I’m not getting any younger. And neither is Ma. I want her to see her grandkids. Coming home, it’s meant a lot to me. I also think I could work a raise out of it. Ben and Chase haven’t gotten Nat pregnant yet. We need to beat them.”

His brother was a competitor to the end. “We can crush them. Our sperm can beat their sperm’s ass. Besides I think after all the tonic he drank today, Ben’s sperm might be brain dead.”

“Another thing to thank Mel for.”

Shelley stood up. “Hey, no one asked me if I want to pit my womb against Nat’s.”

There was a little smile on her face. God, how could he look at her face when all he could think about was getting inside her bareback? He’d never touched her without a condom on. The idea of nothing between them was making him a little crazy. “Shelley, if you’re going to say no, say it now.”

“I love Nat, but I’m so going to kick her ass!”

And that was all Wolf needed. He picked her up and moved her to the wall, putting her back against it. The minute her arms and legs wound around him, he pushed his hips up and his cock found its home.

He pressed against her, his chest to her breasts, belly to belly, arms and legs entwined. “I love you. I love you so fucking much.”

She was his whole world. He’d been born that day he’d met her. He could remember thinking that there was nothing for him after he left the SEALs, but Shelley had taught him how much more life there was left in him.

A whole future was laid out. A future with children and new adventures and challenges and a family he’d never imagined he could have. Emotion swamped him. He held her close and pushed up, burying his cock deep inside.

There was nothing between them. He could feel her heat and the warm depths of her pussy. It was so different, so much sweeter. There was no worry or compromise between them. They were through with that. There was just the future and everything it would bring.

Her hands came up, cupping his face. There were tears in those gorgeous brown eyes. “I love you, too. Do you have any idea how much I love you both? You give me everything. You give me everything I need. Do you know how few women get that?”

Because they loved her enough to share. But what she didn’t understand was that she completed them both. It wouldn’t work with just one of them. And nothing worked without her.

“What Wolf is trying to say is that we love you, too, baby.”

Sometimes he wanted to punch his brother. “I love you, too.”

Her head fell back, and he let himself go. He fucked up into her, not able to hold back a second longer. He pushed his cock into her pussy over and over and over again. Every muscle strained to bring her pleasure, to find his own. He used every ounce of his strength to hold her up, to move her up and down on his cock.

Shelley’s breath became uneven, her nails sinking in to the flesh of his back. She cried out, and the little muscles of her pussy started to grip him.

A telltale shiver began at the base of his spine.

He forced himself up, her pussy sucking at him, drawing him in and giving him more pleasure than he’d ever known.

He held her close as his cum jetted forth. Pleasure swamped him, coating his brain and making him shout out.

He pumped his cock in as long as he could, giving her everything he had.

Finally he was empty and he slumped against her, their bodies held up against the wall.

“Oh, my god, that felt so different.” Shelley’s hands moved against his scalp, pulling him close. Her mouth found his. “So different. We’re so going to win.”

He laughed, his whole body filled with joy. He was surrounded by crazy people, and he was thrilled to be so.

He set her on the ground and took a step back. His brother immediately moved in.

Wolf knew just what it had cost his brother to let him go first. His brother had a dominant streak a mile wide, but in this, he’d allowed Wolf to lead. Because Leo knew what kids meant to him. And Leo had always made sure his brother got what he needed. From food to protection to being first.

Damn but he loved his brother.

“Let’s take ’em down, brother,” he said.

Leo high-fived him and crowded their almost wife.

And all was right with his world.

* * *

Shelley took a long breath before Leo put his hands on her. Her body was still humming from the orgasm Wolf had given her.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Leo asked.

She looked up in his dark eyes. Wolf was the sweet one, but Leo moved her, too. Oh, he moved her. Her whole body went on full alert the minute he turned that dark voice on her. She needed them both. She needed Wolf’s sweetness and Leo’s dominance. She couldn’t live without them. They were her world.

She’d made so many mistakes, but loving them wasn’t one of them. Loving them had opened her up.

And she was going to have their babies. She was going to be a mom. Her sons and daughters would have such great fathers. Yes, she was giving them a unique family, but it would be full of love, full of devotion, full of hope.

“I’m fantastic.” She put her arms around Leo’s neck. It would likely be a while until they took her the way they had before. They wouldn’t want to miss a chance to get her pregnant. They would fight for the right and then never even question who the baby belonged to. The baby would belong to them. Their baby would have two amazing dads.

“God, I’m so glad to hear that because I don’t want to be selfless tonight.” He kissed her neck.

She should be rung out. She shouldn’t want this, but somehow her body had tuned to her heart’s needs. She was only halfway there. She’d only had one of her men. She was ready for the last leg home.

She dropped to her knees. She wanted to submit to him. He was her Dom. He needed her submission, and she longed to give it to him. She was on all fours and let her head drift down, her ass high in the air.

She heard Leo sigh behind her.

“Do you know what you do to me?” His voice had gone to that sweet, guttural place where she knew damn well she had him in the palm of her hand.

She wriggled her ass his way. “I just care that you want me.”

She felt him get to his knees behind her. His hands found her hips. “You have no idea how fucking much I want you. Tell me what you learned today.”

His cock was poking at her pussy, pressure making her shiver. She should have known that he wouldn’t let it go. Honesty was the glue that held her to Leo. “I learned that I’m strong. I learned that I made mistakes but it’s okay, and I can trust in us to build something better.”

His cock pulsed at the edge of her pussy. She was so tempted to shove back at him, but he would spank her ass if she did that.

“Why did you shoot my father?”

A loaded question. “He isn’t your father, babe. I don’t even know if you share DNA with him. I think I might go with your mom on this one.”

A sharp smack hit her ass. “Shelley.”

“No.” She wasn’t giving in this time. “A name on a birth certificate doesn’t make him your dad. Biology is a chance of nature. Your mother loved you. She was your parent. Love makes a family. Nothing else. It’s why I decided we should have babies. We love each other. We can make a good home. Love is all that matters. The man who signed your birth certificate means nothing. God, I think Mel might love you. He might be your real dad.”

Another slap hit her ass. “I think you might be right, sweetheart.”

She felt a kiss to the back of her neck. Shivers split her spine. “I know I’m right. I fought the thing with your mom, but I won’t anymore. She’s amazing, Leo. You’re here because of her.”

He sighed, a deeply peaceful sound. “I know. I figured that out, too. He hurt me. I was just a kid and he hit me, and my Ma wouldn’t take that.”

Her heart clenched. “He hit you?”

“Yes. She took it when it was just her, but when he hurt me, she was done. I know she’s got a crazy streak. I know it. Wolf knows it. But we love her. I can’t thank you enough for accepting her.”

Now her heart felt overflowing. “I don’t just accept her, Leo. I love her.” It had happened the moment she realized they were the same. Cassidy had survived a bad marriage and produced two men Shelley loved more than her own life. “I love her. I will give her grandbabies and tell them how courageous their grandma was.”

“I love you, sweetheart.” His cock pressed against her pussy, his hips pulling her back. “I love you so much.”

She pressed back against him. She didn’t care whose damn sperm won. They were her husbands. Sure, it wasn’t legal until tomorrow, but in her heart, she was already their wife.

The wedding meant nothing except a chance to get closer to Cassidy and Mel. Cassidy loved Mel and she was pretty damn sure Mel loved the hell out of Cassidy. That made Mel her father-in-law.

Leo’s cock pressed in, filling her. God, her men were so big. They stretched her and forced her to open up wide.

“Take me.”

She couldn’t disobey. She forced her ass back, letting Leo take her pussy inch by inch. She was already wet and wanton, ready for him. His cock forced its way in, every inch a pure pleasure against her skin.

Wolf was in front of her. She was never without both her men. He put a hand on her hair, letting him know he was there.

She was still with her men. They might take her separately for a while, but they were with her.

She felt Leo pressed against her, flush to her ass. His hips moved against her cheeks, trying to find the deepest entry point. He wanted to be as far inside her as he could possibly be—to get his semen deep inside her womb. It was what they both wanted, the chance to make a child with her, to start a family.

She wanted that, too. She pressed her backside back, as far as she could go, giving Leo the chance to get high inside her.

Pressure quaked against her. Pure ecstasy ran through her veins. He pulsed inside her. She’d just come, but she was softening again, getting moist and warm around him. They had spent a year training her to accept their pleasure.

She relaxed under his dominance, his big hand running up her spine. “Take me.” She gave him his words back.

“Oh, I’ll take you, brat. I’ll take you every day I can for the rest of our lives.” His cock surged in, filling her and making her quake.

The ground was hard underneath her, but she didn’t really feel it. All she felt was Leo’s cock invading her and Wolf’s hands in her hair. All she felt was her crazy love for her men.

“You know I will.” Leo slammed into her, shoving his cock as far as he could go. His hands held her hips hard, forcing her back on his dick.

He filled her as well as Wolf had.

And then she felt something at her ass.

“I’ll fill you everywhere,” Leo promised, the words rumbling against her neck. His finger pressed against her asshole.

That was Leo. He wouldn’t stop at just getting her pregnant. He would need to fill her completely.

Her asshole clenched, and she felt a sharp slap to her backside.

“You let me in.”

Oh, god, it wasn’t Leo’s finger. It was Wolf’s. He was pressing into her ass. He was dominating her. He was on his knees next to his brother so he could press his finger into her ass.

“He seems serious, baby.” Leo kept up his long, slow fuck. “You should let him in.”

She tried to relax, allowing her ass to flex and let that finger deep inside.

“That’s right, baby,” Wolf said. His free hand came up to play with her breast, plucking at her nipple. God, she loved that. It went straight to her pussy.

They both had their hands on her. Leo was pulling her back, impaling her on his cock, and Wolf’s finger was fucking her ass and pulling at her nipples.

Her world was pretty perfect.

And then Leo slapped her ass. “Why did I have to find out my blackmailing father came to you after you nearly shot him?”

She should have known he would be pissed about that. “Because my phone was in my purse when he tried to blackmail me. I could go for the phone or Rachel Harper’s gun. I picked the gun. Hey, should I get my own gun?”

It made perfect sense. She needed her own gun.

“I’ll die first.” Leo slammed into her. “You will let your men protect you. And we’re not going to need protection. We’re going to live a quiet fucking happy life, and no one is going to try to kill any one of us, damn it. God, that feels so fucking good.”

He pulsed inside her, over and over again. He drew out and slammed back. Every inch of his cock was pure pleasure. He fucked her hard, hammering in and out of her pussy as Wolf matched his rhythm in her ass.

Wolf’s fingers stretched her as Leo’s cock plunged deep. So much heat, so much life.

She was full of them.

She let herself go. She moved her hips, taking them hard and deep.

Wolf stretched her, making her squirm and shake. Leo fucked her hard, hitting her sweet spot and making her scream out his name. She shouted out her pleasure over and over again. Every muscle worked. Every inch of skin quivered. She felt herself convulse, sending her pleasure out and clamping around him. She held him as tight as she could.

Leo bucked and his gorgeous face contorted as he shouted out her name and she felt his cum flood her pussy. She was warm and wet and so full of cum. Leo and Wolf’s cum was hot and wet inside her.

And maybe racing toward her womb to make a baby.

That thought would have scared the holy crap out of her two days ago, and now all she could think about was how happy they would be.

Because she’d discovered that she was right. She’d been worried about her decision making, but she knew they were right. Bryce had blackmailed her into marrying him. He’d used her love for her mother and then her love for her brother to keep him close. She’d been so young. She didn’t have those fears about Leo and Wolf. They just loved her. They just wanted to take care of her.

“Come on, baby.” Leo was still panting as he got to his feet and started to haul her up. “You have to prove you’re not an alien queen. Though I would still fuck you so hard. You have to know that.”

He would. So would Wolf. She reached out and steadied herself against them. She turned into Wolf’s arms. God, she loved how big he was. He loomed over her. She could barely fit herself against his chest.

She felt Leo move behind her. He was only slightly smaller than Wolf. He bent over to rest his head against her shoulder.

“We could just stay here,” Wolf said. “I’ll accept her as an alien queen. She can totally take my sperm.”

But Cassidy would freak out. “No. I have to take the beet.”

She winced a little as she said the words. But she would go through with it because now she knew how important it was.

“Hush, Wolf. She’s got a connection to Ma now. We have to let it be. It’s a good thing.” Leo’s arms curled around her. “Tomorrow, we’re going to be married. Then you have to obey me.”

She practically snorted. Like he didn’t demand she obey him in the bedroom now. He was her hardass Dom. Nothing about that would change. And Wolf would be the one who indulged her every whim. She needed them both.

“Like I don’t do that now.” Her ass was still stinging from the little slaps he’d given her. They hadn’t been enough. She’d needed more, but it didn’t matter because she still felt them inside her.

Things could change, but her love wouldn’t. She knew that now. She could face anything as long as their love for each other was still strong.

Faith. Sometimes faith got a person through life. She could hear her momma whispering to her about faith in life, faith in the universe, faith in herself and her love.

Faith and hope had gotten Cassidy through, and she’d had so much less than Shelley had.

Leo handed her the dress she’d been wearing. “Well, then it won’t be so hard for you.”

He leaned over and pressed his mouth to hers, softening his words.

They elbowed each other, struggling in the small space to get dressed. Leo laughed, falling to his ass as he tried to get his jeans back on. Shelley tumbled into Wolf. They all hit the ground.

“Shhh.” Wolf shoved a hand over her mouth. “Someone’s out there. Listen.”

A masculine voice cut through the silence. “I need to talk to you before I leave.”

“That’s Zane,” Wolf said in her ear.

“All right. What you need to tell? You go to hospital?”

“That’s the Russian,” Leo whispered. “Alexei. Zane’s bartender.”

Damn. The last thing she needed was to get found half-dressed the night before her wedding. What they had done in the closet was probably some sort of health code violation.

“Yes. I just got a call from Callie. I have to go to the clinic. Jen’s having the baby. Nate and Callie are already on their way, but I have to join them. Stef is like Callie’s brother. She won’t let Jen go through this alone,” Zane said.

They all settled down, no one making a move, as though they were all praying the door didn’t open.

“No problem. I take care,” Alexei said. “You don’t to worry about anything.”

“It’s a little more complicated than that.” Zane’s voice was tense. “You need to see what’s in the freezer.”

What the hell was in the freezer? Did they have a bad shipment of beef?

She heard the sound of a heavy door opening. A moment passed and then Alexei spoke.

“What has happened, boss?”

Zane Hollister sighed and then his voice went low. Shelley couldn’t hear most of what he said to his bartender, just a couple of words stood out. Hiram. Mayor. She heard Alexei gasp in what sounded like horror when that sweet lady named Nell from her bachelorette party was mentioned.

“This is disaster,” Alexei said.

“We have a plan,” Zane replied. There was more whispering and then a long sigh. “So you understand why we have to keep this quiet? I’ll take care of it in the morning. You just need to keep Lucy out of here tonight.”

There was a little sniffle. “This make me miss mother Russia, Zane. Yes. Yes. Not to worry. I take care of for you.”

“Dear god, no. I’m going to handle it in the morning. Properly and through all the right channels. I’m just waiting for Rafe to do the right thing. He just needs a night. I don’t want Cade as our mayor. He’ll make the whole damn town a safe place to be naked. I don’t want to watch Max Harper flicking his dick in everyone’s face. He will do it.”

“Yes, he would make me uncomfortable as well. I could burn evidence for you. I do this many time before.”

She felt Wolf start to laugh. She clasped a hand over his mouth.

“Damn it, I didn’t commit any crimes,” Zane argued. “I just want to make things right. Just don’t let anyone in the freezer, okay?”

“This I protect.”

They continued to talk as the voices faded away.

“What the hell was that about?” Shelley asked as she managed to get up.

“God only knows. We are not going into that freezer,” Leo said. Her bra was in her hands. She pulled it on.

“I don’t want to know,” Wolf said. “I just want to go out there and get the ceremony done and get married tomorrow.”

Bliss was an odd place. Ignorance really was the town’s name.

She got dressed and followed her men out, carefully avoiding the freezer.

Twenty minutes later, she made her pledge—to fight all aliens, to embrace humanity, to love the Earth. Easy promises to make.

When Cassidy passed her a shot glass filled with beet juice, she slammed it down to the roar of the crowd.

Proving her humanity and her love for two very human men.
