Ellen Watkins shuddered as one final ripple of erotic pleasure washed through her writhing body. Her German shepherd settled beside her and licked his cock. Ellen twisted her head and watched him. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of his long red prick. His cock always came out of its sheath when he licked her pussy.

Ellen smiled slowly and passed a gentle hand over the animal's fur. "Good boy, Samson," she breathed. "We just might have ourselves a new playmate."

Her eyes shifted to the half-open door and her smile broadened. As she stroked her pet's broad back, she dwelled on thoughts of her cute sister-in-law. She was certain that Cindy had peeked.

"She saw us, all right," she murmured to Samson as his tongue lashed his glistening prick. "I figured she'd peek if she got the chance. Now let's see what happens with it."

Ellen laughed to herself. She felt very clever. Last year when Cindy had visited, Ellen had been interested in her budding young body. Since then she had heard reports about the pretty teenager. It seemed that Cindy wasn't the angel she looked like. There had been whispered stories about her and boys. As her body developed she began to sport her tits as if they were precious.

Ellen liked all those stories. And, now that she had seen Cindy once again, a year later, it was apparent that the kid was sexy. But was she bold? What would she think and do if she saw Ellen having sex with a dog?

Ellen had started playing around with her pet just this year. The days seemed longer and longer to her when Bill was at work. And now, at twenty-two, her pussy was like a hungry mouth. Bill was good in bed, but Ellen needed something more than a once-a-week fucking. Then she discovered that Samson was good for something besides fetching the newspaper.

When she'd gotten the letter from Bill's mother asking if Cindy could spend a few weeks again, Ellen had been thrilled. She hadn't had any sex with a female since her own high school days and she figured if the stories about Cindy were true, then the chick just might be ripe for some sex-fun. But, was she?

Ellen tousled Samson's big head and muttered, "I wonder what she's thinking right now? I heard her out there, Samson. She must have watched for at least half an hour. She certainly can't forget what she saw! Maybe we'd better get ready for her."

She got to her feet and pranced to the closet. She opened the door and flipped through all her sexy night things. She chose a brief white nightie and slipped it on. It hardly reached beyond her black pussy-hair, and her thrusting tits spread the front of it real wide. Ellen smiled at her reflection in the mirror and tied the strings in a cute bow between her lush tits. She twirled around and liked what she saw. Her curvy ass-cheeks peeked from beneath the little nightie.

As a final check, she bent over with her back to the big mirror. With her hands on her knees, she peered around her shoulder into the glass. She giggled to see her pussy squeezed between her creamy white thighs, a furry little sandwich.

"Samson," she said, eyeing her lovely cunt and liking the looks of it. "Come here and give Ellen a little lick."

Samson obeyed instantly. After eight months of lapping the girl's cunt, he knew what the tone of her soft voice meant. He padded over to her and got behind her. He sniffed at her crotch and Ellen giggled. She writhed her ass at him, and he licked his big tongue up her cunt-slit. Ellen moaned and let him lick her for a few more minutes.

Her eyes closed softly as his huge doggie-tongue swabbed her ass-cheeks, crotch and cunt. After just four licks, she spread her feet apart and thrust her pussy back at the dog so his tongue could make contact with her clit. When it did, she shuddered and caught her breath. She had discovered a marvel in her German shepherd!

When Samson had her pussy buzzing nicely again, she straightened up and turned away from his snout. "Good boy, Samson." She smiled. "You keep mommy nice and wet, don't you?"

Samson barked. Ellen put a finger to her lips and shushed him. Then she laughed.

"Be patient. I'll give it to you later. And maybe even Cindy's. Would you like to lick her cute little pussy? We'll see, Samson, we'll see. If she's anything like I was when I was her age, she must be very curious about you and me."

Ellen was right. In her own bedroom, Cindy, too, was gazing into the mirror. She smoothed her hands over the elastic top on her jutting tits and ran them down to the crotch of her tight little shorts. Her fingers met there and she massaged her pussy through the light material.

Images of dogs licking her cunt filled her young mind as she rubbed her cunt. The memory of Samson's thick tongue attacking Ellen's pussy thoroughly occupied her thoughts. She wiggled a slender finger into the crotch of her shorts and got it into her fuck-hole. She rolled her hips and breathed heavily as she played with fantasies of dogs licking cunts, and her milky pussy-cream soaked her naughty finger.

God, she thought feverishly, how could Ellen let Samson do that? It must be terrific! Why does she do it? I hope there's nothing wrong between her and Bill. No, it can't be that. I've never seen such a happy couple. And Bill is good in bed. All his girlfriends used to tell me that. And Ellen is so sexy, I bet she and Bill really get it on when they fuck. But, why the dog? Maybe Ellen's a nympho and Bill doesn't know it. She sure got off on that tongue!

"God!" she gasped. She pulled her hands away from her tits and pussy. Curiosity burned through her and had the same effect on her tits and pussy as lust. It was very exciting to remember the German shepherd licking so furiously at Ellen's lovely cunt. Ellen looked so sexy on the floor, coming so wildly!

Oh, God, Cindy thought, I can't think of anything but that! I've just got to know what's going on around here. How can she have so much fun with Samson? How did she get him to lick her pussy in the first place? Ohhh, that's sexy!

Gripped with curiosity and unable to bear the suspense any longer, she walked out of her room and headed down the hall.

She tapped her knuckles on the door and said, "Ellen? Can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure," Ellen replied. "Come on in. I'm just tidying up the bed."

Cindy entered the room and her eyes widened. Samson was curled up on the floor, his head on his front paws. Ellen was bent over the bed, fluffing her pillows, and Cindy's gaze moved to her naked ass. She saw what Ellen had seen in the mirror – a lovely pussy squeezed like a small sandwich between two luscious thighs.

"I-I'm not interrupting you, am I?" she stammered self-consciously. She couldn't see Ellen's pussy without connecting it in her mind with Samson's big red tongue.

"No, of course not." Ellen said. She turned and perched her ass on the edge of her bed. "Come sit down and talk to me. I was hoping you would. You seemed a little down since you arrived."

Cindy sat beside her and swallowed nervously. "I guess I was just homesick," she muttered, trying not to stare at the way Ellen's lush tits pushed at the little bow of her nightie. "I was bored. I mean, I just didn't think I'd have any fun around here."

"I understand," Ellen said sympathetically. "You had the same problem last year. Remember? And stupid me, I got you to playing Scrabble and Monopoly!"

"Oh, that wasn't stupid!" Cindy blurted. "It was nice of you!"

"Nice, but not very grown-up. I guess I thought of you as a kid. I'm sorry about that, Cindy. But I promise not to suggest such childish games this year. I think you and I can find better things to do to pass the time."

A slow blush colored Cindy's face a sexy pink. She felt edgy. What did her sister-in-law mean by that? What kind of games was she referring to? What could they do together to pass the time better?

Ellen's eyes were penetrating, and Cindy lowered her long lashes. She licked her lips and glanced at her sister-in-law's thrusting, pointed tits. They were straining against that flimsy bow. And below, the nightie was awry, flashing curly black cunt-hair.

"You've sure grown up fast," Ellen murmured. She put her hand on Cindy's small back and slowly rubbed it up and down. "The boys must go crazy over you."

"Oh, not really," Cindy rasped, and her tits lifted up in her elastic top, expanding it. Why did Ellen's hand feel so good on her back?

"I would think they'd go ape over your pretty tits," Ellen cooed. "I hope you don't mind me talking like this. You're not a kid any more and I think we should be friends. We can be friends, can't we, Cindy?"

"Well, yes. I'd like that," Cindy breathed. She smiled and peered down at her tits. "I don't know why you call them pretty. They're so small compared to yours."

Ellen gave her shoulder a slight shake. "Don't talk like that," she said in a sisterly fashion. "You should never compare yourself with another girl. After all, I'm older than you. Don't worry, your tits are going to get bigger and better. But right now they're just perfect for you. Really! I've watched them grow over the years and I hope to tell you, they look luscious on you. They're uniquely yours. Be proud of them!"

Cindy couldn't help laughing and letting out some true conceit. "Actually, I am proud of them. I guess I'm just being silly. They are nice, aren't they? And you were right. The boys really dig them." Her eyes twinkled and she giggled with relief. "God, it's nice to be able to talk straight with you."

"Same here," Ellen cooed, stroking her back again, all the way down to her ass. "I kind of thought we could be more than just in-laws."

A warm feeling came over Cindy and she suddenly felt at ease next to her beautiful sister-in-law. She smiled prettily in a relaxed way and confessed, "I've been having a lot of fun with boys lately. I think it's driving Mom and Dad up the wall, though. They're so up-tight about sex. I mean, you'd think I was too young to take care of myself. They keep worrying about me getting pregnant, as if I didn't know what to do about it."

"Hmmmmmmm, that sounds juicy," Ellen laughed, pressing her hands against Cindy's curvy ass. "What do you do about it?"

Cindy blushed and lost her tongue. Her tits quivered. Ellen's hand felt like it was burning right through her shorts.

"Come on now," Ellen chided. "We're friends. We don't have to keep secrets from one another. Tell me what you do with the boys."

Cindy's eyes met Ellen's and she swallowed audibly. "You know," she muttered.

"No, I don't," Ellen laughed. "What do you do? Do you fuck?"

"Ellen!" Cindy gasped. "Golly!"

"Well, do you?"

"I-I – well, no, not exactly. I – oh, you know, I jerk the boy off or something."

"Or something?" Ellen cooed, leaning forward.

Cindy saw her sister-in-law's tits threaten to push right out of the front of her nightie and she swallowed hard, recalling the scene of Ellen naked, Samson sucking her cunt.

"You know," Cindy murmured weakly, avoiding Ellen's probing eyes. "Sometimes I suck him off."

"Oh, that's marvelous!" Ellen cried excitedly, laughing like a teenager. "I'm so glad you told me! I was wondering if you were into that. You have such sexy lips. Did you know that? It's true. It's nothing to blush about. You're lucky! Lots of girls wish they had a mouth like yours. God, I'll bet lots of boys think of your mouth as a sexy little pussy!"

"Ellen! You're wicked!"

"Yeah! Don't you just love it?"

"Yes!" Cindy suddenly laughed.

Ellen laughed with her and hugged her. She put her arm around Cindy's slim waist and pulled at her, and at the same time, she pressed one of her tits against one of Cindy's pert tits. The contact was electric for Cindy and she caught her breath. Ellen's hand had squeezed her ass right at that moment.

"Tell me." Ellen smiled in a friendly way. "Do you like it? Do you like to suck cock? I don't mind telling you that I love it!"

"Well, I do, too… when I'm horny."

Ellen frowned at her. "You have to be horny before you can blow a guy?"

"Well, yes. I mean, a boy gets me in the back seat of his car and feels me up until I'm purring. You know. Then he fingerfucks me and I get very hot. Then I take his prick out and jerk it off or suck it."

"That's strange," Ellen breathed. "I don't have to be hot in order to blow Bill's prick. In fact, when I see his boner, all stiff and wet, I just have to lick it. In fact, when I suck a cock, that makes me horny!"

The two girls laughed together again at that. For a few moments they discussed their various ways of turning on, and their friendship deepened quickly. Cindy began to feel very comfortable beside her gorgeous sister-in-law. The touch of their bodies was getting Cindy excited. She kept glancing at Samson, the massive dog on the floor watching them.

The movements of Ellen's lithe and lovely body made her nightie do tricks. Cindy watched the brunette's pussy and tits play peek-a-boo. Her eyes riveted on Ellen's lush tits then.

"God, you're beautiful, Ellen. Bill must go wild in bed with you!"

As if that were an invitation, Ellen suddenly but gracefully settled back against her pillows. Her tits rose up and pointed sharply. She smiled at her kid sister-in-law and slowly pulled the bow out of her nightie.

As Cindy stared wide-eyed, Ellen parted her neckline and exhibited her full, milky tits. She cupped them and tweaked her ruby-red nipples as the teenager looked.

"Jeez, they're gorgeous!" Cindy breathed.

Ellen's dark eyes softened and smoldering lights began to burn in them as her gaze traveled up and down Cindy's curvy little body.

"Show me your tits," she whispered softly.

Cindy had no thought of balking against this sexy request. It seemed the natural thing to do. After all, Ellen had showed her hers.

With her heart beating rapidly behind her tight young tits, she eased her elastic top down and bared her tits. She heaved a sigh as Ellen's penetrating gaze smoothed over her young tits.

"Perfect," her sister-in-law breathed. "God, they're darling. You must have a lot of fun playing with them. Do you play with them often?"

"Uh huh," Cindy admitted. "Do you?"

Ellen laughed throatily. "Sometimes all day long!" she chuckled. "The days have been getting longer for me. When Bill's at work I find all sorts of things to amuse myself."

"And to get yourself off?" Cindy wanted to know. Now her eyes were piercing, probing, penetrating.

Ellen burst into excited laughter and her ripe tits jiggled beautifully. "I can see you and I are going to be real good friends!" she giggled.

Lustful curiosity rippled through the girl. She licked her lips nervously, but boldly said, "Tell me how you get yourself off, Ellen. You must do something around here to keep from being bored to death!"

"Okay, I'll tell you," Ellen cooed. "Just as soon as you take off those sexy little things and let me see all of you."

Cindy's pretty mouth fell open. "But – why? Why would you want to look at me?"

"Because you're so damned sexy, kitten. And I'm curious. Just as you are about me. I'll tell you what. If you take off your clothes, I'll remove my nightie. Just like schoolgirls."

Cindy swallowed hard, but murmured, "Okay."

Samson's ears pricked up and he raised his head from his paws when both Ellen and Cindy got to their feet. His black eyes darted from girl to girl as they stripped naked. Ellen peeled her nightie off and tossed it across the room. She got on the bed then, and propped her back against the pillows. She watched as avidly as the dog as Cindy peeled the elastic top over her head.

She dropped that to the floor, then wiggled out of her tight little shorts, leaving them at her feet. She kicked off her sandals and sat on the edge of the bed, facing her sister-in-law.

"There," she said, relieved that they were both naked.

Ellen let her thighs fall open loosely and her bushy cunt peered out at Cindy. Ellen smiled and cooed, "Don't hold your thighs so tight. Let me see your cunt."

Cindy giggled foolishly but let her knees open. Ellen's dark eyes burned into her sweet blonde cunt. Cindy's gaze danced all over Ellen's pussy. Samson's tongue lolled out of his mouth as he watched both of them.

Cindy had an incredible urge to reach over and pet Ellen's pussy. She didn't know why she wanted to. She just did. The feeling seemed overwhelming.

"What's on your mind?" Ellen purred.

Ellen's voice startled Cindy. "What? Nothing."

But Ellen wanted to draw the teenager's lust to the surface, wanted to have sex with her right now. So she slipped a hand down to her crotch and slid her fingertips up and down her cunt-slit.

"I like to keep it nice and wet all day," she murmured softly, gently stroking her pussy.

Cindy was hypnotized by her sister-in-law's naughty hand. Ellen's cunt was obviously responding to the gentle stroking touch. The sight made Cindy's mouth water.

"I want to do that for you," she rasped.

Ellen breathed a long hissing sigh. "Oh. Cindy, here. You can do anything you want to it. Here. Give me your sweet hand."

In a haze of mounting lust, Cindy gave her hand to Ellen. The brunette smiled sexily and drew it right up against her hot, moist cunt. She released Cindy's hand and Cindy gently rubbed Ellen's beautiful cunt.

"I want to touch you, too," Ellen breathed.

Cindy wiggled closer on the edge of the bed and opened her trembling thighs. Ellen's hand slithered up her inner thigh and her fingertips contacted the girl's horny young pussy. Cindy whimpered as Ellen gently stroked her clit and cunt-slit.

"Ellen… Ellen…" Cindy breathed. "Your finger… fingerfuck me."

"I'll do anything you do," Ellen whispered hotly.

"Oh, golly!" Cindy gasped.
