Bill Watkins stopped off at the Beer Mug after work. The bar was as dark and dingy as usual, smelling of stale beer and even staler piss. But Bill had something on his mind. He just didn't feel like going home after work. He slumped into a wooden chair at a small table against the wall.
Veronica, a girl Bill knew, saw him in the big mirror behind the bar. She was leaning against the juke box, swinging her hips to the music, and her green eyes followed Bill to his table. She lifted her drink off the top of the juke box and ambled over to Bill. She sat down without being invited.
"Hello, Bill," she said.
"Hi, Veronica," he replied somewhat dully.
Veronica sipped her drink and set the glass down. She studied the guy for a moment, then said, "Got something on your mind?"
"Yeah," he murmured. He took a look at the deep cut of her open shirt.
When he looked away disinterested, Veronica really got curious. She was used to men falling all over her. She was the queen of the Beer Mug. In a place like this she appeared beautiful. That was why she hung out here.
"Want to come upstairs for a quickie?" she asked.
"No, thanks," Bill said.
She reached over and put her hand on top of his. Hers was long with painted fingernails, his was grimy from work.
Veronica leaned back in her chair and crossed her long slim legs. Things were kind of slow so she decided to talk with the troubled guy.
"What's the matter?" she wanted to know.
Bill passed a hand through his thick hair and sighed, "My sister is staying with us for a couple of weeks."
"Oh, family problems," Veronica said. "Is she a bitch or something?"
Bill blinked dumbly for a second, then blurted, "No! Nothing like that. Hell, no. Cindy's an angel!"
His enthusiasm made Veronica's eyebrows go up. A slow smiled parted her full, red-lipsticked lips. "You want to talk about it?" she asked.
Bill did. "I'll buy you a drink," he muttered and motioned to the waitress. She brought Veronica another drink and Bill had a beer.
"Shoot," Veronica said.
Bill took a deep breath. "I don't know how to say this," he murmured, avoiding Veronica's eyes. "Cindy – well – she's, uhhh, sexy – you know?"
"I understand," Veronica laughed. "So you're feeling guilty about your own feelings about your sister."
"Well, don't. It's perfectly natural for a guy to get a hard-on for his sister – or even his mother, if he wants to."
"Shit!" Bill exclaimed.
"No. I'm serious, Bill. Don't hate yourself just because a female makes your prick stiff. You're not guilty of anything. Hell, females make cocks hard! So what?"
"But my own sister!"
Veronica smiled knowingly, wisely, and her green eyes laughed at him as if he were a complete fool. But she remained kind and understanding.
Veronica shook her head. "You men are all alike," she said sarcastically. "Sex happens to you and you think you invented it! Women have known all about this stuff for years. Hell, I'll bet your kid sister knows more about this than you do."
"Cindy? Nah!"
"Bullshit, Bill get rid of the sister idea. Think of her as just another teenager and see what your mind comes up with. Don't you think she started fingering her pussy when she was younger? What about when her tits started growing? Don't you think she loved it?"
Bill grinned. "I've thought that way."
"Sure you have. And it's natural. Hell, Cindy isn't any different than any other chick just because she's your sister."
"Yeah, but damn! You should see her! Last year was bad enough, but you should see her now! Christ, what a perfect little body she's got. It's driving me nuts! She's been here only two days and already I'm jacking off with her in my head! If she knew what her brother is really like…"
"You're being too hard on yourself," Veronica said. "Now I don't know her, but you have to entertain the possibility that she thinks the same way about you."
"Cindy? Don't be ridiculous!"
"I'm not. When I was a teenager I lusted after my brothers for years."
"You did?"
"Damned right. They were hunks. And they were older than me, all three of 'em."
Bill stared at her. "And?"
Veronica giggled. "And I fucked every God damned one of them before I was nineteen."
"Jesus!" Bill groaned.
"Do you want to fuck your kid sister? Is that what's bothering you?"
"I, well, I don't think I actually want to fuck her. You know what I mean?"
"Sure," Veronica laughed. "I play little sister to lots of men. Oh, I know I'm no spring chicken, but to a sixty-year-old guy I look like a teenager. So I wear cute little things for him and run around while he peeks at my tits and swinging little ass, then I sit on his lap or something like that and let him have lots of fun with me."
"Well, I'll be damned," Bill murmured.
"It's really very common," Veronica assured him. "You shouldn't feel funny about getting a hard-on over your sister. When I was a little girl, my brothers always got stiff for me."
"They did?"
"Uh huh. You know, I told you that I fucked all three of them by the time I was nineteen, but that doesn't mean I chased them. They raped me, one by one."
"They did?" Bill said thickly, swallowing hard.
"Yes. But I cock-teased them first. You see, when I was that age, I felt real pretty and sexy and I knew my brother was peeking in my bedroom at me when I changed clothes after school. So one afternoon I took a real long time to do it. I sort of stood in front of my mirror in just my little panties, and I knew he was watching me. I'd heard the floor creak outside my door. Well, sure enough, there he was, coming in after me. His face was red and his prick was swollen like you wouldn't believe. The poor guy couldn't help himself. He got me down on my bed and ate my pussy right through my panties. That turned me on, of course, so he got his big dick into me real easy. I seduced my other two brothers the same way, sort of. When I was nineteen my oldest brother got into me. Boy, what a fuck that was!"
"Jesus," Bill groaned, staring at her.
"When I was still nineteen, all three of them fucked me. God, that was fantastic! One came in my mouth, one in my pussy and the other in my asshole – all at the same time."
"What?" Bill gasped. "You let your brothers gang-bang you?"
"Heck, yeah! I still do! When I go back east to visit, the four of us always get together. I love the way they three-fuck me. After all, I can give them what their wives can't."
"Jesus Christ," Bill groaned, his cock aching. "When you talk like that I get hot as hell."
Veronica giggled. "I know that. Why do you think I'm telling you all my family secrets?"
The truth shocked Bill. "What? God damn it you've been turning me on!"
"A girl has to make a living," Veronica said simply. "What do you say? How about a blow-job? You want one? We can go in the back room."
Bill's cock throbbed wildly in his pants and he asked, "How much?"
"Five or ten," Veronica said.
"What's the difference?"
"For five I guarantee you get off. For ten I take some time and tease you first."
"I'll give you five," Bill rasped hotly.
"Come on," Veronica cooed. She shook his hand and led him into a dingy back room where she dropped to her knees and opened his pants. She pulled his big wet cock out and took his prick into her mouth. Her lips slipped all the way down his cock-shaft and his bulging cockhead stuffed her gulping throat. She squeezed his hot balls and bobbed her head rapidly. Bill's enormous prick fucked her wet mouth hornily, and Veronica blew him with a fury.
Bill's head hit the wall and he gritted his teeth as the whore's sucking mouth devoured his prick. His hot balls clamped against the base of his rigid fuck-pole, then discharged great quantities of jism that gushed out of his piss-hole into Veronica's hotly sucking mouth. She gulped and gulped until his prick stopped spitting, then she got to her feet.
As Bill handed her a five, someone tapped on the door – three taps, then two, then three more.
"I gotta go," Veronica said, tucking the bill into her garter belt. "There's a live one at the bar."
"Wait!" Bill shouted as she whirled out the door. "What about my sister?"
"That's your problem," Veronica called over her shoulder. "Go home and fuck her for God's sake!"
Bill put his drippy cock away and zipped up his pants. Smoothing his hair out, he stepped out of the back room and sauntered through the bar. He saw Veronica at the bar, her skirt way up on her curvy thighs. She was sitting with a live one, and she ignored Bill as he went by.
Bill drove his pick-up home slowly. Usually, he exceeded the speed limits to get home to his sexy wife, Ellen. But now his curvy little sister was there, too, with her glistening blonde hair and clear blue eyes and jutting pointed tits. God, those tits, he thought.
He smiled to himself as he remembered Cindy growing up, developing those fabulous tits. Like most young teens, Cindy became a T-shirt fanatic. She drove her mother nuts for money for more and more T-shirts. Bill liked the legends written across them. They gave him an excuse to admire her lovely tits without seeming conspicuous. But one day he'd had enough.
Cindy was sobbing pitifully in her bedroom because her mom wouldn't let her buy another super T-shirt. Bill acted the big brother and talked with her. He tried to explain the household financial condition, but that didn't cut any ice with heartbroken Cindy. She wanted a T-shirt!
Finally, in desperation after watching his kid sister's tits rise and fall with her sighing and whining, he, grinned at her and said, "You don't need another T-shirt, Cindy. It isn't your T-shirts that attract the boys, it's your pretty tits in 'em."
Cindy had blushed profusely, but Bill noticed that she liked his attention. And for the next few minutes he was able to look freely at her budding tits and talk about them. As far as Bill was concerned at the time, that day was fantastic. For years to come, that afternoon in Cindy's bedroom burned in his brain, and he jerked off many times to the luscious memory.
The memory came back to him now as he swung into the front yard of his house. Even as he turned off the ignition and climbed out of the truck, he braced himself. It wasn't easy for him to enter a comfortable little house occupied by two very sexy females. Bill didn't know which one gave him the biggest hard-on, his sultry wife or his sensual sister.
Maybe if I just plant myself in front of the TV, he thought. Maybe I can keep my mind off of them. God, this is going to be a long night. I suppose Cindy will want to watch TV, too. I'll have to sit there and suffer while she prances around and squirms on the damned sofa!
To make matters worse for him, when he opened the door, both girls were on their feet smiling prettily. They met him at the door.
"Hi, honey," Ellen chirped. She stood against his body and pressed tightly as she kissed his mouth warmly. She felt his dick awaken against her crotch and she gave a secret and soft moan for his benefit.
"Hello, Bill," his sister greeted him when Ellen went to fix dinner. She stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. But the firm points of her delicious young tits scraped against his chest as she did so. Bill's cock enlarged as if Veronica had never sucked it off.
Bill quickly headed for his recliner where he could conceal his hard-on. "Did you two have a nice day?" he asked, staring at the TV.
"Oh, it was wonderful," Cindy bubbled. She perched her cute ass on the sofa and looked at him, wide-eyed and innocent.
Bill had already noted their clothes. His curvy wife was in one of her brief little mini-dresses, cut low across her ripe thrusting tits and high on her luscious white thighs. Cindy looked even more naked in her tight little shorts and a T-shirt tied in a knot right between her jutting young tits.
Bill groaned to himself as his sister excitedly told about her day with Ellen. He was trying so hard not to look at her that he almost missed what she was saying.
"Ellen and I became very good friends today."
That got his attention. Last year he had gotten the distinct impression that Cindy didn't like it here in the country. She certainly hadn't seemed very happy.
He glanced at her shorts and saw how tight they were in the crotch. He swallowed hard when he noticed that her pussy pushed out against the light material.
Quickly raising his eyes to hers, he said, "What causes this? You were bitching and moaning because Mom made you come here for a vacation."
To his surprise, Cindy didn't come back with her usual caustic remarks. Instead, her blue eyes softened and even twinkled a little as she purred, "I'm sorry about that, Bill. Will you forgive me? I haven't been very grateful, have I? No wonder you get mad at me. But I am sorry, really. I guess I just had to get used to the place or something. I like it here. I like Ellen and I love you."
It was only then that Bill realized Cindy was slowly petting Samson's broad head. The German shepherd was quietly prone near the sofa, next to Cindy's legs. Bill frowned.
"I thought you were afraid of Samson?" he queried, puzzled. "Christ, you wanted me to trade him in for God damned French poodle!"
"Oh, I was just being mean," Cindy sighed. She leaned over and gave Samson a big hug, pressing her cheek to the top of his head. "I wouldn't trade him for the world!"
Bill shook his head hopelessly. "Crazy teenagers," he murmured. "Can't make up your minds."
Before the words left his mouth, a strange new sensation coursed through his groin and his prick throbbed. Why was Cindy hugging Samson so affectionately? What the hell had gone on here today that she liked Ellen and hugs Samson?
He couldn't see it, but Ellen happened to appear in the doorway behind him. She frowned hard at Cindy and shook her head violently. She pointed a warning finger at Bill.
Cindy understood the message. She was displaying too much affection for the dog. Bill just might catch on.
"I think I'll go up to my room till it's time to eat," Cindy said, jumping to her feet.
Ellen returned to the stove and Bill peered curiously at his cute sister as she hurried up the stairs. Why was Samson following her? And why was he trying to sniff her crotch?
He groaned to himself, and his cock ached with hardness as he thought naughty thoughts about Samson fucking his kid sister. His weary brain filled with images of the big German shepherd fucking his horny cock into Cindy's pretty little pussy.
Then he silently cursed himself and shook his head against the visions. They were too much for him at the moment. If I keep this up, he thought grimly, I'll have to go into the bathroom and jack off!
He got to his feet and used all his will power to make his prick subside. Then he sauntered into the kitchen and moved up behind his wife. He slipped his arms around her slim waist and filled his hands with her lush tits.
"Bill," Ellen cooed, rubbing her ass against his growing boner. "Stop that. Cindy might see us."
"She's upstairs," he whispered into her cute little ear. He flicked the tip of his tongue in it and pushed his stiff cock at the spot where Ellen's ass-cheeks came together.
"Mmmmm, you're nice and stiff," Ellen murmured. "Let's go to bed early tonight."
"Good idea," Bill said.
He released her and sat down at his place at the table. Yes, he thought, I should go to bed early and fuck the hell out of Ellen's ever-ready cunt. Maybe I can fuck Cindy out of my head.
That seemed like the thing to do – until the three of them were eating dinner. Then he ate in silence, amazed by the changes around the house. The girls had Samson between them and they kept feeding him tidbits from their plates and saying sweet nothings to him as if he were a baby – or a very special pet!
It just can't be! he told himself, eating faster. Am I just having erotic fantasies? Or can it be true? Maybe I'm not just imagining these things. Cindy was sure friendly with Samson before. Now look at her! Christ, you'd think she was talking to a boyfriend.
His prick erected boldly between his legs. He wondered why. Then it hit him. His cock was verifying his suspicions. His prick knew more about this than his head.
He looked from his wife to his sister once more. A creeping suspicion became truth. God damn, he thought feverishly, those two are in love with Samson!