'This could be nothing, but there is a chance that it could be a life-or-death situation.' Detective Chief Superintendent Martin looked round the group of officers gathered in Farmer Carr's driveway.
There were twenty of them, al but one of them men, and apart from the Head of CID, Detective Superintendent Mackie, and DCI Rose, they were all in uniform. Most were carrying carbines.
'The caravan's in the middle of open country,' he said. 'The chopper's just done another overflight, and there's still no sign of any car. There's no obvious place close by where one could be hidden either. There's an old barn a mile away, but that's been checked.
'Now there is no hard evidence of a connection with the kidnapper.
However, Mr Carr's description of the man's featureless accent is in line with the tape the boss received. Added to that is the fact that we've checked the number plate on the caravan. It's entirely fictitious.
'Because of all that, I'm not taking any chances.
'The road approach to the van is blocked off already. Now I want a dozen armed men deployed on vantage points around the area, out of sight in the heather, just in case our suspect is in there.
'The best outcome here wil be for the child to be in the caravan, alive and alone. I needn't say what the worst would be, but the most difficult would be if the kidnapper and Mark were both inside.'
He looked around the officers once more. 'So how do we approach the caravan? The thing is bang in the middle of open country. If we try to rush it and they're both inside, chances are we'll be seen before we're halfway there.
'There isn't any way we can sneak up on it safely either. There are windows al around. No,' said Martin, 'I propose that two people, man and woman, should walk right up to it and knock on the door, as if they're hikers asking for directions; water; to use the toilet; anything.'
He looked at Mackie and Rose. 'Brian, Mags, it's down to you, I think. My face has been al over the papers, and the telly, since this started. I can't take the chance that he'll recognise me. You two okay with that?'
Mackie nodded. Rose replied, 'Of course, sir. I've got a better plan than just walking up to the door though.'
'Fine, so just make it work. Now you'll both be armed. If the man does open the door to you, grab him, down him and put a gun to his head until he's cuffed.'
The Superintendent looked up at Martin. 'What if he opens the door with a gun in his hand?'
'If he does that,' the blond detective replied, 'then both of you stand aside. I'l be covering you myself. If he shows a weapon, then he goes down.' He waited for a few seconds, then nodded to one of the uniformed officers. 'Inspector Brown, get the marksmen in position.
'Chief Inspector, fil me in on your plan of approach. Let's get this operation moving.'