Skinner sat behind his desk for the first time in days. It felt secure and comfortable as always, not defiled at all by its temporary occupancy by Algernon Cheshire.
He picked up the telephone, and dial ed Mcl henney's mobile number. Road noise almost drowned the Sergeant's voice as he answered.
'Neil,' he said, in something approaching a shout. 'A slight change of plan. If you get a result up at Leuchars, meet me at Fairyhouse Avenue. Got that?'
'Understood, sir.' There was not a hint of a question in his assistant's voice.
Skinner replaced the phone and picked up another. From a book which he never left in the office, he selected another number. 'Yes?' said the voice at the other end of the secure line, knowing that wrong numbers can happen anywhere.
'Adam,' snapped Skinner tersely. 'It's Bob here.'
'Hello mate.' All of a sudden, the Derbyshire accent was warm and friendly. 'How are you doing? And 'ow's that lovely wife of yours?'
'Living in America,' said Skinner, even more shortly than before.
'I'm with another lady now. Don't you read the Spotlight? Have you been abroad for the last couple of weeks?'
'As a matter of fact, I have. But stil, I mean, Jesus Christ, Bob.
You and Sarah?'Adam Arrow was rarely knocked off balance, in any respect.
'No time for explanations, Adam. I need a favour, very fast.'
'If I can.'
'Let's hope. I want you to try a name for me. Peter Gilbert Heuer.
Mixed German-UK parentage. A few years ago he was nicked in the Polish Consul's residence in Edinburgh with a gun and a bag which more or less had "swag" written across it.
'I was young and naive then, but now I don't believe for one second that he was a burglar. I need to know what he was there for, who sent him, and what his deal was meant to be.'
'Okay,' said Arrow. 'I'll try. Why's this name come up al of a sudden? Can you tell me?'
'Sure. Mr Heuer seems to have diversified into stealing politicians' children and selling them back to the Government for a mil ion pounds a time.'
'I see. I've heard about that al right. Let's not hang about then.
Where can I get back to you?'
'Use my mobile number. We've no time for niceties, even if the MI5 snoopers might overhear something that could be hazardous to their health.'