1. Troubling Journeys

1. The Times, 19 March 1917; Manchester Guardian, 19 March 1917.

2. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, p. 241.

3. I. Litvinov, ‘Letters to Viola’, autobiographical fragment, p. 32: St Antony’s RESC Archive; I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment on 1917–1918: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 7.

4. M. Litvinov, ‘From the Diary of a Russian Political Emigre, March 17th, London’ (typescript, apparently dictated to Ivy Litvinov): ibid., box 10, folder 5, p. 1.

5. I. Litvinov, ‘Letters to Viola’, autobiographical fragment, p. 33: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

6. D. Marquand, Ramsay MacDonald, p. 208.

7. I. Litvinov, ‘Letters to Viola’, autobiographical fragment, p. 33: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

8. Ibid.

9. C. Nabokoff, The Ordeal of a Diplomat, pp. 83–4.

10. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, p. 245.

11. On the Archangel route see H. Shukman, War or Revolution: Russian Jews and Conscription in Britain, 1917, pp. 88–9.

12. C. Nabokoff, The Ordeal of a Diplomat, pp. 94–5.

13. New York Times, 16 March 1917.

14. Ibid., 17 March 1917.

15. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, p. 255.

16. C. Nabokoff, The Ordeal of a Diplomat, pp. 95–7.

17. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, pp. 257–8.

18. Ibid., p. 261.

19. I. Litvinov, ‘Letters to Viola’, autobiographical fragment, p. 36: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

20. HO 144/2158/322428. My thanks to Harry Shukman for sharing the documents in this and the next endnote.

21. HO 144/2158/322428/6 and 9; see also H. Shukman, War or Revolution: Russian Jews and Conscription in Britain, 1917, p. 59.

22. J. McHugh and B. J. Ripley, ‘Russian Political Internees in First World War Britain: The Cases of George Chicherin and Peter Petroff’, Historical Journal, no. 3 (1985), pp. 733–4.

23. A. E. Senn, The Russian Revolution in Switzerland, 1914–1917, pp. 224 and 228.

24. Ibid., p. 228.

25. See here.

26. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 81–2.

27. N. Sukhanov, Zapiski o revolyutsii, vol. 2, book 3, p. 6.

28. I. Getzler, Martov: A Political Biography of a Russian Social Democrat, p. 150.

29. Sir G. Buchanan, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, pp. 120–1.

2. Russia on its Knees

1. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, p. 44; J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), pp. 13, 219 and 331; G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 84.

2. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), p. 14.

3. See R. Service, The Russian Revolution, 1900–1927, p. 63.

4. See R. Service, The Bolshevik Party in Revolution: A Study in Organisational Change, pp. 53–4 and 57.

5. See K. Rose, King George V, pp. 211–15.

6. Interview of A. F. Kerenski, N. A. Sokolov investigation (Paris, 14–20 August 1920), pp. 105–9: GARF item (unspecified as to catalogue reference), Volkogonov Papers, reel 15.

7. Protokoly Tsentral’nogo Komiteta, p. 87.

8. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, pp. 127–8.

9. Ibid., p. 121.

10. Ibid., p. 122.

11. Ibid.

3. The Allied Agenda

1. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 77.

2. Ibid., pp. 78–9.

3. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 33.

4. Ibid., p. 41.

5. New York Times, 21 June 1917.

6. D. Marquand, Ramsay MacDonald, pp. 213 and 215.

7. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, p. 37.

8. New York Times, 17 May 1917.

9. Ibid., 15 June 1917.

10. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, pp. 37, 41 and 44.

11. New York Times, 16 August 1917.

12. Ibid., 18 August 1917.

13. US Consulate — Leningrad [sic]: Dispatches to the Secretary of State (HIA), dispatches 274, 293, 330 and 339.

14. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 153–4.

15. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 89.

16. Ibid., vol. 2, p. 243.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid., p. 242.

19. Ibid., pp. 243–4.

20. Ibid., vol. 1, pp. 9 and 21.

21. D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, pp. 108–9.

22. C. Andrew, For the President’s Eyes Only, pp. 38–9.

23. Ibid., pp. 46–7.

24. Ibid., p. 47.

25. G. R. Swain, ‘Maugham, Masaryk and the “Mensheviks” ’, Revolutionary Russia, no. 1 (1994), pp. 83–5.

26. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 177.

27. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, p. 65.

28. D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism, pp. 108–9.

29. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 779 (Robins).

30. Ibid.

31. C. Nabokoff, The Ordeal of a Diplomat, p. 64.

32. Sir George Buchanan, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, pp. 192–3; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 89–91.

33. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 49–50.

34. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 790.

35. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, p. 52.

4. Cheering for the Soviets

1. R. Chambers, The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome, pp. 72–82.

2. MI5g1: S.F. 39/9/150[?]: Extract from A. Ransome’s letter to his wife Ivy, 1 July 1917.

3. Ibid.

4. R. Chambers, The Last Englishman, p. 166.

5. ‘Svidetel’stvo’, 7 August 1917: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘2 Reilly: Documentary Material’, folder 2.

6. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, p. 122.

7. W. F. Ryan, ‘The Great Beast in Russia: Aleister Crowley’s Theatrical Tour in 1913 and his Beastly Writings on Russia’, in A. McMillin (ed.), Symbolism and After: Essays on Russian Poetry in Honour of Georgette Donchin, p. 155.

8. ‘Svidetel’stvo’, 7 August 1917: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘2 Reilly: Documentary Material’, folder 2.

9. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, p. 115.

10. M. Philips Price (ed.), The Diplomatic History of the War, p. 46.

11. J. Reed, ‘Almost Thirty’, New Republic, April 1936, pp. 267–70.

12. Washington Post, 4 July 1917.

13. Ibid., 13 April 1917.

14. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 467.

15. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, pp. 19–20.

16. Ibid., pp. 24–5.

17. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 563.

18. Ibid., p. 476.

19. Ibid., p. 604.

20. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, p. 132.

21. Ibid., pp. 693–4.

22. J. S. Clarke, Pen Portraits of Russia under the ‘Red Terror’, pp. 165–6.

23. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, pp. 37–41: letter to A. Thomas, 2/15 October 1917; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 83; A. Dunois, draft introduction to an edition of J. Sadoul’s correspondence, dated May 1941, p. 2: Jacques Sadoul Papers (HIA).

24. J. Sadoul, ‘La Condition des agents consulaires at diplomatiques au point de vue fiscal: thèse pour le doctorat’ (Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence: Paris, 1908).

25. A. Dunois, draft introduction to an edition of J. Sadoul’s correspondence, dated May 1941, p. 1: Jacques Sadoul Papers (HIA).

26. J. Reed, Red Russia, book 1, p. 10. See also J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), pp. 78–9.

27. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, pp. 201 and 203.

28. Ibid., pp. 13, 196 and 244.

29. J. Reed, Red Russia, book 2, p. 12.

30. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 542.

31. Ibid., p. 721.

32. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), p. 332.

33. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, p. 134.

34. A. Rhys Williams, Lenin: The Man and his Work, p. 79.

35. Ibid., pp. 79–80.

36. Ibid., p. 73.

37. Ibid., p. 80.

5. Revolution and the World

1. E. H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pp. 9–14.

2. See R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 2, p. 273.

3. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 494.

4. See for example J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), pp. 220 and 336.

5. Ibid., pp. 240 and 298.

6. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, pp. 193 and 195.

7. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, p. 145.

8. Ibid., pp. 145–6.

9. L. Bryant, Mirrors of Moscow, p. 140.

10. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 68: letter to A. Thomas, 28 October/10 November 1917.

11. Ibid., pp. 55–6: letter to A. Thomas, 25 October/7 November 1917.

12. Letters to A. Thomas, 26 October/8 November 1917, ibid., pp. 58–60, and 27 October/9 November 1917, p. 65.

13. Ibid., p. 83: letter to A. Thomas, 2/15 November 1917.

14. See R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 2, pp. 183–90.

15. L. Trotskii, Moya zhizn’, vol. 2, p. 64.

16. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), p. 347.

17. L. Trotskii, Sochineniya, vol. 3, book 2, pp. 164–6.

18. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, pp. 78–81.

19. General Max Hoffman, War Diaries and Other Papers, vol. 2, p. 190.

6. In the Light of the Fire

1. N. Bukharin, Vseobshchaya delëzhka ili kommunisticheskoe proizvodstvo (Izd. VTsIK R., S., K. i K. Deputatov: Moscow, 1918), p. 8.

2. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, pp. 2–3.

3. N. Bukharin, Vseobshchaya delëzhka ili kommunisticheskoe proizvodstvo, p. 8.

4. A. Kovrov, Domashnyaya prisluga (Kniga: Petrograd, 1917).

5. L. Trotskii, Chto zhe dal’she? (Itogi i perspektivy) (Priboi: Petersburg [sic], 1917), p. 6.

6. Ibid., p. 26.

7. Ibid., p. 28.

8. I. I. Kutuzov, V strane ‘ego velichestva’. Pis’ma i zametki ob Anglii russkogo rabochego diplomata, pp. 8–10.

9. L. Trotskii, Chto zhe dal’she?, p. 6.

10. M. Lur’e (Yu. Larin), Prodovol’stvie v Germanii i Rossii (Kniga: Petrograd, 1918), pp. 7–11.

11. Ibid., pp. 14–15.

12. Ibid., pp. 15 and 21.

13. Yu. Larin, Voina i zemel’naya programma (Kniga: Petrograd, 1917), pp. 8 and 10.

14. Ibid., pp. 8 and 11.

15. N. Bukharin, Vseobshchaya delëzhka ili kommunisticheskoe proizvodstvo, pp. 4–6.

16. Kii, Vozmozhna-li otmena chastnoi sobstvennosti (Kniga: Petrograd, 1917).

17. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment, pp. 15–16: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

18. R. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Last Words on Lenin: An Inaugural Address [as] Honorary President of the Associated Societies, Edinburgh University, 26 October 1960’, pp. 15–16.

19. L. Trotskii, Chto zhe dal’she?, p. 23.

20. A. Ioffe, O samoupravlenii (Kniga: Petrograd, 1917), pp. 8–10.

21. V. A. Mau, Sochineniya, vol. 1: Reformy i dogmy: gosudarstvo i ekonomika v epokhu reform i revolyutsii, 1860–1920-e gody, pp. 207–26.

7. Diplomatic Impasse

1. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 155; Washington Post, 2 March 1918.

2. C. Anet, La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste; l’armistice — les pour-parlers de paix (Novembre 1917–Janvier 1918), pp. 127–8.

3. Notes by Ye. P. Shelepina, 18 March 1918:–8.

4. Ibid.

5. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, pp. 145–6.

6. Notes by Ye. P. Shelepina, 18 March 1918:–8.

7. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 180.

8. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 124: letter to A. Thomas, 15/28 November 1917.

9. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 50.

10. C. Anet, La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste; l’armistice — les pour-parlers de paix (Novembre 1917–Janvier 1918), pp. 54–5.

11. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 186.

12. Général Niessel, Le Triomphe des bolchéviks et la paix de Brest-Litovsk: souvenirs, 1917–1918, p. 203.

13. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, p. 1; G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 145–6.

14. C. Anet, La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste, p. 128.

15. L. Bryant, Six Months in Red Russia, pp. 201–2; Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 564.

16. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 473 (Bryant) and 682 (Rhys Williams).

17. Ibid., p. 566.

18. Ibid., p. 565.

19. B. Beatty, The Red Heart of Russia, pp. 222–3; Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 564.

20. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 173–4.

21. Ibid., pp. 176–7.

22. Sir G. Buchanan, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, pp. 225–6.

23. Ibid., p. 220 (diary).

24. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 222.

25. HO 144/2158/322428/16, 22 and 29. My thanks to Harry Shukman for sharing this document with me as well as the documents in the next three endnotes.

26. HO 144/2158/322428/33.

27. HO 144/2158/322428/85.

28. HO 144/2158/322428: Assistant Commissioner of Police, 25 October 1917.

29. Sir G. Buchanan, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, pp. 226–7 (diary); see also J. McHugh and B. J. Ripley, ‘Russian Political Internees in First World War Britain: The Cases of George Chicherin and Peter Petroff’, Historical Journal, no. 3 (1985), p. 736.

30. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 170–1.

31. C. Anet, La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste, pp. 162–3.

32. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 179.

33. Sir G. Buchanan, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, p. 243.

34. Ibid., pp. 239 and 247.

35. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 1550–1.

36. Ibid., p. 1551.

37. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 963–4.

38. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 97–9.

39. Ibid., pp. 57–8, 64–5 and 70.

40. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, ch. 24.

41. G. Buchanan (en clair report to London), pp. i–ii, 2 January 1918: Milner Papers.

42. C. Anet, La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste, p. 201; Général Niessel, Le Triomphe des bolchéviks et la paix de Brest-Litovsk: souvenirs, 1917–1918, p. 187.

43. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 140: letter to A. Thomas, 25 November/8 December 1917.

44. L. Bryant, Six Red Months in Russia, ch. 24.

45. Général Niessel, Le Triomphe des bolchéviks et la paix de Brest-Litovsk: souvenirs, 1917–1918, p. 186.

46. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 186; Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 942.

47. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 961.

48. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 168–9.

49. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 962–3; D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 210–11.

50. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 152–3; G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, pp. 133–4.

51. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 183–4.

52. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 190.

53. Sovnarkom meeting, 1(14) January 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1, item 1.

54. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 186–7.

55. Ibid., pp. 185–9; D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 216–17.

56. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 190–1; Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 963–4.

57. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 219–20.

8. The Other West

1. Russia. Posol’stvo (HIA), box 1: Russian ambassador in France to the embassy in Washington, 24, 26 and 29 December 1917 (Old Style).

2. D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, p. 57.

3. National Archives, FO 371/3295/6933.

4. A. E. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution: The Soviet Mission to Switzerland, 1918, pp. 43–53.

5. I. Litvinov, untitled autobiographical fragment: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 10, folder 5, p. 27.

6. Ibid.

7. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 1552–3.

8. Ibid., p. 1553.

9. Russia. Posol’stvo (HIA), box 1: Nabokov’s telegram to the US embassy, 3(16) January 1918.

10. Ibid.: Paris ambassador to all Russian embassies, 6(19) January 1918.

11. Ibid.: Nabokov’s telegram to the US embassy, 4(17) January 1918.

12. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, p. 78; Protokoly Tsentral’nogo Komiteta RSDRP(b): avgust 1917–fevral’ 1918 (Gosizdat: Moscow, 1958), p. 165.

13. Maisky’s notes on Litvinov’s conversational memoir, Journey into the Past, pp. 62–5; Russia. Posol’stvo (HIA), box 1: Nabokov’s telegram to the US embassy, 4(17) January 1918.

14. Maisky’s notes on Litvinov’s conversational memoir, Journey into the Past, pp. 62–5.

15. Russia. Posol’stvo (HIA), box 1: Nabokov’s telegram to the US embassy, 21 January (8 February) 1918.

16. Daily News and Leader, 19 February 1918.

17. Labour Leader, 24 January 1918.

18.; V. V. Aldoshin, Yu. V. Ivanov, V. M. Semënov and V. A. Tarasov (eds), Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnosheniya: gody nepriznaniya, 1918–1926, p. 12.

19. Extracts of report by Basil Thomson on Litvinov, 20 February 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fols 49–51.

20. House of Commons Debates, 19 February 1918, vol. 103, col. 607.

21. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment, ‘Letters to Viola’, p. 28: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid., pp. 28a–30.

24. I. Litvinov, untitled autobiographical fragment: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 9, folder 10, p. 28a.

25. Ibid., p. 37: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

26. Ibid.

27. M. Litvinoff, The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning, especially pp. 43–6.

28. Manchester Guardian, 23 January 1918.

29. Harold Kellock (Finnish Information Bureau, New York) to Lincoln Steffens, 22 April 1918, p. 1: Russian Subject Collection (HIA).

30. New York Times, 31 January 1918.

31. Ibid., 2 February 1918.

32. Ibid., 19 February 1918.

33. Washington Post, 29 February 1918.

34. Ibid., 1 June 1918.

35. New York Times, 11 May 1918.

36. R. Chambers, The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome, p. 177.

37. M. Budberg to R. Bruce Lockhart, n.d.: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 2, folder 2.

38. A. Rhys Williams, Lenin: The Man and his Work, p. 74.

39. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 192.

40. Ibid., pp. 192–3.

41. Report from Stockholm, 12 September 1918: CX 050167. My thanks to Andrew Cook for sharing this document with me.

42. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 191.

43. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 553.

44. M. Philips Price, The Soviet, the Terror and Intervention, pp. 1–14.

45. Radek and Ransome on Russia (The Socialist Publication Society: Brooklyn, NY, 1918), pp. 5–7, 10–11, 19–20 and 24.

46. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 200–1.

47. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, p. 31.

48. R. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Last Words on Lenin: An Inaugural Address [as] Honorary President of the Associated Societies, Edinburgh University, 26 October 1960’, p. 6.

49. Ibid., p. 7.

50. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, p. 801.

51. T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, p. 41.

52. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, pp. 32–3.

53. Ibid., p. 33.

54. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 802–3.

55. Ibid., p. 803.

56. ‘Udostoverenie’, 5 August 1918: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘2 Reilly: Documentary Material’, folder 2.

57. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 264: letter to A. Thomas, 15 March 1918; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, pp. 74–5 and 115.

58. National Archives, FO 371/3290/51340, cited in B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 22.

59. H. Wilson to the War Cabinet, 18 March 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fol. 127.

60. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, pp. 74–5 and 115.

9. Talks at Brest-Litvosk

1. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 115.

2. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 7.

3. Arthur M. Free Papers, folder Mb (HIA).

4. N. A. Ioffe, ‘O moëm ottse’: N. A. Ioffe Papers (HIA).

5. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 140: letter to A. Thomas, 25 November/8 December 1917.

6. O. von Czernin’s diary reproduced from the 1923 Russian translation in N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 135.

7. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 140: letter to A. Thomas, 25 November/8 December 1917.

8. Mirnye peregovory v Brest-Litovske, vol. 1: Plenarnye zasedaniya. Zasedaniya Politicheskoi Komissii, pp. 67–8 and 72.

9. Ibid., pp. 52–3.

10. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 176: letter to A. Thomas, 22 December 1917/4 January 1918.

11. Ye. P. Shelepina, ‘Journey to Brest’ (notes written in March 1918): Notes by Ye. P. Shelepina, 18 March 1918:–8.

12. Ibid.

13. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 35, pp. 179–80.

14. Mirnye peregovory v Brest-Litovske, vol. 1, p. 208.

15. Ibid., pp. 209–10.

16. Protokoly Tsentral’nogo Komiteta RSDRP(b): avgust 1917–fevral’ 1918, pp. 194–5.

17. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Petrograd), 2 February 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fols 66–7.

18. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Petrograd, via Lindley), 16 February 1918: ibid., fols 34–8; R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Moscow), 21 February 1918: ibid., fol. 143.

19. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, pp. 4–5.

20. House of Commons Debates, 18 February 1918, vol. 103, col. 462.

21. Manchester Guardian, 26 February 1918.

22. House of Commons Debates, vol. 103: 27 February 1918, col. 1478; 28 February 1918, col. 1605.

23. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, pp. 7–10.

24. Protokoly Tsentral’nogo Komiteta RSDRP(b): avgust 1917–fevral’ 1918, p. 199.

25. Ibid., p. 200.

26. Ibid., pp. 204–5.

27. Undated memorandum on 1917–18 by Stephen Alley. I am grateful to Andrew Cook for giving me a copy of this document.

28. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 243: letter to A. Thomas, 21 February 1918.

28. Ibid., p. 244: letter to A. Thomas, 22 February 1918.

30. A. A. Ioffe, ‘N. Lenin i nasha vneshnyaya politika’ (dated 20 October 1927), APRF, f. 31, op. 1, d. 4, pp. 212–13.

31. Protokoly Tsentral’nogo Komiteta RSDRP(b): avgust 1917–fevral’ 1918, pp. 206–8.

32. Ibid., p. 215.

33. O. M. Sayler, Russia White or Red, pp. 160–1; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 231, and vol. 2, pp. 29, 36 and 38; L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 237.

34. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 15.

10. Breathing Dangerously

1. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 9.

2. A. A. Ioffe to V. I. Lenin, 11 March 1918, reproduced in V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii. Krasnyi Bonapart: Dokumenty, mneniya, razmyshleniya, p. 40.

3. Sovnarkom formally made Chicherin the ‘Acting Deputy’ on 13 March 1918: RGASPI, f. 2, op. 1, d. 5483. See also RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 104, p. 43b (Central Committee and Central Control Commission meeting, 26 October 1923).

4. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 36, p. 324.

5. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 138–9.

6. Ibid., p. 141.

7. O. Wardrop to A. J. Balfour, 16 April 1918: National Archives, FO 371/3331/9741.

8. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 140–5. On Francis’s links to the American railway engineers in Siberia see B. O. Johnson, ‘American Railway Engineers in Siberia’, American Engineer, no. 81, May–June 1923, pp. 187–91.

9. Letter (in French, on Crédit Lyonnais notepaper) by unknown person to unknown addressee, summer 1918(?), p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Sir Edward Spears’.

10. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 148–9 and 151–2.

11. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 36, p. 105.

12. Ibid., p. 250.

13. Ibid., p. 323.

14. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918, pp. 1–2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12; R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 273.

15. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 275.

16. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, pp. 262–3: letter to A. Thomas, 13 March 1918.

17. Ibid. See also N. V. Salzman, Reform and Revolution: The Life and Times of Raymond Robins, p. 141.

18. A. Rhys Williams, Lenin: The Man and his Work, p. 97.

19. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Moscow report to London), 18 March 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fol. 126.

20. A. J. Balfour to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, 13 March 1918: ibid., fols 88–9.

21. Col. A. Knox, ‘The Delay in the East’, 18 March 1918: ibid., fols 131–2 and 134.

22. M. J. Carley, Revolution and Intervention: The French Government and the Russian Civil War, 1917–1919, p. 57.

23. P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 33, folder 5.

24. D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, pp. 194–5.

25. ‘President Wilson’s Views on Allied Intervention in Russia’, circulated to King and War Cabinet, 10 May 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 141, fols 2–4.

26. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 248–9.

27. Ibid., pp. 249–50. Lockhart’s estimate of Francis’s age was out by a decade.

28. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade: The British Invasion of Russia, 1918–1920, p. 24.

29. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, pp. 294–5: letter to A. Thomas, 7 April 1918.

30. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade, pp. 23–4.

31. I. N. Steinberg, ‘The Events of July 1918’: typescript (HIA), p. 3.

32. Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ukrainian Peace Delegation, 23 September 1918: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 35, folder 10.

33. Sovnarkom meeting, 2 April 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1.

34. Central Committee meeting, 10 May 1918: Izvestiya Tsentral’nogo Komiteta KPSS, no. 4 (1989), pp. 143–4.

35. Pravda, 24 May 1918.

36. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, pp. 27–8 and 55.

37. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 271: letter to A. Thomas, 18 March 1918; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, pp. 26–7.

38. Général Niessel, Le Triomphe des bolchéviks et la paix de Brest-Litovsk: souvenirs, 1917–1918, p. 326.

39. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 190.

40. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 197–9.

41. Ibid., pp. 202–3.

42. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 5 June 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 78.

43. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 178; J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 367: letter to A. Thomas, 28 May 1918; V. Fić, The Bolsheviks and the Czechoslovak Legion, pp. 5–8, 10–13 and 41–3.

44. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, pp. 202–3.

45. G. Swain, ‘“An Interesting and Plausible Proposal”: Bruce Lockhart, Sidney Reilly and the Latvian Riflemen, Russia 1918’, Intelligence and National Security, no. 3 (1999), p. 83.

46. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade, p. 13.

47. Sovnarkom meeting, 20 July 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 2.

48. Sovnarkom meeting, 22 January 1918 (NS): ibid., d. 1.

49. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 36, p. 324.

50. The Times, 8 March 1918.

51. L. de Robien, The Diary of a Diplomat in Russia, p. 252.

52. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, pp. 208–9.

53. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 319: letter to A. Thomas, 26 April 1918.

54. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, p. 209.

55. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 319: letter to A. Thomas, 26 April 1918.

56. Ibid., p. 322: letter to A. Thomas, 27 April 1918.

57. Ibid., p. 365: letter to A. Thomas, 27 May 1918.

58. Sovnarkom meeting, 25 June 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 2.

59. Pravda, 27 April 1918.

60. Sovnarkom meeting, 4 April 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1.

61. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, p. 273; G. V. Chicherin, Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskoi Rossii za dva goda, pp. 18–19; New York Times, 6 July 1918.

62. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 313: letter to A. Thomas, 16 April 1918.

63. Ibid.

64. Ibid., p. 325: letter to A. Thomas, 28 April 1918.

65. R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, p. 35.

66. Ibid., p. 157.

11. Revolts and Murders

1. Krasnaya kniga VChK, vol. 2, pp. 38–9.

2. W. G. Rosenberg, Liberals in the Russian Revolution: The Constitutional Democratic Party, 1917–1921, pp. 316–20.

3. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 1 November 1918: National Archives, FO 371/3337/9828, pp. 8–9.

4. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, p. 178; J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 367: letter to A. Thomas, 28 May 1918.

5. V. Fić, The Bolsheviks and the Czechoslovak Legion, pp. 206, 242, 262, 307–8 and 313.

6. National Archvies, FO 371/3324/107587, cited in B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 44.

7. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12.

8. Z. A. Zeman, Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915–1918: Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry, pp. 130 and 137; M. Occleshaw, Dances in Deep Shadows: The Clandestine War in Russia, 1917–20, pp. 130–3.

9. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 1, pp. 132–3, and vol. 2, pp. 120–1.

10. Sovnarkom meeting, 11 February 1918 (NS): GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1.

11. Sovnarkom meeting, 9 March 1918: ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. Sovnarkom meeting, 2 May 1918: ibid.

14. Trotsky’s 1935 diary in L. Trotskii, Dnevniki i pis’ma, p. 102.

15. Sovnarkom meeting, 17 July 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 2.

16. A. A. Ioffe, ‘N. Lenin i nasha vneshnyaya politika’ (dated 20 October 1927), APRF, f. 31, op. 1, d. 4, p. 216.

17. Ibid.

18. Enquiries to Lenin at the Eighth Party Congress, March 1919: RGASPI, f. 5, op. 2, d. 2, p. 5.

19. G. V. Chicherin, Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskoi Rossii za dva goda, pp. 18–19.

20. M. Ustinov, ‘Svoevremennye mysli’, in S. Rudakov (ed.), Vokrug moskovskikh sobytii, p. 10.

21. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 202–3.

22. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Moscow), 10 and 26 May: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fol. 288, and dep. 365, fol. 47.

23. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Moscow), 16 May 1918: ibid., dep. 364; R. Bruce Lockhart and A. Kerensky, ‘Ordeal by Oratory’ (draft; n.d.), p. 5: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 5, folder 7.

24. Notes taken by Robin Bruce Lockhart from George Hill’s account, p. 5: ibid., box 11, folder 1.

25. George Hill’s answer to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire, p. 6: ibid., box 11, folder 1; Ya. Peters, ‘Protokol pokazanii Ksenofontova Kalamatiano, on zhe Serpovskii’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 512.

26. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–5.

27. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Moscow) 17 May 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 142, fol. 4; see also dep. 365, fols 171–2.

28. Lockhart’s telegram, 26 May 1918: National Archives, FO 371/3332/9748.

29. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–5.

30. F. Grenard, La Révolution russe, p. 322.

31. Krasnaya kniga VChK, vol. 1, pp. 166–7.

32. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–5.

33. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 207.

34. F. Grenard, La Révolution russe, p. 321.

35. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 405: letter to A. Thomas, 10 July 1918.

36. A. A. Ioffe to the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, copied to Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and Zinoviev, June 1918: N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, pp. 65–6.

37. Sovnarkom, 15 July 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 2.

38. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 405: letter to A. Thomas, 10 July 1918.

39. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 210–11.

40. V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, p. 229.

41. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 947; J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, p. 146.

42. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, p. 148.

43. Ibid., p. 149.

44. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 248 and 250.

45. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, pp. 949–50.

46. Ibid., p. 948.

47. W. Hard, Raymond Robins’ Own Story, p. 191; R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 13 May 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 2.

12. Subverting the Allies

1. Most notably in The State and Revolution: see Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 33.

2. I. S. Rozental’, Provokator. Roman Malinovskii: sud’ba i vremya, pp. 198–207.

3. M. Occleshaw, Dances in Deep Shadows: The Clandestine War in Russia, 1917–20, pp. 93–4; C. Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community, pp. 261–2.

4. G. Nowik, Zanim zlamano „Enigmę”. Polski radiowywiad podczas wojny z bolszewicką Rosją 1918–1920, pp. 866–9.

5. Kh. Rakovskii and K. Radek, 29 October 1918: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 35, folder 10.

6. R. Blobaum, Feliks Dzierzynski and the SDKPiL: A Study of the Origins of Polish Communism, p. 30.

7. C. Sheridan, From Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, p. 95.

8. Ibid.

9. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 557.

10. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 154.

11. Karl Radek interview reported in ‘Anarchists as Bandits’, New York Times, 23 April 1923.

12. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, p. 35.

13. N. A. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 38.

14. S. Dzerzhinskaya, V gody velikikh boëv, pp. 269–70; N. Zubov, F. E. Dzerzhinskii, pp. 219–21; A. E. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution: The Soviet Mission to Switzerland, 1918, p. 100.

15. See here.

16. B. Thomson, Queer People (Hodder & Stoughton: London, 1922), p. 290.

17. Call, September 1918 (‘Dictatorship and Democracy’) and July 1919 (‘Towards a Revolutionary World War’).

18. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 201–2.

19. B. Thomson, Queer People, p. 290.

20. See here.

21. C. Andrew and V. Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, p. 37.

22. Report of the Dutch Legation in Petrograd, 15 September 1918: SF 401/3/2; Report from Stockholm, 12 September 1918: CX 050167; File on Ransome, 11.1.5 (no further indication); political report from ‘our representative’ in Helsinki, 1 May 1920: CX 3646. I am grateful to Andrew Cook for supplying secret service reports on Ransome.

23. The Times, 12 July 1918.

24. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918, p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12.

13. Germany Entreated

1. K. Baedeker, Russia with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking: Handbook for Travellers, pp. 334–5; F. J. Funk, ‘Fighting after the War’, Purdue Alumnus (n.d.), p. 7.

2. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 18 July 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 147; ‘Proposals for Allied Enterprise for Russia (assuming French concurrence): ibid., dep. 364.

3. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 21 July 1918: ibid., dep. 365, fols 156–7.

4. Lord Reading report (Washington), p. 4, 3 July 1918: ibid., dep. 141; aide-memoire from Acting Secretary of State F. Polk, given to Lord Reading, 18 July 1918: ibid., dep. 365, fol. 154.

5. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade: The British Invasion of Russia, 1918–1920, pp. 23 and 28–9.

6. R. H. Ullman, Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917–1921, vol. 1: Intervention and the War, p. 236.

7. See V. Barnett, A History of Russian Economic Thought, pp. 98–9.

8. Editorial, The Times, 13 July 1918.

9. Ibid., 18 July 1918.

10. Daily Herald, 14 December 1918.

11. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, p. 950.

12. Director of Naval Intelligence, 14 June 1918, p. 2: FO 371/3331/9741. This memorandum is contained in Robert Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 4.

13. A. A. Ioffe to the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, copied to Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and Zinoviev, June 1918: N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 66.

14. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, pp. 66–8.

15. Ibid., pp. 33 and 45.

16. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, pp. 30–2: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

17. N. A. Ioffe Papers (HIA), ‘Ob ottse’, p. 5.

18. Ibid., pp. 5–6.

19. Ibid., p. 6.

20. Ibid.

21. N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 35; V. R. Menzhinskii to V. I. Lenin, 20 May 1918 in ibid., pp. 57–8.

22. A. A. Ioffe to V. I. Lenin, May 1918 in ibid., p. 60; M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 28: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

23. N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 35.

24. See below, pp. 300–3.

25. V. R. Menzhinskii to V. I. Lenin, 20 May 1918 in N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, pp. 57–8.

26. V. I. Lenin to L. B. Krasin, 11 August 1918: V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, p. 284.

27. N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, pp. 35–6.

28. A. A. Ioffe to V. I. Lenin, May 1918 in ibid., p. 60.

29. A. A. Ioffe, ‘N. Lenin i nasha vneshnyaya politika’ (dated 20 October 1927), APRF, f. 31, op. 1, d. 4, p. 212.

30. N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 38. Ioffe could not resist asking Dzerzhinski why the Cheka had failed to prevent the attempt on Lenin’s life.

31. S. McMeekin, History’s Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks, pp. 97–101.

32. A. A. Ioffe to V. I. Lenin, May 1918 in N. Ioffe, Moi otets Adol’f Abramovich Ioffe, p. 61.

33. A. A. Ioffe to the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, copied to Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and Zinoviev, June 1918 in ibid., p. 67.

34. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 57.

35. G. V. Chicherin, Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskoi Rossii za dva goda, p. 5; B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 71.

36. G. V. Chicherin, Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskoi Rossii za dva goda, pp. 18–19.

37. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 49.

38. Ibid., p. 61.

39. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 50, p. 108.

40. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 67.

41. Pravda, 17 August 1918.

42. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 37, p. 75.

43. B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 68.

44. Hughes telegraph conversation between G. V. Chicherin and Kh. G. Rakovskii, 5 October 1918: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 35, folder 10.

45. L. D. Trotskii to V. I. Lenin, 17 August 1918: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 1, d. 23.

14. Subverting Russia

1. Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Sidney Reilly: Information Provided by George Hill’, p. 7: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1. See also A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, chs 2–7.

2. Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Sidney Reilly: Information Provided by George Hill’, p. 5: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1.

3. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, p. 102.

4. A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, pp. 107–18.

5. Ibid., pp. 107–8, 127–9, 131 and 133.

6. E. L. Spears to R. N. Bruce Lockhart, 2 January 1967: Robert Bruce Lockhart (HIA), box 2, folder 10; J. Alley to Robin Bruce Lockhart, 13 May 1966: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 2.

7. Ibid.; G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 201.

8. Letter (in French, on Crédit Lyonnais notepaper) by unknown person to unknown addressee, summer 1918(?), p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Sir Edward Spears’.

9. Ibid. See also G. A. Hill’s answers to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire: ibid., ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Others: 1921–1997’.

10. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3.

11. R. H. Bruce Lockhart (Petrograd), 10 March 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fol. 87.

12. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3.

13. T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, pp. 44–6.

14. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (apparently 1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3.

15. Ibid.

16. Moura’s daughter Tanya made the deduction about the pregnancy from letters written at the time by Moura: T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, pp. 44–6.

17. See here.

18. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 495. On the Sheremetev Lane apartment see R. Polonsky, Molotov’s Magic Lantern: A Journey in Russian History, pp. 43–9.

19. R. N. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Sidney Reilly. Information Provided by George Hill’: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers, box 11, folder 1, p. 1.

20. GARF, f. 102, op. 174, d. 69 (vol. 30: 1914), pp. 37–40. My thanks to Andrew Cook for sharing this with me.

21. Translation of Starzhevskaya petition to the Red Cross for Aid to Political Prisoners, 11 November 1918, GARF R8419, op. 1, d. 356, pp. 355–6: Andrew Cook’s papers.

22. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 512.

23. Ibid.

24. ‘Pokazaniya M. V. Fride’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 506; translation of Maria Fride’s Red Cross questionnaire, 30 December 1918, GARF R8419, op. 1, d. 264, p. 35 (double-sided): thanks again to Andrew Cook.

25. ‘Pervoe pokazanie A. V. Fride’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 502.

26. Washington Post, 2 March 1918.

27. V. Kingisepp, ‘Dobavochnye pokazaniya ot K. D. Kalamatiano’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 517–18.

28. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 517.

29. K. D. Kalamatiano, ‘Rabota poslednikh 6–8 mesyatsev’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 519.

30. Ibid., p. 115.

31. ‘Tret’e pokazanie A. V. Fride’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 504.

32. Ibid. (A. V. Fride); ‘Pokazaniya M. V. Fride’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 506; K. D. Kalamatiano, ‘Litsa, privlechënnye po delu’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 520. See also D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, p. 114.

33. R. H. Bruce Lockhart’s deciphered report, 26 May 1918: National Archvies, FO 371/3332/9748, p. 424; B. V. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–5.

34. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 200–1.

35. New York Evening Post, 16–18 September 1918; New York Times, 22 September 1918 and 22 February 1919.

36. G. Creel (Chairman), The German–Bolshevik Conspiracy (The Committee on Public Information: New York, 1918), pp. 29–30.

37. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 11 April 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 364, fols 200–1.

38. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 7 May 1918: ibid., fol. 271.

39. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 1 November 1918: National Archives, FO 371/3337/9829, p. 405.

40. See for example his request to be allowed to subsidize the National Centre in his report of 6 July 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 141, fols 75–7.

41. R. H. Bruce Lockhart report (Moscow), 13 June 1918: ibid., dep. 365, fol. 106.

42. R. H. Bruce Lockhart reports (Moscow), 21 and 23 July: ibid., fols 156–7 and 158.

43. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Secret and Confidential Memorandum on the Alleged “Allied Conspiracy” in Russia’, enclosure no. 1 in dispatch of 5 November 1918: Milner Papers, fol. 244.

44. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 491.

45. Robert Bruce Lockhart’s account in The British Agent attributed the leadership of the plot to Reilly. So too did Robin Bruce Lockhart in Ace of Spies despite knowing, as he admitted in a letter to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1967, that it was his father who had headed the planning: Robin Bruce Lockhart to P. R. H. Wright, F.O. [sic], 19 February 1967: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Foreign and Commonwealth, 1957–2002’.

46. National Archives, FO 371/3350, p. 37: quoted by G. Swain, ‘“An Interesting and Plausible Proposal”: Bruce Lockhart, Sidney Reilly and the Latvian Riflemen, Russia 1918’, Intelligence and National Security, no. 3 (1999), p. 90.

47. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, The Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 315–16.

48. Robin Bruce Lockhart to P. R. H. Wright, F.O. [sic], 19 February 1967: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Foreign and Commonwealth, 1957–2002’. See also M. Smith, Six: A History of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, p. 233.

49. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 491.

50. Ibid., p. 492.

51. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Secret and Confidential Memorandum on the Alleged “Allied Conspiracy” in Russia’, enclosure no. 1 in dispatch of 5 November 1918: Milner Papers, fols 249–50.

52. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 238.

53. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 492.

15. A Very British Plot

1. ‘Capt. Hill’s Report on his Work in Russia for D.M.I.’, 11 December 1918: National Archives, FO 371/3350, cited in R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano: America’s Man in Moscow’, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, no. 3 (1999), p. 353.

2. S. G. Reilly and Pepita Bobadilla, The Adventures of Sidney Reilly, Britain’s Master Spy, pp. 30–2.

3. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 494.

4. R. Marchand, Allied Agents in Russia: Complete Text of the Letter of M. René Marchand, Petrograd Correspondent of ‘Le Figaro’, to M. Poincaré, President of the French Republic, September 1918.

5. R. Marchand, Why I Support Bolshevism (British Socialist Party: London, 1919), pp. 29, 32, 44–7 and 50.

6. Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 489–91.

7. Ivy Litvinov, untitled autobiographical fragment: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 10, folder 3.

8. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 239.

9. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, p. 40; Ya. Peters, ‘Protokol pokazanii Ksenofontova Kalamatiano, on zhe Serpovskii’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 513.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid., p. 514.

12. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, pp. 40–1.

13. Ya. Peters, ‘Protokol pokazanii Ksenofontova Kalamatiano, on zhe Serpovskii’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 514.

14. Ibid.

15. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3; Freddie Hill to Robin Bruce Lockhart, 4 July 1970: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Others: 1921–1997’.

16. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 273; M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 59; G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 100.

17. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Last Words on Lenin: An Inaugural Address [as] Honorary President of the Associated Societies, Edinburgh University, 26 October 1960’, p. 16.

18. Speech of 7 November 1918, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 92–3.

19. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918, pp. 2–4: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12; Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov.

20. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918, pp. 2–4: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12.

21. Ibid., p. 3.

22. Ya. Peters, ‘Protokol pokazanii Ksenofontova Kalamatiano, on zhe Serpovskii’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 513 and 515.

23. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 243.

24. Ibid., p. 245.

25. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 510.

26. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano’, p. 353.

27. A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, p. 151.

28. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano’, p. 353.

29. Report on conversation with DeWitt Poole by UK ambassador to Norway Sir Mansfeldt Findlay to the UK Foreign Office: in A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, p. 152.

30. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano’, p. 355.

31. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, p. 216.

32. Manchester Guardian, 12 September 1918; M. Findlay report (Christiania), 17 September 1918, based on a Dutch diplomatic dispatch: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 237.

33. M. Findlay report (Christiania), 17 September 1918, based on a Dutch diplomatic dispatch: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fols 226–7 and 230; R. Vaucher, L’Enfer bolchévik à Petrograd sous la commune et la terreur rouge, pp. 414–15.

34. P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 35, folder 10.

35. Maxim Litvinov, untitled memoir fragment on 1920: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 9, folder 10, pp. 30–1.

36. Manchester Guardian, 6 September 1918.

37. MI1a: S.F. 401/2/2: Message to British Foreign Office about information received from the Dutch government, 18 September 1918. My thanks to Andrew Cook for sharing this document with me.

38. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notebooks, 1938–1945’: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers, box 4.

39. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, p. 46.

40. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 279.

41. Ibid.

42. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, Being an Account of the Author’s Early Life in Many Lands and of his Official Mission to Moscow in 1918, pp. 339–40.

50. The Times, 18 October 1918.

44. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notes for Cities and Men, p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), p. 2; M. Findlay report (Christiania), 17 September 1918, based on a Dutch diplomatic dispatch: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 233.

45. MI1a: S.F. 401/2/2: Message to British Foreign Office about information received from the Dutch, 18 September 1918.

46. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment on 1917–1918: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 7.

47. I. Litvinov, untitled memoir fragment on 1920: ibid., box 9, folder 10, p. 31.

48. The Times, 26 September 1918.

49. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 11 and 258.

50. Ibid., p. 25.

51. The Times, 18 October 1918; Le Figaro, 11 October 1918.

52. L. Naudeau, En prison sous la terreur russe, pp. 127–30.

53. Ya. Peters, ‘Delo Lokkarta’, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 510.

54. L. Naudeau, En prison sous la terreur russe, p. 117.

55. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 274.

56. M. Benckendorff to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, n.d., p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 1, folder 22.

57. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to Moura Benckendorff, 2 November 1918, pp. 1–2: ibid., box 1, folder 22.

58. M. Benckendorff to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, n.d. (late 1918?), pp. 1–2: ibid.

59. Moura Benckendorff to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, n.d. (summer 1919?): ibid., folder 20.

60. Pravda, 15 November 1918.

61. Handwritten report on the second day of the trial, p. 1; no named author: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 1, folder 11.

62. Ibid.

63. ‘Protokol zasedaniya Revolyutsionnogo tribunala pri VTsIK’: 25 November 1918, in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 549.

64. ‘Protokol zasedaniya Revolyutsionnogo tribunala pri VTsIK’: 28 November 1918, ibid., pp. 553–4.

65. Handwritten report on the second day of the trial, pp. 1–2; no named author: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 1, folder 11. See also Le Figaro, 11 February 1919.

66. Pravda, 4 December 1918.

67. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano’, p. 356.

16. The German Capitulation

1. Kh. Rakovski, ‘Avtobiografiya’ (HIA), p. 9; RGASPI, f. 17, op. 84, d. 1, p. 1, reproduced in I. Linder and S. Churkin (eds), Krasnaya pautina: tainy razvedki Kominterna, 1919–1943, p. 24.

2. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 50, p. 186.

3. Pravda, 7 September 1918.

4. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, Krasnaya nov’, no. 10 (1926), p. 140.

5. G. V. Chicherin, Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskoi Rossii za dva goda, p. 22.

6. M. J. Larsons, ‘Dans le labyrinthe des Soviets’, p. 39: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA).

7. I. Maisky, Journey into the Past, p. 37. Maiski saw him at the Communist Club at 107 Charlotte Street, London WC1 in 1913.

8. H. Strachan, The First World War, p. 316.

9. J. P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg, vol. 2, p. 710.

10. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, p. 139.

11. Ibid., p. 140.

12. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 29: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

13. A. E. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution: The Soviet Mission to Switzerland, 1918, p. 161.

14. Kh. Rakovskii, ‘Avtobiografiya’ (HIA), p. 9; M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 29: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

15. Ibid., p. 30.

16. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, p. 141.

17. Ibid., p. 142.

18. Ibid., pp. 142–3.

19. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 33: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

20. Ibid., pp. 33–5.

21. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, p. 143.

22. M. J. Larsons, ‘Dans le labyrinthe des Soviets’, p. 40: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA).

23. Ibid.

24. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, p. 143.

25. V. I. Lenin to A. A. Ioffe, 2 June 1918, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 50, p. 88.

26. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, pp. 143–4.

27. Ibid., p. 144.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid., p. 145.

30. Kh. Rakovski, ‘Avtobiografiya’ (HIA), p. 9.

31. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, p. 146.

32. Ibid., pp. 148–9.

33. Ibid., p. 149.

34. Ibid., p. 150.

35. P. Levi, ‘Gedächtnisrede des Genossen Paul Levi’ (typescript: HIA).

17. Revolving the Russian Question

1. R. Cecil, memorandum of 20 October circulated to King and War Cabinet, fols 149–53: Milner Papers, dep. 136.

2. Sovnarkom meetings, 7, 21 and 30 December 1918: GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1.

3. Azbuka report, 4 November 1918: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 28, folder 30.

4. Meeting of Russian delegation in Iasi with Allied emissaries, 17 November 1918: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 36, folders 16 and 18.

5. A. Ransome, The Truth about Russia (Workers’ Socialist Federation: London, 1918), pp. 3–4.

6. D. Marquand, Ramsay MacDonald, pp. 225–6.

7. A. Milner to C. Nabokoff, 22 December 1918: Milner Papers, c. 696, fol. 168.

8. R. H. Ullman, Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917–1921, vol. 2: Britain and the Russian Civil War, November 1918–February 1920, pp. 59–64.

9. House of Commons Debates, 14 November 1918, cols 3015–17.

10. R. H. B. Lockhart, Memorandum on the Internal Situation in Russia, in British Documents on Foreign Policy, Part 2: The Soviet Union, 1917–1939, vol. 1: Soviet Russia and her Neighbours, Jan. 1917–Dec. 1919, pp. 34–44.

11. R. H. Bruce Lockhart to A. J. Balfour, 7 November 1918: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 12.

12. The Diaries of Robert Bruce Lockhart, 1915–1938, p. 47.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. M. Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, vol. 4: The World in Torment, 1917–1922, p. 227.

16. R. Quinault, ‘Churchill and Russia’, War and Society, no. 1 (1991), pp. 102–7.

17. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, p. viii.

18. New York Times, 15 December 1919: reported testimony of S. Nuorteva to the Lusk Committee.

19. Ibid.

20. Washington Post, 6 August 1917.

21. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, of William C. Bullitt, pp. 1–2.

22. Harold Kellock (Finnish Information Bureau, New York) to Lincoln Steffens, 22 April 1918, p. 2: Russian Subject Collection (HIA).

23. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-Fifth Congress, Third Session and Thereafter Pursuant to Senate Resolutions 439 and 469 — February 11, 1919 to March 10, 1919, pp. 5–6.

24. Ibid., p. 82.

25. Ibid., pp. 19–20, 80–1 and 84.

26. Ibid., pp. 109 and 115.

27. Ibid., pp. 112, 114 and 156.

28. Ibid., pp. 379–82.

29. Ibid., pp. 383–4.

30. Ibid., pp. 468 and 472.

31. Ibid., p. 590.

32. Ibid., pp. 641–2 and 669.

33. Ibid., p. 837.

34. New York Times, 22 February 1919.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid., 23 February 1919; V. V. Aldoshin, Yu. V. Ivanov, V. M. Semënov and V. A. Tarasov (eds), Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnosheniya: gody nepriznaniya, 1918–1926, p. 19 (Rhys Williams testimonial letter of appointment).

37. See S. White, Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution, pp. 175–7, for the general trend.

18. The Paris Peace Conference

1. R. Lansing, The Big Four and Others of the Peace Conference, pp. 38–9.

2. Ibid., p. 41.

3. Ibid., pp. 57–8.

4. J. M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, p. 16.

5. New York Times, 22 January 1919.

6. Bullitt’s notes in The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, of William C. Bullitt, p. 7.

7. Ibid., pp. 7–9 and 10–11.

8. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, pp. 116–17.

9. New York Times, 21 January 1919.

10. Ibid., 22 January 1919; Manchester Guardian, 23 December 1918.

11. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, pp. 1–2.

12. R. Lansing, diary entry, 22 January 1919: Robert Lansing Papers (HIA).

13. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, pp. 21–3.

14. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, pp. 1 and 3; The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, pp. 5–6.

15. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 1856–1924, vol. 53, pp. 492–4. See D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, p. 279.

16. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, pp. 5–6.

17. (H. Nicolson), The Harold Nicolson Diaries: 1907–1963, 24 January 1919.

18. W. S. Churchill, The World Crisis, vol. 4: The Aftermath, p. 173.

19. Ibid., p. 174.

20. H. Wilson to A. Milner, 12 January 1919: Milner Papers, dep. 46/1, fol. 107.

21. Churchill, The World Crisis, vol. 4: The Aftermath, p. 173.

22. Ibid., p. 174.

23. Ibid., p. 176.

24. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, pp. 3–5.

25. Ibid., pp. 34–6.

26. Ibid., p. 37; P. H. Kerr (Paris) to Sir R. Graham: minute, 11 July 1919, Documents on British Policy Overseas, no. 105169/43654/38.

27. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, p. 39.

28. Ibid., p. 44.

29. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 231.

30. George Hill’s answers to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire, p. 5: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1.

31. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, pp. 98 and 102–3.

32. ‘Peace with Honour’: Daily Mail, 28 March 1919.

33. The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, p. 66.

34. Board meeting, n.d. (early 1919?), p. 8: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 28, folder 33.

35. D. S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War against Bolshevism, pp. 69–71.

36. D. R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916–November 1918, pp. 310–11.

37. Ibid., pp. 309–10.

38. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, pp. 118–19.

39. Ibid., pp. 121–3.

40. ‘Diary of P. V. Vologodsky as Prime Minister of Admiral Kolchak’s Cabinet’, 17 May 1919: Pëtr Vasil’evich Vologodskii Papers (HIA).

41. W. S. Churchill, The World Crisis, vol. 4: The Aftermath, pp. 179–80.

42. T. T. C. Gregory, ‘Stemming the Red Tide’ (typescript, 1919), p. 70: T. T. C. Gregory Papers (HIA), box 1.

43. Ibid.

44. W. C. Bullitt to President Wilson, 17 May 1919: Robert Lansing Papers (HIA).

45. R. Lansing, diary entry for 19 May 1919: Robert Lansing Papers (HIA); W. C. Bullitt to R. Lansing, 17 May 1919: ibid.

46. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, pp. 245–52.

19. European Revolution

1. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 225. The comment was made in March 1919.

2. Ibid., pp. 35–6.

3. A. J. Fardon to Mrs E. Garratt, 5 March 1919: National Archives, KV/2/1903.

4. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 226.

5. Ibid., p. 227.

6. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, p. 450: letter to J. Longuet, 17 January 1918.

7. A. Dunois, unpublished typescript introduction (May 1941) to an edition of Sadoul’s letters, pp. 3–4: Jacques Sadoul Papers (HIA); L. Naudeau, En prison sous la terreur russe, pp. 231.

8. J. Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, p. 75.

9. R. Leviné-Meyer, Leviné the Spartacist: The Life and Times of the Socialist Revolutionary Leader of the German Spartacists and Head of the Ill-Starred Munich Republic of 1919, p. 153.

10. T. T. C. Gregory Papers (HIA), box 2: Hungarian Political Dossier, vol. 1: Alonzo Taylor to Herbert Hoover, 26 March 1919.

11. Memorandum by Ferenc Julier, former Commander of the General Staff of the Red Army; it was prepared for the Hoover Library in 1933 and translated into English: Hungarian Subject Collection (HIA), pp. 3–4 and 14.

12. Memorandum by Ferenc Julier, p. 3.

13. H. James (Inter-Allied Danube River Commission), ‘Report on Trip to German-Austria and Czecho-Slovakia’ (n.d.), pp. 1 and 4: Henry James Papers (HIA), folder 1.

14. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, p. 89.

15. H. James, ‘A Solution of the Hungarian Question’ (no date given but some time in 1919 before August): Henry James Papers (HIA), folder 2.

16. Telegrams of 2 February and 19 April 1919: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 109, d. 46, pp. 1–2.

17. T. T. C. Gregory, ‘Beating Back Bolshevism’ (typescript, possibly 1920), p. 6: T. T. C. Gregory Papers (HIA), box 1; A. Taylor to H. C. Hoover, 26 March 1919.

18. Ibid.: Philip Marshall Brown to Archibald Cary Coolidge, 17 April 1919.

19. T. T. C. Gregory to H. C. Hoover, 22 June 1918: T. T. C. Gregory Papers (HIA), box 1.

20. T. T. C. Gregory, ‘Beating Back Bolshevism’ [n.p., n.d.]: ibid.

21. Trotsky’s message to Kh. G. Rakovski, N. I. Podvoiski and V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko, 18 April 1919: RGASPI, f. 325, op. 1, d. 404, p. 86; Lenin’s telegram to S. I. Aralov and J. Vacietis, 21 April 1919, ibid., p. 92; telegram of J. Vacietis and S. I. Aralov to V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko, 23 April 1919, ibid., op. 109, 46, pp. 3–5.

22. Lt Col. W. B. Causey to H. Hoover, 8 August 1919: Gibbes Lykes Papers (HIA), box 1.

23. [James A.?] Logan to the ARA in Paris, 13 August 1919: ibid.

24. Inter-Allied Military Mission (Budapest) to the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference, 19 August 1919: Gibbes Lykes Papers (HIA), box 1.

25. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, p. 118.

26. See his comments in H. Hoover, Address of Secretary Hoover before the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Eleventh Annual Meeting. New York, N.Y., May 8 1923, p. 7.

27. H. Hoover, The World Economic Situation: Address of Herbert Hoover before the San Francisco Commercial Club, October 9, 1919, p. 19.

28. T. T. C. Gregory, ‘Stemming the Red Tide’ (n.p., 1919), pp. 66–7.

29. H. Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, pp. 164–5; J. M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, p. 274.

30. K. Radek, ‘Noyabr’. (Stranichka iz vospominanii)’, Krasnaya nov’, no. 10 (1926), pp. 163–4.

31. Ibid., pp. 164–5 and 168.

32. Ibid., pp. 166–8.

33. Ibid., p. 168.

34. A. Venturi, Rivoluzionari russi in Italia, 1917–1921, pp. 205–7.

20. The Allies and the Whites

1. Telegram to A. V. Kolchak, 26 May 1919: Aleksandr Vasilevich Kolchak Papers (HIA).

2. Aleksandr Vasilevich Kolchak Papers (HIA).

3. A. Marty, La Révolte de la Mer Noire, vol. 2, pp. 114 and 118.

4. Ibid., pp. 140–1.

5. W. Kendall, The Revolutionary Movement in Britain, 1900–1921: The Origins of British Communism, pp. 241–2.

6. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade: The British Invasion of Russia, 1918–1920, p. xii.

7. Ibid., pp. xviii–xix.

8. Daily Express, 6 September 1919.

9. C. Kinvig, Churchill’s Crusade, p. 192.

10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Omsk) to Chargé d’Affaires, 18 March 1919: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 57, folder 1; S. Uget to B. A. Bakhmetev, 24 March 1919: ibid. See also Russian Military Mission in Berlin to Yudenich, 9 September 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 3, folder 25.

11. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 5.

12. Gulkevich to Ambassador[?], 7 June 1919; American note on finance (Hoover’s copy), 15 June 1919: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 60, folder 1; V. A. Maklakov to B. A. Bakhmetev, 6 September 1920: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 227.

13. ‘Sostoyanie schëtov na 1-oe dekabrya 1918 g.’: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 57, folder 1.

14. ‘Spisok predmetov i materialov, prinadlezhashchikh russkoi kazne’: ibid.

15. Telegram from B. Bakhmetev, 14 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers, box 3.

16. Gulkevich to unknown Ambassador, 7 June 1919; American note on finance (Hoover’s copy), 15 June 1919: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 60, folder 1.

17. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 77.

18. P. V. Vologodskii, ‘Otchët po poezdke v Tomsk na Pervyi Obshchesibirskii s”ezd’, p. 30: Pëtr Vasil’evich Vologodskii Papers (HIA).

19. Vladimir N. Bashkirov Papers (HIA), box 3.

20. Financial agent S. Uget to B. A. Bakhmetev, 2/15 February 1919: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 57, folder 1.

21. Financial consultative committee meeting, 23 September 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 21, folder 20.

22. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 5.

23. GHQ British Salonika Force (Constantinople) to Directorate of Military Intelligence, 29 December 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 143, fol. 212.

24. Telegram to General Kondyrëv, n.d.: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 3, folder 25.

25. E. O. Scafe to General N. Yermolov, 14 May 1919; unnamed military agent in the United Kingdom, 19 May 1919: General A. A. von Lampe Papers (HIA); General Staff Colonel Brandt to General K. I. Globachëv, 16 August 1919: ibid. Brandt was Yudenich’s ‘military agent in Germany’.

26. J. Alley to Robin Bruce Lockhart, 13 May 1966: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 2; E. L. Spears to Robin Bruce Lockhart, 2 January 1967: ibid.

27. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 5.

28. Russian Military Mission in Berlin to Yudenich, 9 September 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 3, folder 25.

29. Ibid.

30. V. Madeira, ‘ “Because I Don’t Trust Him, We are Friends”: Signals Intelligence and the Reluctant Anglo-Soviet Embrace, 1917–24’, Intelligence and National Security, no. 1 (2004), p. 29.

31. P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 39, folder 8.

32. French Mission in Estonia to Col. Kruzenshtern, 25 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 3, folder 27; ‘Communiqué du Ministère de la Guerre de Paris’, 29 August 1919: box 4, folder 28.

33. ‘Modifications survenues dans l’ordre de battaille bolchévique’, September 1918: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 3, folder 26.

34. Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 11.

35. See for example, Kolchak’s communiqué on strategy and appointments, 7 November 1919, as received by Yudenich: ibid., box 3, folder 2; Yudenich’s telegram to Sazonov, Kolchak, Denikin and Miller, 3 January 1920: ibid., box 4, folder 6.

36. P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 30, folders 3–19.

37. Ibid., box 28, folders 1, 30 and 33; box 39, folder 1.

38. Ibid., box 35, folder 10 (Chicherin and Radek; Radek and Rakovski).

39. Ibid., box 33, folder 5.

40. Nikolai Yudenich Papers, box 4, folder 29.

41. R. Service, Trotsky: A Biography, pp. 287–8.

42. N. Andreyev, A Moth on a Fence: Memoirs of Russia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia and Western Europe, p. 43.

21. Western Agents

1. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, pp. 19 and 84.

2. Ibid., pp. 88–9.

3. Ibid., p. 101.

4. Ibid., pp. 115–17.

5. Ibid., pp. 119–27.

6. Ibid., pp. 127–34.

7. Ibid., pp. 145–8; G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, p. 88.

8. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 193.

9. Ibid., p. 196.

10. Ibid., pp. 203, 230 and 251–2.

11. Ibid., pp. 197–8.

12. Ibid., pp. 204–5.

13. Ibid., pp. 228 and 231.

14. Ibid., p. 213.

15. Ibid., p. 223.

16. Ibid., p. 217.

17. Ibid., pp. 220–6.

18. G. A. Hill, ‘Reminiscences of Four Years with the N.K.V.D.’, p. 120: draft typescript, George A. Hill Papers (HIA).

19. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 231.

20. Ibid., p. 217.

21. Ibid., p. 231.

22. Ibid., p. 232.

23. Ibid., p. 213.

24. Ibid., pp. 234–5.

25. Ibid., p. 58.

26. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, pp. 62–4.

27. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 63.

28. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, p. 71.

29. A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, pp. 160–1.

30. G. A. Hill, Go Spy the Land, p. 78.

31. G. A. Hill, Dreaded Hour, p. 93.

32. Ibid., p. 105.

33. S. G. Reilly to J. Picton Bagge, 10 October 1919 in A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, p. 169.

34. See the excerpts in A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, pp. 170–1.

35. P. Dukes, handwritten untitled memoir (1966?), pp. 7–8: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

36. C. E. Dukes, ‘Family Dukes: Yesterday’, pp. 21–5: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1. Cuthbert Dukes was Paul Dukes’s brother.

37. P. Dukes, typed untitled memoir (n.d.), p. 4: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

38. P. Dukes, handwritten untitled memoir (1966?), pp. 4–6: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

39. P. Dukes, Come Hammer, Come Sickle!, pp. 25–6.

40. Robin Bruce Lockhart, Notes on Meeting with Sir Paul Dukes, 25 June 1966, p. 1: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Paul Dukes, 1922–1990’.

41. Ibid.

42. William S. Barrett, ‘America in Russia. Or the Diary of a Russian Wolf-hound’ (typescript: HIA), p. 17.

43. Robin Bruce Lockhart, Notes on Meeting with Sir Paul Dukes, 25 June 1966, p. 1: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Paul Dukes, 1922–1990’.

44. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow (Doubleday, Page: New York, 1922), pp. 3–6. See also K. Jeffery, MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1909–1949, p. 137.

45. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, pp. 9–11.

46. Jean MacLean’s answers to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire (question 25): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Jean MacLean’. Jean MacLean was Robert Bruce Lockhart’s first wife and Robin’s mother.

47. Lady Dukes to Robin Bruce Lockhart, 14 September 1967: Paul Dukes Papers, box 1.

48. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, pp. 9–11.

49. Ibid., p. 7.

50. P. Dukes, ‘1918 Kalendar’-Otmetchik’: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

51. Ibid.

52. Krasnaya kniga VChK, vol. 2, pp. 43–5.

53. P. Dukes, ‘The Onoto Diary for 1919’: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1; P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, p. 223.

54. Ibid., p. 220.

55. Ibid., pp. 222–3.

56. Affidavit, 30 August 1919: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

57. Lady Dukes, handwritten memoir (n.d.): Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

58. Peter Constantinoff to Lady Dukes, 27 June 1968, stating that he was one of the two: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

59. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, p. 267.

60. L. D. Trotskii to M. M. Litvinov, 5 June 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 365, fol. 79.

61. M. Occleshaw, Dances in Deep Shadows: The Clandestine War in Russia, 1917–20, pp. 93–4; C. Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community, pp. 261–2.

62. American Legation, Copenhagen, dispatch no. 3250, 15 May 1919: US Department of State: Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between Russia (and the Soviet Union) and Other States, 1910–29 (HIA).

63. American Legation, Copenhagen, dispatch no. 3338, 16 June 1919: ibid.

64. Passport-Control Bureau Chief (Copenhagen), basing himself on British counter-intelligence information: 10 March 1919: P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 57, folder 1.

65. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 1.

66. K. Jeffery, MI6, p. 174.

67. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, pp. 17–18.

22. Communism in America

1. Central Executive Committee of the CPA, 15 November 1919: Theodore Draper Papers (HIA), box 32.

2. New York Times, 22 March and 2 April 1919.

3. M. M. Litvinov to L. K. Martens, 27 May 1918: G. N. Sevast’yanov, J. Haslam and others (eds), Sovetsko-amerikanskie otnosheniya: gody nepriznaniya, 1918–1926, pp. 101–2.

4. L. Martens and S. Nuorteva to B. Bakhmetev, 10 April 1919: L. K. Martens Papers (HIA).

5. Washington Post, 5 April 1919.

6. New York Times, 20 June 1919.

7. Ibid., 14 June 1919.

8. Ibid., 20 June 1919.

9. Ibid., 21 June 1919.

10. Ibid., 18 June 1919.

11. Ibid., 27 June 1919.

12. Memorandum of L. K. Martens and S. Nuorteva (n.d.; March or April 1919?): George Halonen Papers (HIA).

13. Both contracts drafted for 16 September 1919: George Halonen Papers (HIA)

14. New York Times, 9 November 1919.

15. Ibid., 17 November 1919.

16. Ibid., 27 November 1919.

17. Ibid., 2 December 1919.

18. Ibid., 9 November 1919.

19. Ibid., 19 November 1919.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., 13 December 1919.

22. Ibid., 19 November 1919.

23. Ibid., 22 December 1919.

24. L. A. E. Gale to C. Ruthenberg, 23 February 1920, p. 2: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195, folder CP-USA General Correspondence, February 1920.

25. CEC CPA to NEC CLP, 19 March 1920: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195.

26. Conferences and Conventions, 1920: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 215.

27. CEC CPA collective protest, 24 March 1920: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195.

28. Leaflet about March 1920: RGASPI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 34, p. 22.

29. Bukharin, Radek and Kuusinen, ‘Concerning the Next Tasks of the Communist Party of America (n.d., but seized on 22 August 1922): Communist International Instructions (HIA).

30. M. Eastman, ‘A Statement of the Problem in America and the First Step to its Solution’, 1923: Theodore Draper Papers (HIA), box 31.

31. [Ed Fisher] to C. E. Ruthenberg, 11 April 1920: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195, folder 10.

23. Soviet Agents

1. See above, p. 159.

2. Paraphrase of telegram from Sir Mansfeldt Findlay, 30 September 1918: National Archives, FO Registry No. 165188. My thanks to Andrew Cook for sharing this document with me.

3. See below, note 10.

4. S. Reilly to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, 25 November 1918: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Robert Bruce Lockhart — Reilly’.

5. Ibid.

6. S. Reilly to R. H. Bruce Lockhart, 24 November 1918: ibid.

7. R. N. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Sidney Reilly. Information Provided by George Hill’: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers, box 11, folder 1, p. 3.

8. Notes taken by Robin Bruce Lockhart from George Hill’s account, p. 4: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1.

9. Jean MacLean’s answers to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire (question 42): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Jean MacLean’; Notes taken by Robin Bruce Lockhart from George Hill’s account, p. 10: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1.

10. Jean MacLean’s answers to Robin Bruce Lockhart’s questionnaire (question 25): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Jean MacLean’.

11. See here.

12. G. A. Hill, draft letter to the London Evening Standard (n.d.): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder 1.

13. C. Andrew and V. Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, p. 37.

14. Sovnarkom meeting, 11 November 1918 (NS): GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 2(4).

15. L. B. Krasin, Vneshtorg i vneshnyaya ekonomicheskaya politika Sovetskogo pravitel’stva, pp. 3–4.

16. L. Bryant, Six Months in Red Russia, pp. 292–3.

17. RGASPI, f. 89, op. 52, d. 4.

18. C. Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5, p. 144.

19. K. Jeffery, MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1909–1949, p. 184.

20. RGASPI, f. 89, op. 52, d. 6, pp. 1–2.

21. W. Kendall, The Revolutionary Movement in Britain, 1900–1921: The Origins of British Communism, p. 242.

22. RGASPI, f. 89, op. 52, d. 6, pp. 1–2.

23. K. Linder and S. Churkin (eds), Krasnaya pautina: taina razvedki Kominterna, 1919–1943, p. 31.

24. A. E. Senn, Diplomacy and Revolution: The Soviet Mission to Switzerland, 1918, pp. 116–19.

25. The Times, 17 February 1920.

26. Manchester Guardian, 19 August 1920.

27. Ibid.

28. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 60.

29. ‘Nauenskaya radio-stantsiya… pod Berlinom’, Ogonëk, no. 16 (1922).

30. Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del, no. 28, 15 August 1920.

31. Yan Berzin to Moscow, 24 May 1918: K. Linder and S. Churkin (eds), Krasnaya pautina: taina razvedki Kominterna, 1919–1943, p. 30.

32. Jan Berzin to Moscow, 16 August 1918: ibid., p. 34.

33. Report of Special Department of the Cheka, n.d. (late March or April 1921?): S. Tsvigun, Lenin i VChK, p. 441.

34. Report of Special Department of the Cheka, n.d. (late March or April 1921?): S. Tsvigun, Lenin i VChK, p. 441. The report says that Dukes also mentioned a Harry Jelly Brand: I have been unable to work out who this person might have been.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid.

37. S. Liberman, Building Lenin’s Russia, pp. 5, 29, 39–42 and 194–7.

38. E. Blackwell to W. Thwaites, 26 August 1918: National Archives, KV/2/1903.

39. Unsigned report to London from Stockholm, 12 September 1918: CX 050167. My thanks to Andrew Cook for sharing this document with me as well as the documents cited in the next three endnotes.

40. See intercepted letter of Elizabeth Freeman to Mary Freeman, 22 April 1919: Directorate of Military Intelligence, I.P. 1210.

41. Log of reports on Arthur Ransome, ending on 11 October 1919: ‘MI5 Ransome’.

42. ‘Arthur Ransome, ref. B/02277’, 25 September 1918.

43. Memorandum from S.8, 17 March 1919: National Archives, KV/2/1903.

24. The Allied Military Withdrawal

1. Army: The Evacuation of North Russia, pp. 17–18; Gen. Poole to War Office, 18 September 1918: Milner Papers, dep. 366, box D, enclosure 3, fol. 434.

2. G. A. Lensen, Japanese Recognition of the USSR: Soviet–Japanese Relations, 1921–1930, pp. 19–21.

3. London telegram to N. N. Yudenich, 30 December 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 6.

4. N. Yudenich to S. D. Sazonov (Paris), A. V. Kolchak (Omsk) and Denikin (Yekaterinodar), 13 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers, box 3, folder 26.

5. Manchester Guardian, 4 June 1920.

6. A. A. Ioffe, ‘N. Lenin i nasha vneshnyaya politika’ (dated 20 October 1927), APRF, f. 31, op. 1, d. 4, p. 212.

7. A. A. Ioffe (V. Krymskii), Mirnoe nastuplenie, p. 16.

8. L. B. Krasin, Vneshtorg i vneshnyaya ekonomicheskaya politika Sovetskogo pravitel’stva, p. 4.

9. City Commandant of Reval (Tallinn), 28 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 2.

10. List of clothes and equipment made on 6 January 1920: ibid., folder 6.

11. Yudenich to S. D. Sazonov, A. V. Kolchak, A. I. Denikin and Ye. K. Miller, 3 January 1920: ibid.

12. N. N. Yudenich to Allied governments, 4 January 1920: ibid., box 21, folder 1.

13. ‘Estonskaya tranzitnaya torgovlya s Rossiei v 1920 g. cherez Narvu’ (typescript: Statistical Department of the Estonian Ministry of Trade and Industry): Revel’skaya gavan’ i bol’sheviki, 21 April 1921, Nicolai Koestner Papers (HIA).

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. TsA FSB RF, f. 1 os., op. 4, d. 2 in Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 372–4.

17. Manchester Guardian, 10 March 1920.

18. L. B. Krasin, Vneshtorg i vneshnyaya ekonomicheskaya politika Sovetskogo pravitel’stva, p. 6.

19. Washington Post, 3 May 1920; New York Times, 5 May 1920.

20. L. B. Krasin, Vneshtorg i vneshnyaya ekonomicheskaya politika Sovetskogo pravitel’stva, p. 11; Manchester Guardian, 12 April 1920.

21. Manchester Guardian, 12 April 1920.

22. Ibid., 15 April 1920.

23. V. Madeira, ‘ “Because I Don’t Trust Him, We are Friends”: Signals Intelligence and the Reluctant Anglo-Soviet Embrace, 1917–24’, Intelligence and National Security, no. 1 (2004), p. 37.

24. Manchester Guardian, 4 December 1920; B. Thomson, Queer People, p. 290.

25. Unsigned, undated military intelligence report on Anglo-Soviet relations in London (May or June 1921?): P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 110, folder 22, pp. 20–1.

26. ‘K voprosu o plane kontsessii’ (Komitet po vneshnei torgovli pri prezidiume VSNKh): typescript in Russian Subject Collection (HIA), box 13, folder 17.

27. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 42, pp. 107 and 112.

28. L. Eyre, Russia Analysed (New York World: New York, 1920), p. 14: interview with L. D. Trotsky, 25 February 1920.

29. Manchester Guardian, 15 April 1920.

30. Winston S. Churchill: Companion, vol. 4, p. 1053.

31. Manchester Guardian, 28 May 1920.

32. New York Times, 18 January 1920.

33. Le Figaro, 3 and 8 June 1920.

34. Manchester Guardian, 16 April 1920.

35. The Times, 11 June 1920.

36. Ibid., 22 December 1920.

37. J. Noulens, Mon ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 1917–1919, vol. 2, pp. 163–4.

25. Bolshevism: For and Against

1. Menu copies, 19 November and 3 December 1919: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11.

2. The Times, 15 and 16 October 1919.

3. Ibid., 17, 21, 30 and 31 October 1919.

4. Ibid., 3, 4 and 11 November 1919.

5. Ibid., 12 November 1919.

6. ‘Bolshevism at Close Quarters. An Englishman’s Experiences. Why I Went to Russia’, The Times, 14 October 1919.

7. The Times, 12 November 1919.

8. Ibid., 14, 15 and 19 January 1920 and 4 January 1921.

9. Ibid., 14 February 1920.

10. Ibid.

11. Izvestiya, 6 April 1920; The Times, 30 April 1920.

12. P. Dukes, diary for 1920, and Robin Bruce Lockhart’s notes on a conversation with Dukes’s brother Cuthbert: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1; The Times, 20 December 1920.

13. The Times, 22 December 1919.

14. Manchester Guardian, 12 November 1919.

15. The Times, 23 February 1921.

16. Princess Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days: Recollections of Romanoffs and Bolsheviki, pp. 339–59.

17. Princess Catherine Radziwill, The Firebrand of Bolshevism: The True Story of the Bolsheviki and the Forces that Directed Them: for examples see pp. 30, 179–90, 236 and 262–3.

18. P. Miliukov, Bolshevism: An International Danger, its Doctrine and its Practice through War and Revolution, pp. 115–17 and 147.

19. Ibid., p. 299.

20. Ibid., pp. 189 and 197–200.

21. Ibid., pp. 273–81.

22. The Times, 19 November 1919.

23. Russia. Posol’stvo (HIA), box 9, folder 2.

24. See here.

25. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919 (B. W. Huebsch: New York, 1919).

26. M. Philips Price, The Soviet, the Terror and Intervention (The Socialist Publication Society: Brooklyn, NY, 1918), pp. 1–13.

27. M. Litvinoff (with a supplementary chapter by I. Litvinoff), The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Rise and Meaning (British Socialist Party: London, 1919), especially p. 50.

28. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (Boni & Liveright: New York, 1919), p. xii.

29. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (1960), p. lxviii.

30. Ibid., p. lii.

31. J. Reed, ‘Memorandum. Russia. The Soviet Government’ (n.d.), pp. 1–14: George Halonen Papers (HIA).

32. Ibid., pp. 15–16.

33. Nicolai Lenin, Tchicherin, John Reed and Max Eastman, Russia, pp. 28 and 53–63.

34. J. Sadoul, Notes sur la révolution bolchévique, octobre 1917–janvier 1919, Preface by H. Barbusse (Sirène: Paris, 1920), p. 11.

35. J. Spargo, Russia as an American Problem, p. viii.

36. J. Spargo, Bolshevism: The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy, p. 215.

37. J. Spargo, Russia as an American Problem, pp. 40–1.

38. Ibid., pp. 259–99.

39. J. Spargo, Bolshevism: The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy, p. 215.

40. J. M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, pp. 35–6, 44–5, 51.

41. Ibid., chs 4 and 5.

42. Ibid., pp. 288–9.

43. Ibid., p. 274.

44. Ibid., pp. 291–5.

45. The Times, 5 January 1920.

46. New York Times, 29 February 1920 (reviewer Charles D. Hazen).

47. A. Tardieu, La Paix (Payot: London, 1921).

48. Manchester Guardian, 24 December 1919.

49. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 189.

50. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 42, pp. 67 and 69; vol. 44, pp. 294–5; J. M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, pp. 236–7.

26. Left Entrance

1. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 61.

2. Ibid., pp. 57–8.

3. Tsentral’noe byuro po obsluzhivaniyu inostrantsev v Moskve pri NKInoDel (Byurobin): Russian Subject Collection (HIA), box 13, folder 12.

4. E. Goldman, My Disillusionment in Russia (Doubleday, Page: New York, 1923); E. Goldman to B. Russell, 8 July 1922: B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 174.

5. British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920: Report (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party: London, 1920), p. 3.

6. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia (Cassell: London, 1920), p. 8; Manchester Guardian, 28 April 1920.

7. V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, pp. 332–3.

8. Manchester Guardian, 15 May 1920; Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, pp. 7–8.

9. The Times, 28 April 1920.

10. B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 141.

11. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 32.

12. D. Debrestian, ‘On the Origin of the Term “Iron Curtain” ’, Washington Post, 26 September 1991.

13. Ibid., p. 8.

14. Ibid., p. 30.

15. Manchester Guardian, 21 May 1920.

16. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 50.

17. Ibid., p. 55.

18. Ibid., p. 66.

19. J. S. Clarke, Pen Portraits of Russia under the ‘Red Terror’, p. 49. Clarke laughed at his friend’s Paisley brogue but he himself didn’t get right the Russian word for ‘I understand’ (ponimayu).

20. Ibid., pp. 56–7.

21. Ibid., p. 92.

22. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow, p. 223.

23. Ibid., p. 181.

24. Ibid., p. 171.

25. Manchester Guardian, 2 June 1920.

26. Ibid., 7 June 1920.

27. V. I. Lenin, Pis’mo k angliiskim rabochim in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 125.

28. New York Times, 23 July 1920.

29. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 180.

30. A. Ransome, ‘Lenin in 1919’, in A. Rhys Williams, Lenin: The Man and his Work, pp. 167–8.

31. Ibid., p. 168.

32. Ibid., p. 173.

33. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 117.

34. Ibid., p. 76.

35. Ibid., pp. 75 and 117.

36. Ibid., pp. 76–7.

37. Manchester Guardian, 29 July 1920.

38. Ibid., 12 July 1920.

39. Ibid., 1 July 1920.

40. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 116.

41. Manchester Guardian, 29 July 1920.

42. Ibid.

43. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, pp. 137–8.

44. T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, p. 120.

45. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, p. 139.

46. Ibid., p. 158.

47. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, pp. 151–2.

48. Ibid., p. 156.

49. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, 23 January 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

50. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, pp. 12–13.

51. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, pp. 157–9.

52. Ibid., pp. 160–1.

53. ‘Woman Sculptor Tells Impression of Soviet Chiefs’, New York Times, 23 November 1920. This excerpt from Clare Sheridan’s ‘diary’ is not contained in the version published as a book.

54. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment, ‘Moscow 1921’, pp. 5 and 7: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

55. C. Sheridan, From Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, p. 82.

56. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 76.

57. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, p. 192.

58. Ibid., pp. 193–4.

59. Ibid., p. 194.

60. Ibid., p. 195.

61. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, p. 156.

62. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, p. 196.

63. Ibid., p. 197.

64. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, pp. 142–3.

65. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, 23 January 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

66. W. S. Churchill to C. Sheridan, 21 April 1921: ibid.

67. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, April 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

68. British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920: Report, p. 27.

69. Ibid.

70. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, p. 64.

71. Ibid., pp. 83–4.

72. Ibid., pp. 107–8.

73. The Times, 8 December 1920.

74. B. Russell, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, p. 42.

75. Ibid.

76. B. Russell to O. Morrell, 25 June 1920: B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 172.

77. Ibid., pp. 152–3.

27. The Spreading of Comintern

1. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 121.

2. Pervyi Kongress Kominterna. Mart 1919 goda (Partiinoe izdatel’stvo: Moscow, 1919), p. 131.

3. Ibid., pp. 172–219.

4. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 220.

5. Pervyi Kongress Kominterna, p. 219.

6. Politbyuro TsK RKP(b) — VKP(b) i Komintern, 1918–1943. Dokumenty, p. 26 (footnote 7).

7. Ibid., p. 28.

8. Yan Berzin to G. E. Zinoviev, 28 August 1919: ibid., p. 31.

9. Politburo, 25 March 1919: ibid., p. 25.

10. Ibid.

11. RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 164, p. 2 in ibid., p. 76.

12. Ibid., d. 194, in ibid., p. 93.

13. W. Kendall, The Revolutionary Movement in Britain, 1900–1921: The Origins of British Communism, pp. 182–3.

14. L. A. E. Gale to C. Ruthenberg, 23 February 1920, p. 2: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195, folder of CP-USA General Correspondence, February 1920.

15. P. S. Pinheiro, Estratégias da Ilusão: a Revolução Mundial e o Brasil, 1922–1935, p. 30.

16. Congress of the Peoples of the East. Baku, September 1920: Stenographic Report, pp. 21–3.

17. Ibid., p. 35.

18. Ibid., p. 47.

19. Ibid., pp. 76–8.

20. Ibid., pp. 85–8.

21. Ibid., pp. 145–6.

22. Ibid., p. 161.

23. V. I. Lenin, Pis’mo k angliiskim rabochim, in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 127.

24. Ibid.

25. ‘Announcement of the Provisional Bureau of the Communist International’: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 209.

26. Yan Berzin to G. E. Zinoviev, 28 August 1919: Politbyuro TsK RKP(b) — VKP(b) i Komintern, p. 31.

27. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 222.

28. To Poland and Beyond

1. A. A. Ioffe to L. D. Trotskii, 30 January 1919: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 3, d. 2.

2. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, pp. 47–61.

3. Ibid., pp. 91 and 148.

4. Emil Nobel at Yudenich’s financial consultative committee, 21 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 21, folder 20.

5. V. I. Lenin to I. V. Stalin, 17 March 1920: V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, pp. 330–1.

6. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: RGASPI, f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, p. 11.

7. G. Nowik, Zanim zęamano „Enigmę”. Polski radiowywiad podczas wojny z bolszewicką Rosją 1918–1920, p. 587.

8. L. D. Trotskii, ‘Sovetskaya i shlyakhetskaya’, 6 May 1920: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 2, d. 113, pp. 74–5.

9. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 6.

10. ‘Svodka agenturnykh svedenii’, 20 December 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 8; Savinkov’s testimonial letter, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 2.

11. B. Savinkov to unknown general, 11 June 1920: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Sir Edward Spears’.

12. Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del, no. 28, 15 August 1920.

13. L’Humanité, 17 June 1920.

14. Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del, no. 28, 15 August 1920, pp. 10–11.

15. New Statesman, 10 July 1920.

16. I. V. Stalin, ‘Novyi pokhod Antanty na Rossiyu’, Pravda, 25–26 May 1920.

17. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, p. 95.

18. M. Cooper to US Adjutant General, 8 August 1941: Merian C. Cooper Papers (HIA).

19. M. Cooper to Chief of Staff, USAF, 12 October 1953, pp. 6–7: ibid.

20. Polish embassy (Washington), 5 September 1941: ibid.

21. Washington Post, 15 March 1921.

22. P. Dukes, diary for 1920: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1. On the Northcliffe connection see Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Meeting with Sir Paul Dukes’, 25 June 1966, p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Paul Dukes, 1922–1990’.

23. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, opposite pp. 227 and 240.

24. Robin Bruce Lockhart to George Hill (n.d.): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder G. A. Hill Correspondence with Robin Bruce Lockhart. On the date of Reilly’s trip see A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, p. 177.

25. S. Savinkova to S. Reilly, 19 December 1922: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 39. S. Savinkova was Boris Savinkov’s mother.

26. L. D. Trotsky to S. S. Kamenev, copied to E. M. Sklyanskii, Lenin and the Central Committee, 17 July 1920: V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii. Krasnyi Bonapart: Dokumenty, mneniya, razmyshleniya, p. 307.

27. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: RGASPI, f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, pp. 13–14.

28. Ibid., p. 16.

29. Ibid., p. 15.

30. Politburo meeting, 23 July 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 96, items 2, 7 and 8.

31. L. D. Trotskii to M. M. Litvinov, 7 July 1921: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 1, d. 409, p. 724.

32. V. I. Lenin to I. V. Stalin, 23 July 1920: V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, p. 357.

33. Politburo meeting, 10 August 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 101, items 3 and 4.

34. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: ibid., f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, p. 20.

35. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 458.

36. Dresel in Berlin to Department of State, 10 July 1920: US Department of State, Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between Russia (and the Soviet Union) and Other States, 1910–29 (HIA).

37. Izvestiya Tsentral’nogo Komiteta KPSS, no. 4 (1991), p. 171.

38. Politburo meeting, 19 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 103.

39. Manchester Guardian, 2 August 1920. See below, pp. 300–1.

40. Politburo meetings, 13 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 102, item 3; and 19 August 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 103, item 1.

41. The Times, 5 August 1920.

42. Ibid., 6 August 1920.

43. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

44. Manchester Guardian, 11 August 1920.

45. The Times, 11 August 1920.

46. Manchester Guardian, 11 August 1920.

47. The Times, 4 August 1920.

48. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

49. Ibid., 10 August 1920.

50. Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1920.

51. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, p. 274.

52. Politburo meeting, 1 September 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 106, items 7, 9 and 10.

53. Politburo meeting, 6 September 1920: ibid., d. 107, item 2.

54. Manchester Guardian, 12 September 1920.

55. Politburo meeting, 1 September 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 106.

56. Ibid., p. 34.

57. Ibid., p. 26.

58. Ibid., p. 28.

59. Ibid., pp. 36–7.

29. Trade Talks Abroad

1. New York Times, 17 July 1920.

2. Ibid., 3 September 1920.

3. The Times, 23 July 1920.

4. Ibid., 27 July 1920.

5. Ibid., 20 and 21 July 1920.

6. Politburo meeting, 19 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 103.

7. See here.

8. The Times, 6 August 1920.

9. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

10. New York Times, 13 September 1920.

11. Ibid., 14 September 1920; The Times, 17 September 1920.

12. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, pp. 42–4: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

13. Ibid., pp. 43–6.

14. Ibid., p. 50; see also Krasin’s explanation to Dr Freund, 1 December 1947, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

15. A. J. Sack, America’s Possible Share in the Economic Future of Russia, p. 24.

16. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 47.

17. Ibid., p. 48.

18. W. B. Vanderlip (with H. B. Hulbert), In Search of a Siberian Klondike, pp. 4 and 315; New York Times, 27 October 1920.

19. New York Times, 19 November 1920.

20. Ibid., 28 October 1920.

21. Ibid., 27 October and 19 November 1920.

22. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 42, pp. 23 and 62–4.

23. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, pp. 164–5.

24. Ibid., pp. 164 and 167; The Times, 8 December 1920.

25. New York Times, 1 December 1920.

26. Ibid., 11 January 1922.

27. Manchester Guardian, 4 January 1921.

28. Ibid., 15 and 19 December 1920.

29. New York Times, 3 January 1921.

30. Relations with Russia: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. Sixty-Sixth Congress, Third Session, p. 5.

31. Ibid., p. 62.

32. D. Lincove, ‘Radical Publishing to “Reach the Million Masses”: Alexander L. Trachtenberg and International Publishers, 1906–1966’, Left History, vol. 10.1 (Fall/Winter 2004), p. 91.

33. Relations with Russia: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, pp. 72–3.

34. Ibid., pp. 12–28.

35. ‘Comments of the Esthonian Press on the De Jure Recognition of Esthonia’: Nicolai Koestner Papers (HIA).

36. Central Committee meeting, 26 January 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 56.

37. Manchester Guardian, 19 December 1920.

38. The Times, 22 December 1920; New York Times, 29 December 1920. See above, pp. 251–2.

39. The Times, 22 and 23 December 1920.

40. Ibid., 8 January 1921.

41. Central Committee meeting, 26 January 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 56, item 12.

42. Manchester Guardian, 19 December 1920.

30. The Economics of Survival

1. Desyatyi s”ezd RKP(b), pp. 349–50.

2. Politburo second meeting, 5 February 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 130.

3. Politburo first meeting, 5 February 1921: ibid., d. 129.

4. Politburo meeting, 16 February 1921: ibid., d. 134.

5. Central Committee plenum, 24 February 1921: ibid., op. 2, d. 59, item 2.

6. See here.

7. The Times, 17 September 1920.

8. Ibid., 3 December 1920.

9. C. Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community, p. 262.

10. B. Savinkov to P. N. Wrangel, 15 October 1920: Boris Savinkov Papers (HIA).

11. Central Committee plenum, 25 February 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 60.

12. L. Bryant (Moscow) via F. Mason (Berlin), 10 March 1921: Frank E. Mason Papers (HIA), box 3, fol. 1, pp. 68–9.

13. L. Bryant (Moscow) via F. Mason (Berlin), 8 March 1921: ibid., p. 79.

14. Ibid., p. 80.

15. V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii. Krasnyi Bonapart: Dokumenty, mneniya, razmyshleniya, pp. 339 and 340–1.

16. Desyatyi s”ezd RKP(b), pp. 716–59 and 765–8.

17. Ibid., pp. 349–50, 354, 391 and 393.

18. L. D. Trotsky to the Politburo, 10 March 1921: V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii, p. 346.

19. B. A. Bakhmetev to V. A. Maklakov, 19 March 1921: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 329.

20. Politburo meetings, 18 and 19 March 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, dd. 138 and 139.

21. Washington Times, 17 March 1921.

22. Boston American, 16 March 1921.

23. L. Bryant to F. Mason, 12 March 1921: Frank E. Mason Papers (HIA), box 2, p. 61.

24. Politburo meeting, 17 April 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 155, item 155.

31. The Second Breathing Space

1. Petrogradskie izvestiya, 12 April 1921; ‘Revel’skaya gavan’ i bol’sheviki’, 21 April 1921, pp. 1 and 5, Nicolai Koestner Papers (HIA).

2. Pravda, 14 April 1921.

3. L. D. Trotsky to A. D. Tsyurupa, 21 March 1921: GARF, f. 3316s, op. 2, d. 83, pp. 2–4.

4. B. A. Bakhmetev to V. A. Maklakov, 19 March 1921: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 330.

5. New York Times, 22 March 1921.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., 13 July 1921.

8. Chicago Tribune, 27 March 1921.

9. J. Aves, Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship, pp. 158–85.

10. V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko to V. Lenin, 20 July 1921: The Trotsky Papers, vol. 2, p. 536.

11. ‘Desyataya partiinaya konferentsiya, 26–28 maya 1921 goda’: uncorrected minutes, RGASPI, f. 46, op. 1, d. 2, pp. 1, 16, 18 and 60.

12. See R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 3, pp. 182–4 and 205–12.

13. ‘Desyataya partiinaya konferentsiya, 26–28 maya 1921 goda’: uncorrected minutes, RGASPI, f. 46, op. 1, d. 2, pp. 58–9.

14. Ibid., pp. 50–62.

15. Ibid., pp. 125 and 133–4.

16. New York Times, 25 May 1921.

17. L. D. Trotskii to M. M. Litvinov, 7 July 1921: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 1, d. 409, p. 555.

18. New York Times, 30 June 1921.

19. Ibid., 2 July 1921.

20. Ibid., 30 June 1921.

21. V. I. Lenin to G. V. Chicherin, in V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 53, pp. 34–5.

22. New York Times, 31 July 1921.

23. Ibid., 4 August 1921.

24. Ibid., 5 November 1921.

25. Ibid., 6 November 1921.

26. E. J. Epstein, Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer, pp. 62–73.

27. L. B. Krasin, Vneshtorg i vneshnyaya ekonomicheskaya politika Sovetskogo pravitel’stva, pp. 33–4.

28. The Times, 7 July 1921.

29. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 45, p. 220.

30. H. Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920–1923, p. 23.

31. L. Trotskii, Petlya vmesto khleba (Penza Gubkom RKP: Penza, 1921), pp. 15–32.

32. Ibid., pp. 11–12.

33. Ibid., p. 11.

34. V. I. Lenin to V. M. Molotov, 11 August 1921, in V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 53, pp. 110–11.

35. A. Gumberg to K. Durant, 21 June 1922: Ronald Hilton Papers (HIA).

36. 8 September 1921: Herbert Hoover Collection (HIA), box 17, folder 6.

37. New York Times, 18 February 1922.

38. B. Patenaude, The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921, pp. 28–48.

39. Extract from Trotsky’s interview with L. Bryant-Reed (1922): American Relief Administration Russian Unit (HIA), box 353, folder 19.

40. Report of the VCheka, May–June 1921: 30 June 1921: Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 593–612.

41. B. Savinkov to S. Reilly, 12 June 1921: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 24.

42. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 6.

43. Report of the VCheka, May–June 1921: 30 June 1921: Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, pp. 593–612.

44. P. Dukes, diary for 1921: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1.

45. Association Financière, Industrielle et Commerciale Russe (Paris) to V. N. Bashkirov (New York), 23 June 1921: Vladimir N. Bashkirov Papers (HIA), box 1.

46. Unsigned, undated military intelligence report on Anglo-Soviet relations in London (May or June 1921?): P. N. Vrangel Collection (HIA), box 110, folder 22, p. 7.

47. A. A. Ioffe (V. Krymskii), Mirnoe nastuplenie, p. 17.

48. Ibid., pp. 9, 17 and 36–8.

49. William J. Kelley to an unknown addressee, 8 December 1921: William J. Kelley Papers (HIA).

50. New York Times, 8 June 1921.

51. Ibid., 11 January 1922.

52. Theses on the NEP: RGASPI, f. 325, op. 1, d. 88, pp. 1–5. See also R. Service, Trotsky: A Biography, p. 290.

32. The Unextinguished Fire

1. A. Poliakoff, The Silver Samovar: Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution, p. 40.

2. A. L. Strong, The First Time in History: Two Years of Russia’s New Life (August 1921 to December 1923), p. 15.

3. Ibid.

4. I. Litvinov, typed transcription of taped conversation in 1960 about settling in Russia, p. 10: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 10, folder 3.

5. Ibid., p. 11.

6. Frank E. Mason, dispatch of 31 May 1921: Frank E. Mason Papers (HIA), box 2, pp. 68–9.

7. Dayton Journal, 4 July 1920. Mason’s articles were widely syndicated in the US.

8. I. Litvinov, untitled autobiographical fragment, p. 5: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

9. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment, ‘Moscow 1921’, pp. 5 and 7: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

10. I. Litvinov, ‘Oral History’, p. 1: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 1.

11. Ibid.

12. I. Litvinov, transcription of taped conversation in 1960 about settling in Russia, p. 5: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 10, folder 3.

13. Ibid., pp. 8–9.

14. Ibid., p. 10.

15. Ibid., p. 3.

16. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 247.

17. R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 3, pp. 247–8.

18. I. Litvinov, ‘Mysli o nevozrashchenii iz Ameriki, 1942’: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 10, folder 3, p. 1.

19. V. A. Maklakov to B. A. Bakhmetev, 7 December 1920: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 300.

20. B. A. Bakhmetev to V. A. Maklakov, 20 January 1920: ibid., p. 152.

21. See the revelation of the leadership’s assumptions in Zinoviev’s speech (confidential printed version) to the joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of 29 July–9 August 1927: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 317 (V-iii), p. 22.


1. I. Litvinov, ‘Oral History: Ivy Litvinov’, pp. 6–10: Ivy Litvinov Papers (HIA), box 1; ‘Being English in Moscow’, pp. 7–8: box 9, folder 9.

2. J. Carswell, The Exile: A Life of Ivy Litvinov, pp. 190 and 203.

3. M. Philips Price, My Three Revolutions.

4. J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World (Boni & Liveright: New York, 1922).

5. Dzh. Rid, 10 dnei, kotorye potryasli mir (2nd corrected edn; Krasnaya nov’: Moscow, 1924).

6. B. D. Wolfe, ‘Mr K’s Favorite Reporter’, New York Times, 5 June 1960.

7. RGASPI, f. 89, op. 28, d. 5, p. 8: meeting with Komsomol delegation, 13 January 1961.

8. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, pp. 193–4.

9. A. Dunois, unpublished typescript introduction (May 1941) to an edition of Sadoul’s letters, p. 4: Jacques Sadoul Papers (HIA).

10. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow, pp. 194–5.

11. V. Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901–1941, p. 145.

12. PFR.301/D.S.10: National Archives, KV/2/1904.

13. R. Chambers, The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome, p. 363.

14. S. G. Reilly to P. Dukes, 23 October 1922: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 22.

15. P. Dukes, Come Hammer, Come Sickle! (Cassell: London, 1947).

16. Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), boxes 1 and 2. On the accident, see the letter from Mrs Tina Forbes to Mr Lacy, 16 October 1969, in box 1.

17. G. A. Hill, ‘Reminiscences of Four Years with the N.K.V.D.’, p. 121: draft typescript, George A. Hill Papers (HIA).

18. Ibid., p. 2.

19. Ibid., p. 158.

20. Ibid., pp. 137–43.

21. Ibid., pp. 156–7.

22. Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder ‘George Hill Legal Documents’.

23. A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, pp. 96–7.

24. Robin Bruce Lockhart’s notes taken from George Hill’s account to him, pp. 2–3: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers, box 11, folder 1.

25. S. G. Reilly and Pepita Bobadilla, The Adventures of Sidney Reilly, Britain’s Master Spy (E. Mathews & Marrot: London, 1931); R. N. Bruce Lockhart, Ace of Spies.

26. Reilly — Ace of Spies (Thames TV, 1983).

27. British Agent (dir. M. Curtiz: Warner Brothers, 1934).

28. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (apparently 1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3.

29. Cablegram (n.d.) to R. H. Bruce Lockhart at the Daily Express: ibid., box 10.

30. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, Friends, Foes and Foreigners, p. 274.

31. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Baroness Budberg’ (n.d. but after 1956), pp. 5–6: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 14.

32. T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, pp. 69–71 and 74.

33. Ibid., p. 122.

34. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Baroness Budberg’, pp. 1–13: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 14.

35. D. Collingridge, ‘Aunt Moura’, The Times, 2 May 2010. Dmitri Collingridge is a great-great-nephew of Moura Budberg.

36. Merian C. Cooper Papers (HIA).

37. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano: America’s Man in Moscow’, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, no. 3 (1999), pp. 356–63.

38. Robin Bruce Lockhart to G. A. Hill (n.d.), recounting what Paul Dukes had told him: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder G. A. Hill Correspondence with Robin Bruce Lockhart.

39. B. V. Savinkov to S. G. Reilly, 7 October 1924: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 24.

40. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–6.

41. Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov, p. 592.
