Page numbers in italics refer to the maps.
Abakumov, Viktor, 80, 389n
Abganerovo, 243, 264
Abramov, Κ. K., 90
Adam, Colonel Wilhelm, 119, 376, 379, 383, 387, 397, 429, 431
Akhmatova, Anna, 125
Aleksandrov, G. F., 234
Angern, General, 366
Antonescu, Marshal Ion, 20, 87, 229, 250, 272
Arnim, General Jürgen Sixt von, 397, 423
Astrakhan, 2, 81, 100, 226
Austrian troops, 65, 181, 185, 234, 244, 279, 319, 356, 358–9,397. 413
Babi–Yar (massacre of Jews), 15, 56
Badanov, General Vasily, 300–301, 313
Barrikady weapons factory, 161, 187f, 192, 198, 205ff, 216
Barvenkovo, 64ff
Batyuk, Colonel Nikolay, 142–3, 203, 216
Beck, Dr Alois, 18, 309
Beck, General Ludwig, 16, 146, 184, 369
Behr, Captain Winrich, 227, 240, 271,342–7, 359, 383
Bekabad prison camp, 415f
Beketovka, 98, 110, 147, 243, 248, 250, 407;
prison compounds, 371, 406, 411, 412–14, 415
Below, Major Nicolaus von, 124, 344
Berezhkov, Valentin, 3, 4, 6–8,418
Beria, Lavrenty, 4, 18, 35, 36–7, 44, 86, 132, 225, 234, 385–7, 404, 422f, 436
Berghof, Berchtesgaden, 266, 270
Bezyminsky, Captain Lev, 387f, 396
Bock, Field Marshal Fedor von, 20, 29, 33, 35, 39f, 42, 62, 65, 69, 74, 78
Bormann, Martin, 16, 335
Bielenberg, Christabel, 402
Bismarck, Lieutenant Gottfried von, 341–2, 380, 429f
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, (Chancellor), 5
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, (diplomat), 400
Blobel, Standartenführer SS Paul, 55–6
Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walther von, 14, 20, 47
Bredel, Willi, 307, 327, 329–30
Brest-Litovsk, 21, 26
Budenny, Marshal Semyon, 29, 34
Butkov, General V. V., 246
Chir, river, 64, 90, 242
Chuikov, General Vasily, 89–90, 127–9, 130–32, 141, 144, 149, 151–2, 162, 166, 188, 192, 196, 206f, 214, 302–3, 377, 422, 431
Churchill, Winston, 5, 29, 402, 418
Commissar Order, 14, 16, 54f
Commissars in Red Army, 24, 89, 93, 115, 136–7, 153, 167, 168–70, 172, 193, 201–2, 289
Cossacks, 88, 102, 178, 184–5, 274
Croatian 369th Inf. Regt, 183, 281,413
Daniels, General Edler von, 258, 283, 311–12, 317, 319, 336, 350, 353, 378, 423
Deboi, General, 319, 397
Dekanozov, Vladimir, 4, 5, 6–8,418
Demyansk, 43, 63
Dibold, Dr Hans, 333, 409, 413, 420, 429
Dietrich, General Sepp, 52
Dohna-Schlobitten, Prince A. zu, 17f, 261, 264, 342, 367
Don, river, 2, 51, 64, 74f, 78, 84, 89, 129, 226, 230, 247;
fighting in Don bend, 90–96;
first crossing, 102–3;
German retreat across, 258–62, 269
Drebber, General Moritz von, 376, 426
Dumitrescu, General Petre, 229
Dyatlenko, Major Nikolay, 180, 322–30, 360, 378f, 388–91, 396
Ehrenburg, Ilya, 86, 125, 404
Einsiedl, Count Heinrich von, 286
Eismann, Major, 299, 309
Feldgendarmerie, 55, 177, 179, 254, 259, 341,343, 358, 365, 367, 384, 428
Feldpost and Luftpost, 260, 348–9
Fiebig, General Martin, 267, 300f, 322, 333, 335, 360, 364
Freytag-Loringhoven, Captain Baron von, 66, 107, 124, 256, 365, 367
Frolovo, 64;
camp, 421
Gablenz, General Baron Eccard von, 234
Gebele, Major Bruno, 248f, 371f
Gehlen, Colonel Reinhard, 222, 228
German armies: First Panzer, 22, 29, 51, 64, 65, 69ff, 79, 293, 347
Second Panzer, 33
Fourth Panzer, 21,64, 72, 77, 79, 95–6, 100, 108, 113, 117f, 226, 248, 255, 336, 398
Second, 72
Sixth, 16, 22, 35, 55, 61, 64, 65, 70f, 76f;
advance to Stalingrad, 87, 102–8, 118, 129;
fighting in Stalingrad, 146–7, 151, 187, 191–2;
and Uranus, 220, 226, 228, 235, 239–240, 244, 247, 250, 252, 253–4, 268;
in Kessel, 269, 270–71, 275, 280, 282, 293, 297, 299, 302, 317;
and Christmas, 311–15;
ignorance of German public, 335–6;
rumours, 336–7, 352;
final battle, 354–7, 364, 372;
‘Noah’s Ark’, 366–7;
surrender, 383f, 393;
and German propaganda, 398–401
Eleventh, 17, 55, 61, 70, 81
Seventeenth, 70, 79, 293, 347
German divisions: Grossdeutschland, 81, 352
1st Pz., 36
3rd Pz., 53, 75
6th Pz., 296, 298f, 301–2
9th Pz., 58
10th Pz., 36
14th Pz., 70, 114, 130, 163, 181, 189, 191, 193f, 218, 231, 246, 251,261,357, 376
16th Pz., 17, 66, 89, 94, 96, 102–4, 106–8, 124, 163, 167, 190, 245, 247, 254, 258, 262, 278, 283, 313,315, 359
17th Pz., 297f, 300
18th Pz., 40
22nd Pz., 60, 79, 186, 231, 240, 245, 252
23rd Pz., 71, 296
24th Pz, 13, 96, 114, 130, 138, 149, 161, 163, 181, 218, 245, 247, 377
3rd Mot. Inf., 354f, 359
29th Mot. Inf., 87, 114, 125, 135, 232, 306, 354, 359
60th Mot. Inf., 16, 18, 162f, 189–90, 209, 271, 313,315, 359, 375
44th Inf., 65, 90, 244, 262, 279, 282, 314, 319, 333, 354, 358
71st Inf., 129ff, 184, 216, 377f
76th Inf., 97, 113, 128f, 131, 184, 192, 259, 341, 370
79th Inf., 167, 211, 216
94th Inf., 130, 140, 163, 189, 192, 211, 271
96th Inf., 60
100thJäger Div., 161 ff 188, 216, 359, 366
113th Inf., 208, 291, 305
295th Inf., 53, 129, 131, 137, 163, 175, 216, 360
297th Inf., 18, 62, 65, 70, 208, 248, 283, 311, 353, 359, 366, 371,370, 385, 387 305th Inf., 13, 119, 183, 192,193,206,216,324, 361,385,412
371st Inf., 57, 96–7, 209, 248, 353, 365, 377
376th Inf., 208, 251, 258,
279f, 282ff, 350, 354, 359
384th Inf., 57, 88, 92, 100, 234, 282
389th Inf., 66, 97, 112, 130, 161ff, 164, 192, 195, 216, 271, 316
Girgensohn, Dr Hans, 304–6, 351
Goebbels, Joseph, 5, 146, 180, 197–8, 313, 369, 372, 378, 380, 398ff, 401ff
Goering, Hermann, 16, 270, 273, 275, 280, 292, 335, 360, 369, 378, 380, 401–2, 403
Golikov, General F. I., 72, 189
Golubinsky, 146, 239, 242, 253f, 267
Gordov, General V. N., 99
Gorishny, Colonel V. A., 196
Gromky, 242, 244
Groscurth, Colonel Helmuth, 16, 55–6, 87, 145–6, 184, 187, 209, 212, 269, 273, 290, 369, 380, 393, 421
Grossman, Vasily, 107, 137, 148, 152, 159, 174, 204–5, 214, 263, 286, 316, 361, 383, 394
Grozny, 2, 69–70
Guderian, General Heinz, 21, 24, 26, 29, 32f, 39, 403
Gumrak, 126, 106, 254, 267, 269, 304, 315,346, 350, 36of, 363, 364, 370–71, 374f
Gurov, Kuzma, 128
Gurtiev, Colonel L. N., 187–8
Halder, General Franz, 16, 20, 26, 29,31,53, 62f, 65, 78, 80, 123, 129, 145–6, 223
Hartmann, General Alexander von, 377, 381
Hassell, Ulrich von, 16
Heim, General Ferdinand, 62, 231, 244f, 266, 272
Heitz, General Walther, 65, 147, 382, 398
Hess, Rudolf, 3, 5
Himmler, Heinrich, 55, 273, 425
Hindenburg, President von, 274
Hitler, Adolf, 4, 7f, 14, 18;
and Barbarossa, 20;
and Red Army, 23–4; 32, 39, 42ff, 47, 51f;
and generals, 58, 67–8, 71–2, 74, 78, 145, 228–9, 266, 290, 316, 320, 342;
and Operation Blue, 77–8, 80–81, 95–6;
and Caucasus, 123–4;
and Stalingrad, 164–5, 187, 191, 218, 251–2;
orders for winter, 209;
Bürgerbraukeller speech, 213–14;
and Uranus, 223, 231, 247, 253f, 266;
and encirclement, 269–73, 297–8, 309–10, 316, 318, 333, 347;
and Behr, 342–7;
and final resistance, 359–60, 372–3, 379f;
and surrender, 391–2;
after surrender, 401, 403–4
‘Hiwi’ auxiliaries, 180, 184–6, 208, 210, 247, 274, 281n, 282, 319, 351, 353, 355, 365, 384–5
Hooven, Colonel G. van, 424, 426
Hoth, General Hermann, 16,21,33, 39, 69, 72, 95, 100, 113f, 130, 226;
and Uranus, 232, 249f, 267;
and Winter Storm, 296, 299, 301,337
Hube, General Hans, 94f, 102–3, 11O, 112f, 114–15, 147, 261, 269, 315–16, 342, 366, 368, 374, 377, 379
Hungarian Second Army, 20,51,72, 77,81–3, 181–2, 322
Ilimen camp, 421, 429
Italian Eighth Army, 81, 182–3, 293, 300
Jaenecke, General, 147, 195, 364
Jeschonnek, General Hans, 270, 280, 292, 335, 39
Jews, actions against, 14–17, 54, 55–6, 79
Jodl, General Alfred, 123, 145, 270, 391
Jurisdiction Order, 14, 16, 54, 57–8, 60
Kageneck, August Count von, 58–9
Kageneck, Clemens Count von, 75
Kalach, 96, 115, 226, 253, 254–6, 269, 295, 325, 352
Kalinin, 36, 41
Kamyshin, 134, 226
Karpovka, 319, 321,346, 355ff
Kazakov, Major-General Vasily, 387
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 14, 145, 270, 344, 391
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 34
Kharkov, 2, 57, 61f, 63–5, 70, 73, 75, 296, 341, 345
Khrushchev, Nikita, 29, 66, 99, 108–9, 125–6, 138, 162, 167, 196, 230, 430
Kiev, 6, 15;
encirclement battle of, 29
Kirchner, General Friedrich, 296
Kirponos, General Mikhail, 22
Klamroth, Lieutenant-Colonel Bernhard, 345–6
Kleist, General Ewald von, 22, 51, 65, 69, 425
Kletskaya, 225, 226, 230, 239, 241,242, 244, 246
Kluge, Field Marshal Hans Günter von, 39, 41, 273–4, 298, 424
Komsomol (Communist Youth), 10, 98, 109, 167, 212
Korfes, General Otto, 137, 382, 423ff, 429
Kosygin, Aleksey, 37
Kotelnikovo, 64, 293, 296f
Kotluban, 106n, 323
Krasnaya Sloboda, 126, 127, 134
Krasnoarmeysk camp, 417
Krasnogorsk camp, 415, 422
Kravchenko, General, 244, 246, 251, 253
Krylov, General Nikolay, 128
Kunowski, Lieutenant-Colonel Werner von, 334
Kursk, 52, 72
Kuybyshev, 2, 36f
Kuznetsov, Admiral Nikolay, 9f, 133
Lascar, General Mihail, 253,
Lattmann, General Martin, 393, 423f, 429
League of German Officers, 422f, 426
Leeb, Field Marshal Ritter von, 20
Lend-Lease, 110, 124, 225
Leningrad, 6, 20, 28, 32–3, 37, 42, 63, 100
Lenski, General Arno von, 393, 429
Leyser, General, 250–51
List, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 78, 123, 145
Luchinsky, 102, 243, 262
Luftwaffe: and National Socialism, 18f, 41, 267;
and Stalingrad air-bridge, 270, 275, 280–81, 291–2, 300–301, 333–5, 344;
evacuation of wounded, 340–41; air-drops, 374;
losses, 398
Formations: Second Air Fleet, 34
Fourth Air Fleet, 103–5, 192
VIII Air Corps, 69, 115 –16, 138–9, 216, 230, 267, 322, 333–4, 374
9th Flak Division, 18, 254, 268, 280, 341, 364, 370
Lunovo camp, 415, 423 Lvov, 22–3
Lyudnikov, Colonel I. I., 196, 216
Mäder, Lieutenant-Colonel, 353, 355, 359, 365f
Maikop, 2, 69–70
Malinin, General M. S., 323, 388
Malinovsky, General Rodion, 106, 298, 309
Malenkov, Georgy, 9, 37, 133, 234
Manstein, Field Marshal E. von, 16–17, 22, 55, 61, 70, 75, 81, 254, 266, 268, 273–4, 296, 298f, 302,308–10, 315f, 341–2, 343, 347, 368, 403, 425, 430
Manuilsky, Dmitry, 197, 422, 425–6
Marinovka, 346, 354, 356
Melnikov, General, 422f, 425
Milch, Field Marshal Erhard, 345;
and ‘Special Staff’, 359, 368–9, 370, 383, 396, 398, 403
Millerovo, 78, 295
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 5, 9f, 37f, 234, 417
Morozovsk, 64, 78, 114, 179
Moscow, 5–6, 9, 72;
advance on, 32f, 34, 36;
state of siege, 38
Myshkova, river, 295, 299, 301, 309, 311, 314, 320
NKGB see NKVD (security police) NKVD, 19, 22, 28, 36–7, 157, 419;
propaganda and POW Department, 86, 180, 182, 279, 286, 307–8,319, 322, 350, 378, 400, 412–13;
Volga crossing and 71st Special Service Coy, 190–91
NKVD troops, 38, 79, 88, 106, 110, 167;
10th NKVD Rifle Div., 75, 109, 128, 131–3, 159–60, 174, 385
NKVD Special Detachments (later SMERSH) xiii, 79, 86, 168–9, 172–3, 199–200, 213
SMERSH, 26, 80, 186, 288
Frontier Troops, 18, 25, 41
National Committee for Free Germany, 422f, 425f
Niemeyer, Lieutenant-Colonel, 227, 366
Nizhne-Chirskaya, 177–8, 254, 263, 267–9, 293, 295
Novocherkassk, 274, 294, 301,316, 341
Operation Barbarossa, 3–6, 8ff, 12–14, 16, 18, 20, 33, 53f, 68, 75, 77
Operation Blue, 63, 64, 69–74, 77–8;
rewritten, 80, 124 Operation Fridericus, 65, 70–71
Operation Northern Light, 63
Operation Ring, 321f, 353–62
Operation Saturn, 292–3, 299;
‘Little Saturn’, 299, 310, 398
Operation Thunderclap, 296, 299, 309
Operation Torch, 214, 229f
Operation Typhoon, 33, 40
Operation Uranus, 130–31, 179;
planning and preparation, 220–23, 225–8, 230, 232–5;
execution, 236–63;
effect, 281, 292, 398
Operation Winter Storm, 296–300, 309
opolchentsy (militia), 28, 35
Order No. 227, 84–5, 97, 144
Order No. 270, 84, 169, 172
Orel, 34, 72
Organisation Todt, 255, 340
Oster, General Achim, 431
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich, 17, 33, 35, 40, 51–54;
takes over Sixth Army, 61, 65, 67;
and Stalingrad, 103, 113, 119, 129f, 140, 145–6, 183, 191, 210, 216, 218;
and Uranus, 228, 245, 247, 251, 253;
and encirclement, 227, 267–9, 271–2, 275–7, 299, 302, 308–9, 314f, 317ff, 320, 324n, 342–3;
and last resistance, 360, 366, 370, 377, 380, 381–2;
and Schmidt’s influence, 379, 382f, 388n, 422;
after surrender, 387f, 389–91, 396f, 400, 403;
and fate of sons, 427;
imprisonment, 422, 427f, 431
Paulus, Elena, 53, 314, 427f
Pavlov, General D. G., 21, 25
Pavlov, Sergeant Jakob, 198
Perelazovsky, 232, 242, 252, 267
Peskovatka, 247, 258–9
Pickert, General Wolfgang, 267–8
Pieck, Wilhelm, 407
Pitomnik airfield, 281, 304, 334f, 338, 340, 343, 346, 357ff, 360, 361–2, 363f
Pfeffer, General, 62, 65, 381,382, 426
Plievier, Theodor, 377
Political department see Commissars Poltava, 2, 52f, 69, 74
Rastenburg, Wolfsschanze HQ, 44, 63, 79, 129, 267, 270, 272, 297, 316, 343–7, 391,393
Rattenhuber, Hans, 80
Raus, General Erhard, 296f, 301–2
Red Army: Armies: 1st Guards, 118;
2nd Guards, 293, 298f, 309;
3rd Guards, 300f;
1st Shock, 41–2;
2nd Shock, 44;
5th Tank Army, 227f, 230, 241, 245, 252, 296;
4th Army, 19;
6th Army, 67, 300;
16th Army, 41;
21st Army, 203, 252, 325, 355, 357, 359, 377;
24th Army, 118, 243, 323;
28th Army, 147;
51st Army, 85, 147f, 169, 172, 211, 223, 243, 248, 298;
57th Army, 67, 147f, 211f, 223, 243, 248, 278, 298, 310, 321, 359;
62nd Army, 90f, 96, 114, 118, 125–6, 128–9, 136, 144, 147, 154, 157, 190, 192, 196, 201, 212, 216, 243, 247, 264, 302–3, 359, 377, 394, 431;
64th Army, 90f, 114f, 118, 125, 147, 169, 186, 197, 202f, 211,223, 248f, 355, 359;
65th Army, 251, 257,353,355,357,359, 370;
66th Army, 243, 355
Corps: 3rd Guards Cavalry, 241, 251, 253f;
4th Cavalry, 227, 232, 248, 297;
8th Cavalry, 241, 252;
1st Tank, 246, 252;
4th Tank, 227, 241, 244, 246, 251, 253, 256;
13th Tank, 298, 356;
16th Tank, 259;
24th Tank, 300–301;
26th Tank, 246, 252, 255f;
4th Mechanized, 227, 248, 250, 254, 256, 298;
13th Mechanized, 227, 248, 250
Divisions: 13th Guards Rifle, 131–2, 133–5, 138, 140–41, 150, 163, 171, 198, 204, 215, 377;
15th Guards Rifle, 168;
33rd Guards Rifle, 91–2;
35th Guards Rifle, 138f;
36th Guards Rifle, 356;
37th Guards Rifle, 177, 191, 193f, 195–6;
38th Guards Rifle, 186;
39th Guards Rifle, 163, 189;
1st Rifle, 113;
38th Rifle, 170–71;
45th Rifle, 168–9, 212–13,
64th Rifle, 116;
93rd Rifle, 232;
95th Rifle, 138, 161f, 196, 205, 216;
96th Rifle, 325;
112th Rifle, 136, 190, 193, 195, 196–7;
138th Rifle, 196, 216;
157th Rifle, 249;
173rd Rifle, 233, 320;
181st Rifle, 96;
193rd Rifle, 164, 189;
196th Rifle, 170f;
204th Rifle, 169, 172;
214th Rifle, 115, 157;
221st Rifle, 222;
245th Rifle, 201;
248th Rifle, 213;
284th Rifle, 142–3, 150, 154, 170, 203;
302nd Rifle, 169;
308th Rifle, 187–8;
347th Rifle, 215;
422nd Rifle, 356;
81st Cavalry, 232, 297
Red Army Aviation, 92–3, 110;
8th Air Army, 133, 138, 162, 195
Red October metalworks, 161, 163, 187, 189, 198, 204, 211f, 217, 303, 377
Reichel, Major Joachim, 71–2, 73
Reichenau, Field Marshal Walter von, 16, 22, 35, 47, 52, 53–4;
Reichenau order, 16, 53, 55, 56–57
Renoldi, General Dr Otto, 304, 315, 377
Reuber, Dr Kurt, 256, 283f, 312, 348, 421
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 4, 6–8, 214
Richthofen, General Baron W. von, 69, 96, 103–5, 113, 119, 216, 230, 233, 244, 246–7, 270, 292, 334, 360
Rodenburg, General Carl, 423, 426, 430
Rodimtsev, General A. I., 106, 131–2, 134–5, 138, 141, 163
Rodin, General A. G., 246, 252, 255
Rogatin, General, 132–3, 190f, 303
Rokossovsky, Marshal Κ. K., 23, 39, 106, 225, 298, 320–2, 324, 353, 365, 388, 396
Romanenko, General P. L., 241, 245, 296
Romanian armed forces, 20, 83, 87, 183–4;
in Kessel, 319, 355, 365, 377, 386
Third Army, 81, 184, 225, 226, 229, 230, 233–4, 239, 247, 252f
Fourth Army, 81, 147, 232, 248–9, 250
Divisions: 1st Panzer, 231,245, 252;
1st Cavalry, 239, 244;
6th Cavalry, 250;
1st Inf., 183, 211;
2nd Inf., 211;
5th Inf., 183;
13th Inf., 241, 244;
20th Inf., 211, 248
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 53, 81
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 402, 419
Roske, General, 377–8
Rostov-on-Don, 2, 51, 75, 77, 79, 84, 125, 293
Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von, 20, 29, 31, 51–2, 53, 81, 369, 425
Rynok, 107, 114, 116, 147, 167, 212, 247,346
Salsk airfield, 295, 334f
Sanne, General, 382
Saratov, 2, 226
Sarayev, Colonel A. A., 109, 132–3
Sarpa, lake, 113, 147, 243, 248
Schlömer, General, 377, 396f, 405, 426
Schmidt, General Arthur, 62, 228f, 239f, 251, 253;
and encirclement, 267–9, 271, 299, 320, 324n;
and surrender, 377, 379, 382f, 387f;
after surrender, 397, 422, 430f
Schmundt, General Rudolf, 267, 272, 345, 366, 425
Schulenberg, Count F. W. von der, 5, 9
Secret Field Police, 14, 60, 177, 263, 384, 428
Selle, Colonel Herbert, 276
Serafimovich, 226
Sevastopol, 2, 9, 61, 70, 75, 133, 253
Seydlitz-Kurzbach, General Walther von, 44, 63–4, 95, 102, 113, 117, 130, 145, 216, 218, 247, 269, 271–2,316,381,396, 398, 423ff, 426, 429ff
Shakhty, 88, 335
Shcherbakov, Aleksandr, xiii–xiv, 37f, 114, 143, 159, 186, 202, 204, 216, 425f
Shumilov, General Mikhail, 106, 383, 389, 398
Simonov, Konstantin, 91, 125–6, 156, 158n, 167, 176
SMERSH see NKVD Smyslov, Major Aleksandr, 322–30, 379
Smolensk, 28, 33, 47, 273
‘Sniperism’, 203–5, 285–6
Sodenstern, General Georg von, 244, 267
Sorge, Richard, 37
Soviet citizens in German uniform see ‘Hiwis’ Spartakovka, 109,126, 190, 211, 271
Speer, Albert, 335f, 359
SS SD-Einsatzkommandos, Sonderkommando 4a, 15, 55–6, 177–8
Waffen SS divisions: Leibstandarte, 52, 81, 352;
Das Reich, 36f;
Wiking, 79
Stahlberg, Lieutenant Alexander, 14–15, 273f, 341, 368
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich, 4ff, 8f, 21, 27, 29, 45, 66, 72;
purge of Red Army, 23;
and Stavka, 24;
and son Yakov, 26;
and Moscow, 38–9, 42;
and generals, 88–9, 99, 221–2, 233, 250n, 301, 321–2, 405;
and defence of Stalingrad, 109, 117–18, 130, 137–8, 173, 191. 197;
and Uranus, 130–31, 220–22, 233–4, 240;
and Saturn, 292–3, 298, 301;
and crushing of Kessel, 320f, 385;
after surrender, 397, 404;
and Tehran conference, 418–19
Stalin, Major Vasily, 133
Stalingrad tractor factory, 10, 98, 109, 161, 189, 191f, 195f, 206, 392
Stamenov, Ivan, 9
Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus Count von, 67–8, 275n
Stavka (Soviet Supreme General Staff), 24f, 34f, 42, 63, 74, 79, 84, 220–21, 292, 320, 328, 389
Stempel, General, 377, 381
Stock, Lieutenant Gerhard, 229, 239
Strachwitz, Lieutenant-Colonel Hyazinth Count von, 66f, 107, 109, 124
Strecker, General Karl, 58, 76, 87, 113, 146f, 149, 195, 229, 244, 246, 251, 254, 269,290, 308,313, 318–19, 339, 357,366, 392–3, 423, 426, 428, 430
Stülpnagel, General Otto von, 369
Surkov, Alexey, 125, 289
Suzdal camp, 415, 422
Taganrog, 2, 294, 343, 360
Tanashchinshin, Colonel, 250
Tatsinskaya airfield, 295, 300,313, 334
Tehran conference, 418–19
Telegin, General Konstantin F., 388, 389n
Thomas, General, 424
Thunert, Colonel, 261
Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon, 42, 51f, 59, 61, 63, 65–6, 67, 74f, 99
Tresckow, Colonel Henning von, 14–15, 273, 275n
Tukhachevsky, Marshal M., 23
Tula, 2, 36, 90
Ukrainians in German uniform, 179, 185–6, 263
Ulbricht, Walter, 307, 322, 407, 410, 426
Uman, 29, 31
Univermag, 140, 377, 383 Ural mountains, 9, 224
United States Embassy, Moscow, 137
Vasilevsky, Marshal Aleksandr, 84–5, 99, 117–18, 131, 220–23, 233f, 250n, 293, 298
Vatutin, General Nikolay, 182, 225
Vertyachy, 102, 243, 247, 257f
Vinnitsa, Werwolf HQ, 79–80, 123, 129, 220
Vinogradov, General I. V., 281, 321, 322–3, 324–5,330
Vishnevsky, Colonel Timofey, 155
Vitebsk, 26, 266
Vlasov, General Andrey, 44
Voikovo camp, 422f
Volchansk, 64, 65, 70
Volga, river, 2, 11f, 36, 70, 75, 81, 97f, 100–101, 106f, 110–11, 126, 127f, 152, 159–60;
crossing of 13th Guards Div, 133–5;
central landing stage, 141;
civilian evacuation across, 174–5;
crossing and NKVD control, 190–91;
Hitler’s boasts, 213;
Volga becomes unnavigable, 214, 217;
frozen solid, 302–3
Volga flotilla, 134, 160, 162, 212, 214, 394
Volsky, General Vasily Timofeyevich, 250, 255, 437
Vorkhuta camps, 428 Voronezh, 2, 70, 74–5, 78, 129, 293
Voronov, Marshal Nikolay, 106, 233, 320ff, 323f, 349, 353, 360, 382, 388–91,396
Voroponovo, 178, 315, 346, 350–51
Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment, 23, 234, 418
Warlimont, General Walther, 123–4
Weichs, General Baron Maximilien von, 129, 247, 274, 425
Weinert, Erich, 307f 324, 350, 356, 362, 371, 407, 410, 426
Weizsacker, Baron Ernst von, 3
Werth, Alexander, 393, 397
White Rose group, 403
Wietersheim, General Gustav von, 102, 112f
Witzleben, Field Marshal Erwin von, 56, 426
women in Red Army, 66, 87, 91, 96, 106–8, 109f, 140–41, 154, 157–8, 160, 207, 224
Yakimovich, Colonel, 388, 396
Yelabuga camp, 415, 421
Yeremenko, General Andrei Ivanovich, 34, 99–100, 108, 112, 115, 125, 127, 130f, 138, 147, 189, 196, 230, 255, 298f, 321–2
Zaitsev, Vasily, 154, 203–4
Zavarykino (Don Front HQ), 320f, 387, 397f
Zeitzler, General Kurt 266, 270, 297,313, 320, 335, 357, 365, 391–2, 401
Zholudev, General V., 193f, 196
Zhukov, Marshal Georgy, 25, 35, 39, 42, 89, 117–18;
at Khalkin-Gol, 24;
and Order No. 227, 85