Mironov В. (1) New Approaches to Old Problems: The Well-Being of the Population of Russia from 1821 to 1910 as Measured by Physical Stature // Slavic Review. Vol. 58. No. 1. Spring 1999. P. 1–26; (2) Tall Requirements and 'Small' Reality // Slavic Review. Vol. 58. No. 1.Spring 1999. P. 80–90; (3) Birth weight and physical stature in St. Petersburg: Living standards of women in Russia, 1980–2005 // Economics and Human Biology. March 2007. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 123–143. В том числе одна статья написана в соавторстве с американским антропометристом Brian A'Hearn: Mironov В., A'Hearn В. Russian Living Standards under the Tsars: Anthropometric Evidence from the Volga // The Journal of Economic History. Vol. 68. No. 3 (September 2008). P. 900–929. Я также неоднократно выступал с докладами на международных конференциях по исторической антропометрии.
