A pillory of sorts was standing in front of her, dragged out from a small room just to the right of the main section of the cabin. There were holes meant for arms and legs cut into the yellow pine. To one side was a three-legged stool, the seat of which had been modified to support a twelve-inch dildo that appeared to be made, of steel. Unlike the one currently fucking Kathy, this one seemed more threatening, deadly in the way it reflected the single overhead lamp.

Lisa shrank back, feeling Elena's steely fingers gripping her and pushing her forward. As the woman pulled her toward the odd block, she could see a bench several inches higher than the two top arm-holes. Her eyes narrowed, examining the stool, and discovered several straps of thin black leather fastened to the wood. Again she pulled back, whimpering softly, while Kathy began riding her dildo in earnest.

"You seem a little afraid. Here. This will be a little more amusing than what your friend's doing. Besides, this will teach you the discipline we want you to have – in your bones, so to speak."

Elena let her go for an instant, opening the bottom half of the makeshift pillory while Gus scooped the teen from the floor and pushed both legs in. He held the twisting girl, who was too terrified to make too much of a fuss yet still protesting against the rough, splintery feeling of the hewn wood against her flesh. Elena dropped the device down, locking a small padlock to secure it, then moving around to the top.

Lisa knew what she had to do. Meekly, her eyes lowered, the girl thrust her arms into the top holes, grimacing as Elena closed the top portion snugly against her forearms. Gus moved away, letting the girl sag down, her asscheeks spreading open from the weight of her hanging body. Lisa blushed furiously, knowing full well something awful would happen now. She looked from the men to Kathy, then to Elena. She could see something odd in their eyes, a kind of anger and lust mixed together that made her shiver in the stocks. Gus moved around to her ass, smoothing one hand over her asscrack and starting to stick his right forefinger into her, cunt.

"No! Not yet. She has to be primed, just as always."

"Not all the time," Gus muttered, reluctantly backing away and sniffing the heated cuntjuice on his digit.

"And you don't look too comfortable, dear. We have something for you to rest on. But then of course, you saw what we have for you to rest on."

Elena moved the stool up to Lisa. Instantly, Lisa knew what they were going to do. Jerking her head to the right, she looked at Kathy, her legs spilt apart, the awful dildo slipped into her fuckhole, slick now with her hot juices.

She was going to have the sane sort of thing up her cunt, only this one was cold steel. Her cunt buckled, puckering tightly as the tendons in her thighs bulged against her flesh.

Elena was moving the dildo to Lisa's ass, watching her closely, her thin lips curled into the awful smile that made Lisa shudder as if she'd just stepped on a dead rat. Elena slipped both hands under Lisa's ass, raising her asscheeks up a few inches as she pushed the stool forward until the silver dildo was directly under her cunt.

Lisa chewed down on her lower lip, her eyes closing as she felt the cold touch of the dildo against her pussy. This would be her next lover, that dead thing pushing into her. And yet – and yet in some mysterious way her body was starting to respond to what was happening around her. She felt a sudden glow wash over her flesh as her body responded against her will. Heat concentrated in the furry bundle between her legs as Gus and Red watched with increasing interest. Kathy was nearly forgotten off in the corner, impaled like a pinned butterfly, while Elena gently lowered Lisa's ass down onto the jutting steel dildo.

At the hard touch of the dildo, a jolt of terror mixed with a strange kind of hope raced through her mind. Her tits were itching and her fuzzy cunt was generating more and more heat. It was odd the way the smooth thing was unsticking her cuntlips, stretching them thin while burrowing into her overheated pussy. A knot of tension formed between her tummy and her cunt as Elena pushed down a little harder.

Lisa started to tense, her legs, pushing up, trying to stop the inevitable, although she knew it was foolish and futile. In a way, the girl wished she could control the tremors that ran through her cunt. It was maddening to feel so good while knowing she was being tormented and laughed at as if she were some odd laboratory animal.


It was going in steadily now, pushing aside the hot, tumid cuntmeat, stretching all the secret pink hollows of her young pussy while making the girl buck and writhe. It was magic, a kind of magic that brought tears to her eyes as she let them fuck her with the thing.

Lower and lower she went, until the teen felt her cunt boiling with juice and heat, her cunt rubbed up to near climax. Deep in her body, only inches away from the tip of that steel dildo, her womb was starting to spasm.

"Uhhhhhhh, oh no, no, don't!"

She was full of the dildo, stuffed with the steel until she opened her mouth to gasp. Her body shivered against the pillory and her eyes clenched tightly shut. Lisa refused to look at any of them, turning her head away, keeping her eyelids shut, and in the distance, she could hear Kathy moaning.

"Attach the wires!"

Lisa started, opening her eyes and looking at the tall matron. Wires? Electricity? More current? She tugged frantically at her hands, hurting her already-scraped wrists while Elena busied herself stretching the black wires leading from the dildo to a small gray box Lisa hadn't noticed when she first entered the cabin. There were wires leading from the thing Kathy was impaled on as well. She could see they were going to hook all of the wires together.

"Pull the gag out of that one," Elena said, nodding in Kathy's direction.

Gus complied while Red helped the matron screw the two wires into two brass leads at the back of the transformer.

"This isn't your ordinary train transformer. They can kill," Elena began to explain, sweeping one hand over the dials. "We've developed this sort of thing for treating patients in mental institutions, although now this sort of thing is frowned on. Too bad, but I've found other uses for it. It can discipline one without really causing damage as the commercial transformers can. The secret is all in the amperage. Here, do you want to see what it can do?"

Lisa dispaired. She knew Elena was going to show her, one way or another. The matron switched on the box, then turned it so Lisa could see the two pulsing needles in the small plastic bubbles in front. The girl was mesmerized by their movements, nearly thinking that their pulsing matched the throbbing going on in her cunt. She moved her ass ever so slightly, feeling the warming steel rub up against her cuntwalls. The sensation was delightful. Her cuntlips snugged up against the rodding dildo, milking it as if it were a cock.

"No, don't – oh God, they're going to electrocute ue!"

Kathy was hysterical, staring bug-eyed at Lisa as Gus finished wiring her up. Lisa wanted to offer some word of encouragement, something that would ease the teen's mind. But there was nothing to be said. She couldn't comfort her now any more than she could have in that awful cellar where they'd huddled.

Lisa looked away, wishing she could draw her hands out of the stocks and cover her ears to block out the horrible sounds of Kathy's plaintive cries. She felt her cuntlips tingling and tightening around that steel dildo, milking at it. Then there was that awful humming sound, the sound she'd heard before in Elena's office.


There was a sharp jolt, one that made the girl jerk up on the dildo and nearly shoot off the thing. Her arms pulled wildly at the stocks, and her legs jerked back and forth as best they could.

Lisa cried, blinking away the tears, remembering how awful it had been in Elena's office when the woman had fried her with the current. Again the matron shot her a jolt of current, watching as the teen stiffened and rose up on the dildo, her muscles spasming and her arms and legs knotting involuntarily.

Gus moved around and put both hands down on her shoulders, shoving her down until her ass nearly touched the bottom of the stool. Lisa shivered, feeling the cold steel stretching her cuntwalls even more, rummaging through her young body. It was terrible feeling split by something so hard and unyielding. Oh, how much better it was to have a man fucking her! She would have preferred to have Gus or Red fucking her.

"Now, to be fair, we'll give Kathy something to think about."

"No, no!"

Kathy's face whitened, her eyes riveted to the box, while sweat coursed down between her jutting tits. The young teen was panting like an animal, her roped hands behind her back moving slightly up and down and her toes curling against the copper stand. Elena smiled, turning the second dial and watching as Kathy's face jerked, snapped, then slackened.


The teen impaled herself competely on the dildo, sinking all the way down and nearly tearing her body in two while the current soared through her body. She screamed and shouted, her head lolling from shoulder to shoulder as her nipples turned the same color purple her lips had. She slobbered and groaned, her eyes rolling up into her head until only the whites were showing.

Elena turned the dial down, frowning at the girl's reaction.

"Obviously, we must be more careful with her. She's more sensitive. Well, that can be arranged," Elena said. "Now, we'll play a little game. I enjoy games, don't you? All you have to do is tell me to give the other girl more current, then what you're experiencing will be gone. That's easy enough, isn't it?"

"Oh God, no, no!"

Kathy was still hysterical. She looked at the machine, having since regained her balance and voice. Elena shook her head, looking at Lisa and smiling.

"You first, as you're the strongest."

Lisa braced herself, murmuring a prayer as she watched Elena's fingers tighten around one knob, then suddenly switch to another. It was a big surprise for Kathy.


Again the girl screamed and jerked like a crazed puppet, her legs kicking out, her knees jerking together, then snapping apart, her belly ballooning as if she were about to give birth.

Kathy snapped back, her lips working against one another, her teeth chattering as she cast one baleful look at Lisa, then shouted, "Her! Her! Give it to her! She can take it more than I can!"

"Well," Elena said, arching one eyebrow and looking meaningfully at Lisa, "we certainly know who our friends are, don't we?"

"Oh, God!"

Lisa felt her thighs tightening, her fingers and toes curling until they cramped. There it was, that same, tingling feeling. Only this time it was concentrated in her cunt. She felt the tiny muscles become rigid, gripping the steel dildo and shaking it while her head fell back, her long blonde hair sweeping over her ass. She thrust her ass up, her tits flopping forward as her nipples hardened like two glowing rocks. She felt herself cumming, a small, fiery climax that exploded between her legs and took her breath away.

Lisa let out a blasting breath, her teeth chattering. Elena was studying her, smiling, knowing full well what had happened. There was another burst of current, snapping the girl and making her spine rattle as her fuckjuices were starting to fry under the steady sparking current of the gray box.

"God, give some back to her!" Lisa moaned. "Let her enjoy this!"

Elena smiled at Lisa, switching the dial down and twisting the second up to the third notch. Kathy's hair seemed to stand on end, and her legs scissor-kicked back and forth. She bounced up and down on the dildo, her tits jumping to her chin and slapping back down against her chest, while her asacheeks jiggled like two white pillows against one another. She was gagging, hardly able to get a sound out from her throat as she looked wildly about the room. Her shoulders hunched forward, her face a mask of agony as she stared at Lisa and tried to speak.

"Lisa! Lisa! Give it to Lisa!"

"I'll give it to both of you since you both enjoy it!"


Lisa protested. But it was too late. She could smell the burning flesh as Elena turned both dials to the fifth setting. Her eyes blurred as her cunt fried under the current. Jerking and twisting against the pillory, Lisa felt her pussy go into spasms that wouldn't end. It was an infinite cum, one climax after another that took her breath and strength away. Her torso flopped back and forth while her head smacked twice against the top edge of the pillory. In the vague distance, she could hear Kathy shouting and cursing, her body bouncing up and down the pole like the horse of a merry-go-round.

Lisa found herself scratching at the pillory with her fingernails, crying out again and again as she fucked her cunt down onto the dildo and nudged her womb with the rounded, sparking tip.

Lisa wasn't sure what was happening next. The men were rushing around and Elena was doing something with the box. In a moment, she saw a set of white legs draped loosely over the top of the pillory while something dark was shoved into her face. Rearing back and rolling her eyes up, she realized it was the halfconscious Kathy, her ass flattened against the splintery top of the stock and her cunt drooling fuckjuice as her heels rested against the front of the pillory. She had her eyes closed, her long brown hair clinging damply to her cheeks and forehead. She looked drunk as Gus pushed her cunt closer to Lisa.

"Eat it! Eat it, or I'll turn the dial up to ten!" Elena shouted.

Her voice was thick, breaking at the end. At a setting of five, the girl thought her pussy would fry up. Quickly, she pressed her lips against her friend's pussy, tasting the pungent flavor of the girl's pussy. Kathy let out a moan, some of the current from Lisa's body passing to her cunt through Lisa's tongue. In a moment, she was making strange wheezing sounds, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes glazed over.

Lisa began a steady falling and rising action on the dildo as she started pushing her tongue into the teen's cunt. She wanted to feel more slaps, more whips, more belts as she twisted her shivering white ass on the steel pole. Slurping harder into Kathy's hot cunt, Lisa drew her tongue up the hot pink flesh, sticking it in at times. Kathy's fleshy legs folded over Lisa's face, pressing in as she rode the teen's tongue.

Lisa found herself beyond pain. The pressure in her tummy was growing more and more as her arousal increased. Somehow she managed to rise and fall faster and faster, moaning against Kathy's cunt. The resulting vocal vibrations drove the teen half wild, her body lurching forward, perspiration streaking the sides of her face.

Lisa liked the idea that her friend was enjoying the cuntlapping. She bobbed up and down on the dildo even more, feeling the thing rummaging around in her cunt. She loved that sensation as she pushed her tongue in all the way, stiffening it and fucking it in and out as if it were a cock.

Kathy was riding Lisa's tongue and moving her ass back and forth as much as she could while working her fingers against the binding ropes behind her back. Gus was rubbing up against her, obviously wanting to fuck her. But Elena was firm, calming him down with a stare while closely watching Lisa.

The blonde teen was moving faster and faster, the pressure building up around her cunt, the top of her pussy knotting up with cramps while her clit throbbed and jerked as if it would rip off. Her legs shivered and cuntjuice spurted from her hot, hairy pussy.

Lisa groaned, fucking her tongue in Kathy's cunt as fast as she could, concentrating on the hot tight feeling about to explode with the fury of a burst dam.

And then it happened. Her ass bounced furiously up and down on the stool, nearly upending it as Kathy squealed and twisted above her. Both girls were cuniming, feeling their cunts explode as the electricity sparked heavily into Lisa's body. She squeaked, tightening her cuntmuscles around the dildo and drawing it in deep as the powerful spasms hit her pussy.

"Uhhhhhhh – ooooooooh!"

Lisa calmed herself, letting out a long sigh as Elena finally turned off the transformer and passed a shaky hand through her black hair. Gus took Kathy from the top of tbe pillory, laying her on the cold floor as Red moved in and slipped the stool and dildo away from the young blonde.

Lisa almost hated to have the dildo slipped from her cunt. It had felt good and hot and hard in there, pushing up into her pussy and rummaging around. But she knew there would be more.
