The trip back to the correctional institution was somewhat disappointing. Lisa had hoped that somehow she could have learned if her performance had somehow shortened her term. The others around her sat sullenly, talking about all the hard work they had to do and the poor food they got.

"The slop's better in jail than that bird shit they fed us out there," one girl said bitterly, tugging at her stringy black hair.

Lisa sat quietly, her hands in her lap and her mind whirling around wildly. She thought about all she'd endured, the fucking, the beatings, the electricity. She looked around the small truck at the other girls and wondered if they'd done the same thing. No one was talking much. That was usual. They had been kept separate for the time they'd been at the institution, meeting only briefly for meals.

Looking to her right, Lisa saw Kathy. She was half in a catatonic state.

When they arrived, the girls filed out quietly, their heads down and their eyes showing the defeat and disappointment each felt.

"You! Not yet!"

It was Gus' voice sounding in the air like a gunshot. Some of the other girls turned and smirked as they watched the guard swagger up to Lisa and catch her by the arm. She was so used to abuse she didn't even cringe, grimly wondering what else he had in store for her.

"You wanna get outta here – fast? You know," he said, panting down her neck and making her flesh crawl. "I got a way with Elena. She likes you, but she'll listen to me if you go along."

Lisa turned, staring him squarely in the eye.

"In other words, you want to fuck me, or do something, without Elena knowing, right?"

She was surprised at how hard her voice sounded. She was becoming seasoned, hard as diamonds, and she had them to thank for it!

Gus grinned, scratching his flat chin and leering down at her. "Just be ready, that's all."

Be ready. The words made her shiver as she thought of all they could mean. All through the day as she scrubbed floors, swept down the sterile halls and avoided Kathy's pleading glances when she could, Lisa thought about freedom. Yes, she would do anything to get out of here. Surely they couldn't hurt or humiliate her any more than they had. Toward the end of the day, she felt hungry and weak. It was hard to get her thoughts to focus. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to press the fog away. She put fingers over her face, dragging her skin down. The tips of her fingers were hard.

Then a hand on her shoulder made her jump. Gasping, Lisa spun around, seeing, the white, stony face of Anna, the floor matron.

"Come with me!"

Lisa glanced up. It was four-thirty, the time when most of the girls had finished with their work and had returned to their cells before dinner. Classes of various sorts were to start around seven-thirty and last until ten. The classes, however, were a terrible joke. Everyone knew it, including the so-called teachers, who were more into leering at the girls than teaching.


"You heard me! You'll be excused from classes if need be. I hope you enjoyed yourself at camp," Anna said almost as an afterthought as she led the girl down the corridor to the stairs. "We did our best to bring some of the boys from the correctional center to – uh, amuse all of you."

Lisa let out a hard laugh, shaking her head and shuffling her sandals over the smooth tiles. She had no idea where the matron was leading her. They passed, she thought, the room where she had initially met Anna. Through the door, Lisa thought she could hear screams. Another victim, Lisa thought grimly, quickening her pace as Anna turned her in one direction and pushed her down a narrow corridor.

Lisa put one hand to her throat, her cuntlips starting to tingle and rub sexily aver one another. They were going to do something to her, something that would excite as well as terrify her. She wrinkled her forehead, curious to know why she was growing more and more delighted by these sessions.

Anna stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder and holding her back while opening a small brown wooden door to her left. Lisa stepped back, wrinkling her nose and feeling bile rising in her throat. It smelled awful – a latrine, or worse, she thought.

"Why are you so picky all of a sudden?"

Anna pushed her in, and Lisa slipped on the greasy floor and fell flat on her face. She put her hands on either side of her shoulders and pushed herself up, shaking the hair from her eyes and staring wide-eyed around her. There was hardly any light, objects looming in the shadows nearby.

Then the girl saw movement to her left. Drawing her hands back, she rolled back onto her ass, her coarse woolen dress gathering up around her thighs. Frantically, the teen pulled down the hem, drawing her knees together and still trying to act modest in spite of what had happened to her at the institution thus far.

It was Gus and one other man she hadn't seen earlier. They were coming at her, while Anna's thick-thighed silhouette blocked the doorway. Lisa backed into a corner, pressing her fists against her thighs and feeling her ass pillowing up against the wall. Gus bent down, curling his thick fingers around the top of her dress and tearing down.

Lisa screamed, beating at him as he ripped open the front of her dress. Her legs swung around in front of her, her ankles striking the big guard as he hauled her out of the corner and flung the teen face-down onto the floor. Yes! It was urine! She could smell the awful odor now. Gagging, Lisa pushed herself up. She would rush past Anna and and run somewhere.


Gus put out one foot, tripping the girl and sending her sprawling once again against the floor. Lisa slid on her chin, bruising her palms and cheeks. Her knees hurt her terribly. Sobbing, she felt Gus gripping her by the hair and pulling her back, her eyelids fluttering and her legs dragging behind her.

In a moment, Lisa felt something very hard and cold strike against the back of her head. Turning slightly, she saw it was an old-fashioned bathtub – high, wide and white, with porcelain legs. Lisa struggled against the man as he scooped up her legs and threw her into the bathtub.

Lisa quickly jerked her arms up, protecting her tits, which had spilled from her ripped-open dress. Both men were standing at the foot of the tub now, and Gus was bracing his thighs against the front.

"Well, are you going to just stand there, or do it?" Anna asked dryly from the doorway.

Gus turned around and gave her a grin, then reached down, opened his fly and pulled out his cock. The other man did the same, unable to keep his eyes off the girl. When Lisa began to move back, Gus walked around to the side of the tub, catching the torn section of her dress and ripping the garment open as if it were made of tissue.

Lisa cried out, grabbing at the rough material and trying to drag it back over her exposed body. She knew what being naked meant – pain, horror, humiliation. But Gus only laughed, at her, throwing the dress onto the filthy floor.

The first man was closing his eyes now and rolling his cockhead between his thumb and forefinger. He was young, Lisa thought, almost like a teenager, although in the dim light it was hard to see well. He was handsome, attractive. She looked at him, wondering if he would help her escape from this horror.

"Uhhhhghhhhh! No! No! Don't!"

They were pissing on her. She could feel the hot watery sting of the hot urine spattering against her right ankle. Feeling her throat constrict, the teen slid all the way back. The stream splashed over her tits, then back down onto her belly, until it was slicking down over her thighs once again. Lisa could feel the hot piss spattering around her cunt, the droplets wetting down her tummy and tits. Gus moved around, aiming his cock at her face.

Before she could think twice, Lisa felt another hot stream of piss spatter against her right cheek. She screamed, bringing one hand up to her face and protecting it while scooting to the other side of the tub. Urine gurgled down the tiny drain in front of her, slicking down the surface of the tub. Reaching up, Lisa tried gripping the curled lip of the bathtub to haul herself out. But Gus brought his piss-stream up to her mouth, drawing a line across her lips and up to her eyes. The girl gagged and fell back, striking her head against the back of the tub. The young boy was moving the yeliow stream up and down her belly now, stinging her nipples, then bringing it down to her navel, where urine gathered in a sickening yellow pool.

Lisa crawled forward, her hair dripping with piss as her fingers sloshed through the hot, oily, smelly liquid. She smelled like a toilet! She hated herself, loathed herself for submitting to this ultimate degradation. The girl hauled herself to the opposite end of the bathtub and rested her chin against the edge. Fighting for breaths of air, the young teen sucked in gulps of oxygen, aware that Gus had moved around now and was in front of her.

He gripped her hair, tearing back so hard her mouth opened automatically to scream. Gus managed to block that by sending a stream of piss down into her mouth.

Lisa was horrified! Her eyes widened and deep, gagging sounds ripped from her throat. The young teen fought back with everything she could. Lisa could feel the piss sloshing around over her teeth, spattering over the back of her throat and slicking down her tonsils until it swirled around and spilled over her lips.

Gus' cock went dry, and he threw the girl back as if she were trash. Lisa struck her head on the tub edge, sprawling over the surface.

"I've got some more. Wait," the young boy said, spreading his legs and bringing his knees up against the front of the tub.

It was useless, Lisa thought with a sob, feeling herself fall into a faint. The young boy, whoever he was, was as corrupt as they were.


She lay there in a pool of urine, the smell of piss rising sickeningly from the tub and her body like a deadly vapor. Lisa let out a sharp laugh, then fell back into the pool of piss.
