Leonard Mlodinow received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of California, Berkeley, was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute, and now teaches at the California Institute of Technology. His previous books include War of the Worldviews (with Deepak Chopra); the national best sellers The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking) and The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives (a New York Times Notable Book and short-listed for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books); Feynman’s Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life; and Euclid’s Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace. He also wrote for the television series MacGyver and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
The Drunkard’s Walk is also available as an eBook: 978-0-307-37754-8
Visit Leonard Mlodinow: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~len
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